Mother Knows Best

Chapter 4

by softi

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #bondage #D/s #dom:female #f/f #sub:female

Copyright softi 2021. All rights reserved.

When Christine came home from getting coffee, the girls were gone. That would make her plan easier, and let her take care of Ava later. Seeing the chains on Rachel's floor from the long session the two girls had threatened to distract her with her own sudden rush of heat, but she managed to walk away. It fired anger within, which gave her purpose. Christine got on the phone.

Maria answered even though it was late, and came over right away.

"On the table." Christine ordered, strapping Maria down, still in her clothes. "We need to have a talk about your daughter." She pulled out nipple clamps. "She's been a very bad girl." Christine ripped the blouse down Maria's chest forcefully. "You need to control her," she said, yanking one bra cup down. "You need to punish her." The clamp squeezed over her already erect nipple and Maria gasped. "She needs to understand that she is a slave." Clamping the other nipple made Maria cry out. "Just like you."

Christine had a new recording to use, tapping into Maria's religious nature. The Catholic guilt complex was always useful. Maria already thought of herself as evil, deserving of punishment, and each new layer of degradation fed into that. Soon she would see her daughter as possessed and she would feel the desperate need to have the demons exorcised. Maria wouldn't even consider a priest, though. She would come begging Christine to correct her daughter. And while Maria awaited Ava's treatment, she would keep Ava home, safely away from anyone who may be tempted by her evil.

It would keep Rachel safe until later when Ava was properly broken.

Christine moved the monitor into place and popped the earbuds into the prone woman's ears. Starting up the program, Maria's eyes widened as she was sucked into the swirling patterns. Christine cut Maria's panties off from under her skirt and slipped a butterfly up between her legs. It wasn’t an ordinary vibrator. It had a training mechanism that would shock when something Maria should consider bad was introduced in the recording.

Christine was certain Rachel wouldn't be seeing Ava anytime soon.

After sending Maria home, Christine slipped into bed. Again, she slept restlessly. The dreams were getting worse, as she found herself being an important player in each scene.


Rachel approached Christine, cuffed and collared, as she looked at the floor. "I'm so sorry I can't be the woman you raised me to be. I guess I'm not as strong as you. You'll need to train me just like your other slaves."

Christine shivered in response. "Of course I do. I failed to make you strong and independent, so now I must ensure you are always obedient to those that are." She led her daughter downstairs, tingling in anticipation.


Ava stood at the door and Christine brought daughter to her. "Here, Ava. Take good care of her while the two of you are out. And be careful. You know how easily someone can control her."

"I will, Christine. You can trust me."


Christine walked into the center of a circular room. 

"Lot 21," an announcer called out. "A beautiful young girl, trained by her own mother. That should sweeten this delicious morsel for any potential buyer."

"Don't worry honey," Christine whispered. "They'll take good care of you. They'll give you what you need."

"$150,000!" shouted a voice in the audience that Christine recognized as Ava.


Christine awoke in a sweat, masturbating furiously. She drove her ass into the bed as she came to the image of herself selling her daughter to Ava. It was delicious, decadent, and humiliating. She cried softly, eventually falling back to sleep.

The snooze button went off at least five times before Christine fell out of bed. She felt like she hadn't slept well, like she was in one of the hospital chairs for visitors all night. She imagined that she was at the hospital because Rachel was in the bed and was hooked up to the machines, but they weren't monitoring her so much as modifying her. Christine shook the image out of her head. She used the bed as leverage to stand and walked into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she came out to the kitchen. She would make sure Rachel had a good breakfast waiting for her, even if her daughter didn't always appreciate it.. Kids needed things they could count on, like warm meals on the table and a mother that would enslave them properly...

She shook her head again. 

Rachel's door was still open. She peeked in. Nothing had been disturbed since the night before. "Rachel?" She walked down and checked the kitchen and living room. "Rachel? You here?" Her daughter wasn't around. 'Must've stayed out last night...?'

Out of habit, she walked to the kitchen and started making pancakes. It wasn't like Rachel to be gone without letting her know. Then again, it seemed a lot of things had changed. Rachel's cell went straight to voicemail. This wasn't like her at all. Worried, Christine tried again. No luck. ‘She’s growing up, and needs her freedom.’ Christine shook her head. ‘Wait, what?’ She ate by herself, and started getting ready for her day. 

Rachel didn't show up until after school. When she walked through the door, she was visibly upset, and headed straight to her room.

"Rachel! Get back down here right now!" Christine called out as she heard a loud thump and the sound of a tossed jacket. "Now!"

