(3 chapters, 23305 words)
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In a dystopian society, the patriarchy offers criminals a deal: one month of freedom, for each feminist rebel they capture. Naturally, most bounty hunters are male, but not all. And Larissa’s next hunt may be the biggest of her career so far…
(3 chapters, 13438 words)
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Work for the Department of Citizen Volition is essential and highly rewarded, but the staff of one Processing facility must soon learn that Government employees can end up on the wrong side of the Line as easily as everyone else.
(6 chapters, 23946 words)
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Powerful mind controllers rule the world, and the future is their boots pressing down on their slaves’ faces, forever. For normal people, like Carolina and her family, there is nothing to life but obedience… until an unexpected opportunity presents itself.
(5 chapters, 26755 words)
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In the far future territory of Febos, consensual slavery is as normalized as holding hands. Because of post-human technologies, not everyone outside of the territory believes that it’s consensual.