Cate Star, Crypt Runner

Chapter 6

by All These Roadworks

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #adventure #f/f #f/m #sub:female #D/s #dom:female #dom:male #humiliation #hypno #multiple_partners

Cate Star: Crypt Runner, Part 6

Story by All These Roadworks (2024).
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Cate sat awkwardly in the passenger seat of the van, trying to pretend that her tits weren’t exposed to anyone who looked in the windows, as Cawthorn drove them relentlessly towards Coatzacoalcos.  The windows on both sides were open, and a breeze played across Cate’s exposed udders, hardening her nipples.
“You like this, don’t you?” asked Cawthorn.  He stole a quick look at her - and her tits - before turning his attention back to the road.
“What, travelling and exploring?” replied Cate.  “I do, yes.”
Cawthorn laughed - a harsh, mocking sound.  
“Naw,” he said, “I mean sitting here with your tits out while your girlfriend rapes my slave in the back.  It makes you wet to be a good little sex-decoration, doesn’t it?”
Cate blushed.  “It absolutely does not,” she replied, primly.
Cawthorn looked at her again.  “Prove it,” he said.
“What do you mean?” replied Cate.
“Give me your panties,” he said.  “We’ll see if they’re wet.”
Cate blushed even redder.  “No!” she said.  “Absolutely not.”
Cawthorn sighed - and pulled the van over, and stopped it.
“We can do this two ways,” he said.  “One, you can be a good girl, and give me your panties, and we’ll see whether you’re a lying slut.  Or two, you and your cunt can get out right here, and walk back to Mexico, or on to the Yucatan, or wherever else you want to go, and you can find out just what happens to two sexy unescorted gringo putas who try to hitchhike this stretch of road.”
The van was completely stationary.  Cawthorn was serious.
In the back, Noni and Gabriela were still moaning lustily.  They didn’t seem to have noticed.
Cate looked at the road, and then back at Cawthorn.  Her face was very red.  She hated being trapped like this.  She hated Cawthorn, and she was very tempted to call his bluff and get out of the van.  But then they would have no guide - and after her experience at the airport, she very much feared that Cawthorn was right, and that trying to hitchhike back to a city would end with her and Noni being abducted and/or raped.
“Fine,” she said.  “Just… keep driving.”
Cawthorn laughed, and started the van again, and Cate began to wiggle her khaki shorts down her legs, pulling them over her boots and dropping them in the floor well.  Then she started pulling off her panties.
She didn’t make eye contact as she did this, for two reasons.  The first was that she was completely humiliated to show her cunt to this horrible man.  But the second was that Cawthorn was right.  She *was* wet, and the damp patch on her panties showed it, and as soon as she passed her underwear across to Cawthorn’s hand, Cawthorn knew it too.
He guffawed with laughter when he took them from her.  “You slut,” he chuckled.  “I knew it.”  
He looked at her again.  “Apologise now,” he told her.  “For lying to me.  You know how to do it.”
She did remember.  She looked away from him, trying to hide her humiliation.  “I’m sorry, sir,” she muttered, “for being a cunt and lying to you about my pussy being wet.”
“And why *is* your pussy wet, Honeytits?” asked Cawthorn.
She almost said “fuck you” - but if being dumped by the side of the road had seemed unattractive before, it was even less so now that Cate’s shorts were lying on the floor, Cawthorn was holding her panties, and her cunt was exposed.
“My pussy is wet because it makes me aroused to be a good little sex-decoration, sir,” she said, quietly.
“Good girl,” said Cawthorn.  He was silent for a while - still driving, still holding her panties.
Cate contemplated putting her shorts back on, even if she didn’t have her panties back, but she wasn’t sure how Cawthorn would react.
Finally, the American spoke.
“Tell me, Honeytits,” he said.  “Do you believe in personal responsibility?”
Cate knew it was some kind of trap, but she also knew that she was going to end up playing Cawthorn’s game one way or another, so she simply answered in the way that she suspected he wanted.
“Yes, sir,” she said.”
“Good,” said Cawthorn.  He reached down and unzipped his shorts, and pulled out his erect cock.  “Because those tits of yours have been cockteasing me since this morning, and I think it’s about time that you took care of it.”
Cate once again contemplated her chances on the side of the road.
“Just your hand will do, Honeytits,” said Cawthorn.  “You just need to help relieve the tension you’ve caused.”
Cate blushed, and reached across and wrapped her hand around Cawthorn’s dick, and began to pump.