Rachel came out from her room. Her white blouse was tied high and unbuttoned to the knot. Her tight skirt barely covered her crotch.

"Cover yourself. I can't believe they let you wear that at school."

"Mom! It's not a big deal!"

Christine was angry, hands balled into fists on her hips. "Yes, it is. And where were you last night? Huh? No call? Left me to pull my hair out? Go grey with worry?"

Rachel stepped up to Christine and touched her mother's shoulder. "Mom, just calm down. Big, deep breath."

Christine took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling her anger fade and tension release. She let her arms drop to her sides and smiled as a gentle wash of pleasure took her worries away.

"That's better. I had some things to do, but you don't need to worry about it, ok?"

"I... but I was worried, dear."

"I know, but you don't need to. I'm a woman now, not your precious little baby."

"I... maybe you're right." Christine blinked. Something still bothered her, but she wasn't quite sure what. Rachel made sense. She was grown now. She should have her freedom.

"That's better." Rachel turned and walked back up to her room.

Christine paused for a moment, getting her bearings again as the pleasant fog lifted from her mind. She turned around and headed into the basement. She had some preparations to make for her next clients.

Friday. It usually didn't matter since her job wasn't quite the same as others. The only difference was whether the girls would be at school. Now it was just Rachel since Briana was off at USC. Soon Christine would be on her own. She wasn't at all ready for that. Sure, she would have her slaves, but that just wasn't the same. Maybe Ava could be her new little girl. That thought made her smile.

She finished preparing her work area for a long day and came up into the kitchen. She wondered if Rachel was home and whether she would be eating. Christine didn't want to cook, so she grabbed frozen waffles and sliced up some fruit. Maybe she would have a little time to catch up with Rachel and find out what was really going on. 

Rachel came out of her bedroom and started down the stairs. Christine gawked. "That's it, Rachel. Back up into your room. No daughter of mine is going to wear that out!"

Rachel's blouse was transparent, showing a black lace bra underneath. Her tight, black skirt ended only a few inches past her crotch, showing the tops of her stockings and the garter straps holding them up. The matching thigh-high boots accented the soft skin of her thighs showing above the stocking tops.

"You're grounded!" She got up and strode to the bottom of the stairs, directly in front of her daughter.

Ava stepped out from the bedroom behind Rachel, looking sexy but not slutty in a Little Black Dress.

"But mom..." Rachel whined.

"No. Upstairs. Now!" Christine pointed up to the hallway.

"Christine, silence!" Ava commanded from the top of the stairs. "Christine, sit!"

Christine's mouth dropped. She stumbled backwards and fell into a kitchen chair, not knowing if it was obedience or surprise that caused her to comply.

"We are leaving, Christine," Ava said curtly. "You will sit right there quietly until we have driven away. Then you will call the school and tell them that your daughter will be absent today," she commanded as she took Rachel's elbow and led her towards the front door. "Come on, Rachel." Ava said to her daughter before turning back towards Christine, looking her dead in the eye, her lip turned up slightly.  "Don't expect her back tonight." With that, the door closed behind them.

Christine tried to get up, but her legs wouldn't obey. She tried calling after them, but her voice died in her throat.. She panicked, twisting and turning in an attempt to get off the chair. She even tried to lift it to waddle away, but though she could get it up a little, moving was impossible. 'What is going on here?' she thought as tears flowed down her cheeks. 'I don't understand...'

But she did. She'd done this to her slaves before.

'How? How did this happen to me?' She heard Ava's car start and pull away. She flew out of the chair and yanked open the door. "Bitch! Get back here!" She screamed. "I own you!" Her words were full of anger and hate, if not conviction. She broke down, landing hard on the floor, sobbing. "No, not me, not me, not me!! It can't happen to me..."

It took a while to pull herself together. She stood up and dusted herself off. A few changes in treatment needed to happen. The training program had worked well before, but Ava had somehow resisted and started enslaving her. She needed a new plan to make everything right.

First, she had a call to make. 'What excuse will I use?' she thought as she dialed the school.

Christine sat in the basement with her laptop. Earlier in the day, she'd been fuming. Her slave D'Shawn bore the brunt of her fury, which helped her focus her mind. Now she had ideas about how to deal with Ava. Later. ‘No, not later, not anymore.’ 

The atmosphere down here always gave her inspiration. Tonight she wasn't sure she needed it, but it was comfortable and familiar. The words came out with all of her hatred and anger, but she kept them coherent enough to be effective.

"You will stop enslaving your Mistress. You will stop enslaving Christine. You will be submissive towards Rachel. You want to be used and humiliated. You will always be obedient. You are a worthless piece..."

