Is It Just A Game?


by AlexiaRose

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #consensual #dom:nb #f/nb #microfiction #solo #Transgender #urban_fantasy

I decide to call this Chapter Revelations because it hints at some of the things that have changed for characters and some things are revealed that even I didn't know about. It has some different flavor from my normal writing. There are long dialogues by characters telling a story of the past. Some is in a narrator style, but others are actually the character telling us. I hope I pulled it off well enough. Thank you to any that have stuck with me all this time. I hope I am keeping it interesting.

It had been a week since I was found. Holly and Gina had returned to the resort. It is odd that Aphrodite had almost everyone that had searched for me go to the Spa. I guess she was just being nice. As for me, I got a three week paid leave from work. It meant that I was going to get base pay while I was out. I also got a 5,000 dollar bonus dropped into my account as well. Probably in the hope I don’t seek any additional compensation for DynaPill’s break in security. Daphne told me that she was working on something at SWP. They were not happy that their favorite Demo Gal was treated in such a way and put out of service for a while.

Speaking of Daphne, she has become a fixture at the house. It was a big shock seeing her in the hallway outside of Greg’s room. The funniest part was that while in one of Greg’s dress shirts she was searching for her panties and her heels. Greg seems happier and way calmer, so it seems to be a great match. I kinda like having her around. Alexia on the other hand is a bit cold to Daphne. I guess it is to be expected. She was Daddy’s Little Girl and now we can sometimes hear the two of them throwing the word daddy around lots as they fuck like bunnies.

Callie got me to the gym at long last. She had me in her Yoga class. After the class she locked the room’s door and told me we were going to play a little game. I would win if I could make her have an orgasm once. She would win if she made me have five. I mean it sounded easy. I was so wrong. Apparently my girlfriend is a champion edger. She had me naked and on my shoulders while keeping my legs on her shoulders, fingers thrusting into me that I lost it quickly. I twisted and was able to get her on her back and my tongue in her treasure. I was licking and plunging my tongue deep in her. I felt like I had her almost there, but she did some crazy sex ninja move and I was face down with my hind quarters in the air.

Have I mentioned how talented Callie is with her tongue? Well, she is very talented. In fact she wrapped it around my clit so much that I had my second orgasm and collapsed shaking. Callie ran her hands up my body and caressed my sides until she was cupping my boobs. Her fingers caught my nipples in between them as she covered my breast. The stimulation was a surprise. I didn’t realize how sensitive my tits had become. Before I knew it, I had hit my third time. I was amazed that it was just from my boobs. Callie kissed me before whispering, “That was three my love.”

I did manage to get her in a position that allowed me to kiss her as I used my fingers to explore her depths. I found her clit and was working it gently. I slid down and began licking until I finally just clamped my mouth over her and sucked until I had her nub in my mouth. I heard her gasp, but it was just that, a gasp. Soon she had turned and swung around and we were in a sixty-nine position. I figured I had her. I had been licking and adding fingers before she even started. As she licked she pulled a very dirty trick, a finger went right up my butt as she softly bit my clit. I screamed this orgasm out. It is a wonder no one came to check on what that sound was in the room.

I imagine the room was soundproofed. I lost myself. The edges of my vision blurred and was fuzzy black. It was then that I heard my love tease me. “Madison, only one more to go. I mean really I haven’t cum once.” I focused enough to see her face, she was making the cutest pouty face ever. I kissed her nose. Soft gentle kisses along her neck and shoulder. I hit this spot on her shoulder and bit slightly before taking a nipple in my mouth and lavishing it with love. I had my hands lazily moving along her every curve. My palm caressed her folds. I began imagining Callie as an instrument.

The problem was that as I was trying seduction, Callie was just using two fingers to gently stimulate my sex. A steady stroke and a steady rub. Callie was adept at sex in a way that I doubted I would ever be. She thrusted on final time as she spoke into my ear, “Cum for me my Good Girl.” That was it. I felt all control of my body slip away as I spasmed on her fingers. My head was exploding and blank at the same instant, I was shaking hard as I struggled to breath. I squirted all over Callie. I heard her giggle as I passed out.

