Suzi Sharp in... My Perfume!
2 - Holly
by tara
Knock, knock!
No answer. "Well, we tried." Jenny shrugs, holding onto my arm as she enjoys unlimited refills on the mind emptying scent I have her hooked on. Her body is so warm and while it feels wrong to have her standing out in the hall of her family home without a thread covering her upper half... that's what makes it so hot. It's just the distraction I need to get close enough to Holly that she's no longer concerned with anything but serving Suzi. "Ain't like the door's locked... hehe..." She still speaks like Jenny but her giggles tend to betray just how high she is in that pheromone induced reverie I've gifted her. As her hand grips the doorknob and twists it open, we spill into her sister's room a giddy pair. Naturally I'm still a bundle of nerves, knowing how badly this could go if my perfume proves ineffective on Jenny's sister, but having a slave on your arm really does wonders for your confidence. It also makes you more reckless, apparently!
Holly's bedroom is a stark contrast to Jenny's, the walls a navy blue and still covered in posters that range from recent to ancient. A glass cabinet in the corner of her exceedingly messy room displays an assortment of expensive anime figures I find myself a little jealous of, her desk and gaming set up lined with rainbow coloured lights that flood the otherwise dark room with bright colour. We find her sitting there at the desk, hood removed and large headphones covering her ears completely. To our surprise, however, Holly certainly isn't gaming.
"Nngh... mmh..." Translucent jade fills her between spread legs, the silicone toy held in tight grip as Holly holds the other hand over her mouth just as I had when Jenny's body ruined my composure. The chair is reclined in such a way that leaves her monitor unobscured from our view, displaying a scene of animated porn featuring a girl even less composed as tentacles flood her. As they writhe and pulse inside the naked protagonist on her screen, Holly's body seems to follow it like a girl possessed.
"Jenny, you should uhm... probably wait outside?" I shake myself from this light trance when I remember that the girls are sisters, Jenny is probably far too uncomfortable to stay right now and obviously I don't blame her at all.
The girl hugs my arm tighter and shakes her head, knowing that the air awaiting her out in the hall is far too fresh. I smile at that look of desperation in her eyes and concede, clearly I overestimated her discomfort or well, underestimated my perfume yet again. "I want to be wherever you are, Princess... I'll be good. So what if my sister's gooning to porn in here? I already assumed as much and... and you want to make her good for you too, huh?"
"And... you're okay with that?" I turn to face my slave, surprised by how little we need to hush ourselves only metres away from my next subject.
Jenny nods her head all too eagerly, justifying her acceptance of this in her mind without any need for assistance. "I told you she needs to come out of her shell... hehe, she'll be much more productive as your slave than she is as a free woman. Just look at what she's watching, she'd probably thank you for it. If not I'll just have to be extra thankful myself~" My slave winks and makes me light headed imagining how she might choose to show her gratitude. That can wait, I have an experiment to run!
With careful steps, we approach Holly until I stand at the back of that reclined desk chair, curiously peering over at the hentai she enjoys with a wry smile. I've definitely seen this one before. Prying my eyes away to observe Holly's state more closely, feeling a rush at the fact she's still oblivious to our presence, I drink in the sight of what she usually keeps well hidden. Those baggy grey sweatpants now dangle from one raised ankle, giving me view of legs much paler than my athletic Jenny's. Further up I spy that glistening wetness from which impatient fingers emerge, Holly seeming just as transfixed by the lust decorating her digits in a dazzling rainbow reflection before pushing them back down to run circles that almost hypnotise me. I drag my eyes upwards like a lecherous tongue, never having pegged myself such a voyeur, Holly's thick hoodie riding up in her heated reclining and leaving perfect view of sweltering midsection. She's like a perfectly marbled steak just waiting to be bought, though I don't intend to pay. Suppose I'll steal her then.
Paralysed by indecision despite my intentions being so clear, I watch until the playback ends and then quirk a brow when Holly does not lean forwards to move her computer mouse and find the next video to get her rocks off to. Jenny giggles knowingly and I turn to see how she's been taking this, her cheeks just as red as they had been when... oh! That's right, this is just like when me and Jenny sat close to each other and played that game together. The proximity seemed to sap her of all focus and direction, leaving her waiting to be claimed. I've been stood close behind Holly for a while now and think I can put this mystery to rest. Even without knowing we're here, she's already falling to my pheromones. Falling for me.
Deciding to take a plunge into the deep end, Jenny a much needed armband on my left, I lower a hand onto Holly's shoulder and feel my excitement build when she does not immediately react. After a few seconds, the woman slowly turns her head and finally snaps out of her haze when our eyes lock. Her chair wheels back and those oversized headphones practically fly from her head, Holly sitting up and looking between myself and Jenny with mounting confusion. That's okay, I can work with confusion.