She stopped and backed up a little. "...always be obedient." She clicked Record again.

"You will tell Christine how you are enslaving her. You will love betraying your secrets. You will never be dominant. You are weak. You are subservient. Your will is nothing."

She thought for a bit. This was a pretty forceful overhaul and much different than what she usually used. She didn't want to admit she was scared, but the fear was driving her intonations into a crazy rant anyway. She took a deep breath and wondered how she could better phrase this. She started a new recording.

"Ava, you have been a naughty girl. You have been trying to become a dominant person when you know you are weak. Your hungry pussy tells you that with each needy tingle it has when you are submissive. It controls your feeble will with it's desires. What it desires most is subservience to a strong, dominant woman that can control it correctly and guide it to the heights of ecstasy it so desperately needs. You need to be punished, and your pussy knows it. It tingles with anticipation. It makes you tell all of your naughty secrets so it can revel in your well deserved punishment. It wants you to betray yourself so you can cum your little mind away..."

She stopped again. Closer, but she'd need to work on it a little more. She wondered if she needed to do something like this for herself, to take away the compulsions Ava had set in her mind. Probably, but she could work on that later. 

Revenge first.

Christine slept hard that night. She didn't remember anything when she woke up. Rachel's room was empty, but she'd expected that after yesterday. Breakfast would be easy today. She just cut up some fruit and grabbed an English muffin. She could make something more after her first weekend appointment if she needed to.

Whenever she had a break, she checked to see if Rachel was back yet. Only a vague feeling of worry tossed around in her head, but mostly she was calm about her daughter being out. After all, she needed her freedom. A nagging voice told her something was off, but she couldn't put her finger on it. It was after Shawna's noon appointment that Rachel finally came in. Her blouse and skirt were wrinkled and she held her bra in her hands. Her nipples poked out prominently, obviously enjoying being on display. Her hair was tangled like she'd just gotten out of bed. Christine could smell the sex on her.

That made her angry. And worried. "Rachel, what... what..." she sputtered, gesturing at her daughter's outfit.

Rachel stepped over wearily and placed her hand on Christine's shoulder. 

"Mom, just calm down. Big, deep breath." 

Christine took a deep breath and let it out slowly. A wave of pleasure rippled throughout  her entire body, seeping onto her panties. The anger swept away. 

"You know I'm going to have sex. I'm 18. You should be happy for me that I had such a good lay." The words cut through the pleasant haze Christine was in. "You want me to feel good, don't you?"

"I... Ok dear. I love you. I want you to feel good." Christine felt another small ripple of pleasure and she sighed.

"I'm going to shower mom. I'll be heading out later." Rachel slowly moved away, her legs slightly spread as she gingerly went up the stairs.

Christine's fog gradually lifted. She set about preparing a late lunch for the two of them. As she tossed a salad together, the little nagging voice in Christine's head telling her something was wrong was just a whisper. It faded away completely as she sliced up the leftover grilled chicken from a few nights ago.

When Rachel came back down, wrapped in her fluffy robe and toweling her hair, Christine was smiling at the kitchen table with her daughter's place already set. 

"I hope..." Christine gestured weakly at the food.

Rachel looked up, trying to scowl but failing. She threw her arms around her mom. "Oh mom, it's alright. You're forgiven!"

Christine had lots to do the next day.

Christine cancelled Barbara's Sunday afternoon appointment. She was so well trained, Barb climaxed obeying the order. She would pay for the session anyway. Now Christine waited for her daughter's friend. Rachel was back upstairs, getting ready for whatever plans she had. All Christine could get out of her was that Ava would be by in a bit.


Ava's car rolled up to the front of the house. Christine got up from the couch and walked over to the door. She could hear Rachel's music blasting upstairs and figured she could get the door without Rachel knowing. Or maybe Ava would just text her that she was here and Rachel would tell her to come in. That seemed to be the usual way kids did it.

That's what happened. Christine saw Ava through the peephole, looking at her phone. She stepped back as the door swung open and Ava walked in, head buried in the screen. The delayed response helped Christine. There was no chance a repeat of the other day was going to happen.

‘Handle Ava later,’ played through her head, but she ignored it. "Slave Ava, on your knees!" Christine pointed at the floor.

Ava looked up, surprised, and sank down to the floor. Her mouth opened, working to get words out but none came. She clearly hadn't been expecting this. Struggle played across her face. ‘But I removed all her training,’ she thought to herself. ‘No!’

