Elf-Queen of Tylia

Elf-Queen of Tylia, Part 10

by All These Roadworks

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/f #f/m #fantasy #humiliation #sub:female #beastman #monster_fucking #patriarchy #princess #queen

Elf-Queen of Tylia, Part 10
Story by All These Roadworks (2024).
Note: As always, this story represents my kinks, not my politics.
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Dastiya knew something was wrong when she turned up for the daily training of the Steel Flowers and found not just Hunter-of-Bitches waiting for her, but also the beastman ambassador Red Horn.  
Red Horn towered over his subordinate - who was no dwarf himself - and Red Horn’s monstrous, exposed cock extended so far forward from his body that it was almost bumping against Dastiya’s cunt (exposed, as always, by her slutty beastfolk armour design).
“Restrain yourself in the presence of the ambassador, Daksya,” said Hunter-of-Bitches coldly.
Dastiya blushed.  She quickly lowered her hands to her waist, and clipped her wristcuffs to the rings there, making her vulnerable and unable to defend herself.  She would need the assistance of another person to release her hands.
This was something that Hunter-of-Bitches had been asking of her - and the other warrior-girls of the Steel Flowers - more and more often recently.  He said they needed to learn to operate while restrained, and so he would make them exercise in this restrained position, or send them on errands like this, or even restrain them before they were allowed to relieve themselves (resulting in a messy and humiliating process).
He had drilled them on restraining themselves, having Dastiya slap any woman who was too slow (and slapping Dastiya, when necessary, himself) until the Steel Flowers were trained to restrain themselves on command, instinctively, without even thinking.
“Good morning, Cocksleeve Princess,” said Red Horn, smiling, as he stared at her tits.
Dastiya blushed.  The beastfolk mispronounced her name as “Daskya”, which in Elven would mean “cocksleeve”, and she had been forbidden from correcting them.  But now Red Horn wasn’t even hiding the insult implied by the name.
“Good morning, sir,” said Dastiya, wishing she could instead stab this disgusting beastman - and all his sexist, patronising ilk.
“I have come to you with some suggestions from the cunt who birthed you, regarding the training of your sex-fighters,” said Red Horn.
“With respect, sir,” she said, “they are not ‘sex-fighters’.  They are an elite military force.”
“They are big-titted females,” said Red Horn.  “Their purpose is to inspire the enemy to rape them, and thereby distract the enemy army, is it not?”
“No, sir,” said Dastiya.  “Their purpose is to efficiently kill all enemies of Tylia.”  And she held Red Horn’s gaze as she said this, making sure he understood the implied threat.
“That is ridiculous,” said Red Horn.  “They are cunts - and elven cunts, at that.  In the presence of male power their cunts will betray them, and they will inevitably spread their legs for their biological destiny of rape.  Is that not true?”
Dastiya trembled with fury.  The beastfolk had been disrespectful and disgusting before, but Red Horn was clearly trying to provoke her.  The Steel Flowers were Dastiya’s pride and joy, and she would not allow them to be insulted so.
“I would wager any of my Steel Flowers in combat with any of your beastfolk, sir,” she said, in a cold voice.
“Is that so?” said Red Horn.  “Perhaps we will see.  But regardless, the cunt who birthed you has orders for you, regarding the disposition of your sex-fighters.  Her first order relates to the long-term viability of the elven military.  She wishes you to select one-tenth of your sex-fighters to take on the role of breeders.  They will be repeatedly impregnated by my beastfolk, and their udders will be trained for maximum milk production, in order to birth a superior breed of warrior for the next generation of your armed forces.”
Dastiya couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  “That’s ridiculous!” she exclaimed.  “My *mother* approved this?”
“The cunt who birthed you *suggested* this,” said Red Horn.  “Of course, she *was* masturbating at the time, and we all know the brains of elven women are subordinate to their cunts.”
Dastiya’s fists clenched, and she couldn’t help but struggle against her restraints.  She thought about kicking Red Horn.  She wanted to, so badly…
“And as for the rest of your sex-fighters,” said Red Horn, “you will incorporate rape as a regular part of their training.  Sluts like these can expect to be raped on the battlefield, or if they are taken captive, and their survival will depend on how enjoyable they are to abuse.  You will train them to submit to beastfolk rape, and deliver an enjoyable rape experience to their rapist.”
This was too much.
“Fuck you,” spat Dastiya.  “And fuck your whole bestial race.  Elven women are not your toys, and the Steel Flowers will not submit to your crude ideas.  I will take this matter up with my mother, and I will convince her to let me put your entire so-called embassy to the sword.”
Red Horn nodded, satisfied.  “That was a threat of violence and treason,” he said.  “Take her.”
And suddenly four more beastmen were stepping forwards from the shadows to grab Dastiya.  