When I came to Callie was dressed and smiling at me. “Hey sleepy head.” she giggled. I got up and slipped my workout gear on and just lowered my head. “Stop pouting. You just need more practice edging my Good Girl.” Shivers ran over my body as she said that phrase. I sighed and kissed her. Soon we were in the showers. We shared a stall and I did give my girlfriend the orgasm she deserved. As we parted, I went to the Juice Bar and got a Dt. Green Tea. As I sipped on it I watched the different people working out.

I saw a beautiful Asian woman running on a machine. Her running shorts were so cute. She had a very sexy frame. I spent the time just staring at the beautiful bodies, being jealous of the women and accepting a new found appreciation for the male physique. It was at this time a young guy came up and sat beside me. “Hi Babe, you new around here?” he asked. I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I just finished a workout with my girlfriend.” He grinned, “That’s cool. My name is Jack. What’s yours?” “Madison.” I saw his eyes roam over my body. I just took a swig of my tea. “So, uh, look, Madison, you look like you are a fun gal.” “Sometimes I am.” I smirk. He is kind of cute. I stare down his body and notice a long bulge in his shorts. “I see something has caught your eye.” he grinned. I blush but continue to stare. My body feels flush as my mouth begins to water. He leans in, “Do you want to taste it?” I regain some composure as I calmly say, “For One Hundred Bucks.” He leans back. “That is kinda high girl.” I lean back as I say, “You have to pay for quality.”

I am not sure what came over me. I just knew I needed to suck his cock. He probably could have negotiated down, by hey, I am getting paid for something I wanted to do. He guides me to the changing rooms. I hesitate as we stand at the door to the Men’s area. “It's okay Madison, no one will catch us.” We entered and sure enough there was an area that was partially hidden from view. I dropped to my knees after Jack placed some towels on the floor. I then pulled his shorts down, his briefs came with them and a very long cock popped out and slapped my face. It was so long and pretty wide. I took it in my hand and began stroking it before I lifted it up. I lowered myself under his balls, taking each one in my mouth and caressing them with my tongue.

It wasn’t long before I started licking up from his balls along the bottom of his shaft until I reached the crown. I swirled my tongue around it and heard Jack moan. My taste buds caught the saltness of his pre-cum as I placed my mouth over just his crown, caressing his rod with my hand. Soon I was sliding my mouth down, down until I felt him hit the very back of my throat. I was amazed that I was not gagging, but instead it was making me more aroused. He grabbed my head and matched my movements with his own. I was sucking and deep throating him. It wasn’t long before I felt him swell and release rope after rope of warm, yummy cum down my throat. I pulled back a bit so I could swallow. I didn’t miss a single drop.

“Holy Fuck Girl!” he exclaimed. “That was fucking amazing.” I leaned back and smiled. “Thank you.” I then licked him clean. He handed me a card and a crisp hundred dollar bill as we slipped back out of the changing room. I was feeling strangely satisfied. I gathered my stuff and headed home. It was a nice walk to the house. I was happy. I was slutty too. I giggled to myself at the thought of how much I had changed since coming to Summer City. As I entered the house my phone rang, it was Quake. He had been so smothering in some ways since he found me. It was kind of sweet. “Hi Quake.” I answered as I placed my stuff on the couch. “No. I don’t have any plans for the next few days.” I plopped down on the couch. “You want to show me your home, but I have seen your shack. You mean that wasn’t where you live?” I listened carefully. Then I agreed to be ready that afternoon to travel to where he had his home.  I mean he did save my life.