'Amateur,' Christine thought snidely. "Silence! Be still!" Christine slapped Ava across the face. "You little bitch! You thought you could top me? You thought you could control me? Maybe you wanted to be punished. Maybe you wanted the humiliation I'm going to cause you now." She bowed down, her face inches away from Ava's. "You will suffer. Your mother will suffer. And not just at my hands, but Rachel's as well. And your classmates. Now, get in the basement!"

Ava found her body rising and quickly moving down the stairs. Confusion played across her face but her body moved anyway. She stood and walked quietly down into the basement.

Christine followed her down. "Strip." Ava's body responded. She kicked off her shoes, pulled off her shirt and bra, tugged down her jeans and panties. 

"On the trainer, now!" The fight was obvious on her features, but Ava complied anyway. The dildo slid in as the screen came in front of her. "We're stopping your little game now. I'm going to make sure you remember what you tried and keep you embarrassed at your failure and thrilled that you lost." Ava shut her eyes, but subversive words whispered in her ears. Her mind tried to block them, but her eyes blinked open. She tried to keep them closed, but they were already captured, sucked into the spiral that still lived in her mind despite her best efforts. She fought in her mind, railing, but slipped into a trance that opened her to the whispers licking her brain.

Christine left Ava to simmer, and shut the door as she walked upstairs.

"Mom, have you seen Ava?" Rachel was at the top of the stairs, looking confused. "She said she was here."

"No, I haven't. If I see her I'll send her up." Christine smirked and walked into the kitchen. It was time for a little celebration. She reached for a red zinfandel she'd discovered the last time she was in Sonoma and grabbed a bar of Ghiardelli's dark.

Ava was hardly aware she had lifted into a lighter trance. The soft buzzing in her crotch added spice to the words in her mind. She knew she shouldn't say anything, that coming out to Christine now would mean that she wouldn't ever recover her mind. The training she'd just undergone had nefariously slid past any defences she had built up against intrusion. Her mouth formed syllables that she tried to hold back. They came out anyway.

"I used Rachel. I knew you wouldn't suspect her. I had to stop you. Mostly I had to stop my mother." Ava gathered herself, trying to fight. The same disgust in her subservient mother, the one that had taught her to think for herself and stand up for herself, fought off the external forces making her sell out her own salvation.

The buzzing increased. "Tell me, Ava. Letting the truth out feels so good."

Ava felt the power of the command, the need to obey. It rose from her happy pussy and grabbed her gut, twisting it and releasing fluttering butterflies as the heat flowed higher and burned her will. The disgust lit up like paper on hot charcoal and floated away as ash in the breeze. Only submission remained, rejoicing in betrayal and humiliation, knowing that soon she would be exactly like her mother. A need grew from a previously unknown source, leading her down the path of her own destruction. She saw her mother at the end, beckoning her on.

"Rachel planted an mp3 player in your bedroom. It has subliminals in the recording. They play all the time." Even now, a small part of her resisted. Another part of her watched the reistance fading with glee. Each admission reminded her that her mother sold her out and that served to tease her pussy further towards release. "She planted a mild hypnotic that releases when you lie down on your bed, stopping when you get up. She whispers in your ear at night."

Ava was fucked. She loved it, a love that had been planted in her but was still too strong to fight.

"I'm so glad you decided to share with me, Ava. You are learning your place in this family." Christine adjusted the settings on the trainer. "You need reinforcement while I take care of those nasty little things in my bedroom. Enjoy losing your last hope at freedom." Christine smiled as she left the room.

Ava juiced, knowing the machine would ensure Christine won, that she had lost. Part of her fought, but another screamed for joy.

Christine let Ava up after another hour. She sent Ava directly to Rachel's room, thinking that she had some important business to take care of and had simply forgotten to let Rachel know. Rachel bounced out and hugged her immediately, any offense immediately forgiven before the explanation was necessary.

Christine smiled. She was ready again to establish her dominance in the house. 

Soon Ava came around the corner of the bedroom, holding Rachel's elbow. Rachel looked vacant, letting herself be led without noticing where or for what. She had changed into a halter top with tiny jean shorts and heels. 

Christine hated that look. Heels and jean shorts that ended at your ass? It screamed slut.

Ava saw her in the kitchen and tried to say something, but didn't have the chance to get it out. "Submissive trance, Ava!" Christine commanded. Ava's voice died on her lips as her face slackened and her arms dropped to her side, letting go of Rachel. Rachel stopped moving, one foot already on the stairs. "Ava, in the basement, now. Rachel, go back to your bedroom and lie down." Christine followed Ava down. She admired the younger girl's ass as it swayed slightly in front of her.

“Mom, what the fuck?” Rachel called out as the two went down the stairs.

