Suzi Sharp in... My Perfume!

1 - Jenny

by tara

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #hypnosis #multiple_partners #sub:female #brainwashing #mind_control #perfume #pov:top #scent_control #transgender_characters

"God I'm so fucking jealous of you, Suzi. I hate living at home like this, especially when I'm bringing a friend back like I'm fucking 16 again. I'm 20 and those four years make a world of difference, eh Suz? Uh, that said... we will be playing the shit out of my Wii okay? You're a textbook nerd so I'm banking on you unlocking me Dry Bowser..." Jenny stretches out her arms and enjoys her last few breaths of uncompromised fresh air as her feet shift onto the paved driveway. I can't believe I'm really doing this, but there's no turning back now. I've wanted her since high school, the moment my hypnosis kink began to develop it was always Jenny's blank face that I yearned to see, her eyes brimming with obedience and adoration all for me. I think she's straight but it hardly matters, even if I asked her out and she agreed it wouldn't be enough for me, I'm such a greedy girl. 

"O-okay but I'm no good at doing the motion controls... ehe... uhm, you smell nice Jen." My nerves are even more frayed than usual, hoping my experiment has not already fallen flat on its face at the first juncture. I'm so rash, I never even tested it outdoors. Guess I was just so excited at the prospect of drugging my childhood friend into becoming my sweet submissive that I expedited things some... it'll be fine, I have the bottle in my rucksack, along with a change of clothes for Jenny later should she be so willing. 

The redhead turns, quirking her brow with that amused smile she always gives when I've said something strange. 'Suzisms', she calls them, it's meant mockingly but I've taken some pride in that slice of real estate I hold in my friend's mind. I think it'll be expanding soon, in fact I plan on buying out the entire lot. "Oh I get it, new perfume? You're not very subtle, Suzi, though I almost took your funny comment at face value and thought you were complimenting my post-workout funk. Don't worry I'll hop right in the shower when we get in, I'd suggest you stay in my room cause it's not exactly an empty house and my family is annoying as fuck... here, lemme get a whiff if you're so desperate! Christmas gift? Better be top shelf hehe." 

My heart pounds as Jenny leans in close and breathes in the corrupting scent I slaved away at concocting for the better part of a year. When working correctly it should imitate something close to primer pheromones seen in bee colonies, otherwise known as the 'Queen Signal'. Of course I've modified it heavily, though until now the only test subject I had available was myself... I felt far too nervous to try it on anybody else until it was perfect and judging by the sheer amount of lipstick I had to wipe from the mirror last session... well, I just hope it affects Jenny half as much as it did myself!

The whiff of my perfume enters through the girl's nostrils and slowly fills her lungs, Jenny looking up at me with confusion in her suddenly heavy eyes as she sighs out longingly. For just a handful of seconds the girl looks lost, like she's mine, then her eyes suddenly blink away the light haze of trance and she giggles it off. "Wow, it's pretty strong! Think maybe you laid it on a little thick, Suzi, but I guess it's good enough to turn boys' heads hehe..."

"Y-you know that's the last thing I'd want." Well we're still outside, I have plenty of time to replace Jenny's fresh air with my queenly scent when we're up in her room, by then her heavy blinks should only pull her deeper into loyalty and obsession. The image is so hot that my cheeks begin to heat up, if she notices I can pass it off as being flustered over that silly comment she just made.

Jenny laughs again and I notice a similar redness in her own cheeks, she's a little flushed from my perfume after all even if she hasn't noticed. Or perhaps she has and she's trying to move the conversation while grappling with confusion, wondering why she's suddenly seeing me in a slightly different light. Oh Jenny, how I need to see you fall for me. "Oh yeah? Suzi and boys are like oil and water, right? I bet you'd have trouble finding their cocks! You want me to start calling you Sister Sharp again? Abstinent field mouse Suzi?  God I was such a bitch in high school..."