"Uhm... hi! We thought we heard uh... pained moaning? And you didn't answer the door, so..." I fidget to disperse the nerves and it only works to better serve my narrative, though Jenny is not so in control as to hide her new vice.
Holly's eyes are wide, her face redder than mine and Jenny's combined as she struggles to accept this situation is even happening. The woman clearly has no idea what to do or say and I can only sympathise with a kind smile, knowing how mortified I'd be if I were in her shoes. Not that she's wearing shoes... or underwear!
"Ugh, Holly... you're always so antisocial!" Jenny chides her as though this situation is no different to the encounter from earlier, my perfume likely having warped her perception more than intended. Not that I mind. "Princess wants you to be hers for... for some reason, so you should count yourself lucky and just get on your knees. Hehe... you're such a weirdo..." Says the younger sister, seconds before making herself dizzy against my neck again as I giggle from how ticklish she's making me.
"G-g-get out of my room! I... what... princess?" I don't think I've ever seen somebody so lost, a part of her must be convinced she's dreaming. With me around it's certainly no nightmare! "Please... pretend you didn't see anything or... or I'll..."
"You'll what? Tell mummy?" Jess snickers as she used to in the peak of her bully phase, it's a little nostalgic to tell the truth. The girl slips free from my arm and steps forwards, planting a knee down between her sister's spread legs as her skin hovers dangerously close to the other's dewy blossom. "No, you'll be good for Suzi and stop complaining. I know what a freak you are, so it won't be hard to just stop caring and just do as you're told. I bet it's real hard to process what's even going on, right? Like it all makes no sense and you've no idea how to even react, if you should feel shame or anger or whatever. Well, you don't have to process it at all hehe, just give up!"
I stare at the sisters in my own state of paralysis, shocked and impressed by Jenny stepping up to help me convert her sister into fellow slave. I'd never have worked up the confidence to say such things, at least not before letting her find her foothold to reality and kick us out.
"What... what are you talking about?" Holly pulls her hoodie down to try and hide her naked crotch, noticing something wrong with her sister now too but without enough context to even try and understand what it could be. "Please... get out... I'm not... th-this isn't..."
"It's okay, Holly..." I finally swallow back my nerves and move closer myself, pulling Jenny back onto my arm where she belongs as I try my best to loom over Holly. I'm not much taller than her even while she sits, but that's okay. "Uhm... why not take another whiff of my perfume, okay? It's a nice scent isn't it? I made it myself... ehe, so you have to tell me what you think."
Killing two birds with one stone, I give Holly something innocuous to latch onto and escape from the overwhelming embarrassment she'd rather avoid at all costs, while pulling her deeper under my perfume's thrall. It's only a matter of time now, I really outdid myself with this one. It's a good thing I made myself immune to its charms, even temporarily, with those pills I have in my bag. That reminds me, I still need to dress Jenny up in the clothes I brought. Or perhaps Holly might fill them out better?
Despite it all, Holly obliges me and innocently leans forwards to breathe deep my seductive scent. A part of me wonders if she started masturbating directly because of our brush in the landing earlier, that heat I brought to her cheeks from mere passing. Now she can enjoy it properly, letting it numb the shame and humiliation and replace those unwanted feelings with docile devotion. Just like dear Jenny here, who circles around her sister's chair to push the other's shoulders forwards, deeper into my field of attraction.
Holly slumps forwards, letting go of her hoodie as it peeks up again to show me just how wet she is. So pent up, it's probably making it really hard to deny my perfumed promises. "Holly, I... I want you to just repeat after me, okay? It's just like... a game. No need to focus on anything else for now, I know you're overwhelmed b-because I certainly would be in your position ehehe..."
The woman takes a moment to think and failing that, she nods. Perfect. "O...kay? What's going ooon?"
"You're not in any danger, okay? You're safe with us." Just her sister and a friend, it shouldn't be too hard to placate her given that.
Holly tries to lean back but Jenny keeps her held close, letting out the occasional loose string of giggles directly into her introverted sister's ear even as she helps me convert the poor thing. It's okay, she should be very happy soon enough. "Not in... danger... uh... safe with you?" That's not the most dutiful repetition but I suppose it'll do for now, at least she's absorbing those words and slowly forgetting to resist.
"That's... that's right! You like being with us, it feels good doesn't it? Make sure to take a deep breath before responding." Ah, I'm finally getting into this. My days as a klutz are over, I'm in the big leagues now! A true villainess. Surely nothing can go wrong.