Christine shut the door behind them. "Strip, slave." Ava pulled off her shirt and bra again, her nipples displaying the effect the trance was having on her. She kicked off her shoes and socks, followed quickly by her jeans and wet panties. Christine reached down to her slave's pussy. "You're enjoying this. Good. You need to learn that obedience is pleasure and disobedience is pain." She rubbed gently and Ava trembled. 

Christine pointed at one of the trainers. "Sit there. Stare at the colors, slave." She flicked on the swirling pattern as Ava followed her orders. The already tranced girl fell into the rhythmic disorder, sinking ever deeper into a warm, trusting place. "Listen and learn, slave. Let the words infiltrate the secret corners of your mind and become your truth. Let them rule your thoughts." She slipped earbuds into Ava's ears and clicked on the mp3 player.

Ava listened, slack-jawed and blank. She had no choice anymore, enthralled by the display. The words slithered their way in, lodging in her subconscious and working their way out. Her mind molded itself around the messages, incorporating them into her view of herself. The truth slowly revealed itself and she thanked her Mistress for every new shackle around her will.

Ava was safe on the trainer. Christine relaxed a little, relieved that her little adventure with subservience was over. Ava would give up her foolish plans and Christine and Rachel could get on with being a family again. A shower was in order. She wanted to get the stink of it off of her body. The taint might never go completely away, but at least she was back on the right track.

Rachel's door was open. Christine could hear a faint voice coming from within. She took a quick peek around the door to see what her youngest daughter was up to now that Ava was somewhere else.

Rachel was lying on her bed, naked except for the heels, and obviously sweating. One hand was stroking her pussy lips while the other teased her nipples. A small mp3 player sat next to her on the bed, the earbuds in her ears. Her mouth softly chanted in time with her strokes. "Obeying is pleasure. Slaves obey. I am a slave. I obey. Obeying is pleasure..."

Christine tried desperately to fight the rising heat in her loins. Everything about this was wrong, but it licked her clit with sparks of undeniable lust. She should stop this. She should run into the room and rip the headphones off of her daughter and start her deconditioning right now. 'Rachel's room is sacrosanct' thundered through her mind. 'Whatever happens there is fine. It is none of your business.' She slipped a hand down and rubbed her crotch through her pants. Her heart pounded in her chest, drowning out thoughts of saving her daughter. She wrenched herself away from the door, stumbling down the hall towards her bedroom.

Christine’s clothes hit the floor before she made it to the bathroom. Images of her daughter enslaving herself played through her mind, stoking the already white hot fire in her loins. She kept her hands from playing with herself through a great effort of will. They shook as she turned on the water. She kept it cold, hoping to freeze away the desire.

"Mom. Look at me." Christine turned her head, her foot on the lip of the tub, ready to get in. Rachel stood just outside of the bathroom, still naked, her hair messed up from lying down and juice dripping down her thighs. "I have something for you." She held an mp3 player in one hand while the other came up to Christine's shoulder. "Mom, just calm down. Big, deep breath."

Christine took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She knew it was wrong. That mp3 player was dangerous. She bit her lip as her pussy asserted control. It already had some conditioning, and having been taught to crave more, the fight quickly faded, owned just like her slaves' pussies.

"I know you've been bad, mother. You've been trying to enslave Ava. You need to be taught a lesson." Rachel slipped the earbuds in place on Christine. "Kneel." Her mother's knees buckled and she hit the floor hard, barely keeping her balance. "Stay still and listen, mother."

She obeyed. Portions of her mind fought, angry that she hadn’t recognized the danger her own daughter posed, but her body obeyed. She tried to reach her hands up to rip them out, but the mantra started in her ears as she struggled to raise her heavy arms. The words quickly grasped her conscious thought, shackling it with the instructions. The bonds went deeper, sinking past her crumbling resistance and tethering her will to the subservience trickling in. Her cunt started leaking in agreement as her lips began her own chant, unknowingly mimicking her daughter from earlier. 

Christine felt rapture in her own loss rise past her feeble will carrying her into new heights of bliss. Her orgasm cried out against her obedient position but unable to find true release, it washed off as a slight stutter in her mind-numbing chant, a barely controlled shiver down her spine. Rising up again as it seared obedience into her bones, Christine slipped away into unconscious training.

Rachel slipped into the basement. Ava was on the trainer, learning what Christine wanted to teach her. Carefully, Rachel released the straps holding Ava in place and pulled her off the machine.

“I’m so sorry she did this to you,” Rachel said, gently stroking Ava’s hair. “We’ll fix you when we get you get home.”

Thank you so much to sweeetpeach who helped edit this chapter, and Carefully Random whose thoughts helped bring this story together!

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