I called Callie right after hanging up with Quake. She was excited. I found out that Quake had an entire small island where he had a house. She had been there once. Callie knew Oran had been there, but otherwise it was not a place that people got to visit. She said I must be special to him to be taken there. After I hung up with her, I went to Greg’s office to see if he was there. I told him about my trip, but he already knew. Quake had asked permission to take me. I was a bit miffed. I was a grown ass woman. He asked my Daddy for permission. Greg laughed at my response. He just said that Quake was a gentleman and did things Old School.


While I had the time I wanted to do something nice for Alexia. Turns out that the Pop Singer she loves so much was having a concert at a local venue. I scored her some tickets in the on-stage VIP section. Four tickets, figured those two girlfriends of hers, Kira and Ashley could go and I was planning on going before the Quake invite. Not sure who she will invite for the extra ticket. She will probably want to ask Callie. That is an impossibility. Callie is busy that weekend.

Greg has been super busy. Not just with work, he has been dating Daphne. Well, they also do it like bunnies, so it is more than dating. She is over a bunch. It is nice seeing him look so happy. Alexia is a bit put off. She now has a rival for Daddy’s affection. Still, I feel Daphne is growing on her. All in all, things are getting back to normal. I kind of am ready to work again. I also have cleaned the house so much it is shiny and I have orgasmed so much after. Must be some left over Ready Maid effects.

I also crave cock a bunch. Daphne took Alexia and I shopping. It was a Mall on one of the Siren’s Shores Islands. So, there is an entire chain of Artificial Islands off the coast. A few are accessible by bridge. The shops at that Mall were AMAZING. Best of all, Daphne got a huge discount because the place is owned by SWP, so every shop gives a discount. I ended up giving fifteen blowjobs while we were there. I got $125 for most of them. Some of the guys were so nice when talking to me, I let the money slide. I really love cock.


I was packing for my trip to see where Quake lived when Alexia came bounding into my room and bounced on the bed. “HEY!” I shouted, “trying to pack here.” She giggled, “Not sure why, I figure you guys are going to be naked most of the time.” I rolled my eyes, “No, this is just his way of making sure I am okay after my abduction.” “Suuuuuure it is. Everybody saw how he was when you were missing. I have a feeling he will make his move on you.” I hit her with a bra I was packing.

Alexia stuck her tongue out and laughed. It was nice to see her laugh. She then started chatting. “I am going to miss you not going to see Marisol with me. How did you get those awesome seats? I mean, they are on the freaking stage. Kira has pestered me about it non-stop. She has all these theories about how you got them.” “Oh?” I paused my packing, “and what would those ideas be?” “She wonders if you met her on a demo, or maybe you met her while you were abducted and that you endeared yourself to her….or that you used your feminine powers to get some executive at DynaPill to pull some strings.”

“I can neither confirm nor deny any of those prospects.” I laughed. “Seriously, I am glad you can go have fun. I will miss going, but it is nice imagining you being a fangirl and acting goofy.” She hopped up and hugged me, kissing my cheek. “You are the best Big Sister ever!” Alexia left my room and I finished packing. If only I could tell her how I got those tickets. She would freak out if she knew. I mean I kind of got freaked out when I got to meet Marisol the first time. I giggled at the memory.


The Day of the concert came. Alexia was so excited. She had asked that guy Bruce to join them. It was a packed crowd. The VIP section was off to stage right. It had an area for dancing and also seats on a riser. Alexia noticed that Jason, the guy that she met when Madison was missing, was hanging around. She figured out he was part of Marisol’s entourage. Maybe that is how Madison got the tickets. Ashley, Kira, and Alexia danced like fools all night. They finally sat down after Bruce had gotten them some drinks. Soon, the three girlfriends had to make a trek to the Ladies Room. Bruce was looking bored so he just sauntered off.

“I can’t believe what a buzzkill Bruce has been tonight.” Ashley moaned. Kira was freshening her makeup as she answered, “I know right? He just doesn’t seem to get the Marisol vibe.” Alexia just smiled. She did feel like Bruce was a bit standoffish. He had asked her a bunch of questions about the attack on her. Still, he couldn’t dampen her spirits tonight. Ashley and Kira decided to hit the bar up, so Alexia headed back to her seat. She saw Bruce near the back area, he looked like he was arguing with someone.

