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Chris had a hypnotic command planted deep in his mind.
(592 words)
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Summer was a well-mannered southern girl at heart. She knew that if something was none of her business, it was impolite (and even rude) to know it.
(2345 words)
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Two long distance kinky friends get together for their first scene in real life.
(5651 words)
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A woman wakes up, only to find that her memory is missing. She can’t remember where she, what she looks like, or even what her name is. Can she piece herself back together and work out what caused this strange turn of events?
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Sometimes sexy date night turns into your girlfriend going home early and you having a quiet night in, and that’s okay! Only… why am I so wet?
(762 words)
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CJ and Sarah are definitely have a very normal conversion, even if Sarah is a little more distractible than usual.
(2 chapters, 1948 words)
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”Or maybe it was the ship of Theseus- Janine seeing how many little pieces of her she could replace until she fundamentally just wasn’t the same person anymore.”
(1201 words)
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a woman goes out at night and meets a vampire
(365 words)
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Siempre le llega un paquete de lencería para su vecina y siempre se olvida de avisarla.
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Leo está siendo repetidamente fraccionada en una fiesta. Todo es muy raro.
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Beth is surprised when a girl turns up at her door declaring herself to be from an “Amnesia Service”.
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A queer ballet dancer develops a crush on her instructor, who somehow is able to make her dance so beautifully, even when she’s not thinking about it. A commission. (Posted 2019)
(775 words)
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A man at a hotel bar claims to know what she secretly wants, but how does he know? A commission. (Posted 2019)
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It was hard to think, but easy to want. (Posted 2018)
(1595 words)
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A college student is captivated by an older woman he sees on campus, and somehow, maybe, she knows him? (Posted 2017)