I raise an eyebrow as we ascend the steep driveway with embarrassing difficulty on my part, observing my former bully turned only friend. Most would say my low self esteem is the only reason I'd even associate with this girl after what she put me through in the past, but personally I would call it an investment. Anybody could see that she's still picking on me now under the guise of reminiscence, but the truth is that I never felt too hurt by the words meant to mock me, the attention was all to intoxicating and it still is. At some point the teasing only made me more excited to see her, like it was cathartic to have somebody else tag in and chide me for all the things I already hated about myself.

"I-I like you as you are, Jenny... well, almost." 

"Huh? What was that?" The girl turns right on her doorstep, searching pockets for her house key as I take the opportunity to invade her space again, using the poor social skills expected of me to mask my true intentions. 

"I know where guys' dicks are, Jenny, same place mine is hehe..." My tone is almost a whisper but I'm so close it doesn't matter. Again the girl breathes deep and her eyelids lightly flutter, her gaze lowering to my plaid skirt as I actually catch her gulp. "And... uhm... seems my perfume turns girls' heads too."

She's like a deer caught in headlights, unable to justify why she's so petrified by my presence as the queen signal rewrites her priorities. Her wants and needs, her libido, the very way she sees me. Noticing her hand frozen in her purse, I lean even closer and slip my fingers past hers to pick up her key and jangle it before her eyes. The way she snaps out of it so sluggishly, no longer quite so smug and energetic, makes me unwell. 

"God, Suz... you lace that shit with chloroform or what? Next time I'll show you an appropriate amount or you'll be engaging in chemical warfare with all of your prospective Mr Sharps." Quickly turning and letting out a long sigh, Jenny fumbles with the lock as my anticipation and excitement only grow. This is really working, I'm going to turn this girl into my brainwashed plaything and there isn't a thing she can do to stop it now! "C'mon let's try not to cause a scene, like I said it ain't an empty house. My sister should be holed up in her room, she's worse than you I fucking swear... and I think my aunt should be here too, probably day drinking bougie ass wine with my mom in the living room. Steer clear, it's a matter of life and death cause they will talk you into an early grave." Jenny leads me up the staircase as she grumbles about her family, still, it must be nice to live in a house with so many other women. I'm thinking indecent thoughts again... bad Suzi. 

As we reach the top of the stairs and my eyes fall upon the door across from us rather cutely labelled 'Jen's Lair - Do Not Enter!' I can't help but feel like she's been hiding just how much of a dork she can be as well, perhaps that's why we're still friends despite everything else. "Listen... I've had that on my door since I was like 12, don't read into it. Tell anybody and you're dead." It's a hollow threat of course, who would I tell?

We get half way across the upstairs landing before the bathroom door to my right slowly creaks open and I'm set upon by skittish eyes I can't help but mirror. Huh, I've never met Jenny's sister before and I'm starting to understand why. Jenny's right, the two of us make quite a pair. The door is held ajar with a pair of eyes peeking out and ushering us along. I step forwards to leave her to it but Jenny grabs my arm. Regretfully, I squeak at the sudden touch which seems to dissolve the tension some. What am I, a jester? No... that was actually a highly respected station. I'm simply a fool. 

"She needs to learn to not be so weird, don't you Holly? Come out or I'll tell Auntie that you want to tipple with the big girls." Holly's eyes widen and she opens the door fully, the dark haired girl hiding herself under an oversized grey hoodie and matching sweatpants. The contrast between the two sisters could not be any more different, only they share such similar faces. 

"You're mean. I won't forget this. Won't forgive..." Dark eyes focus in on Jenny's and my best friend can only laugh, gesturing to the other's room impatiently. As Holly steps out into the landing and brushes past me without so much as acknowledging my existence, I once again catch sight of my pheromones at work when the heat kisses her pale cheeks. It's only because I'm looking, but why? This is just a test and Jenny is my target, not Holly. Still... a set might be nice... 