Alexia took her seat and waved at Jason. He walked over and they began chatting. Marisol was coming back on stage after a break and a wardrobe change. She was dazzling in a sequin romper that seemed to catch all the spotlights. She looked like a disco ball. She had just begun one of her slow ballads when someone screamed in the audience. Suddenly there were canisters spewing smoke on the stage, in the crowd. “ABOMINATIONS!” a man screamed. Chaos erupted. Before Alexia knew what was happening Jason had her and they were running back stage. Marisol in front of them coughing. Screams could be heard behind them. Before they cleared the curtain Alexia saw people transforming from girls to guys. They were all crooked and in angles as the changes came very fast.


Jason hurried both women into his Humvee. Alexia looked shellshock as Marisol coughed, gasping for breath. “There is bottled water in the consol Alexia.” Jason instructed. Alexia became aware that Marisol was in trouble. Her Volunteer work at the hospital kicked in and soon she had Marisol taking sips of water. It then dawned on Alexia that she was sitting by, taking care of, looking after her idol. Then another thought came, “My friends! They are still back there!”

“Well we are not turning around, not if what I suspect is happening, IS happening. Are your friends on X-Change?” Jason calmly asked. “No. They are not.” She replied. “Then they should be okay, as long as they are not hurt in the panic.” Jason concentrated on driving and had slowed down. “I have a feeling that those were Partisans.” Alexia stared at his face in the rear view mirror. “The people that hate those that use X-Change?”  “The very ones. There have been lots of them along the road into Summer City protesting.” Jason said.

“Ughnnnn.” Groaned Marisol. Alexia looked and noticed Marisol’s black curly hair was changing into a brown-blonde mix and straightening. Her skin was rippling and seemed to be changing just a bit. She was still tan, just a lighter shade, not the rich color of her Cuban heritage. Alexia’s eyes widened. “Callie?!?” she gasped. As Callie looked up at her Marisol’s eyes changed and Callie sat before her. “Yeah, it is me, Alexia.” “Hey, you okay?” Jason interrupted. “I feel okay, but we better go to the clinic to be safe.” She replied.

“What the fuck Callie!” Alexia exclaimed. “You are Marisol. I mean really Marisol. Does Madison know? She does know. That is how she got the tickets.” Alexia was in a rapid fire mode. “Why didn’t you say anything? You knew I loved your music. IS it your music? Are you two different people sharing a body? Why did you change? I am so full of questions.” Callie laid a hand on her knee. “Please Alexia, let me get to the Clinic and be checked out and I will tell you all about it. It's just the change was way worse this time, plus it was not supposed to happen for a couple of days.” Callie laid her head back and Alexia became saddened that she acted that way. She found a few paper towels and wet them with some of the cold bottled water and wiped Callies forehead.


The Clinic was different from the Hospital. It sat back and was hard to even see from the street. Jason pulled around back and before he even stopped a man and a woman came out. They got Callie in a wheelchair, her body was sweating lots and she had become very groggy. Alexia assured them she could walk in. Once inside they were taken to different exam areas. Alexia watched as they pushed Callie into a room farther down from where she was in a standard looking ER setup. “No worries, hun,” the kindly nurse said as she began taking Alexia’s vitals, “They will take care of Callie. It is not her first time coming here.”

Alexia was checked out as okay. The gas had irritated her throat, but not being someone that had transformed in any way she was safe from whatever the gas did to people. Callie lay in a bed beside her. She had been sedated because of her body’s overwhelmed nature. They said she was alright. Something about the forced change putting stress on her system. Jason had come in now. He began filling Alexia in on what had happened. Jason looked so tired as he started to tell her.

