Bouquet Bound


by Skaetlett

Tags: #cw:noncon #auctions #D/s #f/nb #intelligence_play #plurality #pov:bottom #transgender_characters #degradation #dom:capitalism #dom:female #edging #humiliation #orgasm_denial #ownership_dynamics #punishment #romance #sadomasochism #sub:nb #wealth_fantasy
See spoiler tags : #business_party #eventual_romance #free_use #m/nb #multiple_partners

Lily had been having trouble getting sleep for at least a week now. The kidnapping and rescue with Crimson and Jenn was bad enough, but the idea that they might have another alter they didn't know about was a terror all to itself. Especially after how much havoc that alter caused, almost attacking their Mistress. Kassandra was a lot less tired afterwards - which implied some things Lily didn't like - but she absolutely refused to give any details about what happened. Why would she keep something about Lily's own mind from them? Everyone around them could see it affecting them. They were more spacey, more distant from everyone except for Magnolia... and they even had started to keep things about it from her. They didn't want to force her to manage their stupid, malfunctioning brain.

Maybe they were crazier than they thought. One personality was bad enough, right? For a while, since Magnolia bought them, they'd thought they were getting better, healing from whatever trauma had torn Kassandra apart from their mind. That line of thought seemed like a joke now. Whatever had happened, they were nowhere close to actually moving on. At least they hadn't been fighting with Kassandra since Magnolia saved them... although they honestly preferred the way it'd been over this silent tension.

Thankfully, no one came after them or Jenn to 'rescue' them, either sent from Crimson or from the authorities. The new alter, and Magnolia leveraging her resources to threaten legal action - all without implicating herself, of course - had scared the red-haired Mistress away from ever daring to try something with her former targets again. And thankfully, Jenn had helped Magnolia track down and coax out the two other girls Crimson had owned, who were now safe in Jenn's temporary apartment. Lily hadn't been able to sleep for the first few days, they were so on guard. Their Mistress had offered to hypnotize them rather than try sleeping pills, and thankfully, that had worked. And they still had a few more years of memories, now, which was... something. Their recollection stopped just before whatever had set Kassandra off. As hard as Lily tried to remember, they couldn't. The memories left as quickly as they came.

That was probably for the best. They didn't want to remember. If the memories were even a fraction as painful as that brief glimpse of twisting dark nightmares - the last thing they could remember before coming to in Magnolia's arms - they never wanted to think about them again.

The haze that seemed to cover everything these days was getting annoying, though. They couldn't focus as well on Pokken, and Rye and Pierre occasionally laughed at them for it. Rye would say that he couldn't believe this was the same person who beat him, and Lily knew it was meant to be a friendly joke, but it hurt anyway. And Jenn - 

"Lily! What are you spacing out for?"

Jenn didn't tease them for it. Their drawing sessions were a lot more tense, now, but Jenn had slowly relaxed around Lily after Magnolia had explained the situation. Instead, the tension was from Jenn looking around, always eyeing every person that got near them, and - Jenn clapped, giving them a look. Right. I'm supposed to focus.

They drew back to the present moment. Back with Jenn, in the park, with them teaching Lily how to draw. They'd made significant progress since they first started. They could draw a face and have it look like... at least sort of like a face! Jenn kept telling them that was progress, and they were more experienced, so Lily accepted that.

"Sorry," Lily mumbled. "Let's... let's continue. What were you saying?"

"Why are you spacing out so much lately?" Jenn asked. "We're safe. No one's coming to hurt us. I'm moving on, and you should get over it, too."

Lily looked at Jenn, and then back at the sketchbooks. And then back at Jenn. They weren't sure that Jenn was actually over it, but they were right. Lily really needed to get over it. There was no excuse for ruminating on it over and over again.

That's what they did. They moved on.

"Right. Let's just continue."

