Girl, Intergraded

by tara

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #conditioning #exhibitionism #feminization #hypno #mind_control #multiple_partners #objectification #solo #transgender_characters

A series of voicemails left by Abigail Porter’s ex documenting another ill-fated investigation into the enigmatic mind controller, Angel. The third story in the Dear Abby series.

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Straight to voicemail, eh? You sure know how to make a guy feel welcome. Jury's out on if that's even applicable to me according to my dickhead friends, though. To be fair I no doubt have more skirts in my closet right now than you've got skeletons. Or skirts, for that matter. Anyway... was kinda hoping for a less one sided chat but I guess this'll do. I told you about Abby walking out on me, yeah? It's pretty surreal, I don't think she's coming back but like... all her shit's still in my place and I can't get in touch with her at all. I was talking about her skirts if it wasn't obvious... just so you know. Tried her sister too, a real 'In case of emergency break glass' effort and it still amounted to jack. Isn't that weird? I'm like the least threating person ever so I'm really not sure what this is all about.

Shit, Maggs, you know I'm dumb as a bag of bricks so if I did something this bad to upset her I'll never figure it out. Just needed someone to talk to I guess, but the phone's a good a listener as any. Remember when we last had you over for dinner? She was all over me then, I even considered surprising her with a ring one of these days even I know she'd hate it! Y'know, I keep thinking about all her shit just sitting here and... that's not normal right? Some of these are like, highly sentimental possessions and others are way too valuable to ditch. If she hadn't left me a voicemail I'd assume she was kidnapped, for Christ's sake. 

But then, you can threaten people into saying they're fine over the phone right? I mean the craziest shit me and Abbs got up to was buying a little pot from time to time, so I can't imagine how she'd get wrapped up in something that serious but... yeah. I dunno. Sound like some crackpot conspiracy theorist when I'm probably just a bit heartbroken, haha. If Anna ain't picking up either then Abigail's probably staying with her, right? She's always been a bit rash, I'm sure she'll calm down soon enough and at least get in touch to pick up her stuff. Shoved it all in the spare room so it's out of sight and out of mind. Still working on that last part, I guess. Talk to you later, if you don't pick up again I'll drive all the way over and pull your hair like I did when we were snot-nosed kids. The second I get a driving license, anyway. Connor out. 

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Well if I wasn't already paranoid I sure as shit am now. Is it really so hard to pick up the phone for your dear baby 'to be decided'? Listen, I've had a weird week. Understatement of the fucking century, I've had a week that makes Dali look mundane. Maybe this is an invasion of privacy but after another week of radio silence I may have started snooping. Abby took her laptop with her but she's still signed into her emails on my computer and uhhh... you've gotta read this shit, Maggie. I can't tell if the shit she wrote about is real or if she's been cheating on me in some elaborate, fetishistic roleplay. These are more in line with my kinks than hers, though. 

You know, my friends were real weird about me letting Abbs book a hotel in another city but I trusted her enough. Even when she extended her stay, I wasn't suspicious. I really am a clueless idiot. Maybe dangerously so if this isn't just cheating. Look I'm not so stupid I'd buy into such unrealistic, insane crap... but I followed up some of the stuff she wrote about. Turns out she really did get in touch with the cops, multiple times, so I don't know what to make of this now. 

Oh right I'm getting ahead of myself, haven't even said what was in the damn emails... talk of brainwashing, sex cults, some bitch named Angel who seduced or charmed her or whatever, has her convinced of all sorts of fantastical things. It's not that I believe it all, but I'm convinced that Abby does and that worries me. She was sending these to an old friend of hers and the last one well, it reads like a lure... and sure enough, I can't get in contact with this Samantha woman either! 

Starting to think that Abigail's wrapped up in something unhealthy, even roleplay can go too far when it upends your life like this. She never officially broke up so if I go after her I'm not just the clingy ex sticking their nose into other people's business, right?

Stay safe out there Maggs, lock your doors and all that shit. Speak soon. 

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

I called Mom earlier to see if you're alright since you won't pick up the damn phone. You're living back home, eh? Guess I don't have to worry about you starving or being on the streets or anything but uh... she said you're holed up in your room? What's with that? Just makes me want to pester you more if I'm honest, if you're not ready to talk then at least listen. I hope you're listening cause I sure as shit can't talk to mom or any of my old friends about all of this. 

Did I just say 'old friends'? Guess that's a slip, but whatever. Between poor taste jokes about Abigail and the comments on my increasingly experimental wardrobe that veer into places I don't much like, I guess I just don't feel like hanging with them these days. Maybe all that shit you used to say about guys is right on point after all. God, I said that as if wasn't one of 'em... haha. Anyway, I didn't just call to pry into your personal affairs though you can absolutely colour me interested, I hope you're okay. If some guy hurt you or something, well... I dunno if I can do much but just take your time and be safe, okay?