“That’s a good little cunt,” sighed Cawthorn happily.  “Aim it at your face, there’s a good slut.  I believe in women being responsible for the erections they cause, and while we’re together, if you’re going to insist on being a big-uddered cocktease, then this is going to be one of your duties, understand?”
Cate said nothing, and continued pumping Cawthorn’s cock, being careful to aim the tip towards her face.
And they drove on like that in silence for some time, Cawthorn at the wheel, Cate masturbating his stiff cock while listening to the erotic sounds of Noni raping Gabriella in the rear of the van.
But after a short while, Cawthorn swore.
“Fuck,” he spat.  “Alvaristas.”
“What?” asked Cate.  She followed his gaze to a black four-wheel-drive in the next lane.  A man in a red hoodie and sunglasses was leaning out the window and gesticulating at them, apparently urging them to pull over.
Cawthorn looked around - and then reached out and grabbed a handful of Cate’s red hair, and pushed her face down against his groin.  Cate only got a moment to make a sound of surprised before she found her face mashed up against Cawthorn’s cock, its tip smearing her cheek with pre-cum.  
Cawthorn pushed her against him harder.
“Suck, you silly bitch, and don’t let them see your face,” he said.  “Your pasty white ass doesn’t actually look Mexican but if they see those pouty British lips of yours they’re going to want to know why I’m driving foreigners around.”
Cate didn’t understand any of this, but she had no choice but to open her mouth and admit Cawthorn’s cock, which she began sucking on sullenly.  She didn’t like this position - not only because Cawthorn’s dick was in her mouth, but also because being pulled down had forced her to change her position in the passenger seat.  Now she was basically kneeling on the seat, facing Cawthorn, her head down in his lap - and her bare ass and cunt raised, and visible out the passenger side window.
She felt the car slow, and swerve.  Cawthorn was pulling over.  Cate heard the other car parking on the side of the road nearby.
“These men work for Diego Alvarez,” whispered Cawthorn.  “The Alvarez Cartel controls everything illicit in this part of the country.  Alvarez and I have… a history.”
Of course they did.  Cawthorn had been nothing but bad news since he showed up.  He had complicated Cate’s journey immensely.
She let him know her displeasure by letting his cock feel her teeth, ever so slightly.
Cawthorn winced, and slapped her cheek lightly.
“Be good, Honeytits,” he warned her.  “And stay down.  The last thing you want is these men getting curious about your expedition.”
In the back, the sounds of the girls fucking had ceased.  Cate hoped they would not draw attention to themselves.
The man with the red hoodie appeared at Cawthorn’s window.  Even from her low position, Cate caught a glimpse of a small semi-automatic weapon in his hand.  
A shadow behind her suggested there was another man at the passenger window.  If so, he was looking directly at Cate’s anus and cunt.  She blushed, and kept sucking obediently on Cawthorn’s dick.
“Roger Cawthorn,” said the man at the window.  “Fancy meeting you here, on the road to Coatzacoalcos.”
Cawthorn chuckled nervously.  “You know me,” he said.  “Can’t stay in one place for long.”
“Apparently not,” said the man in red.  “It makes it difficult to find you.  Which is a problem, because Senor Alvarez has been *looking* for you.”
The man at the passenger window suddenly spoke.  “Who is your whore, Cawthorn?”
And Cate jumped, and almost bit Cawthorn’s cock, because she felt something cold and metal push against her pussy through the open window.  It was the barrel of a gun.  The man had the tip of his cunt pushed up against her cunt.
And then, playfully, he pushed a little harder, and she felt the gun part her pussy lips, and push up inside her fuckhole.
She moaned around her mouthful of cock.
“Oh, this bitch?” laughed Cawthorn, rubbing Cate’s hair affectionately.  “Just some whore I found in Mexico City.  Once she starts sucking, she doesn’t stop until the job is done.  It’s impressive, really.”
“Maybe I could try her, huh?” asked the man at the window, pushing his gun deeper into Cate’s twat.
Cawthorn laughed.  “Well, her speciality is doing dogs and donkeys in front of a live audience, so she might find you a little lacking, friend.”
His answer must have made the gunmen angry, because he gave a savage push on his gun.  There must have been five inches of cold gunmetal inside Cate now.  She should have been frozen with fear - but instead Cate felt herself tense with anticipation.  She may have a gun up her cunt and a cock in her mouth, but these men were underestimating her - and that could be to her advantage.
The man in the red hoodie spoke again now.  “Enough,” he said.  “I don’t care about the women.  I want the money, Cawthorn.  Where is Senor Alvarez’s money?”
“Well, it’s invested, buddy,” said Cawthorn.  “You know?  Investments?  It takes time to get a return…”