The woman does as instructed and her eyes give that delightful flutter that betrays just how effective my scent is on their unprotected minds, thoughts just begging to be redirected to better serve Suzi Sharp's whims. "I... like being with you? Yeah... yeah, it feels good." I catch glimpse of a placid smile before she blinks it away, still too confused and ashamed. I suppose that's next, then.
"There's no shame in feeling good, right? So you don't have to be embarrassed that you were making yourself feel good just now either. W-we all do it, don't we Jenny?" My eyes flick onto the finished slave's and she blushes, nodding while kneading fingers into Holly's slumping shoulders.
"Yes princess! I mean, Holly knows I do, that's my fucking toy she's been using. Didn't you read the 'Do Not Enter' sign on my room, freak?" I just meant for Jenny to agree out of obligation, but I suppose this confirms that she really masturbates too. I'm not sure why I'm so surprised, but given her plans for today my mind can only fixate on one thought now.
"Jenny, did... did you ever do it while thinking about me?" I suddenly feel the meek one in the room again even as Jenny hangs off every word and Holly starts to space out against my commanding scent. The slave turns to look at me and I quickly realise something, that I'd rather just construct my own ideal narrative than simply learn the truth. The truth can be too mundane, it's something to build upon. "You did, didn't you? Every time you've ever put that toy or any others to work... you were thinking of me." I step back and smile, assessing them both.
"R-right, that's right! Always princess... only princess... hehehe~" Jenny accepts the new truth easily, time to work on the next one.
"That goes for you too, doesn't it?" I snap my fingers in front of Holly's face and it slowly lifts, that faded confusion returning to the forefront.
"H-huh? I... goes for me... too? What?" Gosh I just want to own her so badly now that I've spent a little more time with the pair, they share a similar face but hold such different flavours! Holly is older in all the best ways, even her lack of athleticism has only made her into soft spectacle for my viewing pleasure.
"Yeah I mean... doesn't this gal look just like me? You're... a-always thinking about me when you're aroused." I hold my hips and stand boastfully by the screen, Jenny giggling again while Holly tries to deny the impossible truths I'm giving her, perfume unravelling her reason and favouring faulty logic instead.
"I... but that's... we only met today..."
"And aren't you glad you did? So much better now that you can put a name to that face you've been fantasising about so frequently?" Once again Jenny tags in while the words catch in my throat, moving around the seat's backrest to wrap arms around Holly's neck from the side, smothering her in more scent from where it sticks to my slave now too. Holly's eyes flutter once again and she nods into the touch. I open my mouth to resume the slow induction and find myself blindsided by Jenny once again. "Good girl, sis... now you don't have to be on your own all the time okay? Just need to do as princess says." Before I can think to stop her, Jenny leans close and plants a long kiss against Holly's lips, the latter seeming to bug out against such bewildering softness while Jenny seems happy to indulge wherever she pleases. Did my perfume just strip her of all her inhibitions entirely?
Holly stares up at her sister when the kiss finally breaks and I can tell she wants another. Why does watching this make me want to touch myself so badly? I'm supposed to be the one in control here. "O-okay... I... just need to do as I'm told?" Her lips hold a gloss from Jenny's insatiable tongue and the sight in this dim lighting almost makes me feral. I hop back towards them and feel startled when I notice just how much the whiff of my perfume instantly placates them both, close proximity seeming to make myself the only thing that could ever hold their attention. Good!
"Yeah... whatever I say goes, okay?" I lift her chin with my finger and take a deep breath to calm myself down before kissing her the same way Jenny had. I don't think I'll ever get used to this intimacy being so freely available, literally at my fingertips in this case, but I can certainly try. "Let those fantasies click into place now and uhm... you can go ahead and thank me, too."
The woman smiles more easily now, having kissed goodbye to her feeble struggle and replaced it with acceptance. "Thaaank you... miss... uhm..."
"Princess!" Jenny chimes in, giggling as she saunters over to refill her mind with mind altering chemicals against my flush skin.
"On the floor, you." I snap my fingers and point down to my feet, Jenny suddenly nodding and eagerly doing as commanded without a moment's hesitation. Ah, what a thrill~ "You too, okay? I-I need to teach you both your place." I gesture to Holly and when she stares at me all too blankly I snap my fingers and repeat myself. This time she receives the message, Jenny's sister sluggishly pulling herself up and moving to kneel beside her 'sister slave'. I drop onto the recently vacated chair and blush at the warmth left behind, looking over my kneeling playthings as they let themselves get drunk and giddy, blanketed in my perfect perfume.
