30 Trances

Short & Sweet (Introduction)

by tara

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #alcohol #androids #biting #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #college #comic_book #confusion #consensual_kink #cw:suicidal_ideation #D/s #degradation #denial #dom:nb #drugged #exhibitionism #f/nb #fairies #fantasy #foot_fetish #fractionation #humiliation #hypnosis #hypnotic_gas #intelligence_play #IQ_play #lesbian_stepfordization #magic #masturbation #mind_control #mindbreak #missing_time #mommy_domme #multiple_partners #objectification #office #parasite #personality_change #petplay #pheromones #pov:top #robots #sadomasochism #scent #scifi #selfcest #solo #somnophilia #stepfordization #sub:nb #superhero #unaware #urban_fantasy #vampire #wholesome

"It's the beginning of the show my sweet, we're already on the air!" Long, toned legs cross one another in a relaxed position as the woman tips up her pitch black sunhat and pulls the mic close to curled, onyx lips.

"Short! You vixen, you vagrant! You vicious little minx you! Had I the power to resist your disorienting charms, I'd have your throat ripped red between my fangs!" Sweet, as she's so affectionately dubbed, pouts and bickers with her usual plastic defiance. It only makes her mistress chuckle, pushing the microphone towards her so that the broadcast can begin in proper. 

"It's a new day once again in this most mischeivous month, lovely listeners, which can only mean one thing." Short does not indulge her pet in her protestations, pulling close that invisible leash between their monochromatic forms. Brushing fingers gingerly through the snow white hair of a grumbling Sweet she makes her own. 

"Yeah yeah, that's right you all heard us. It's time for another broadcast, live from across the sea of stars and spacetime. Care to fill them in on some of the twisted and compelling shows we have lined up for the voyeurs in the audience today, my sadistic seductress?" Sweet taps her foot against the desk and snarls at the betrayal of heat that blooms between her legs at the fingers flitting through her hair. 

Short uncrosses her legs and crosses them again, switching legs in a show with no viewers. A free hand caresses her own warming cheek, the excitement inside bubbling up to surface in her husky voice. "Oh yes, quite the line up if I do say so myself. Which I do, without further ado. From minds undone by online collective unconscious, to dice that only roll loss after blissful loss..."

"...from characters you surely know and love, to up-and-coming stars that rise to to numerous kinky occasions..." Sweet speaks in monotone, not trusted to host without some lines to blank out on. As blank as the white dress that hugs her pudgy curves. 

"Even more, we have some snippets that may delight or disgust, but that's quite alright. Tune in and out at your own leisure, you're already too far gone to stop my voice from entering your ears again soon enough. I'm a an earworm, formless and void, entering your mind like an agent of the IRS with such persistence. Though I might argue my presence far more welcome. Aren't I relaxing, comforting, dear Sweet?"

"Y-yes, well, maybe..." Sweet's bark and bite have been neutered by the overpowering nature of Short's conditioning. Her words like shampoo, cleansing down to the scalp and cleaning down further, seeping into all her thoughts of fight. 

"Oh you're so good for me, I hope you don't mind that I made you good for me." Short's athletic arm moves around her co-host's shoulder and down to seep strong fingers into plump thigh. A delicious contrast of black and white that heats up the room. 

"Let's get started, shall we?"

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