Lily hadn't told Jenn about a text they had gotten from Magnolia, ordering them to bring Jenn over to the apartment tonight. Lily had been on edge ever since. Was Magnolia going to hurt Jenn, as punishment for what happened? No, that wouldn't happen. Magnolia was a good person, right? She wouldn't take advantage of the rescue like that... or maybe she would? Lily didn't know. They never seemed to be able to read her right.

Maybe that would be how she wanted Jenn to pay her back. Lily shivered at the idea. There had to be some way to bring it up to Jenn without making a scene. Maybe they should wait until Jenn was in a good mood, or until they were having fun, and wouldn't have their mood too dampened by Magnolia's summons.

"Let's go for a run," Lily blurted.

"What? Uh, why?" Jenn blinked. "You don't want to draw right now?"

Lily paused, trying to think of a good excuse. They'd hoped it would get Jenn in a good mood, but they hadn't thought it through. "Well, we've never ran together, and I know a good path. Might be good to, uh, get some exercise in? Like, get our... get our mind... off of things..." Their voice wavered as they realized that mentioning it might annoy Jenn, or impose on them somehow. "I mean, we don't h-have to, it- it was just a suggestion."

Jenn paused, then snorted and began packing up the materials. "Well, it can't hurt. I'm not particularly in running clothes, though. That okay?"

"Y-Yeah!" Lily smiled, letting out a sigh they didn't realize they'd been holding. "Well, uh, I'll try to slow down so you can keep up, so... sound good?"

Jenn nodded, so Lily ran off, letting them follow.


Jenn was, Lily noticed, not quite what they would call in shape. They'd started panting barely any time into the run, so the pair had stopped to rest at a pond half a mile down the path. The exercise had been good for Lily, at least, and helped them get... last week... off their mind, letting it fly into the wind. Jenn seemed to be enjoying it too, despite their panting. At least this path was fairly level.

The two sat down on the grass by the side of the path, staring across the lake. It was barely an hour after noon, but Lily knew they couldn't hold the question off forever.

"So, um, Jenn, there's something, uh... something I have to- have to ask you," they stammered. Jenn looked at them curiously.

"What's up?" they asked. Lily took a deep breath, but the pause only made both of them more nervous. Jenn rolled their eyes. "Just rip the bandaid off, Lily. What’s wrong?"

"Um... Magnolia w-wants you to come over. Tonight," they gulped, biting their lip as they intertwined their fingers.

"...Oh," Jenn blinked. "Um... any idea what she wants to do with me?"

Lily shook their head. "No, but... it might be something, ah... something-"

"Sexual, right?" Jenn snorted. Inhaling deeply, Jenn turned their head back to the pond, sighing. 

"I knew this would come up," Jenn laughed awkwardly. "She did say I owe her, after all... and she - never mind. And well, I guess I do owe her. Any idea if this'll be a one time thing?"

"...I don't know," Lily said honestly.

"In the moment, it seemed... ugh."

Lily shifted uncomfortably. After all, why wouldn't they be hesitant? Lily didn't need to be a genius to know that Crimson had been a literal monster. Jenn almost certainly was reeling from the pain and trauma, even if they put up a strong front. 

"I'm sorry," was all that Lily could manage. They didn't want Jenn to get hurt, especially after all they had gone through to save them, but they knew what happened when they disobeyed Magnolia. And they didn't want Jenn to be caught in the crossfire. So, unsure what to say, they just put a comforting hand on Jenn's shoulder. Jenn jumped at the contact, then slowly relaxed, leaning against their friend. 

"It's not your fault," Jenn sighed. "It's mine, for being so stupid as... as to need to be rescued by you two. And she did imply..." They paused, and Lily braced themself for whatever they were going to say.

"Alright," Jenn smiled tiredly at Lily. "Well, she did save me... although it's kind of fucked up, I do want to thank her... and I don't want to get you in trouble. She punished you for getting taken, didn't she?"

Lily shivered, remembering the night after the kidnapping. It wasn't a shiver of discomfort, though.

"I have a question, though," Jenn changed the subject. "Why haven't you tried to escape yet? Like... you're property too, you know? Shouldn't I return the favor by busting you out of there, finding a place to crash, too?"

