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All her life Clara has heard the Song; a rhythm to which her life beats. It provides structure to an otherwise fluid existence. The Song demands a Schedule, and she gladly follows it. But when the affini show up with their own songs, will hers be subsumed?
A skeleton crew operate independently out of view of their command are forced together on their ship and lack any cohesion. They violently fight back against their rescue. Fanfiction of GlitchyRobo’s Human Domestication Guide.
A desperate grocery run to the affini occupied districts of her city puts Irene on a collision course with an affini woman looking for a new pet.
In a scifi space future, humanity has just lost a war to the Affini, a civilization of highly advanced plant aliens who really want to make cute, drugged up pets of their subjects. A human, the warship pilot Elvira, has just been captured & delivered to her new mistress.
When Serena, a Terran rebel pilot, discovers her girlfriend has been captured by the Affini Compact, she launches a bold rescue. It doesn’t go well. But are the affini as bad she thought? Or can Serena and her girlfriend find happiness together as pampered pets? (yes, they can)
Petal has a problem, but fortunately for her, Delphinium Vinia, her Affini Mistress, is there to solve it. A possible future for Petals and Vines. A Human Domestication Guide story.
A poor depressed Terran, lost in space. The only thing there to save their sanity is a text communicator and affini propaganda. A Human Domestication Guide story
On this most chilling of nights, let us discover together what scares nightmare plants from beyond the stars. A short, silly story about a scary story set in the Human Domestication Guide universe. A sneak peek at a potential spooky future!
An affini and her pet try and fail to get around to negotiating a contract.
A bonded pair find a new home.
As the Affini Compact exerts its dominion over Terran space, one girl finds adjusting to her new life under alien occupation to be much more pleasant than she anticipated.
Lena’s wife brings home a new houseplant. One which is very adept at relieving stress, and showing her a new perspective on life.