Now that the boring sibling talk is out of the way... I'm ashamed to admit that I'm buying into this conspiracy stuff more than I probably should, but if that's the case I'd be a dumbass to trace the exact same steps that Abigail took and end up getting sucked in the same way she did. Her mistake was investigating this at all, or well, being so obvious about it at least. I can't just let it lie, can I? I've decided not to stick out my neck like Abby did, I'm gonna hire a private investigator instead. Get a real professional involved, one who can be discrete and compile enough evidence for me to actually do... something. I'd love to discover that Abigail's just exploring new kinks, even if it meant she's gone about it in the cruellest way possible. 

Maybe it's good you're not leaving your room, even if you're nearly 30, there's some weird shit going on out in the world right now. Heh, maybe that's not a very responsible thing to say. Call me anytime, if not I'll leave more annoying voicemails to pester you with okay? Bye for now.

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Guess who? Mom told me she heard you listening to my last voicemail so I thought I'd send another since you love them so much. If you were on the other end of the line right now you'd probably call her creepy for pressing her ear to the door like that but hey, at least she cares. If I were home I'd probably kick your door down even if you still need space, so perhaps it's for the best that I'm too preoccupied to visit right now. You'll tell us what's going on eventually, right?

Blehh... sorry to labour the point. Got some news of my own at least, I actually went and hired a PI like I said I would. Took a few days to find the right one, never done anything like this before and I didn't really get how it all worked. Also I'm not exactly loaded with cash right now, so I had to lowball a little... or a lottle... Ashamed to say this but when I saw the newest one on the site I was using was a heavily discounted service 'cause they're new on there and that they specialise in cult investigation, I bit the bullet and got in touch. 

Expected most private investigators to be greying dudes with incomprehensible backgrounds, but I'm meeting this woman tomorrow and she said to look out for black hair and dark shades. Feel like I'm in a fucking spy movie, it's kind of exciting, or it would be if the reality of all of this didn't just hit me. She gave me references though, so this gal ain't just a first time amateur looking to make a quick buck off of me, the sucker I am. I was looking up what to do and guess I'll ask to see her license too, just to make sure I'm not being scammed. Cheap as this is, I wouldn't even be that upset. I'd love to do right by Abby but these fucking bills, man. I forgot how tough it is to live by yourself, girl was working her ass off for us too... 

Well I'll let you know how it goes cause why the fuck not, right? Feeling pretty lonely lately, feel free to grace me with your voice whenever. Till then, peace.

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Hey Maggs, it's just me. Met the PI chick in a local cafe and she's legit, not just in her identification but her results too. Before we even met to confirm I was hiring her and discuss payment, she'd made a fancy ass dossier. There wasn't a ton of info but what there was impressed a bum like me who hadn't gotten anywhere in weeks. She'd already acquired the address of where Abby's been staying, apparently Anna's there too just her emails said. I know I haven't gone into too much detail on what she wrote and well... I wish I could say her being with her sister comforted me instead of the opposite. 

Rachel, the PI, told me not to go to the place myself which... yeah, fair enough. She's going to dig up the homeowner's name and if it's this Angel woman, hopefully she'll get enough dirt on her that the pigs have no choice but to take us seriously. I was feeling pretty good, sitting there sipping at my sickeningly sweet coffee, when this Rachel asked for my pronouns. Caught me a little off guard, I'm used to mixing in progressive circles online but most of my experience out in the city with regular folks has been fairly right of centre. So I was surprised at the question. I actually froze up, not sure what to say. Usually these days I avoid the question, defaulting to what I was born with when pressed but also feeling a bit weird about it. You know how I am, I remember how much it pissed you off when we were younger how I'd always 'copy your hobbies'. So when I was asked so directly I think I just sorta hesitated, there was this look in her eyes like she'd picked up on something I'm still catching up to. I just said 'any' in the end, which is a first. Fuck it, they're just words right?

Maybe while I wait to see what Rachel finds, I should do some discovering of my own, haha... I'll catch you up soon, can't believe you won't phone me back. 