Lily shook their head. They knew the answer to that now. It had become clear to them when Crimson threatened to... they shook their head. That was a bad thought pattern. 

"I don't feel like I’m owned, though," they sighed, tilting their head to look at the sky. "She may have bought me, but... she gives me more freedom than I could ask for. Maybe more than I had when I lived with my mom, or when I lived alone, because I don't need to worry about providing for myself. And she, well, she takes me on expensive dates and treats me kindly... I mean, despite her words. Or, well, those words are kindness. To me, at least. She knows I like it. Um. And, maybe I'm being stupid, but I think... I think if she knew one hundred percent that I wanted to be free... she would let me go. Maybe I'm wrong, though?"

Jenn looked at them, bewildered. "Uh... you sure you don't have Stockholm Syndrome or some shit, L?"

Lily fell silent and blushed, wondering if they said too much. Their words were ridiculous, weren't they? What kind of idiot falls in love with their owner? Was that what they felt? Love? Magnolia was right. They really were lacking in the brain cells department.

Jenn laughed loudly, as if the awkward conversation about 'repayment' hadn't just happened. "Alright, sure. If you're thinking about it that hard, and you still love her? I trust you."

Lily sighed with relief. They... had a point, didn't they. All things considered, Jenn was really cool. Strong, too. They didn't let their own history with being property shackle them. Lily silently hoped this would be a one time thing. They didn't want to impose their fear of punishment - real punishment - onto Jenn.

"Alright, well," Jenn stood back up, stretching their arms. "Let's finish our run, aight? Get our minds off of this, or whatever. Warm up, so to speak?" 

"...Yeah, let's," Lily responded hesitantly. It still felt wrong, a little. But Jenn seemed to be ok with it, and there was nothing they could really do... and if they were being truly honest, they didn't really want to do anything about it.


Jenn and Lily didn't leave each others' sights until they made it to Lily's apartment. Jenn had looked at the door next to Lily's with something approaching open hatred, but luckily, they didn't have to stay in the hallway long. And Crimson wasn't taking her chances now, anyway. It wasn't just that Lily enjoyed their time with Jenn - which they did - but they also felt the need to protect them. Even though their friend seemed to be taking what had happened in stride, Lily knew what that was like. Jenn was fragile. Anyone would be, after what had happened. And they both knew Jenn was silently hoping for their support.

"You know," they sighed, sitting on the couch, taking off their shoes, and leaning back. "She really does have her generous points. Buying this apartment for you or whatever. Even, arguably, buying you."

Lily blinked. They never considered that. "I suppose," they shrugged. "I think she has enough money that it's not a huge burden, though."

"And how much money is that? Like, a million dollars?"

Lily locked eyes with Jenn in a solemn look. "She told me, once, when I asked, that if she went to the bank and asked to take out a hundred million dollars, she could." They winced internally as they realized how Jenn probably took that. It was almost as if Lily was bragging about it, and they didn't like that.

Jenn didn't seem to take it as bragging, though. Their eyes practically bulged out of their head as they digested that idea.

"I mean, she said it'd be a bad idea. I think she's probably right."

"You think?" Jenn half-laughed half-choked. "You think that's a bad idea, Lily?"


They weren't entirely sure, but Jenn was staring at them with amused pity as though they should be. Lily knew that they were silently degrading them, taking their mental image of Lily down a few pegs. They had more than enough insults from Magnolia, though. While they liked it from her, this somehow didn't feel the same.

"That's a lot of money, though," Jenn said, trying to change the topic. "How'd she even get so rich?"

"She's a CEO. I don't... um, I don't know much about her company, though. She's pretty quiet about it."

"Like, she doesn't want you to know, so you can't sue her for human trafficking?"

"...she probably can hire good enough lawyers that that sort of thing wouldn't make a dent to her without hard evidence," Lily said, remembering Magnolia explaining something similar. That was back when they'd even had the slightest idea of wanting to do that. Why would they ever have wanted to escape? What would that lead to? Being thrown out on the streets like she'd always threatened at the start?

