Dear Abby

by tara

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #brainwashing #hypnosis #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #lesbification #mind_control #multiple_partners #personality_change

A series of letters sent by Annabelle Porter to her twin sister, Abigail, which showcase a change in her personality during her first year at college.

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Dear Abigail,

I'm fully aware that most people our age are allergic to the concept of a written letter but I'm really beginning to worry about the effect all this constant screentime is having on us. I mean, it certainly tanked your grades last year didn't it? I've removed all the unnecessary fat from my phone, not that I could text or call you if I wanted to, the runaway you are. I'm not even sure that this address is accurate but I thought I'd pen the letter anyway, it might be cathartic for me if nothing else. 

To start, don't worry. I'm not going to try and lecture you for the hundredth time on how you can still come back home and find a college that will have you, I don't know if any would and besides, you've made your choices and as your twin I'll have to respect that. It's rather lonely here without you, though. As for myself, I've been enjoying a taste of personal hell in this college course I joined. The grade requirements are shockingly low but I suspect most of these girls are only here for the first few years. I'm going to stick through for PhD of course, you know me. It's actually a little disquieting to imagine any of my fellow course mates holding even a bachelor's in psychology when they have about the brainpower of a fourth grade schoolbus between them. 

I digress. I love you Abigail, please don't stay a stranger forever. Just as I'm sure you aren't worried about me, I'll try to do my best and not worry over yourself. 

Very sincerely,


Dear Abigail,

Having received no response after months of biting my nails in wait, I can assume that you're either not receiving these letters or simply choosing to ignore them. I've decided to continue writing in any case, as I suggested in the previous letter it does make me feel somewhat relieved to imagine you well enough to play petty, so I'll choose to believe you're simply mad at me. Or embarrassed, though if that's the case then don't be. A part of me is jealous of you having the freedom to go wherever you please even if I'm sure it isn't easy. If I do learn that you're on the streets, however, I'll curse that stubbornness of yours until my dying breath.

College is going well, as well as such an entry level feeling class can at the very least. I'm sort of regretting not trying to start higher like those gifted kids you see on television who skip grades and such. It's not like I've the cockiness to aim for masters degree in my first year, but something more engaging that these dull lectures. I've usually already memorised everything from textbook days in advance, but there's an attendance grade. It's not all bad, I suppose, I do get to whittle the time away watching boorish peers struggle on the simplest of concepts. I could not tell you what the overly cliquey group of blondes currently seated to my left as I write this intends to get out of learning psychology, but I'm guessing they figured it an easy degree like how aimless guys tend to take business studies. 

Our baseline exams are coming up very soon. I must still think myself student council president like we never escaped high school, because I've gone and proposed a shared study group in the library this afternoon. To be blunt, I was expecting to meet indifferent half smiles and have the table to myself to read at my own leisure. The last thing I expected was that golden haired gaggle to perk up and flock around me like ducks begging for bread (Remember the duckpond? It's actually bad to feed them, so you'll have to apologise to them when you come home.) Anyway, their eyes lit up and it has made me a little more hopeful that they at least give one shit about this course, even if I don't honestly give two about tutoring them. If anybody were to sign up I was hoping for some of the guys near the front, I've not had a boyfriend since becoming class representative all those years ago and my body has needs! Could have been a decent 'meetcute', Abigail, but instead I get the pleasure of carrying these vapid bitches through their first year of higher education. I'm ecstatic. 

Sarcasm aside, I should probably give these girls the benefit of the doubt rather than venting over them in a letter to my elusive sister. I wonder if my problems seem so insignificant to you or if it's the opposite and you're living the high life. I'm not sure which I'd prefer, competitive as I am. Stay safe in any case.

Very Sincerely,


Dear Abigail,

I am writing this a few days after hosting the first study session I mentioned in my previous letter. Gosh, almost a week later, even. I suppose this past week has been something of a blur, embarrassment yet to leave my rosy cheeks. I should explain, the study group that showed was curiously made up of only those girls I've admittedly been too harsh on. They're actually quite nice, I wonder if I was simply jealous of their carefree attitudes when I'm always so uptight. You can consider the ice wholly broken now, somehow my glasses had gone missing from my bag and so when time came to read I endured the strain to save me from humiliation. It must have been a little too obvious I was struggling. One of the girls did crack a joke about me having trouble reading 'such a complicated text' and I had to hold back laughter, this textbook was something I could have fully annotated in high school. Even so, they were rather kind in the end and offered to read aloud. The group's 'leader' of sorts, Maxine I think her name is, has a pleasant voice at least. With that face in addition, she could be an idol, no wonder a plain bookworm like me was secretly so antagonistic. God, I've half the mind to strike that out or start a new letter. Since when did I write like such a teenager?