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Sorry for the long silence, been an odd couple of weeks. There's a lot of that recently, strangeness. Hey you said you always wanted a sister right? I remember you saying that if you had to put up with me acting like one anyway I might as well be the real thing. Maybe those words made more of an impression than I thought, maybe not. It would have been nice to be your younger sister I think, I'd have gotten all the clothes you outgrew and given the alternative with Mom's crappy income that'd have been fine by me. I was talking to Rachel about it at lunch today and when she asked me what aspects of being a guy I enjoyed, felt good about, I... I couldn't think of a single one. I jokingly said I was more in touch with my feminine side, maybe not the best thing to say, but she was quick on the response. "I can tell." She said, smiling like it was so casual. While I'd like it to be true, maybe, there's not much feminine about me. Not like, typically at least. I'd say I'm more like Abby in that regard but there I go again, comparing myself to the women in my life. Don't have to ask my old buddies to know most men don't do that.

I should backtrack a little, huh? Went to dinner with Rachel to go over her findings, it wasn't like a date... but it wasn't not one either. I guess I brushed over how flirty our conversation had been in the cafe when we first met in person, I mean I felt guilty about Abby. I still do, but nobody's ever seen me like Rachel does you know? She treats me differently and lonely as I am, I think I'm hooked on that feeling. Like I can be myself. It's tough cause I'm still paying for her services, but it's not like there's any power dynamic at play right? It was a fancy fucking restaurant, her choice not mine to be clear. Sorta made the discount I got on her seem moot, but I don't really regret it just yet. It was nice, normal. Or weird in a good way... not weird, different. Gosh I'm rambling... When I complimented her dress she said I'd look good in it, when I mentioned wanting to grow my hair out more she was enthusiastic in a way that made me genuinely smile. Then she said I had a pretty smile. A pretty smile? I'm still red. 

Still going by Connor at the moment, Abby called me Connie sometimes but it seems a little cheesy to just flip my birth name. Th-that's if I want to do anything like that, I'm just sort of experimenting. I want to ask Rachel if we can still see each other once her work's done but I've never felt so fucking shy and... I don't know where me and Abby'll be by that point. Guess it's over if I'm having these thoughts, I don't want to be an asshole boy-- partner, y'know? 

Speaking of Rachel's work, we did actually discuss that too, I wasn't just there to let a beautiful woman make me question my identity with a side order of shrimp. She got the records for the property and confirmed it's under Angel's name, so I'm convinced the place is some sort of commune or whatever. I got some photos too, almost thought I saw Abby in one of them but I can just barely tell the twins apart, don't ask me how. Never seen Anna in the nude before, almost choked on my salad when my lovely dining partner sprung such a shot on me in the middle of a crowded area. The bleach blonde Annabelle Porter just standing there without a thread protecting her modesty, it was so perfect the way she presented herself through the glass doors of the balcony that it almost looked staged, like some naughty photoshoot. Made me wonder how long Rachel must have been out there waiting, she's really dedicated. 

Only managed to get the back of Angel's head so I still don't know what she looks like. Abby wrote about hypnotising herself with just that sight but as I held the photograph in my hand I couldn't really see it. There was no spiral, no swinging watch, just a regular looking blonde. Guess I'm not taken in the way she was, not primed to frame everything related to this Angel woman as the work of real angels or what have you. We can agree that she's no regular person at least, but I just think she's some power hungry freak who needs to stop messing with people's lives. Guess that's pretty self-righteous, but hey I'm doing the right thing aren't I? Rachel seems to think so... said she's really impressed that I'm stepping up like this, going so far to protect the people I love. I wonder what you make of it all, Maggie, you'd usually have such a mountain of words for me by now I'd be suffocated in a verbal avalanche. 

Keep eating all of Mom's shitty meals and keep your strength up. Love you lots, speak soon okay?

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Hic! Ahaha... Oh fuck, ignore that... uhm, where to start... ahaha, sorry Maggs my heads a mess right now. Thought I'd call you instead of getting shit done, your booming silence should sober me up some or at least let me procrastinate a little longer. I think I fucked up big time, I barely drink at all but even so... this is getting messed up... Yesterday afternoon, closer to evening really, Rachel told me she'd discovered something huge. It wasn't very professional of her not to just wait until the morning, the excitement in her voice was so refreshing though. I forgot what it was like to have a voice on the other end of the phone, Maggs. I'm not sure how the conversation led there but she asked if I wanted to come see her so she could show me what she'd uncovered. I was a little shocked when I realised she didn't mean a bar or anything and was instead just inviting me over to her place. Of course I was nervous and a little tongue-tied, not sure if I was reading too much into things. What a strange way to meet someone, right? Imagine telling that story to your kids... they'd think terribly of you, no doubt. 