Two sets of adoring eyes await instruction while I can barely control my breathing, wondering if I haven't just fallen asleep at my desk again while working on my silly experiments. It's all too good to be true, something has to go wrong eventually right? Then again, why must I always be so pessimistic. Can't I allow myself to enjoy a good thing for once? Jenny really liked me that way already, huh... oh well, I did say I was a greedy girl. Two is better than one!
"Who... who do you serve?" I fan myself with Holly's anime mousepad and admire the two of them side by side like they really are nothing but a set to be collected, each of them getting so addicted to my scent, my signal.
"You, Princess!" "P-princess?"
Even their replies contrast and yet I feel the message is the same, Holly just needs more behavioural adjustment, more educating. It made me so excited the way Jenny enforced it earlier, so maybe... "And you love me... right?"
"Yes Princess!" "I-I... love? Yeah..."
Perfect... I can't believe I'm about to do this, but I think Jenny awakened something in me earlier with her forwardness. "And you both serve me. You're both so close, you love each other too of course." Both girls nod, Jenny's hand falling over Holly's in her lap as the extroverted slave bites her lip in anticipation. "Then... show me. Prove to princess that you uhm... ahaha... actually, I-I don't know if that's a good id--"
Jenny takes Holly's arms, hands sliding down to hold her sister's elbows as she tilts the older girl towards her and pulls their bodies close. Words catch in my throat as I watch their chests kiss first, then their lips, Jenny wanting to prove herself to me so badly that she teaches Holly the joy of taking her sister's tongue into her mouth and letting it wake her own. I'm transfixed, unsure whether I should call this off or cheer them on. I do neither of course, sitting there blankly and letting a hand rest over my tenting bulge again with a sigh. When they notice my own struggle between noisy, loving kisses, both sisters shuffle close and nuzzle into my well perfumed legs. Ever playful, Jenny slides my skirt back down to my ankles and I lift my hips to allow it, wondering how this factors in to the test I've given them. My panties soon follow and Jenny guides her shy sibling up closer alongside her, their cheeks pressing into my stiffness and eclipsing it with their own soft heat.
"See? Isn't she so cute?" Jenny giggles and I feel the vibration against my helpless cock, toes curling into the carpet as I squirm breathlessly. "She's basically always like this... I love it~" The bubbly slave kisses over the stains she left last time as she guides Holly to do the same, occasionally loosening her sister up with a shared kiss of their own before telling her to repeat it against my erection. I'm in a near catatonic state by the end of their display, feeling like they went above and beyond in proving themselves. As the aftermath of my third orgasm runs down the spit-shone shaft, Jenny generously allows Holly the honours, standing up and grabbing her sister's head as she guides her again. Holly timidly licks me clean as Jenny directs her, swallowing once she's given the go-ahead and looking more owned than ever once I fill her belly.
This is more than I can take... I've hit the lottery here, but I don't even know how to begin spending my winnings. I stand up onto shaky legs and Jenny quickly moves to support me so that she can have her fill of my scent. I did bring the bottle in my bag but the concoction actually lasts so long I have to neutralise it usually rather than let it run the full 48 hours until it starts to lose its effectiveness. Even then it wanes slowly. One thing I do need to get from my bag more immediately are the pills that I made to grant immunity, else I'll leave a fine mess to find with myself in the centre. I check my watch and start to sweat, it's already past when I planned to take my next dose.
"C-could you take me back to your room, Jen? I need something from my bag..."
"Of course, Princess! Holly you come help too, and take that ridiculous tracksuit off before I peel it off for you hehe..." Jenny supports me from one side while Holly takes the other only after stripping down into... nothing. Her body is so enticing to me, a heaping of puppy fat I could die for, nipples I'd struggle to fit into my mouth... Maybe I really have died!
As we step towards the door and I watch the knob slowly turn by itself, I realise I should have stipulated there... 'and gone to heaven.'
"Ah... it's in here, Ruby." I hear an older woman's voice from the other side of the door and watch in silent horror as it creaks open, landing light spilling into this den of depravity. "The smell's definitely coming from in h- oh, hello girlies." A middle aged bombshell of a woman blocks our path and I almost let out a bout of panicked laughter, staring at that lowcut red dress and the matching glass of deep burgundy merlot that hangs from her fingers like permanent fixture.
Jenny's mother soon follows behind the tipsy aunt, both seeming to have followed the scent of my perfume. From all the way downstairs? Is its reach expanding? Ah, this is why I need to test it... right?
The two older women stare into the room, at the state of our unlucky trio, with piercing gazes. I realise I'm not getting to my pills any time soon and finally I laugh, nervously and sardonically at the same time.
I knew I'd mess up eventually... but hey, this has to be a new record!
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