Managing the Office

Chapter 2

by sammynona

Tags: #covert_conditioning #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #oblivious #brainwashing #clothing #D/s #multiple_partners #personality_change #pleasure_conditioning #pov:bottom #sub:female

Gwen stretched out like a satisfied cat as she woke from the deep sleep, all but purring to herself. She felt amazing, better than she could ever remember. And instantly that set off alarm bells in her head that something must be wrong. She forced herself to get out of bed and the clock confirmed her worst suspicions: her alarm had never gone off and she only had one hour to shower, eat, and make it across town to the office.
    Her parents, both doctors whose prominence existed only in their minds, had raised Gwen to function like a wind up clock. Examine what needed to be done, do it, and move on to the next task. It probably would have made Gwen far happier in life to know that her parents never followed this strict advice, but instead she believed that this was the only way to be successful. So from the very first time she arrived somewhere late as a child her mind interpreted this as running behind, those few seconds damning her for eternity. Even if she followed through on everything else in life perfectly she'd always be coming up short. Now every setback and delay only pulled her further and further behind.
    Gwen felt the gears turning in her head, instantly set to determine how far behind waking up late would set her. It didn't bother her to think of herself as a machine, it's what she needed to be to become happy later in life when she finally succeeded in all her goals. Even though no one had told her when that would be she knew that a finish line must be out there somewhere, but she'd never reach it at this pace. The tension and stress was such a familiar weight to Gwen that she even attributed different flavors to it.
    There was the tightening stress of running late, an unceasing grinding of screws being pushed tighter as she had to struggle to move faster. Failing to reach a deadline was heavy lead weight dropping on her shoulders, only slower her down to try and ensure she'd always failed. The worst was having her workers fail, the stress hot metal running through her veins. No matter how hard she struggled this was the most unbearable, because short of completing all their work herself (which she had tried and failed to do numerous times) she knew her coworkers would never rise up and do better, complacent to put all the blame on her.
    Gwen took a deep breath and waited, wondering which flavor it would be today. Would her mind focus on running late for work? Or over the fact that they were running behind on the project for their newest client? Most likely it was the dawning fact that they'd lost an entire day to that stupid seminar and for some reason Gwen had barely even registered all that vanished time. She grit her teeth and waited for the stress to sink in.
    So when a warm rush of blood pulsed between her legs Gwen let out a startled moan, shivering at how suddenly sensitive her body felt. This was something she'd never felt before. Well, Gwen had been turned on plenty of times. But even when she was sleeping with exes the tension had always been present. Was she performing to their satisfaction? To her own satisfaction? Was her body in shape enough to turn them on? Every orgasm was tinged with the familiar tightening hold of stress over the time lost while she was supposed to be enjoying herself.
    But this was different. Gwen didn't feel any pressure, no tightness against her lungs or weight on her back. Though now she felt her shirt clinging to her tits, the rough fabric scratching at her nipples teasingly. She stood up and let out a whimper, instantly aware of the weight of her C-cup breasts as they begged to be teased. And one step revealed how slick her thighs had become. She reached down tentatively and discovered how incredibly wet she'd become. 
    Gwen shook her head. She didn't have time to be horny. There were a hundred things to do before she even left her apartment. And now she'd lost a full hour stupidly to sleeping and how was she supposed to-
    Gwen suddenly moaned, knees buckling while she was on her way to the kitchen. She stumbled and clutched the counter top, breath ragged as a surge of warmth hit her body hard. It was impossible for her to describe, but the closest she could figure it was that her need to be fucked felt as if it doubled. As if she was only hungry before, but in a second had felt a whole day's worth of fasting manifest instantly.
    "Fuck, how is it even possible to be this horny?" she muttered to no one at all.
    Gwen started to hurry back to the kitchen but quickly froze, her sensitive pussy thrilling with the friction of each step. Carefully she resumed, biting her lip against every teasing step. She didn't have time to be handicapped like this, Gwen knew she had to hurry to-
    For a split second she felt the old, familiar pressure of stress tightening at her joints, threatening to crush her. But instead the tension seemed to slip inside her, heating up rapidly and turning into another wave of pleasure. Now she was certain her panties were ruined, a trickle of her juices dripping down one leg. With her sensitive skin she felt the drop of lust traveling down her thigh, nearly making it to her knee before it stopped.
    Somehow it seemed to click for her then. For whatever impossible reason she was getting turned on from the stress. Gwen shook her head, knowing this was impossible. She must have suffered some kind of a breakdown and had started to fetishize her own overbearing load of stress. But the instant concern she had over this transmuted into pure desire and now Gwen couldn't hold back the deep moan pulsing out of her throat, nipples screaming out in bliss as if they were being twisted skillfully.
    Her hands clutched at her breasts before she could stop them at that only sent Gwen off again, the Indian girl collapsing against her counter. It was becoming too much to bear, her hands teasing and playing with her tits, the pleasure better than anything she'd ever felt before. She pinched her nipples through her shirt, sliding down the cabinet until she landed on her ass. Instantly she felt how soaked her panties were, her pussy leaking a puddle beneath her.
    She regarded herself with a moment of clarity. Playing with her tits like some kind of a slut while she only had fifty minutes before she was due at work. Gwen hadn't eaten or showered, instead caring more about pleasuring herself than even changing out of her own wet panties. What kind of a selfish slut would care more about getting off than her career?
    Gwen practically came as the shame and stress of what she was doing only enhanced it, taking away all choice as her hand slipped down into her panties. Eyes rolling back in her head as she ground her fingers against her clit, panting and nearly drooling on herself. She was too far gone to care about the consequences. Only that wasn't true. Every second she spent fucking herself on the floor added more stress, more tension at how she was wasting the day, more shame at what she was doing. And only made the orgasmic pressure building in her pussy swell greater.
    She came shaking, moaning loudly as the orgasm burned through her body, every cell lighting up in pure bliss. She was moaning like some shameless slut and the knowledge that her neighbors might her, what they would think of her, only made the orgasm double in intensity.