Moving along swiftly, we're planning on meeting up again in the library tomorrow for further study. I almost bought a new pair of glasses but they found their way back to me in such a way that suggests I'd been pranked. No doubt the guys near the front, I think I misjudged them. Maxine suggested that they're the sort to play practical jokes on the shy ones and I scoffed. They think I'm shy?

Maybe if they think I'm so shy, I should correct them on this before tomorrow's lectures. It should be something fun to talk about during study group even if it doesn't turn too many heads. My phone has far too many notifications, I was hasty in my embarrassment the other week and shared my number and socials with those blondes and now they want to me to sacrifice my free time reading such idle gossip. Still, maybe I'll call Maxine and ask her what colour I should dye my hair. Not too shy and mousy now, am I?



Dear Abigale, 

That's two study sesh sessions down, only one before the baseline assessment rolls in. I'm less confident than I should be, even though I've aced every test since I was little I always get the jitters. It's good, probably. Better than whatever you filled your time with in desperate procrastination right until very last minute, right? As I sit here writing this, blonde hair decorates my peripheral vision and I'm still not entirely sure what possessed me to take such drastic action. Still, it went down very well and so I don't really regret the impulsive and uncaracteristic uncharacteristic decision.  

My head has been a little foggy recently which doesn't help the pre exam nerves! Maybe I caught something, I have been going to the library a lot and I still get tense when people cough too much in public spaces. Maxine has become a de facto best friend of sorts, or 'bestie' as she'd so charmingly put it. I never realised how rely reliant I was on you for social comfort, Abigail, perhaps it was a little pathetic of me to start writing these letters as a substitute for normal friendship that most people our age take for granted. We're not alike at all, me and Maxine, so it's surprising how long we can talk for without either growing bored. It's all small talk, I think, because I never retain too much of what just ticked us into night. I guess phones aren't all bad, though it might be fun to invite her over some time given that I don't have the nusance of a roommate to get in the way. 

All this to say, I'm doing well. 



Dear Abigail,

Oh Abigail, something very abnormal is happening. I've been enjoying popular music, you'd be so smug about this if you were here! Maxine has been sending me more music than I have time to listen through, so she suge suggested I play some while I read. At first I was obviously opposed to the idea as I'd usually find that all too distracting, but I indulged the request just once and now I'm hooked. I'd be remiss to suggest it as demanding of your atention as classical music or wonderful jazz, but that's just my point. It fades into the background and gets me in the zone, I'm really rather fond of it and now I feel that my elitist younger self is shooting me disapproving glance from the not so distant past. 

In other news, we have our third and final study session tonight. Maxine pulled me aside and asked if she could come back to mine after the library closes for some one on one study. It was a little cute, she's still struggling and needs additional help so how could I possibly refuse my only friend. The look of exitement in her eyes when I agreed to the request was a bit strange though, I know collage girls have an obsession with bi-curiosity but you can count me out! 

Just a short letter to say I love you, and that I can tolerate pop music sometimes,


Dear Abigail, 

So the strangest thing happened. I know, I started out the prevou priev last letter much the same. This is a way bigger deal, however. I'm actually very upset, though not nearly as much as I should be? Okay so first of all I'll start with study group. It was weird. I feel like the more I study with these girls, the less I end up knowing once it's over. I know that sounds crazy, but even just reading through these letters is making me paranoy worry that something seriously odd is ocurring. Like, okay. I think maybe I'm just stressed, right? The more they read out the textbooks I've already read twice over, the less I understand them all of a sudden. It's so embarassing especially after I judged them on their perceved inteligence. It's not right, Abby, the doctor said I'm healthy but my head still feels so foggy. 

Okay where was I? Had to pack my bag and come home so writing this a litl little later. Everything's just so fucking distracting today, I got caught staring at some older woman on the subway and she must have thought me some lecherous pervert when really I was just blanking out. She was attractive though, I guess. After study group Maxine came back to mine and she was far too wordy, I sat on my bed and tried to listen but gosh she has such a mouth on her. She was criticising my literature and recommending books I'd never even heard of, played some music and then. And then she kissed me on the mouth. It was truly dizzying, it came so out of nowear and like it wasn't bad but also I'm not into girls and she said that was fine and that it was still repayment for the favour and Abigale, what is happening? 

I got a little worked up writing that, my apologise. This isn't even the worst part that I aluded too, unfortunately. I felt so confused and distracted after being kissed by my friend Maxine that somehow, inexplicibly, i got a lower mark on the baseline than anybody else in class. My lifes so humiliating right now, hoenstly. I hope you've been faring much better than I. 