Even so, I went. Guess I was high off of all the good ideas I've been having lately that I figured I could afford a bad one. I even took a condom just in case this wasn't really about work. I think I've gotten a little lost in her. Rachel, that is. She was smothered in thick perfume when she answered the door and it made me feel a little high, but also jealous of how effortlessly feminine she is. I sobered up a little when she led me into her office and not her bedroom, my excitement over seeing her replaced with anticipation over what she discovered that simply couldn't wait. Watched her sit down at her desk and throw one leg over the other, beckoning me closer onto a stool that had me so much lower. I think she made a joke about that. I think. She was too distracting, like just her presence. I wondered if I'd fucked up in not hiring one of those greying old dudes I mentioned before. I started to feel like how Abby described she did around that Angel woman, which made my skin crawl even if I didn't really fight it.

Rachel told me everything I could possibly want to hear and like a true sucker I ate it up, if she offered peanuts on her palm I'd have probably sucked them up too and licked every speck of salt from her skin. That's how enamoured I was, a few well placed comments where I was most vulnerable and a little romantic flirting and I'd fallen for my PI like some dumb horny boy that thinks with his dick. I think I'm in deep here, Maggs. She told me she had compiled a full dossier on this Angel woman that she was sure would be actionable in court, presented the file to me... it was thick and sure I flicked through it but when she asked if I wanted to read through it closely... she was already cracking a celebratory bottle open and I closed it. Said I trusted her better than myself when it came to those things anyway, took a glass and threw it back. 

It's the last concrete memory I have of last night. Complete blackout. I woke up at my own place, no sultry investigator snuggling up for warmth or anything like that. I was mortified, having no idea what happened and only able to imagine the most embarrassing outcomes. This is where things go from bad to worse, though. Rachel's not responding to me at all, calls or texts. Even a well worded email might as well have gone into her spam folder. God I was so pissed off, she had some breakthrough evidence and now it was out of reach. More than that, I just wanted to see her and apologise for whatever I did that made such a bad impression.

Then... ahaha... fuck. Then the giggles came. Whenever I paused for thought, or just sort of stayed idle for too long, I'd let out one just like that. All high pitched and humiliating. Got me real paranoid and then it hit me... there's no way I'd have blacked out drinking. Rachel carefully dropped my guard and finally lured me into a place where she could take her time messing with my head into the early hours of the night. Ah... ahahaha... I'm not completely stupid, Maggie, you think I don't know what this means? 

You tipped her off didn't you? Angel, that is. I told you I was going to hire a PI and the perfect candidate's there and waiting for me, too tempting to ignore. So what, did she get to you first? Is that related to why you're holed up at home? I'm considering barricading my apartment too but... ahahaha... fat lot of good that's done you, right? You're still too loyal to resist helping her lay claim on your own flesh and blood when push comes to shove, when you think you might be able to impress her, earn favour. I'm right aren't I? Guess you and Abby were close, did you stick your neck out too?

And I thought I was being clever when I was just playing into her hand the entire time. Think I'm too scared to come visit you now, Maggs, not sure who or what I'd find. Got off the phone with Mom again before calling you and she mentioned how you're always shouting from your room. I can read between the lines, I think she was just embarrassed to say you've been spending your days with a box of tissues by your side... heh... is this part of her game, then? She's playing on my insecurity while she gets you hooked on porn? At least send me some links, I've got a sneaking suspicion it's women all the way down. Ahahaha...

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Hey sis, please tell me you at least pull those nasty fingers out while listening to my voicemails, or we'd be just as bad as the Porters! Ahahaha~ Gosh, I've been really lightheaded this week. Abby talked a lot about like, post-hypnotic suggestion I'm wondering what kind of stuff Rachel put in my head. Or Angel, I guess? It must have been her, that smothering aura that my girlfriend wrote about just permeates. It's still here in the apartment, which as far as I can remember she's never even stepped foot inside. I'd be pretty dumb to call it a safe haven, I know better. Even just saying the words pretty and dumb in the same sentence made me want to giggle again.

Despite all the messed up things that are happening to us right now, I do have some good news to share. I think I'm a girl after all. I'm not sure if it's fully my decision, but I'm happy with it either way so that's probably okay. Even if she's uhm... like, really bad... that woman was just so supportive of this stuff that I still feel grateful to her for helping me realise this. It doesn't excuse everything else, of course, but there's a part of me that still yearns a call or even a text. Wants to hear that voice so confidently tell me what I am. I woke up today in a bit of a daze and remembered just two words from the night I blacked out. 

Rachel's hands massaging my scalp as I spaced out in her office chair, watching music videos on her laptop and doing my best to hum along even as whatever she gave me in that drink made me too sluggish to be any good. I sounded so girly, though, that I just wanted to keep trying. Breath heated my ear and two words entered it like a dose of something thick and hot and earth-shattering. She called me a 'good girl' and I think I got so hard I nearly passed out in that floaty headspace. 