She tried to kick at them, but with her hands restrained, there was little she could do.  They grabbed her limbs and lifted her bodily from the ground.  She felt shackles going over her ankles, and then a cock-shaped gag was shoved in her mouth and tied behind her head, and then there was nothing more she could do but let them take her.
She was brought to the Royal Court, where she was pushed down on her knees in the centre of the audience space.  Her mother, Queen Sylene, sat on the throne, looking down on her - and it made Dastiya’s heart clench to see how slutty her mother looked.  She was wearing a dress that exposed her large breasts - and there was white fluid visibly glistening on the slopes of her titflesh.  Was it cum?  Was her mother here in public, before the entire elven court, with her fuckbags decorated with beastfolk sperm?
And her legs were spread, and her long dress pulled up, to show her cunt to the court as well.  The cunt that had birthed Dastiya, as the beastfolk would say.
Red Horn stood on a raised podium behind the queen, with his cock resting on her shoulder, so that if Queen Syleneturned her head to the left it would poke against her lips.
Around the sides of the room were the gathered nobility of the elves.  The elven men stood, in their customary formal attire.  The women were all kneeling, at the feet of their men.  Some, Dastiya saw, had their breasts exposed in the same way as the Queen.  One or two were even wearing collars, connected to leashes that were held by their men.
Dastiya, too, had been collared, and it was Hunter-of-Bitches who held her leash.
“Your Whorish Majesty, Queen Syluin,” said Hunter-of-Bitches, in a loud voice.  “I bring before you your cunt-spawn, the Cocksleeve Princess, for judgement.  I have witnessed her with my own eyes declaring acts of treason and violence against your throne, and against guests of the state, and she must be held to account.”
Red Horn spoke up.  “Before the Bimbo Queen makes judgement, she should be properly blessed by the elven whore-god.  Princess Cunt, step forward.”
Dastiya’s sister Ellora emerged from amongst the crowd.  Her own tits and cunt were exposed by her priestly robes.
Red Horn addressed her.  “Princess Cunt, please bless your mother as she passes judgement against your cunt-mate.”
Ellora was blushing bright red - but she moved to kneel before her mother on the throne, and then leaned forwards, and…
Dastiya gasped.  Ellora was licking the Queen’s cunt!  She was giving oral sex to her own mother - in front of the entire elven court!
And Queen Sylene was enjoying it.  Her face flushed, and she made a little slutty moan, and one hand moved to rest on the back of Ellora’s head, drawing her daughter closer, forcing her face against the Queen’s fuckhole.
And Dastiya suddenly became aware that her mother wasn’t looking at her face.  She was looking at Dastiya’s exposed tits and pussy.
“Daksya”, said Sylene - and Dastiya flinched as she heard her own mother using the insulting beastfolk variant of her name - “are these allegations true?”
“No!” Dastiya said immediately.  “Mother, you know that I and the Steel Flowers are Tylia’s greatest patriots!”
Sylene frowned.
“Hunter-of-Bitches,” she said, “please whip my cunt-spawn’s tits with a belt for lying to me.”
Dastiya’s eyes widened.  “But it’s true!” she cried.  “I didn’t…”
She was cut off as Hunter-of-Bitches forced the cock-shaped gag back in her mouth.  Then he took a leather belt and began to whip at Dastiya’s exposed breasts.  Unable to defend herself, Dastiya could only scream into her gag as he delivered ten sharp cracks of the leather against her helpless fuckbags, leaving visible purple welts in the rectangular shape of the belt.
When he was done, he ungagged her again.
“Let us try again, Daksya,” said the Queen.  “Did you threaten our beastfolk guests?”
Dastiya didn’t know what to say.  She remained silent, her eyes mutely begging for help from her mother.
