Just curious
[ Now on AO3! ]
by senipro
Due to the new ROM policy on HDG content, my works, including Just curious, will now be available on Archive Of Our Own!
My profile: https://archiveofourown.org/users/senipro/pseuds/senipro
Story links:
Just curious (10 chapters): A human, lost for their purpose in life, had always felt weird whenever they thought about florets. But they didn’t want to be one. They were just curious! Just curious what it feels like, that’s all…
Change of will (short): A rebel finds herself in a dead end. She wants to resist the affini, but how can she do that if she can’t even resist her own changing thoughts?
Soft spot (3+ chapters; ongoing!): A human's eye is caught by a seemingly distant, expressionless affini. Turns out, he may be just what she needs to let her guard down a little.