Jenn perked up, then took a deep breath before speaking again. "We... should probably shower."

"Ok. You first?"

"I was thinking we would just take one."

Lily flushed. "Um, really? Together?"

"Well, we just went for a long run, and your... your Mistress..." they shuddered at the word, "is coming home soon," Jenn reminded them. "And we don't want to greet her all sweaty and gross. Like I said, we don't want to get you in trouble."

"I mean, yeah, I know, but... together?" they asked again, blushing. "I... um, well..."

"We don't have much time to take turns," Jenn rolled their eyes, "but if you really want that, then I guess that's fine. Although we'll probably see each other naked soon enough anyways."

Lily's flush deepened. Jenn was right, and both of them knew it. They... couldn't deny that there was something appealing about the punk enby. Their deliberately disorganized appearance, their spunky attitude, their soft heart... and... to be in the shower with them?

Lily didn't know that they could blush that hard.

"Ah, um... sure," Lily stammered. "The bathroom, is, uh, right th- this way..."

Going in, there was an awkwardly long moment where both of them just stared at each other, before Jenn broke it by beginning to undress. Lily hesitantly followed suit, not having stripped for anyone else other than their Mistress... and several people at the business party... so their wariness showed. Their progress slowed as Jenn took off their shirt and bra. Lily couldn't help but stare. They were truly beautiful, when Lily saw them like this. Up until their encounter with Crimson, they had seen Jenn as tough and badass, unwilling to take any pain or show any weakness. Lily knew now, though, that Jenn was no less suggestible, no less vulnerable, than they were.

"Hurry up," Jenn grumbled, snapping Lily out of their thoughts. "I know you like what you see, but we don't have time for you to stare." The blush returned to Lily's face as they realized they had been lost in thought, staring at Jenn's tits, thighs, ass... their whole body. 

"S-sorry," Lily sputtered, turning around before taking off the last bit of their clothing. They clutched their chest; though they were mostly comfortable with Magnolia, Jenn was something new. Trying to find anything to take their mind off the current situation, they fiddled with the shower dial, finding a reasonable temperature. "Let's... let's do this."

They both got in, leaving their dry clothes on the far end of the shower mat. Jenn's dye job - bright lilac with dark purple patches - must be new, because some of the water was turning purple as it ran through their hair. Lily's own red streak had stopped doing that after a few days, though the streak still stood out proudly, matching Magnolia's.

"Have I ever told you that I love that streak in your hair?" Jenn asked, as if they'd read Lily's mind.

Lily blushed again, grabbing the color-protecting shampoo from behind Jenn. "Um... thank you. She, um, she got it for me."

"Ah," Jenn nodded. "Explains why she has one, too, then."

Lily nodded as they poured some of the shampoo into their hands and began to lather Jenn's hair. Their hands turned purple slightly as they did, but it was nothing that they wouldn't be able to wash off. They got nice and deep into their friend's hair, massaging the shampoo into their scalp and through their hair.

"That's niiice," Jenn sighed, then pouted as Lily stepped back. "Ah, well. I guess it is your turn..." Jenn took the shampoo bottle Lily was offering and got some into their hands, starting to return the favor. Lily flinched. They were a lot better with physical contact than they were when they first arrived at the apartment, and especially better than when they had become property. And even before then, they'd always flinched slightly at people getting close. But they didn't with Magnolia. They truly had come a long way, even just in the few months they'd been with her.

While they had been lost in their thoughts, Jenn had already finished washing the soap out of their hair. Lily turned back around to look up at them gratefully.

"Hey space cadet, you're supposed to wash me off too," Jenn rolled their eyes. 

Even though the words were just a tease, Lily felt something spike in them, and the redness returned to their face.

Jenn raised an eyebrow as they saw the effect their words had on Lily. "Oh, wow. You really do enjoy that, huh?"