Still Sincerely,


Dear Abigail, 

My head's feeling a lot clearer now, I'm a little mortified that I even brought myself to send the last letter in such a sorry state as it was. How have you been, sis? I've been listening to a lot more music, I've got much better taste now than I did when you knew me. Better taste in music, clothes and people too. I realised I don't even like guys, it's so obvious in hindsight when I never displayed any strong interest in getting myself a boyfriend for all those years. I guess it means I'm a lesbian, which is something I know you'd get such a kick out of. You probably think me and Maxine are dating but it's not like that, though maybe it should be? 

I'm not sure if I could handle her, she's still with her possy and even brings them over when I invite her for one on one study now. How cruel is that? I can't tell if she's oblivius or trying to send a message, either way her friends are fun I suppose. We tend to stay up quite late and again I barely remember any of it, you'd think me an alcoholic who keeps getting blackout drunk and hell, maybe I am and just haven't realised it yet. To my knowledge I haven't touched a drop of liqor, I tried seeing my doctor again but nothing she said made any sense and she kept crossing her legs in such a way that [the rest of this paragraph is scribbled out]

My grades have gotten even worse than when I last wrote to you, Abigail. I try reading but the books are just so complicated that I end up waiting for Maxine and her friends to show up and teach me. Wasn't the study session at my place proposed for me to help them? I'm not sure when the tables turned, I was probably too distracted again to see it happen. Despite all this I'm cheery, I've realised there's more to life than your grades. I guess we finally see eye to eye, Abby! I just wish I figured it out before you went away.

Loving you always,


Dear Abby,

Hey girl, so you're actually not going to believe this one. Like genuniely, out of all the letters ive sent you this is the craziest of the bunch i promise. So you know how ive been holding studey groups with my fellow psych majors and how they were totally doing something weird to me or whatever? Turns out theyre all like, depraved lesbians too and in some sort of bizarre polycule that Maxine is in control of or something. I'm notr really sure how it all works but isnt this really weird? Should i call someone like the police or something? I feel like i sound silly, huh? I had them round mine again like they always are and let me tell you, they really make themselves at home. It all started when I caught two of them, I forget their fucking names, making out in my bathroom without even locking the door. Like this wasn't just normal innocent kissing but indecent and sloppy stuff. I'm no prude and I can't judge too girls for going at it as a fellow lesbian myself, but they were making a spectacle. It was like something out of a porno! (Yes, I've been watching porn, I'm better at studying that than my major at this point...)

It occured to me that Maxine suggesting I dye my hair was way more sinister than I first thought, is she like, trying to recruit me? Is that the word? Induct, indoctrinate... ah, why do all of these turn me on so much just to write? It's like my brain is a sponge in her grasp, she's been squeezing out the smarts for weeks and I only just noticed. I let them finger me after they'd been caught. You read that correctly Abby, they just made me so hot and bothered when they kept letting me watch and eventually Max found us too. The girls teased me so much I thought I was white hot, not thinking straight. Haha, get it? In any case, they told me to strip and I did it without really considering how strange it all was until right now. I got myself wet for them, it didn't take long at all i was basically already there lol. Maxine held my head and whispered affirming words while one lifted my thigh and fucked me with her fingers. Only after lubricating them with her friend's mouth. It was so hot, even writing this I just want to call them over for round two. Maxine said they were fucking my brains out, her breath was so hot in my ear I really couldnt think at all, Abby. She made me say it too, that my brains were being fucked out, that they were spilling all over the tiles and leaving a tight anddd fuckable airhead left behind. Left to be admired and played with and [The rest of this paragraph is illegible, we assume the writer was masturbating as she penned it]

I can't believe I'm posting this, but someone needs to know the truth. Whatever that is. I already texted Maxine to come over, whoops. 



Dear Abby,

Mwah! That's for you, don't ever forget that I love you okay? I miss you, girl! It's been way too long since I sent you a letter, I've been super busy lately. I learned how to eat pussy really good, apparently I'm a natural. Maxxie sat me down at the foot of my bed and we spent a night training, again I just felt so lightheaded afterwards that I just know she made me even dumber again. Speaking of... guess who dropped out! We're two peas in a pod, Abby, remember when you thought you might study law? I think we're both a bit still, dreaming so high when our place is on our knees eating cunt like its our job. I don't get paid for it of course, that'd make me a whore. Though I don't think I'd mind being Maxine's whore, like a personal one. Liike a pet or something, gosh thats so fucking hot isnt it Abby? Do you think if I do it better than all her other girls ill be rewarded like that? get to be her number one? Even if not, it might be cathartic to try anyway. Just like sending these letters I know you're not getting. 