"She's so dramatic. Can you believe she's the older one? By a lot too, the poor slob's 25." Jenny rolls her eyes as Holly hastily shuts her door, likely thinking of my cloying perfume and her strange brush with it. I'll just... push that to the back of my mind and focus on why I'm here! That is, Jenny. I can already tell that my perfume is distracting her from the casual glances and the fact she forgets her shower entirely. I don't mind, I'm fresh enough for the both of us. 

We finally enter Jenny's room and I take it in with lopsided smile, my younger self would never have imagined being invited into such a private place. Flecks of paint are missing from the girl's adorably pink walls, likely where posters have been swiftly removed after years of decorating the room. She only has a small bed, just a single tucked into the corner of the room while half of the space is taken up by drawers upon which a fine mess sits. Her television looks ancient and sits low to the ground, Jenny setting herself down on the excessively fluffy rug by her bad as she leans against the frame with a pillow. The whole thing is intoxicating to me, standing here in another girl's room. Jenny's own little world. 

"Aw shit I got comfy now, go turn the Wii on for me okay?" She grins slyly and I can't help but blush. Even with my currently plans proceeding so smoothly I still secretly revel in being pushed around by her, though I'm even more excited to see that dynamic finally flip. She stretches out with a yawn and my eyes don't leave her for a second, Jenny finally noticing my statuesque self and giving me a questioning look. "Unless you'd rather creep on me like some gormless dude? Can't say I hate the attention!" Ah, she's so cute... I can barely contain myself but I steel my resolve and move to power on the console and TV with a nervous hum. 

"Here." I plod back over the cushioned rug and hold out the plastic wheel controller while I go for good old fashioned inputs... motion controls are too difficult, I get too jittery when the pressure piles on. Making sure to sit myself down close to Jenny, our shoulders lightly brushing, I notice her give me another odd look but choose to ignore it. After a few breaths she doesn't think to create more distance so I'll take it as a win.

For a while we sit in relative silence as the TV's glow spreads over us in the dim room like a blanket. I don't pay too much attention to the quiet at first, we're both focused on the game and besides, I'm not an overtly social creature so tend to default to this state. It's only when I notice Jenny crashing her kart all too frequently that I begin to realise something's up. When I beat her in battle mode and the girl does not so much as groan, I finally turn to check on her and the sight is to be forever burned into my memory. 

Jenny leans against my shoulder and stares up at me with soft round eyes I've never seen her wear before, her face is so flush I can feel the heat it radiates and her hands can barely keep the plastic wheel held upright. Simply put, she looks utterly infatuated with me in a way that threatens to alter my own brain chemistry just as much. "Y-you okay there, Jen? Need to take a breather?" A poor but deliberate choice of words, though I'm far too nervous to be smug. 

I watch as she breathes deep the scent of my perfume and relaxes against me further, biting her lip while unable to pry those eyes away from my body and return them to the screen. "What... haha, sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me. It's just..." The controller slips between her fingers and disappears into the fluffy rug between her thighs. Jenny lowers her head and then suddenly brings her face closer, so close that her breath tickles my neck and makes my own breath hitch in anticipation. "You just smell soooo good, Suzi..." Indulgently, Jenny presses her nose into the crook of my neck and inhales more of that addictive mixture I worked tirelessly at perfecting just for her. This is an act of benevolence on my part, clearly. 

"I... I do? Haha, you must really like the new perfume I guess." I feel myself spacing out a little, unable to focus on the TV or anything else in the room as my fingers tighten into the fluff of Jenny's rug and I let the girl get high against my neck. She's just as dizzy as I am, I think with a ditzy grin, gasping in surprise when the girl suddenly lands on my waist. Jenny straddles me comfortably, her body now blocking the forgotten game entirely while she leans forwards to wrap arms around my neck and bury her face into my shoulder... my collarbone... 