    After that Gwen saw only white, thoughts melted away by the sheer brilliance of the orgasm. What felt like five minutes later she finally blinked awake slowly, brushing her jet black hair out of her eyes. Gwen was slick with sweat, a small puddle between her legs. The clock told her that she was due into work in forty minutes, and after that performance everyone on the floor must have heard her. Gwen analyzed all of this instantly and felt…nothing.
    No pressure tightening in, no shackling weight falling on her. It took Gwen a moment to realize that in the complete absence of all that stress she actually felt happy. In fact she felt ecstatic. All that yoga/tai-chi bullshit finally made sense. She breathed deeply, savoring the light breath as she let it out, feeling at once with the universe. Gwen laughed to herself, realizing she just orgasm'd into nirvana. She wonder if all those monks had anything on that.
    She got to her feet shakily, no longer worried about the problems of the day. Instead she caught on that she'd had the first full night of sleep in months, her body and mind felt rested and fantastic, and god did she love that orgasm just then. Gwen smiled to herself, deciding she'd make a decent omelet like she hadn't had in ages. Usually she just chucked food in her mouth like fuel, never taking the time to savor it. Maggie always was on her case about eating a decent breakfast.
    The thought of her friend stuck alone in the office with the others was enough to finally knock her off of that heavenly cloud. Oh god, here she was about to abandon Maggie to dealing with those uncaring animals with all the work they needed to do. Gwen let out a defeated sigh as the all too familiar stress piled down on her back, her peace cut short. But then suddenly the weight melted away, slipping off her back and the tension caressed at her tits and slithered down to her pussy.
    "How the hell can I still get horny after all that?"
    But her pussy wouldn't listen to reason, instead demanding she instantly resume fingering herself. And knowing just what the orgasm it would lead to felt like she was tempted to give in right away. Yet if there was anything that exemplified Gwen besides her constant stress it was that she was loyal. Trying to ignore her body heating up like a furnace with need Gwen dialed Maggie.
    "Hi Gwen, guess you're in the office early," Maggie answered instantly, the sound of commuters on the train droning in the background. "I should be in there to join you soon."
    Guiltily Gwen bit her lip and forced herself to tell the truth. "Actually, I'm still at home."
    "Really?" The shock in her voice was instant disappointment, burning shame digging into her heart. Then instantly sliding up into her cunt and she gripped the counter, using everything in her willpower not to moan.
    "Y-yeah," she managed to say. "My alarm never went off and I only just woke up." Technically true, though Gwen felt it would be best to leave out the ten minutes of masturbation. 
    "I've been there plenty of times, don't worry about it," Maggie laughed, not sounding disappointed at all. The sheer shock that Maggie wasn't upset with her actually made Gwen forget how damn horny she was. "Listen, talk all the time you need to come in. I know how you get when you think you fall behind but honestly you need a chance to relax for once."
    "But…we've got so much work to do. The fact that we lost a whole day alone means we-"
    "We lost a day? When?"
    Gwen blinked, surprised. 
    "Yesterday. There was the hypnotist. And we had the seminar." Gwen struggled to remember, barely able to recall anything other than feeling amazing after, even going so far as to say she loved the whole experience. It was only the idea of missing work that gave her the resolve to remember it at all.
    "Oh right. Bridgette really did a great job."
    "Yeah, she did," Gwen admitted. "I really loved it by the time she was done with us."
    "I know what you mean," Maggie said laughing. "I loved the session when she was done with us."
    "Yeah, me too. I loved the session when she was done with us," Gwen responded, mind feeling fuzzy.
    "But we shouldn't worry about the session," Maggie said, oddly distant.
    "We shouldn't worry about the session," Gwen confirmed.
    "Because we loved the session."
    "Loved the session," Gwen said, moaning lightly as her fingers slipped into her panties.
    "What was that?" Maggie suddenly asked, startled.
    Gwen eyes snapped awake, realizing she was playing with herself while on the phone with her boss, one of her closest friends. She quickly pulled her hand away, fighting back against the surge of pure need the shame and concern of nearly being caught by Maggie brought on her. She needed to fuck herself or she'd explode.
    "It was nhhn nothing," Gwen whimpered. "Just…tired, from yesterday." She'd said just to say anything, but wondered why. It's not like anything unusual happened yesterday. But worrying about that only fanned the burning lust higher.
    "Listen, I can handle the office for a little while on my own at least. You take an hour or two. Get a nice full breakfast and come in refreshed."
    "Don't worry about that," Gwen muttered, sliding her soaked panties off and making her way towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a warm, warm bath and enjoy myself. Relax, I mean I'll relax." The humming sexual tension brimming through her made it nearly impossible to think. Gwen dropped her panties and heard the land with a wet thump, only turning her on more to know that's how wet she'd gotten.
    "Alright, just try to have fun, okay Gwen?"
    "I promise," she said throwing off her shirt. "By the time I come into the office it'll seem like I hit inner peace."
    "Sure, I'll believe it when I see it."
    You have no idea, Gwen thought as she threw on the water for the bath, squirming anxiously as she fought from masturbating. If Maggie only knew about her name technique for relieving stress. God she couldn't wait to cum again, to feel so free and light. Maggie should definitely try it too, turning all your stress into passion and cumming away your concerns. She and Maggie should slip into the bath together, getting one another off so they can-
    Gwen blinked in shock, surprised at the suddenly vivid image of her fingering Maggie, savoring the feeling of her smooth skin as her friend brought her off as well. Nothing could have prepared her for the unrelenting wave of lust that hit her, brought on by the shame of suddenly wanting to fuck her friend. She groaned, fingers sliding into herself as she stretched up on her toes, feeling herself brought higher and higher, closer to-
    "Gwen, what was that? Are you okay?"
    The Indian girl shivered, locked on the edge of orgasm with every muscle of her body thrilling with tension, the woman practically vibrating. And Maggie had heard her.
    "St-stubbed my toe," she muttered, trying not to moan. "Bye."
    "Okay, feel be-"
    Gwen hung up the call and tossed her phone in the corner, practically jumping in the bath as she bucked her hips against her fingers, teasing her nipples and mewling happily to herself. Giving in to the pleasure, cumming over and over, even the thought of Maggie naked joining her couldn't shake her now. She welcomed the fantasies, happy for anything to keep her cumming.
    When Gwen finally came down she luxuriated in the bath. Even though the water had long gone cold she welcomed its cool touch, her body sweet and melting perfectly. Now she was certain nothing would get to her. Gwen smiled to herself, thinking she'd need to start doing this every day. At least this would certainly be an interesting day at work.