I'm kinda surprised I can still write, as embarrassing as that is to admit. Don't fuck with psychology majors, dear sister, they'll leave their mark on you like you're property. I was so wrong about them, they understand the human mind much better than some antisocial bookworm ever could, they know just how to unmake it. All I can think about is pussy, it's like a virus that's gone straight to my head and makes my body a heater. I'm so obsessed with lady parts I'd probably eat out a passing stranger if she let me, how desperate is that? I think my head really must be leaking to write something so dirty in a letter to my beautiful twin sister, when Maxine found out about the letters she laughed so hard. She thinks its really funny, though Im too dumb to understand why. I must be, because her laughter just made me want to bury my face between her thighs even more. 

She said she's been conditioning me for weeks, since the very first study sesh. I told her that she's using big words again and oh my god the giggling makes me high. She said I was so easy because I thought i was better than them, my guard was down and my insecurity was like an all you can eat. Those last words made me salivate again, because i imagined an all you can eat buffet of pussy and stopped listening after that. I'd had my fill of words, but im constantly unsated when it comes to their moreish cunts. Abby, I'm such a slut, I started masturbating in front of them while they tried to explain to the dumb horny blonde how thoroughly theyd fucked up her thoughts. 

I didn't care at all. I wanted to service them all with my mouth until I forgot my times tables, until long division became a serious challenge. Until the exact spelling of my name became as lost as you are, Abby. 

Yes, you're lost right now. Probably think you're smart and straight, you always were so smug. Come home and we'll set you right, if you read even one of my letters I hope its this one and I hope you heed it well. I love you so so so much Abby, I can't wait to see you again. Maxine said that she wants to meet you, too. 

Wondering if twins taste the same,

Annie x


Annie and Abbie, sitting in a tree~ Remember the old treehouse we used to play in? I wish we could still play together, Abby, I'm SO much better at it now then when i was a stupid kid. now im a stupid adult, which is way more fun honestly. i got my nipples pierced on maxine's suggestion, it was more an order if you ask me. nobody does ask me thouhh, because im just a dumb slut with no opionion of her own. i like doing what im told though so its all good! Annie's a good girl, ive always been so good. never got in trouble at school always top of her class. im top in my class now too, i eat pussy better than all of my classmates and my life is better for it. i could be the student council president of cunt. you really should come home, abby. life is so much prettier when you're on your knees~

i got kicked out of my dorm cause of course i did, so im living with maxxie now. i love living with her, she's so smart and hot and

I spent way too long thinking of a third thing that she is, so ill go back to that one. i promise i wont forget, okay? this is probably going to be my last letter for a while, the music just makes me so lethargic for doing anything that doesnt involve my favourite four letter word. or five, even, can you believe i had to count on my fingers. anyway you know the one. i taste it on my tongue. always. 

Yours always, 

annie x

Abigail Porter rubs the sleep from her eyes and runs to the front of the bus in a timid dash, hopping off at the stop she almost just missed. The brunette strains tired eyes under harsh sunlight and holds a beat up messenger bag over her head to spare her those spiteful rays. Blue skies ahead, but the young runaway desperately wishes for cloud. Perhaps the rain that follows would wash away the terrible scent of her boyfriend's tacky shampoo that she's had to endure since the sleepy mistake was made. 

Insomnia has kept the woman under its grinning thumb for all her life, not that her only family ever understood this. With their parents long gone by the time they were teenagers, Abigail only ever had one relative and she was like a black mirror to her perfect twin. Annabelle is everything she isn't, booksmart and engaged. The moment she saw an opportunity, Abigail turned tail and fled towards a life where she would not have to compare every flawed aspect of herself to some valedictorian with her face. 

So here she is, in another city with the same insecurities finding her wherever she may flee. Life isn't so bad, though the woman is somewhat surprised that her sister has yet to reach out after a year and a half. Maybe disappointed too, even if she's a total hypocrite to feel that way. Having finally returned home from a gruelling day at her dead end job, Abigail throws her bag onto a hook with all the energy spent getting home depleted in an instant. A flop of brown hair covers her face like curtains when Abby lands on the couch, having not even removed her shoes or jacket before deciding she needed a sit down. "Damn tiny apartment, Connor leaves his shit everywhere..." Mutters the woman, eyes landing on a stack of redirected letters bound together in a heap by elastic band. They appear unopened, not his batshit ex again she hopes with a grin. 

Noticing herself alone in the apartment as her partner likely spends his time in the gym working towards his new years goals, Abigail leans forwards and hooks a finger around the band holding the letters together. Having decided to be nosy, the woman's eyes widen when she realises that the letters are addressed to her. Are these from Anna? With a newfound sense of urgency when she sees how far back these go, Abigail rips open the first envelope and prepares herself for over a year's worth of stern lecturing. With how much she misses her sister right now, she's glad to be on the receiving end of such repetitive admonishment. 

"Dear Abigail..."


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