“So I was right, it was the Partisans. They had about six people. Each one had multiple canisters of that gas. They just threw it in the crowd and at Marisol. They didn’t know who would be transformed, nor did they care.” Jason rubbed his temples and then ran his hand through his hair. “Bastards just wanted to hurt as many as possible. The local hospitals are filled with those that are still in pain from the forced change and others that were just injured as a result of the chaos. It doesn’t look like anyone died at least.” Alexia looked up, “I wonder if my friends are alright?” Jason grinned, “That I can help with, the Clinic has access to the local hospitals databases. So I plugged their names in. Your friend Ashley is being treated for gas inhalation, it is kind of like when you take in too much smoke. Your friend Kira sprained her wrist. I never found your friend Bruce. So he probably didn’t need a hospital visit.”

Alexia relaxed. She lay back in her own bed and felt all the tension and adrenaline crash. She was so tired. Her entire body felt heavy. So she was fast asleep.


When Alexia awoke she looked over to see Callie watching her. “Before you start asking me questions, I am going to tell you a story. It is about a little girl who lost her parents when she was five years old. A drunk driver took their lives when he crossed the centerline. She was shuttled to an Aunt she barely knew and a Step Uncle that was not the best of men.” Callie paused for a moment. She twisted the bed sheet in her hands before continuing. “The little girl grows into a teenager. She loves to sing, but she just doesn’t have ‘the look’ her uncle would say. When she turned sixteen he began using bootleg X-Change pills on her. Slowly they were changing her into a very sultry young woman. Song Festivals, Competitions, and small venues honed her skills. Why did her aunt allow this? Well, she died of a fall down the basement stairs. I know most of this from files I have read. So my story really is a story.”

Alexia moved over to Callie and sat on her bed. She rested her hand over Callie’s and they soon were grasping each other. “I know these things because Oran and others stopped him, they interrogated him. I am getting ahead. At eighteen Marisol had fully formed. She was a sexy, fiery, Latina that was breaking onto the scene like a wildfire. The pills only lasted so long. The Step Uncle needed her around for longer periods of time. He was using more and more pills until the girl's body was building a resistance. He found a man that said he could use a process that would make it so Marisol was a permanent resident of the body.” Callie took a deep breath. “She was strapped into a chair, needles and IV’s were in her arms and legs. Her body was rippling, changing, transforming until only the up and coming music star would be her only body. That was when the world went crazy. A wall exploded and men with guns flowed in. The explosion had damaged the machine that was regulating the fluids being used. Electricity arced around and around until it settled on the bed. The body was in flux, changing from the singer to the girl. Then she passed out.”

“I was in a facility for months before they brought me to Summer City. Aphrodite used her nanites and somehow stabilized my body. For a long time it was random changes. One day I was me, the next night I was Marisol. Soon it became regular changes. I was even able to concentrate and shift sometimes when I wanted to.” Callie began crying. Alexia reached over, brushing the tears away. “The problem was I had no idea who I was, where I came from. I had no name. I did write music. I was the songwriter for my alter ego. I was writing Calypso inspired music for an album. Oran said Calypso might be a nice name. Calypso became Callie.”

Callie laid her head back, closing her eyes. “From then on I would split time being Callie and Marisol. Marisol became a hit celebrity, but aloof and hard to pin down by the paparazzi. Summer City was a logical choice for Marisol to reside as it has a kick ass AI that can keep the nosy people away. That is pretty much it. I mean you know Callie, so that is why I have to be away so many days of the month. The plus side is no X-Change pills will change me. I am confused why that gas affected me.”

Jason came into the room. “Well, somebody is looking better.” Callie smiled. “So, Alexia, I have checked in with Aphrodite. She told your Dad you were okay. He asked that Callie and I stay with you. He has been called in to help with the investigation.” Alexia nodded. “So I was just telling her about my double life, Jason.” He headed over to a chair and sat down, “Do continue, by all means.” Callie smiled. “So, yes, your sister knows. In fact she gets along quite well with Marisol. We are similar in most ways, like food and simple things. Marisol is a bit more high maintenance than I am. Give me yoga pants and just a bit of makeup and I am good to go. Marisol has to have herself put together. Designer clothes are a must. But where it counts, our compassion and kindness, we are in sync.”

