The Silver Leash

The Silver Leash, Part 9

by All These Roadworks

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #multiple_partners #sub:female #mind_control

Story by All These Roadworks (2024).
Author's Note: I'm fully financially supported by my writing, and I depend on your support to keep the bills paid and the lights on.  If you enjoy this story - and want to see more like it - please consider the purchase of an e-book or membership at my creator site,!  (Click here to view the shop.)
On Monday, the Cat Clique were radiating an aura of smugness so powerful you could feel it through the walls.
Everyone knew that Cat Weatherwill and her friends had - somehow - gotten Miss Weaver fired.  Every student was thinking a single thought: if they could do that to a *teacher* what could they do to a *student* who got on their bad side?
And every teacher was thinking a very similar thought: if they could get Miss Weaver fired - and in such humiliating circumstances - could *any* teacher afford to displease them?
Jake was consumed with fury.  He sat two rows behind Cat Weatherwill in math, and spent the whole lesson drilling holes into the back of her expensive tit-hugging sweater.  His thoughts were a confusing mish-mash of fantasies.  He imagined slapping Cat across her perfect blonde face and forcing her to apologise for her sins.  He imagined ripping off her sweater and exposing her perfect tits to the classroom.  He imagined raping her, right there in front of everyone, as the class cheered him on and encouraged him to give the arrogant little bitch exactly what she deserved.
But mostly he dreamed of using his power on her.  He could think of so many sexual fixations he wanted to give her - ranging from the mildly embarrassing, to the downright perverted and life-destroying.
But no matter how horny he felt, and how much he hated her, his new powers bounced uselessly off the shield of her confidence.  She was just too full of herself to even have the slightest crack in her armour.  And so she went on, oblivious to just how much Jake Niles would like to transform her into a mewling cock-addicted slut.
Well, perhaps not entirely oblivious.
“Mr Cargill?” said Cat, near the end of the math lesson, raising one pretty hand.
“Yes, Cat, what is it?” asked the teacher, with a sigh.
“I can hear Jake Niles breathing heavily at the back of the class,” she said.  “I think he might be having some sort of episode.  It’s really gross.  Can you make him take it where I can’t hear it?”
There was laughter at this, and Jake went bright red with humiliation.  
Cat turned and smiled at him prettily.  “What’s the matter, Jake?  Were you thinking about that big-titted trailer trash you hang out with?  What’s her name - Amy?  With giant udders like hers, you’d think her parents would have called her Shame-y instead.”
It wasn’t a good joke, but the class laughed anyway, willing to be led in cruelty by the popular, rich, pretty Cat.
Jake’s hands clenched in fists, and he had to struggle to not surge across the two rows separating him from Cat and punch her right in her bitchy mouth.
“Cat, that’s enough,” said Mr Cargill sharply.  But then, also, thinking about Miss Weaver’s fate, he added, “But Jake, could you.. Uh… move your desk to the back of the class so you won’t bother Miss Weatherwill?”
Blushing, Jake was forced to drag his desk to the back wall of the class, to further laughter from the other teens.
And when the class was over, Cat had one final provocation for him - a tiny cartoon that she dropped on his desk as she left the classroom, scribbled on a corner of notepaper.
It showed a naked teen girl with cartoonishly large tits staring hungrily at a cartoonishly tiny man’s cock.  And in case it wasn’t clear what Cat was implying, it was labelled “Jakey No-Dick and Shamey the Cow.”
Jake crumpled it and shoved it in his pocket, telling himself that there *would* be a reckoning for Cat.
It began in Jake’s bedroom after school.
Around 6 pm, Jake’s mother greeted Madison at the front door, and showed her into Jake’s room. 
“I’m pleased to see you two getting along so well these days,” she added with a smile.
Madison was not smiling.  She was looking past Jake, at the other person in the room, and as soon as Jake’s mother had left, closing the door behind her, she vocalised her discontent.
“What’s she doing here?” she said.
Jake shifted uncomfortably.  “Uh… so, this is Amy,” he said.
Amy, who was sitting on the edge of Jake’s bed, holding a stuffed bear from Jake’s childhood, waved nervously.
“I know who Amy is,” snapped Madison - and then, somewhat more politely, directly to Amy - “Hi, Amy, I obviously know who you are” - and then back to Jake: “But what’s she *doing* here?”
“I know,” said Amy, promptly.  “About Jake.”