“Senor Alvarez fears that the money is ‘invested’ in your gambling habits, Cawthorn,” said the man in red.  “He fears that there will be no return on this investment.  He wants the money now.  Twelve million pesos, Cawthorn.”
Cate looked down into the driver’s side footwell - and saw exactly what she was hoping for.  There was a gun holster strapped to Cawthorn’s ankle, with a small pistol within it.  Was Cawthorn the sort of man to keep a gun loaded?  She thought he might be.  She certainly hoped he was.
She hated that the gun in her cunt actually felt kind of good.  And she hated herself more when, entirely without conscious thought, she felt herself pushing back against it, trying to force it deeper inside her.  Her cunt was wet, she knew, and the violation felt good.
Cawthorn was sweating now, and Cate could feel his cock wilting in her mouth.
“I don’t have it,” Cawthorn was saying.  “Not right here.  But I can *get* it.  Within a week.  If you’ll just let me…”
The man in red sighed.  “That is the wrong answer, Cawthorn.  If you don’t have the money, we’ll just have to take something else. How about we start with your bitch - and then move on to a few of your fingers, shall we?”
He started to bring his gun down, to aim it at the window.
And at that point, Cate moved.
She squeezed her thighs together tightly, trapping the barrel of the gun in her cunt.  Simultaneously, she kicked her legs up.  Her feet struck the hands of the gunmen even as she pulled her body forward, and the gun was yanked out of his hands, still trapped in her twat.  She prayed desperately that it would not go off.
As her legs went up, her hands went down, seizing Cawthorn’s pistol from its ankle holster and flicking the safety off.  Then she came up, her mouth coming off Cawthorn’s cock, the gun raised, and she fired, directly into the shoulder of the man in red.
In the confines of the van, the report of the gun was deafening.  Cate saw the man reeling backwards, spinning with the impact of the bullet and falling towards the road outside.
But she was already twisting, rolling onto her back, careless of the friction on Cawthorn’s dick.  The shocked expression of the man who had been gun-fucking her cunt came into view, and she put another bullet into him - again, into the shoulder.  She was shooting to incapacitate, not to kill. 
“Start the car!” she gasped at Cawthorn.
Cawthorn was already doing just that, but his expression was one of terror and fury.  “What have you done, you stupid bitch?” he yelled.
“Shut up and drive,” said Cate.  The van was beginning to roll forward as she retrieved the captured semi-automatic from between her legs.  Outside she could see the passenger-side gunman staggering to his feet, clutching his shoulder.
“Those men work for Diego Alvarez,” yelled Cawthorn.  “If he was pissed at me before, he’ll be furious now.  He’ll never let me live - never.”
“Then I suggest you drive faster,” said Cate.  She was climbing over into the back of the van as she spoke.
“What are you doing?” Cawthorn demanded.
“Just drive,” she told him.
She went to the doors on the back of the van and kicked them open.  Behind her, the long stretch of road played out, and behind them, rapidly receding into the distance, were the shapes of the two Alvaristas, and the four-wheel-drive they had been driving.
Cate levelled her gun, and with brutal precision - the results of years of training on the hypnogogia - she fired three shots.  
One went into the front left tyre of the Alvarista four-wheel-drive.  The second went into the front right tyre.
The third hit the gas tank.
She was almost disappointed that there was no explosion - just a flow of yellowish gasoline leaking onto the ground around the vehicle.  But it was satisfying nonetheless.  These gunmen would not be following them any time soon.
She pulled the van doors shut, and sank to the floor, next to the mostly-naked bodies of Noni and Gabriela.  
Her cunt was still wet, and the excitement had only made it wetter.
She looked across at Gabriela - who was looking back at her with something that might have been awe.
“Do you still want to pleasure me with your tongue, Gabriella?” she asked the beautiful Latina.
Gabriela wasn’t allowed to say yes, or consent in any way - and yet Cate could see that, right now, as Gabriela gazed at Cate’s mostly nude, sweaty body, still glowing with the adrenaline of action, Gabriela would have done literally anything to please the buxom British goddess in front of her.
“Good,” said Cate.  “Then get down on the floor.  I feel like I deserve a good cunt licking, don’t you?”
And Gabriela clearly thought so too, because Cate barely had to slap her at all to get her “consent”, and when she finally orgasmed hard against Gabriela’s face, it was - with all apologies to Noni - the best she had had in months.

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