"Sorry, ahaha... this is so weird. Am I being weird, Suzi? I... I can't get enough of you right now, it's sooo weird... did I already say that?" Watching the confusion unfold in real time, feeling her weight atop me and the way she uses me so wantonly... my skirt tents almost painfully. Thankfully Jenny is far too distracted to notice even when every pleasing wiggle of her hips pushes her against it more snugly. I'm in heaven, but I'm also holding on for dear life. If my heart gives out it'd be a fine finale. 

Tentatively, I raise my hand and softly run my fingers through her hair. Jenny leans into the touch without really thinking, this is working exactly as intended. "You're not being weird at all... just... uhm, just friends hanging out. We're close, right? So it's n-not weird at all. Okay?" 

Jenny's eyes lose focus as she breathes in more compromised air, nodding eagerly to the excuse I so benevolently afford her. If she can latch onto any justification no matter how flimsy, she can allow further indulgence without holding back. "Close... we're close, y-yeah! I love being close to you, Suzi! You smell so g-good and I just... mmmff~" When she notices my raised arm, Jenny pushes forwards and presses her nose into my underarm with giddy excitement. The thrust of her hips against my sunken stiffness has me mewling helplessly and at long last Jenny notices. I've always wanted her to notice me like this, though I'm a little overwhelmed by the results already. I never expected things to start off so intense, my only other human test subject was terminally shy and I never considered that I might have been holding back even under the pheromone's influence. 

"Oh my god you're so fucking hard... what the hell, is... is that for me?" I'm surprised by Jenny's excitement, like it's a Christmas present sitting under the tree just for her. As she pulls back and sits up straight, straddling my tenting skirt with a beaming smile, my best friend Jenny practically wears hearts in her eyes. "Did you like... drug me, Suzi? I knew... knew you were a creep... hehe..." The girl begins to rock her hips and I melt against the feeling even through our clothing. 

"A-ahh... Jenny, I can't..." My throat feels dry, tongue snaking out to wet my lips as I gasp and pant against such an amazing feeling. Her weight against me, stimulating me so eagerly, like she's thanking me with her body. "Take your shirt off." My fingers snap and the queen signal activates something in her brain that gives her no choice but to obey, Jenny hastily pulling off her top as she bounces atop me so pleasantly. My legs splay over the rug and I can barely breathe when she removes her bra too, getting ahead of herself I see... For a while I sit there and do my best not to make noise, mesmerised by the sight of Jenny's breasts and their firm bounces. 

Just before I find myself hypnotised, brainwashed by those perfect tits that now belong to me, I feel a familiar tightness against unfamiliar touch and cup a hand over my mouth to ride out my first orgasm given graciously by another person. "Hahh... Jenny... I think I j-just--"

"Already? Adorable..." Jenny rolls onto her side and sinks her face into the side of my stomach where my shirt has ridden up. I applied the perfume liberally, something which seems to have paid off wonderfully when the girl begins to creep lower, sliding tartan skirt down to my knees and lowering warm soft cheek onto my damp crotch. I watch her eyes cross as she breathes in through my panties and mine almost join her. "Suzi..." She seems to plead with my body, not looking up at me as I meekly reach out to curl fingers into her hair and hold her there. For a while we stay like this, Jenny's face pushed against my lap as she's brainwashed by that heady concoction of mind altering perfume and my own exposed lust. When I start to grow hard again, it seems to wake Jenny up and she lets out a long string of airy giggles before hooking a finger around my panties and releasing my cock at last. 

"Ah... ahaha... uhm, Jenny? Are you okay? I-I didn't think--" 

"Woah, it's not very big!" I feel my shot nerves salute, Jenny's hot, excited breaths collapsing against my erection as she loses herself further to my perfume. The girl straddles my knee and lowers herself down to grind dampness onto the stockinged joint. Again I'm caught in a limbo between heaven and hell, humiliated and honoured in a single breath and the many others that follow. I want to snap my fingers and command her to suck as much as I want to order her retreat so that I may catch my breath. 