I want to resist Angel and save Abby and all that stuff, but I want to be a good girl too. They're not mutually exclusive, right? I can have both, can't I? It's just that I'm no good at it by myself and it's so easy to feel good with her. To feel like a girl. God, I need more confidence or I'll really end up owned and the cycle will never fucking end. Who's next, Mom? Shit with you in the house maybe she's been strutting around in a slutty maid outfit all month and even when talking to me on the phone like nothing's different. Ahahaha~ 

I love the way I sound when I laugh now, it's the only time I enjoy hearing my own voice. Maybe that's the point she's making? That to be truly happy, I'd just be giggling like a pretty slut all day long and nothing else? That's a hot thought, but... Christ, why am I talking about this on a call with my sister? My porn addict sister who couldn't pry her eyes away from the screen or fingers from her cunt long enough to hold a job and pay her rent. Ahahaha~ Gosh, we're both such a mess, then. 

Still... I'm proud of you, Maggie. You've slipped up here and there, but you've been fighting this whole time haven't you? You won't leave your room so she can't get to you and you won't talk to me because you don't trust yourself. That and you'd probably just be moaning and panting and... aha, I digress, sorry. I said before that I kinda held kinks for this stuff when it wasn't so real, guess sometimes I forget that it's not just elaborate fantasy. 

I'll talk again soon, so be a good girl and listen okay? I forgive you for the bad thing you did, it helped me figure one thing out even if it landed me on a plane of thought hurtling to the ground at breakneck speeds. Hey that was sorta poetic, right? Peace~

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Hey it's meee. Don't freak out, but I saw Abby today. She finally came to pick up her things and it was so surreal. The girl acted the same as always, but it just seemed so performative that I found myself over analysing it at every turn until I eventually told her she didn't have to pretend around me. It was almost funny how relieved she looked as she dropped the act and almost funny is enough to make me giggle like a girl these days. I got to meet the real her, as she is now under Angel's wings. There was a dullness in her gaze, sure, but she was so clearly happy being a slave. Made me start to question why I was so adamant on saving her, but then I remembered that I'm only thinking that cause I've been compromised too. 

So I made an effort to fight those traitorous gut feelings and remind myself how wrong it is to be made into a madwoman's property. I was inspired by you, Maggie, to fight it. Abby collected a few things but left me some of her clothes, saying I'd look real good in them. I blushed and she reached over to stroke my hair, calling me a 'good girl' again like Angel's words had been left on Abby's tongue, a trap ready to be sprung at the right moment. Ahaha... I like it, though. Shamefully, I loved it... I'm in love with being called a girl. I'm hoping that soon enough, everyone will see me as one, not just those trying to manipulate me into their ownership for some sort of evil cult... thing... 

Wait, what do they even do that's so bad, again? As far as I can tell they just have sex and spread joy... that doesn't sound bad at all. Oh, I guess the 'against your will' part is wrong but... I mean, shit Maggie, isn't it a little ungrateful that we're being so negative about all this when they've only made our lives better so far? I guess you're not working and a social recluse, but... huh. Isn't that only 'cause you're being too stubborn to live with them? I-I'm not saying that it's totally fair you didn't have a choice but... isn't it where you belong now? Mom doesn't have the cash to keep a freeloader around indefinitely, so... 

Ahahahaha~ I'm just doing their dirty work without even meaning to... sorry, head's a mess. But you know that, right? Talk to you later, sis!

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Hey Maggs, just me! I got rid of all my old clothes the other day, it was super cathartic to watch them burn. I only kid, I took them to a thrift store. Along with Abby's hand-me-downs, Angel's been sending me outfits. I was paranoid at first but she's had my address this entire time anyway and they seem safe... carry the scent of her perfume though, which did sort of excite me.... Ahahaha~ Uhm, they're cute to wear around the house but I wasn't sure if I could go out in them yet. Then I remembered I just got rid of everything else haha! 

I found myself walking to the cafe where I first met 'Rachel' dressed up in fishnets with holes big enough to fit my thumbs through. Had no choice but to wax my legs with the strips Angel sent me too, Abby came over again to help me do it and the two of us only talked about Angel the entire time even though we dated for nearly two years. I can see why a prude like you didn't like wearing skirts, even the longer ones. It's such a rush feeling the air reach so high like that, making me high like I just shared a joint with Abby for old time's sake. No need, really, the short skirt gave me all the reverie I needed.