“Madison likes her a bunch. They are kinda like really good girlfriends. Unlike me, Marisol is not Bi. She is all about the cock. Madison has kept my secret. In fact, asking Marisol for the tickets for you has been the only favor she has ever asked Marisol for since we started dating.” Callie tweaked Alexia’s nose, “so now you know.” Alexia digested all she had heard. “So when can I officially meet my favorite singer?” she grinned. Jason piped up, “That depends on just what that crazy gas did to our girl there.” They all settled down and began talking about the chaos that just went through.


Greg felt Daphne’s head laying on his chest as she slept. She was draped over him, their naked bodies pressed together. He felt content. Suddenly his phone blew up with alerts and ringing. He grabbed it and heard Aphrodite tell him to get to an address on the side of town where the nightlife of Summer City occurred. Daphne mumbled as he slipped her off of him, “Whats? huhn?.....five more minutes mama.” Greg smiled and kissed her on the forehead. He left a note telling her to check the news, he had to go help. With that he headed out the door. He once again was speaking with Aphrodite. Thankfully, he found out Alexia was okay. Callie had been affected, but was being treated. He was glad Madison was with Quake.


The Music Venue was a disaster. People were still being treated. There were not enough ambulances to get all them to the hospitals. Greg flashed his ID and headed inside. People were laid strewn around the floor. Arms and legs broken and twisted. Moans and agonizing cries filled the air. Greg went about looking at guys in dresses that were ripped. Some gals lay in men’s attire. The common theme being the twisted bodies, like the transformation was too fast. “Greg!” A ruffled looking man called out. “Detective Gentry, so you caught this case?” “Yeah, I am heading the task force that has been keeping an eye on these Partisans. We have been afraid of something like this happening.” Greg came up beside him. “So what exactly happened?” Dt. Gentry flipped his notebook, checking his notes. “Well, the concert was starting back after a break. People were settling down, that Marisol girl started singing and then all hell broke loose. They threw these smoke canisters. The gas in them started changing anyone that was a transformed person. Painfully.”

Greg saw the debris where drinks were dropped, there were phones, purses, even clothing. He could hardly imagine. “We have been looking for that Marisol woman, but she disappeared as the chaos started.” “Don’t worry, I know where she is. When she can, I will make sure you can interview her.” Greg said. “What? Don’t tell me she is some dude.” Greg smiled, “Not a dude, but she was affected by the gas. Aphrodite has collected residue from her and the other two with her. Our AI is breaking down the chemical compounds as we speak.” “Okay, I will trust you on this, but I will need to speak to her, changes or not.” Gentry commented.

After a while, Greg left. He headed to the clinic. Being in the position he was in, he had known Callie was also Marisol. They had never talked about it. He suddenly realized Alexia was going to be so upset that she did not know the secret. His phone rang. “Hello Daphne.” Greg answered. “Hi Lover, so I saw about the attack.” “Yeah. It was bad. I am heading over to one of our labs to see what we can find out about the gas used.” Greg said. “Okay. Well stay safe. Let me know if I can help out in any way.” Daphne said. “I will. Love you.” “Love you too.” with that they hung up and Greg sped to the Clinic to do his job, but also to check on his daughter.

WOW! So what do you feel about that twist. I didn't even realize it. Truthfully, I was surprised when I realized that they were the same person. I had struggled with what Callie's back story was and it just fell into place as I was imagining the events after the abduction. Plus, are you seeing something about Madison and the effects of her own transformations. I mean she does seem very cock obsessed. Not sure how long it will be before the next chapter is finished. I have just seen a bit of what Quake's Island will be like...opps, did I say Island?

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