Madison gave Jake an inquiring look - a look that involved an implied threat of violence that made Jake want to hide beneath the bedcovers.
“I used my powers on her,” said Jake.  “By accident.  That was what gave me the headache at my birthday.  And… she deserved to know.”
Madison slapped him across the back of the head.  “Jesus, Jake, what part of ‘secret’ did you not understand?  Who are you going to tell next, huh?  Your mom?  The school?  Do you want the government asking questions about you?  Doing experiments on your head?”
Jake wasn’t completely sure that Madison *had* told him to keep it a secret - but it had certainly been implied, and he knew better than to argue.
“Quit it,” he said, defending his head with his hands.  “Amy’s cool.  And she wants to be in on this.”
Madison looked at Amy.  “So can *you* keep a secret?” she asked.
Amy bit her lip, mischievously.  “Better than Jake,” she said.
“That’s a low bar,” said Madison.  She stared at Amy longer, assessing her, and then shrugged, and relaxed.  “Well, it’s done now.  Welcome to the club, I guess.”
“Thank you,” said Amy.  “But while we’re here, why are *you* in the club?”
Madison looked back at Jake.  “Oh, so you didn’t tell her *everything*?”
“I figured that was your secret, not mine,” said Jake.
Madison gave a deep sigh.  “Fine, yes, I can do it too.  Different, but… the same.  Kind of.  I’m teaching Jake how to use it - or at least how to not be a total fuck-up.”
“Wow,” said Amy.  “A whole family of… what?  Mind-controllers?”
“Not the whole family,” said Madison.  “Just… some of us.  And Jake *wishes* he were a mind-controller.  Right now he’s more of a mind-meddler.  Control is something he’ll have to learn.”  She looked at Amy again.  “What did he do to *you*, exactly?”
Amy blushed, and instinctively folded her arms across her large tits, and looked away.
Madison turned to Jake.  “Jake?” she asked.
“I… uh… made her… want me to touch her breasts,” Jake admitted.  He was blushing too.
“And have you?” asked Madison.  “Touched her breasts?”
“No,” said Jake.  “Because… it’s just mind-control.  She doesn’t really want me to.”
Madison made an approving expression.  “You know, there just might be hope for you yet, Jakey-boy.”  And she reached out, and would have ruffled his hair, had not Jake dodged her hand.
“I do, though,” said Amy, in a small voice.
“You do what?” asked Madison.
“I do want him to touch me,” said Amy.  “I would have even if he hadn’t used his power.”  She blushed.  “I like him.  But I told him that no matter how much I wanted it, he wasn’t allowed to, until you were satisfied that he had control.  I mean, not *you* you.  Jake just said he had a teacher.  I didn’t know who it was.”
“So you turned her down,” said Madison, to Jake, “and then she turned *you* down to prove she could still say no?”
“Something like that,” said Jake.
Madison laughed - a throaty, genuine sexy chuckle of amusement.  “Oh, this is too cute,” she said.  “You kids are adorable.”
Jake punched her in the shoulder.  “Stop it,” he said, trying on a hint of his “dom voice”.  “You don’t get to treat me like I’m a child.”
If Madison noticed his “voice”, she was unaffected by it.  But she threw up her hands in defeat, regardless.
“Oh, no,” she said.  “You’re all grown up.  This thing between the two of you is genuinely sweet.  As far as I’m concerned, your intentions towards Amy are pure, Jake.  Don’t let me stand in the way of you feeling up her tits.”
Amy blushed, and looked away - and kind of thrust her chest forward a little, and said, “So… okay.”
“What do you mean?” asked Jake.
“She means you should squeeze her tits, Jake,” said Madison.  “Look at her cheeks.  That red you see is arousal.  Go ahead and grope her.”
“Right now?” asked Jake.  “In front of Madison?”
Amy was still blushing.  “I don’t mind.”
Madison pushed Jake towards Amy.  “Fuck, Jake, *you* made her fantasise about this, and she’s been trying to ignore those thoughts ever since, in order to prove to you that she’s capable of consenting.  Don’t keep her waiting.”
Jake stared at Amy.  She looked so beautiful - vulnerable, aroused, shy, eager.  And the way she was pushing her chest towards him - offering up her tits for him to use - was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.  