When I reached the cafe I realised I wasn't just walking there on a whim, Angel was sitting at a table watching my approach with dripping smugness on those gorgeous lips of hers... oh my god, Maggs, how do you not just throw yourself into her arms? She commented on me putting on the padded bra she sent and promised I'd have proper tits once I started taking hormones. Did... did I decide to do that? If not, what's my problem? It's gonna make me so much happier, so I guess I was just being an asshole. Y'know when it's a choice between following your own self-sabotaging whim and giving yourself over to someone who actually has your best interests at heart, it's not really much of a choice at all. 

I got hard in the cafe when Angel started calling me a good girl and complimenting my giggles, she said I'd need to train real hard to make my voice that pretty too. Butterflies... when she noticed the erection she seemed pleased... no, amused. Told me she'd send something to help with that in the next package, whatever the hell that means! I mentioned that I still haven't decided on a name and that's when the strangest thing happened...

Angel gave me my new name. It really made me feel owned to accept her name, but I liked it too much to deny out of such petty feelings. So from now on, you can call me Laura! I thought she'd give me something embarrassing but instead it's just... just my name. I'm Laura, it feels normal already. Really looking forward to the next package, even if I'm... totally still resisting. In my own way, okay? Like you have yours, hehe~ Peace!

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Hiya Maggs, it's Laura. Uhm... so I found out what Angel meant now, at the cafe. She sent me a chastity cage... thing? I'm pretty happy with it to be honest, it didn't come with a key so I think it means she has that still. I clicked it in anyway, without really thinking about it. It's a relief really, looks so much better when I wear clothes now too especially when I'm turned on... which is often, apparently they have a word for that but I'm too scatterbrained to remember what it was.

I'm on the hormones now and better for it, can't believe I was so unsure before... I think my gratitude only keeps growing, it's clouding my judgement a lot I think. I wrote myself a letter when this all started and taped it to my desk and the front entrance like a paranoid maniac. It reminds me that I don't want to be owned by Angel, that I need to fight this and not trick myself into thinking I want it... to be honest, the letter gets a bit more annoying every day. It's so preachy! I can make my own decisions or... or maybe I can't? Ahahaha~ When I consider the asshat who wrote this denied me this medicine for so long, I really just wanna tear the paper to shreds and get it out of sight. 

Abigail came over again today and she brought Anna, they were so infectiously giddy, the three of us giggling together felt really affirming in a way. They painted my nails and started showing me basic make-up stuff, gosh it would have been so hard figuring this all out on my own, girls start so young usually while I was too busy pretending I didn't care for that sorta thing. I always did, you knew I stole from your room a ton right? Don't think I could step foot in it these days, I bet it's a real breathing hazard in there~ Open a window sometime okay? But not while you're making noise aha... ha... weird thing to talk about, whoops.

But while I'm on the topic, Mom said you've been a real germaphobe. What's with the facemask in your own room, eh? Poor woman has herself convinced you've got some weird paranoia about catching something and that's why you don't let anybody in but... let's be real, this has Angel written all over it. She send you the mask too? Oh! I bet it's got a toy attached and that's why mom said you stopped making noise or even talking to her... Angel has you sitting there hot and heavy, day in day out, throat stuffed with a dildo like a fucking pacifier? I'm right aren't I? Aren't I, Maggs? Ahahaha~ Adorable... 

Oh that reminds me... the twins started making out while they were dolling me up. I think they were just too close for too long and forgot where they were, each one holding one of my hands as the nails dried, leaning over my thighs to explore each other's mouths. It was so, so wrong... and one of the hottest things I've ever seen. Or heard, for that matter, those tongue slapping sounds have been living in my head rent free ever since the pair left. Had a really shameful thought while I sat back and let them get it out of their system... is that how close we'd be if we both ended up in Angel's care? Even if I'm still capable of seeing how messed up it was, I could tell they really loved each other. Their relationship had been on the rocks for so long that I felt kinda happy for them. Family's really important, eh Maggs?

Love you. 

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

I probably don't need to keep saying who it is, nobody else is calling you these days right? It's Laura, anyway, I think I just wanted to say my name again hehe... I spent the past 30 minutes or so spacing out in front of the mirror, I look so pretty now and it's only been a few months. Sorry I've not called you in a while, they came and confiscated my phone to install some weird apps on it. There's a tracking app, a voice training aid and also a hypnosis one. It has so many audio files it was dizzying when I first opened it, but then I listened to a few and wow... I know why Abby got so addicted to it now. I had the headphones on and wandered over to the mirror and just sort of blanked out for a while, or blissed out maybe. Feeling really blissful right now, I guess, got my hair cut today and gosh these bangs are so cute. Always wanted a fringe, hehe~

Think my tits are gonna catch up to yours in no time, Angel was really happy with the bumps when I showed her at dinner. We went to the same place Rachel took me to, but she no longer has the black dye in. It was less of a date and more a cleverly disguised hypnosis session, I'm a smart girl so I picked up on that even if I couldn't do anything about it. If I got up and left, that would be rude and she might stop sending me clothes and meds and the twins and... wow, she's made me completely dependent on her for like, everything, huh? Anyway like I was saying, whenever those glossy pink nails of hers would tap across the tablecloth in rhythmic clacks I'd find myself rooted to the conversation, the flow of her words. I was sharp but like, focused on only her. It was when she didn't tap at all that I really started to float, nothing to latch onto as her trance sent me spiralling deeper and deeper until I caught myself drooling onto my napkin. Nice place like that, it was really embarrassing, but then Angel started tapping and I forgot humility entirely. 