Stammering in a desperate attempt to say actual people words, Lily just succeeded in making Jenn more amused.

"Well, I suppose if you're just going to stand there, I should get you first..." Jenn's grin widened further as they took the soap, massaging it into Lily's beet red skin. Their breasts, apparently, got special attention... was Jenn actually enjoying looking at them, too? "Man," they chuckled. "I wonder now how you got this far, if you get this embarrassed at a little looking."

"S-stop it," Lily giggled softly. "You're bullying me..."

"Yeah, and if I remember correctly, you like it?"

"No..." Lily whined. Jenn met their eyes, and after a moment, they both burst into laughter. Warmth filled Lily as Jenn got closer to them, running their hands up and down the sides of Lily's waist and thighs to wash them off.

"You know, I actually always liked you."

Lily tilted their head curiously as Jenn began to speak, their voice almost a sigh.

"I always felt bad," they continued, "like I was deceiving you. Becoming your friend, only because... she wanted you in her clutches... when really, I wanted to be with you like this." Jenn began to trace circles with their thumb around Lily's legs, making them shiver in a very not cold way. "And I felt bad, too, that you were like me. Captive, someone's property... and I was jealous, because even though you were owned by someone, you had so much more freedom than me, and I was... Ugh. Am I a bad person, Lily?"

"No," Lily shook their head emphatically. "At least... I don't think so. We're... in a weird situation, aren't we?"

The two of them met eyes again, although it wasn't for humor this time. There was a tension there, but not an uncomfortable one. It was a tension of shared understanding, of shared desire... both waiting for the other to make the first move. And, of course, it wasn't the timid Lily who was the first to act, as Jenn leaned in to kiss them. They ran their hands up Lily's back in a fierce, passionate hug. Lily returned the kiss gladly. After all, they couldn't lie and say they didn't feel the same way about Jenn. But they were on a time limit. Lily pulled away, breaking the kiss, silently reminding Jenn by a tap to their wrist that they didn't have a lot of time left.

No more words needed to be spoken as they quickly finished their shower, dried their bodies and hair, and got back in normal clothes.

The rush was apparently unnecessary, since Magnolia was running slightly late. She often did, whenever she had to deal with other people's incompetence, which was a lot. So they waited on the couch for a while, just enjoying each other's company and the silence. Jenn quietly sketched some abstract designs on a notepad, and Lily was on their phone, watching their recent tournament recordings as Rye had taught them to, analyzing their own flaws and mistakes. Neither of their focuses were on what they were doing, though. Both of them were caught up in anticipation, mixed with the memory of that moment in the shower. Lily swore they could hear Jenn's heart beating in addition to their own.

"Hey, Lily," Jenn said suddenly, not looking up from their sketchpad. Lily turned to face them. "Well. Um. I'm not sure what she's going to make us do, but. If I hurt you, in the process, then, um..."

"It's fine!" Lily quickly said, waving their hands in a placating gesture. "I mean, I trust you. I trust her. I don't think... at least, I hope it won't end badly."

"You trust me? Even... huh. That means a lot more than I think you know, Lily."

They both fell silent, Lily blushing.

"Uh... serious question here... will... y'know, they" - they gestured to Lily's head - "be watching?"

Lily looked at them uncomfortably, feeling a hint of disgust emanate from Kassandra at the idea. "Uh... no. She... doesn't like to."

Silence returned. They had forgotten that Jenn knew about Kassandra... and about whoever the other one was.

Lily perked up as they heard the door open, breaking that awkward silence. It was time. They had learned to recognize Magnolia's footsteps, and she stepped into view shortly after. Lily stood up without thinking - showing respect and attention for her was natural - and Jenn put down the notepad, suddenly a lot more nervous. Which Lily could understand. It wasn't as if her old Mistress left a good impression.

"Very good," Magnolia nodded as she took off her jacket. "You brought them here, as I requested."

Lily nodded, biting their lip, and doing their best to maintain eye contact with her, even though they were concerned about how Jenn was feeling.