Jenny locks eyes with me and bites her lip slyly, the sight seeming to empty out all my own thoughts though not nearly as effectively as when she leans closer and drags her tongue across my shaft. So sweetly her tongue coats my modest member, so softly does she giggle at the way my fingers curl into my skirt. The way I moan, just for her, as I have on many lonely nights while lost in shameful fantasy. 

"It's cute, aha... everything about you is so fucking cute..." My best friend covers my cock in lipstick while cupping my recently shaven balls, treating the package like an idol of worship as I lay back and try my best not to choke and die on this moment. "I was going to kiss you, today. If you unlocked me that final character ahaha... I think you're pretty dense, Suzi." Forgetting my cock for the time being even when it begs for more attention, Jenny drags herself up my thigh and wraps arms around my neck again. Lips that just touched my sex now plant across my jaw and I watch Jenny's eyes flutter with each deep inhale. "I picked on you for so long, it wasn't very nice of me huh? I think... I didn't know how else to do it? You've always been cute... I sometimes feel bad that you don't have other friends but then at the same time I love having you to myself. So cute~" 

I feel waves of dizziness crashing over me as Jenny timidly kisses me on the lips, her own parting mine so briefly that it's already over by the time I've processed it. "Jenny, you mean... you invited me to your room for uh..."

"Some really gay shit, yeah... you're so clueless, but I love that about you!" She rests her face in my neck again, utterly addicted already. 

"L-love?" Even with hypnotic perfume on my side I feel that this has become an even battle.

"I think... yeah... you smell so good that I fell in love just now! It's like... like I can't deny you anything anymore, Suzi, I just... just want to be good and ah-" Jenny lifts her head and presents me with the prettiest and most docile smile I've ever seen, her pupils heavily dilated. "And do as I'm told..." 

Finally, the initial excitement seems to have levelled out and left me with a slave ready to obey her queen's strong signal. The girl sits on my thigh with newfound blankness kissing her expression, tinting cheeks pink and letting hair drape down absently. While regaining my well beaten composure, I brush the hair behind her ear and lean forwards to kiss her on my own terms at long last. "You're going to be a good girl for me now, aren't you Jenny?" I'm shocked I got through that without stammering, but that beautiful emptiness in her eyes has my confidence temporarily bolstered. 

"Good girl? Uhm, yeah, totally. I'll be good, Suz..." Seeing her fall deeper under control has me over the edge and in an instant, my second climax meets Jenny's lower back. 

"Y-you can call me Queen or something like that... okay, slave?" I realise I'm still just as addicted to Jenny as she is to me, both feelings seem to deepen parallel to one another, a tug of war with an endless rope. 

Jenny lights up and paws at my chest greedily, that playful look she gets when she's about to tease me somehow finding its way back onto her submissive face. "Alright, Princess~" 

I can't help but pout at the compromise and know that I could snap it away and have her call me queen, but didn't I already admit that her mocking sometimes feels good? She accepted being called a slave, so it's fine! "Now... you sorta threw a wrench into my experiment." I stroke her hair shyly, but find that the confidence settles in the more she leans into the touch so willingly. Like a needy housecat. "I never knew you liked me that way... maybe I am clueless hehe. Still, I can't be sure if this only worked so well because of those feelings, your plans to make me yours even though you now know that you're mine."

"I'm yours, Princess!" My first slave beams, skin so flush it could singe. 

"Right... but, uhm... I still need to test its actual effectiveness on somebody less uh... primed?" Accidentally so, but the word still turns me on so much I feel dizzy again. 

Jenny nods as if she understands, before tilting her head and giggling. The sound trails off slowly as my perfume invades her mind again and Jenny is soon back where she belongs, indulgently burying her face into my chest. 

"Slave... I think..." I swallow, not sure how my new plaything is going to react to this even as intoxicated as she is. Not sure if I should even be going down this road but unable to stop myself either way. 

"Mmh?" Each time she lifts her head I can tell its heavier, Jenny so deeply entranced that her eyes don't fully open even as mine fix onto them. 

"I-I think we need to pay a visit to your sister's room."

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