Every time she invites me out and hypnotises me like this, I find myself in a much more passive headspace. More eager to just do whatever I'm told until eventually, thinking for myself is going to be too daunting an undertaking. She's breaking my will while confidently sipping wine, ordering me to cut her sirloin and feed it to her like a princess while people covertly watch the show we put on. I'm already acting like her slave, if she keeps making me so pretty, I don't even care. It's such a weight off of my shoulders to admit that, Maggie! Do you feel the same way? You must be so exhausted if not, I'd hate that. Maybe I should come over after all, even if it's just watching porn with you that could be fun...

Talk to you real soon!

Please leave your message after the tone... BEEP

Mistress said I'm not allowed to visit you yet... oh, it's Laura by the way. My voice sounds so good now, right? Hehe, I knew you'd think so. Uhm... oh right, you're probably raising an eyebrow at 'mistress', I just mean Angel. It's nothing serious, me calling her that, it's just that I'm far too submissive now to do otherwise. See? Totally fine. You're such a worrywart, sis! 

So apparently I can't see you until you're 'finished', something that made me all tingly when I heard. I finally got to hear the truth, that Mom's been serving as your warden for the past... gosh how long has it been? Uhm, yeah... she wasn't keeping people away but keeping you in, making sure you watched all of the videos Angel sent you and... wow, even Mom? I guess she's been lonely for as long as we've known her, I don't blame her for falling under mistress's influence, I mean how could I?

Still, I'm soooooo intrigued. She seems to use such different methods on each of us, Abby told me about Anna and her friend Samantha too and we're all converted in such unique way. Not that I'm, uh, definitely hers or anything. I'm just having a bit of fun haha... Angel said there's nothing wrong with that. I know you were watching a ton of lesbian porn for days straight, which already paints quite the pretty picture, but now she's talking about sensory deprivation and uh... strict diet control and... wow, makes me wonder what the end goal is I guess. As long as it's what you want, I won't intervene. Angel said it is what you want... and I believe her, that submissive headspace I'm in makes it impossible not to apparently, but even so. If you don't want it just say and I'll be over in a heartbeat, okay pretty? Hmm, hopefully sensory deprivation doesn't mean you can't hear my voicemails anymore. I guess nothing would really change, though!

Love you!

Magnolia Wynne does not hear her mother enter the room, it would be solecism to call it her room anymore. Soft silicone fills her ears, even softer muffs silencing all with their fuzz as they sit comfortably on the woman's head. Her mouth is covered by a facemask, matching the black of her muffs and the padded mask secured over her eyes. Her mouth is filled with a toy she stopped gagging on weeks ago, learning to sit passively and breathe through her nose in perfect calm. She has a button if the passages are blocked, the one and only piece of her life she has control over and it's to ensure she can keep that life going. Life as an object, owned and still and quiet. It's like those months of masturbation were just a prelude to this new form she's taken on, a way to get all that noise and motion out of her system for good. 

Magnolia Wynne does not notice her mother cut across the padded floor, placing down a tray beside her obedient darling daughter and admiring the way her eldest submits so serenely for their goddess. The kneeling woman sits up straight, body bound in tight rope as her mind walks tightrope, trying to stay perfectly balanced in this place of comfort and acceptance. The rope binds arms behind her back and keeps her legs pressed tightly, unable to create the smallest amount of friction to disobey Angel's wishes and see to her own pleasure. Silicone as midnight black and giving as that which fills her ears and mouth also stuffs her sex, dormant and teasing. It only buzzes every fifteen minutes, like Westminster Quarters but much briefer in its fanfare. She never correctly predicts when the buzz will come but how could she? It's impossible to keep track in such deprivation but more than that, Angel only activates it when she feels like it, she just wants Maggie to think it's a fifteen minute interval. It could be only five minutes between, or maybe five hours, all sense of time is lost to Maggie as a result. Leaving her drifting in a place beyond time and space, watching that motionless form of hers from distant stars, unable to reach it any longer.