"Why do you look nervous, plaything?" she pursed her lips, grabbing Lily's sides and forcing them close to her body. The sudden contact made them tense up, though they relaxed momentarially. Simply being so close to their Mistress made their mind slow down in the most wonderful ways, and Magnolia turned her attention to Jenn. "I trust it's good to see me again," she smirked.

"Uh, yeah," Jenn blinked, standing up as well. "I'm really grateful for you saving me, honestly. And... and for getting me back on my feet. And saving the others."

Lily felt a chill. Well... I helped too, they thought with some trepidation. At least... whoever took over my body did.

Magnolia still seemed to be able to read Lily's mind - or maybe she'd just learned to recognize the rare occasion of them having a thought. She pulled them away from her, and looked into their eyes with that unreadable expression. Despite never truly knowing what Magnolia was thinking, they knew she was concerned, somehow. 

"Something's off with you today."

She slapped Lily across the face. From the corner of their eye, they saw Jenn flinch, although Magnolia wasn't looking in their direction to notice.

"There. That should get any thoughts out of your mind," she smiled cruelly.

She wasn't wrong. The slap snapped Lily out of whatever they were thinking about. But... Jenn.

"So, Jenn," Magnolia echoed Lily's thoughts as she turned to them. "I'm sure you know why I wanted you to come over tonight."

"Yeah. You... want me to return the favor of rescuing me, right? Like you implied?"

"Yes. I see you have more brain power to work with than my own plaything." Jenn winced, even though Magnolia was smiling. That smile wavered as she saw their reaction, though. "Ah... poor choice of word? Well, I may have my streaks of kindness, so I'll avoid it, but I don't appreciate freeloaders," she chuckled. "Consider this a one-time repayment for my labor, and my money. Do you understand, Jenn?"

The way she spoke made it clear that saying no was not an option, and that, even if they said no, Magnolia would convince them. Lily's eyes darted back to Jenn, and then away. In a small way, they felt bad for Jenn, and almost wanted to stand up for them... but they obeyed.

"And if I say no?" Jenn said hesitantly.

"You would have to find another way to repay me," Magnolia said matter-of-factly. Lily blinked. "But you don't want to say no, do you?"

"No, I don't," Jenn chuckled darkly. "I suppose you would have to learn to read people in your profession. Well, what do you want me to do then?" Tension tinged their voice, uncertainty and a hint of fear.

"Get into the bedroom," Magnolia ordered. Jenn stood up and hesitantly complied, followed by Magnolia, with Lily literally dragged behind. 

Jenn watched as Magnolia pushed Lily onto the mattress, getting her face nice and close to theirs with a sadistic grin. Lily could hear the thump, thump of their heartbeat, loud in their ears, as they wondered what she was going to do with them... what she was going to get Jenn to do to them... to her... Lily's tense anticipation was like a match to Magnolia's fire, and she moved closer to their face.

Just as questions rose to Lily's lips, Magnolia leaned to their ear, and whispered that phrase they knew so well. "Now, go to sleep, my lovely, loyal Lily..."

And the mist returned.


"... Two... One... and wake up, Lily."

Lily snapped to attention at their Mistress's voice, although their heavy eyes and stiff muscles took a few seconds to follow their example. With some effort, they sat up and stretched, looking across at her. And then, they saw Jenn. It wasn't like the last time they'd woken up and seen them. Jenn's expression wasn't horrible, wrong, or awful... but it wasn't theirs. It was someone else's, strange on their face, the gleam in her eye just... like Magnolia's, they realized. Sadistic, cruel, and ready to bring Lily through a world of hurt.

Then they noticed they were naked. At least, almost - they were in their underwear, just a sports bra and boy shorts. Jenn and Magnolia were also in their underwear, and Lily could tell Magnolia was enjoying their confusion.

Magnolia cleared her throat, and Lily recognized with some shock the look in Jenn's eyes - a momentary blurring, losing focus. Jenn had been hypnotized? Surely Magnolia hadn't...