He realised that his cock was rock-hard in his pants.  Did Madison being here make it awkward?  No - it somehow made it even hotter.  Madison wasn’t really making fun of him.  She wanted to see him do this - to make Amy happy - to have one of his first sexual experiences.
He leaned forward and allowed his hands to rest on Amy’s large boobs.  He could feel their firm roundness through the thin fabric of her blouse.  He could feel the hard nubs of her nipples pressing through the cloth against his palms.
“Like this?” he asked.
“Harder,” breathed Amy.  “Do whatever you want with them.”
And so Jake squeezed - still hesitant, still scared of hurting her - but the sexy little gasp of arousal she made when he squeezed encouraged him, and so he squeezed harder still.
And then suddenly Amy was kissing him.  He felt the warmth of her lips against his, and then she was pushing her whole mouth against him so hard he thought his lips might bruise.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and back, and pulled him towards her.  When Jake felt her tongue slip between her lips, he unthinkingly squeezed her tits even tighter - surely tight enough now that she must be in pain - but it just made her moan with desire.
Jake was kissing the beautiful girl next door - the girl he had been crushing on since shortly after meeting her, the girl who had occupied many of his sexual fantasies - and it was heaven.  He could smell her hair, and her tits were warm against his hands, and as she drew him close he could feel his stiff dick pressing through his pants against her belly, and he wanted nothing more than to push her down and just *fuck* her…
And then suddenly he was aware of the ember inside her - the glowing pulse of her arousal - and he could feel her thoughts.  
She wanted the same thing as him.  She had a very vivid image in her mind.  She was picturing being naked, spreading her legs for him, so that he could push his cock into her pussy, filling her up, making her whole.  He had the sudden knowledge that her pussy was shaved and hairless - and that she had shaved it *for him*, thinking of him, fantasising about him discovering and enjoying her cunt.
She wanted him to want her.  She wanted him to *love* her - and protect her, and cherish her, in the way that her father never had, the father that only wanted to beat her, and leer at her naked body, and…
(Was Amy’s father… abusing her?  Jake had known things were bad for Amy, but…)
And then all thoughts left his brain, because a single possibility was burning brightly within the mindspace he shared with Amy.  A leash - a silver leash - a *true* leash.  Because right now Amy was thinking about sex, and love, and Jake - and if he connected those three things together with his power, Amy would *belong* to him - his loving, obedient slut-slave - forever, and ever, and ever…
Jake gasped, and pushed himself away from Amy violently.
Amy stared up at him, her face flushed with arousal, but her expression confused and hurt.
“Jake?” she asked.
“I’m sorry,” Jake said.  “That… that was amazing.  That was… so good.  You’re so beautiful, and sexy, and… but I got scared.”
“Why?” she asked.
“Because it would have been so easy to use my power again and… do things to you,” said Jake.  “And I was worried that I couldn’t control it.  That I’d do something because - well, because my cock wanted it, right there in the moment, and not because *I* wanted it.  And I know what I want - and what I want is to never, ever hurt you, Amy.”
“So you can’t… be with me?” Amy asked.  “Or you don’t want to?”
“Oh, I want to,” gasped Jake, a little chuckle of laughter escaping him.  “I want to, so much.  But I think… I need to learn more control.”
Amy pouted.  Jake noticed that her blouse had become disarrayed in their kissing, and that her entire left breast had escaped her blouse and bra.  He could see her nipple.  It made him want to forget about control, and just lean in and grab that breast again, and…
He averted his gaze and tried to think about something else.  His dramatic motion made Amy look at her own chest, and realise what had happened.  She blushed, and tucked her boob back into her bra.
Madison spoke now.
“Well, then, Jake,” she said.  “It seems like you’ve got even more incentive to learn to use these powers of yours properly.”
Her voice sounded strange - a little breathy.  Jake looked at her, and was surprised to see that her face was flushed, and her chest was heaving a little, and she had changed her position on the bed to bring her knees tightly together.
Was Madison… aroused?  Had she been turned on by watching Jake and Amy make out?
He began to reach out experimentally with his power - but then remembered how Madison had caught his mind in a vice the last time he had tried his power on her.  And so he thought better of it, and relaxed.
Instead, he said, “I’ve already got all the incentive I need.  Because we’re going to break Cat Weatherwill, aren’t we?  That’s why we’re here.”
“Absolutely,” breathed Amy.  “We’re going to get that bitch.”
“Agreed,” said Madison.  “So let’s talk strategy.”
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