Magnolia Wynne does not recognise her sibling's face when the blindfold is lifted and the light of the room assaults her so unpleasantly. Her glassy eyes are like a doll's, staring dead ahead while her sister kneels down and waves heartily to their warden mother as the woman of the house leaves them in peace. Laura removes the earmuffs and plucks out those earplugs too, wanting to talk to Magnolia even if she knows the woman isn't really listening. At this point she's so used to that dynamic it feels as natural face to face as it did over voicemail. 

"Mistress really did a number on you, huh? I can tell you're enjoying it deep down, though, or you'd get up and walk away right? Guess you can't really do that when you're all tied up and cosy... heh..." Laura giggles and prods the cushioned saddle that her sister straddles with a stockinged toe, causing an imperceptible shudder from the touch deprived property. "I came to visit finally and mom immediately pushes feeding duty onto me, guess one of us still has to do chores. Lucky you, ahahaha~ Uhm... let's see..." Laura leans forwards and unclips the mask at the back, set that way to protect the woman's ears from getting sore. This reminds them both how much Angel cares, Laura letting out a small sigh as she pulls the sides down and then works at carefully sliding the surprisingly thick toy from her sister's throat. Staring at the glistening slab of silicone, Laura chews on her lip before giving into temptation and dragging her tongue across the spit-soaked toy. Mistress has been chipping away at her inhibitions for too long for something like this not to sway her into action. Even now, Magnolia sits still, her tongue hanging out of her mouth but breath still entering and exiting from her nostrils just as she'd been trained. Her jaw hangs there, suspended, drool spilling onto the taut latex covering her body from the neck down and rolling over it so wonderfully. At least Laura thinks so, running a finger over the wet trail before remembering she's not supposed to give Maggie too much stimulation or... 

"A-ahnn!" The sound is mesmerising to Laura, such an obscene noise for so light a touch. Now Laura understands why this sensory deprivation process is good for Maggie, it's made her into such an erotic and enjoyable toy. Angel said she's on the finishing touches stage now. Maggie's chest rises and falls heavily, still not recovered from the light touch that felt electric to her. With her sister's standards lowered to rock bottom, Laura can only imagine how intense it must now feel for her to engage in actual intimate, sexual acts. She can't wait!

For now she has to be careful not to overstimulate the woman until she's ready... and that's a tall order. Reaching a hand over to the tray placed beside them, Laura retrieves her sisters well meted lunch. She stabs the sharp end of a wide straw into the silver pouch in her hand and very gently holds the plastic tube close. The end rests atop Maggie's hanging lower lip and Laura recalls her instructions slowly, distracted by how hot she feels seeing her nagging older sister so speechless. Laura snaps her fingers as she remembers what to do, telling the other to suck. 

Magnolia obediently drinks her meal as her thighs clamp down around the sudden buzz between them and deeper still. The woman moans and swallows in a single moment that Laura isn't soon to forget, tracing a thumb over the empty doll's chin to wipe the excess and taste it curiously. "Oh, it's not bad! I was worried they'd deprive you taste too, but I guess it's just the texture that's lacking hehe... Maggs, I..." Laura stares at her sister's parted lips and sinks teeth into her own as it quivers wantonly. She remembers how close the Porters have gotten, a hand greedily falling onto shiny plastic knee as the nearly finished toy shudders. "I'm really looking forward to having you around the house. This isn't where you belong, b-but it won't be long now... until then... I probably won't get in too much trouble if I show restraint~"

Laura's other hand grips her sister's shoulder and Maggie's body is confused at all the sensations taking place even if her mind stays buried under layers of conditioning that make her docile as a doll. The woman's younger sister leans over her and pushes their lips together in plush compress. The fingers gripping Maggie's shoulder slip over her collarbone and up her neck, holding up her chin in a soft cradle while the overstimulated toy buckles against the saddle breathlessly. A tongue slips freely into her open mouth, giving teasing flicks against her own limp muscle before lightly swirling it around a few times. 

Eventually, their lips pull apart and the mask is firmly secured once again with inches of one pliant toy filling another. Sighing out dreamily and leaning back on her hands, Laura giggles, the sight of her cleavage making Magnolia wonder from those distant stars just how long she's been here, like this. Like many twinkling stars, however, they're already gone by the time you'd take to reach them. "I really enjoyed that, I wasn't sure but... I did. You're very kissable, sis... though I hope we can train you to kiss back when you move in next month! Anna's just about the best kisser I know, she's always been the best at whatever she tries to do, so I'll train real hard with her... and Abby... until you're complete!" 

Magnolia Wynne, bereft of breath and mind and want, gives her sister a ghost of a smile.


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