"No, no, they gave full consent," Magnolia reassured them, reading their mind as always. "They wanted to experience it in a... warmer way, in addition to having some of the  unfortunate memories, shall we say, postponed, in the interest of the night's activities. And they were quite satisfied with my terms for it, too. So... how do you feel, plaything?" she asked, stepping to them and running a hand down their cheek. Lily prepared for a smack, but they were surprised when their Mistress didn't immediately move to hit them. They held back a needy whine as she caressed them. They had been hoping she would...

"Um... fine, I feel okay," they blinked, focusing again. "F-forgive me for asking, but... what's, um..."

"Jenn? Oh, I've just recruited them as my personal... assistant, to tend to you for tonight," Magnolia chuckled. "I hope you're prepared to have both a Mistress and a Mxtress, tonight."

Lily paused, not fully sure if they understood. "So... you hypnotized Jenn into..."

Magnolia chuckled, and turned back to Jenn. "See? They're too stupid to understand anything without needing to ask a million questions."

"Clearly," Jenn smirked. "It must be fun for you, playing with someone so brainless and dimwitted whenever you want."

Jenn approached Lily from the other side, and Lily's eyes shifted between their Mistress and... new Mxtress, Magnolia had said? They hadn't heard the term, but it felt right for Jenn as they were now. Excitement and anxiety filled them like liquid fire as they clenched their legs together, which only amused the pair more.

"Now, I know in normal life, I'm Jenn. Your friend, art mentor, savee, what have you. But today, I'm your Mxtress, and you're going to give me the respect that position deserves," Jenn growled with a fierce grin, grabbing Lily's hair roughly to pull their eyes to meet Jenn's own. Lily cried out in pain mixed with pleasure. "Do you understand, slut?"

"Y-yes, yes, Mxtress," they sputtered. "I- I do understand."

"Aren't they a good little piece of meat?" Magnolia purred, pulling on the other side of their hair to force their head towards her. "So obedient. So willing to serve and obey their Mistress, or their Mxtress if I give permission. Don't you see now why I find them to be quite possibly the best purchase I've ever made?"

"Oh yeah, I can see it now," Jenn - Mxtress - grinned as they pulled Lily back towards them. They started to pull Lily back and forth in a slow, irregular rhythm, bringing them pain they drank in like water.

"Wow," Jenn marveled. "You're really just letting us pull you around like an object, huh? Do you find this fun too?"

Lily groaned. Jenn's words hadn't made it through the fog of confused pain, nor the pleasure it brought, mixed with the pleasure of obeying their desires. Noticing the long pause, Magnolia dragged them back to her, growling in their ear, "You're supposed to answer when your Mxtress asks you a question, idiot."

"I-I'm sorry, Mistress," Lily whimpered. "Y-yes, I, I find this fun, M-Mxtress..."

"How pathetic. Thought so, though," Jenn grinned, letting go of Lily's hair as Magnolia did the same. Lily took a moment to rub their scalp, the skin irritated from the tension. They were only given a brief moment of reprieve, though, before Magnolia barked another order at them. 

"Lay down on the bed. Now."

Lily complied as quickly as their still-stiff body allowed. Jenn impatiently tapped their foot against the floor, then, once Lily was in position, got up on the bed and began groping their tits. Even though the two of them had been close earlier, it wasn't like this. This was rougher, demanding, selfish somehow. Jenn paid special attention to their nipples, but it wasn't for Lily's sake, but Jenn's own pleasure.

"These are so, so nice," Jenn cooed. "A nice rack for a nice toy, huh? Although a nice toy would be thanking me for playing with you."

"T-thank you, Mxtress..." they panted. Jenn grinned.

Lily barely registered it as Magnolia dragged their panties off their thighs, but they definitely noticed when she spread their legs, running two fingers along the folds of their wet cunt. Lily couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

"Don't get used to this," Jenn chuckled, giving their chest a rough tug. "We're not going to let you just lie there and be a pillow princess. You're here to serve us, remember?"