No help was coming.
“Again, please, Hunter-of-Bitches,” said her mother.  “But this time target her rapehole.  And do not stop until she confesses.”
Hunter-of-Bitches yanked on Dastiya’s leash, causing her to fall onto her back.  Then two beastfolk attendants came forward and forced Dastiya’s knees apart.  Hunter-of-Bitches raised his belt, and brought it down as hard as he could on Dastiya’s cunt.
Dastiya was a warrior, and she had trained to endure pain, but it took only ten lashes to her twat to break her.
“I did!” she squealed.  “I’m sorry.  I threatened them.  I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!”
Hunter-of-Bitches gave her one final lash, and then let her struggle back to a kneeling position.  Dastiya could feel herself crying, and wanted to die of shame, that she should weep from such a humiliating punishment,in front of all these people.
Queen Syluin’s face was bright red, and she was breathing heavily, and holding Ellora tight against her cunt, and Dastiya realised with horror and humiliation that her mother was close to orgasming, right here in public, from having one of her daughters lick her pussy while she watched the other having her tits and twat beaten.
“I have clearly been too permissive with my cunt-spawn,” said the Queen, her words gasped in a slutty exhalation.  “I named them for beauty and peace, but in the tongue of the beastfolk their names have other meanings, and the beastfolk tongue turns out to be truer than our own.  So I hereby declare that the true names of my daughters shall be Cocksleeve, Cunt, and Sex-Decoration, and I expect them to be addressed as such, and answer to those names.”
Ellora - or, rather, Cunt - gave a little jerk when she heard this, but the Queen held her tight against her pussy and forced her to keep licking.
“You cannot be serious, mother!” protested Dastiya.
“Another ten to her tits, Hunter-of-Bitches,” said the Queen, coldly, and the gag went back in Dastiya’s mouth, and she had another ten blows to her breasts.  If the first round had been painful, these ones were agonising, coming as they did on top of the existing welts.
“Thank your superior for his discipline,” the Queen instructed, when the beating was over and the gag removed.  “And introduce him to your new name.”
Dastiya was openly sobbing now.  She wanted to resist, but she couldn’t take more punishment of her tits or pussy.
“Thank you for whipping my tits, sir,” she mumbled to Hunter-of-Bitches.  “And from now on please call me Princess Cocksleeve.”
“It is a good name for you, elven fuckslut,” growled Hunter-of-Bitches.
“And as for the matter of attempted treason,” said the Queen, leaning forward now with lust, her tits hanging down, “in many cases the appropriate punishment has been death.  But I am a merciful queen, and I will not put my own cunt-spawn to the sword.  Instead, Cocksleeve, you will have a punishment appropriate to your crime.”
She pulled Ellora even tighter against her twat.
“I sentence you to rape by the beastfolk ambassador,” she said.  “And not just rape - but rape and impregnation.  You will carry a beastfolk child, and be an obedient breeder, and the entire elven court will observe the process of your violation and impregnation, and I will order a painting commissioned of it so future generations will learn from your example.”
“No!” screamed Dastiya.  “Please!  Please, no!”
But her pleas fell on deaf ears, because the Queen was orgasming, bucking her hips against her daughter’s mouth as she squirted on her daughter’s face, her tongue extended, her eyes rolling back in her head.  
And as it happened, this moment, too, was caught by an artist of the elven court, and the eventual painting of it would hang in galleries for generations thereafter, so that young elven women could look upon the queen’s slutty expression and see a role model for themselves.
It was titled, “The Justice of the Bimbo Queen”.

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