"Y-yes, Mxtress."

"I'm glad you're not stupid enough to forget that. It's nice to know your two brain cells can hold onto that much information." Lily could hear the grin in their voice, evident in the cockiness and mockery.

They couldn't help but smile. They were awash in the insults, of knowing they were lesser, somehow a feeling of glory instead of one of shame. Jenn burst out laughing.

"Wow. Just... just wow. You really do get off on being insulted. I mean, I know I've seen it, but it's so unbelievable each time. What kind of idiot likes to be put down?" Jenn laughed. "Well, if you're not using it - and I'm sure you aren't - let's put that pretty little head of yours to better use." Lily braced themself as Jenn took off their panties, taking a seat on Lily's face. "Eat me out, slut. Since that's all you're good for."

Lily mumbled a muffled 'yes, Mxtress'. Then they began eating Jenn out, slowly at first, but getting more eager as they found their rhythm. Jenn grabbed their hair again, using it as leverage to drive Lily deeper, grinding their hips into their plaything's face. Being used as an object for someone's pleasure - even their friend's pleasure - felt so, so inexplicably right.

Magnolia clearly was sick of letting Jenn have all the fun with her plaything. She slid her fingers roughly into Lily's cunt, barely encountering any resistance with how wet they were. They tried to moan, but trapped as they were beneath their Mxtress, they just succeeded in making Jenn grind into them harder. They arched their back, the tension in their body rising to a climax.

But that wasn't good enough for Lily's Mistress. Why would she let them cum so quickly, especially to simple fingering? "You're not going to finish, are you?" Magnolia asked, and chuckled as Lily attempted to answer with a muffled 'no.' 

"Good. I didn't think you were that disobedient, and I'm glad to see that you're as easy to understand as I thought."

Magnolia cared about her own pleasure first. That was the arrangement, the way the game worked. And they couldn't deny that they enjoyed that. Weren't they a toy? Magnolia's property, bought with her hard-earned money? Of course they were. They were a plaything, and their sole purpose in life was to be used by other people, to be their lovely, loyal Lily. Complaining was unbecoming of someone who had forged themself to fit the role.

Lily didn't have any hopes, or dreams, or ambitions of their own. They were a perfect, soft flower - someone to be seen, not listened to, and to be enjoyed as others pleased.

Magnolia broke Lily's train of thought with a sudden thrust, entering them without any warning. They groaned in bliss into Jenn's cunt, and their Mxtress shivered in pleasure as they heard that intoxicating sound.

Both Jenn and Magnolia began to go at Lily's body harder, using every inch of them. Lily's mantra began to thrum through them, through their thoughts, through their body, through everything. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. And it was such lovely pleasure, doing what was told of them.

Their Mistress and Mxtress using them started to overwhelm their need to follow Magnolia's order, and moans were filling the room as all three of them got close. Jenn finished with a prolonged groan, riding Lily as their contractions gripped their sub's tongue.

Their Mistress followed suit, grunting as she came into her plaything, a burning warmth inside of them. Now that those they were pleasuring had gotten off, Lily was finally allowed to finish, the knowledge that they had obeyed driving them past the edge. There was a moment of shared tension as all three of them stiffened, then collapsed limply. Lily's eyes rolled back as they rode that wave of pleasure into nothingness.

Lily must have blacked out, because they didn't remember anything until they had opened their eyes, cuddled up between Magnolia and Jenn under the blankets. Their mind was still spinning, overwhelmed with the joy of obedience and the pleasure of obeying.

Lily looked into Jenn's eyes, and they smiled warmly. The look in their eyes was gone, that cruel glint replaced with a tired, but satisfied, warmth. They were free from the suggestions Magnolia had given them, back to being Lily's friend, rather than their Mxtress. And that was probably that - that had been the favor Magnolia wanted from them, after all.

None of them said anything, just choosing to lie there in comfort. Jenn had repaid the favor, and Lily had helped. That was all they needed to do.

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