~ ~ ~
    Sasha studied the clock and frowned, knowing this was getting out of hand. She only had fifty minutes to show up at work, and given how slowly her work's been going Gwen was sure to yell at her if she showed up late on top of that. It wasn't her fault, Sasha simply couldn't function when people were looking at her. The young programmer could handle her work fine in a sealed room with her full attention on the project at hand. But when her bosses were hovering around in sight they were just a constant reminder of the deadlines she'd been missing, how far she was falling behind. 
    Not to mention Dani always picking on her. Sasha had been promised that bullies somehow magically vanished after school was over, yet every day the black girl would find a new reason to make jokes at her expense. The way she always hid away, actually trying to get her work done. Or her comfortable puffy sweaters that kept anyone from paying any attention to her. But while her wardrobe was usually like a safety net to keep her sane today it's what was causing her problems.
    Sasha took a deep breath and threw on the large light blue sweater, quickly grabbing her bag and running to the door. However the feeling set in instantly, being too hot, too confined, the sweater itching her skin and driving her crazy. She just had to ignore it, fight through it. Make it out the door and to work on time so she wouldn't get in trouble.
    The tiny girl groaned with relief as she stripped the sweater off, cool air kissing her skin. Sasha tossed the sweater away with dismay, putting it on the same pile as the others. Must have been something when she was doing laundry, some detergent that was having a reaction with her. Thankfully her pants were fine, but all of her sweaters and baggy shirts were inaccessible. Sasha had even tried jackets but everything was too stuffy, like they were instantly straight-jackets locking her down. She would have never been able to work under those conditions.
    She collapsed against her mirror, knowing she had to force herself to get through it for just one day. Tonight she'd be able to do another load of laundry and fix her wardrobe, it just meant one torturing day of being itchy and hot and uncomfortable. Suddenly a strange thought hit her, knocking her out of her despair.
    'Why not simply go to work in what you're wearing now?'
    Sasha blushed, studying herself in the mirror. She had on black jeans, certainly nothing out of the ordinary. But her top was a thin white t-shirt she normally wore under her constant sweaters, hiding herself with good reason. The double D breasts might have been sexy on taller girls but with her barely five feet tall they appeared monstrous on her chest. The white fabric of the shirt was stretched to its limits trying to contain them, her breasts alone pulling the shirt up to expose her midriff. 
    "No way can I just wear this to work," Sasha muttered sadly.
    'Tell me why you can't,' that energetic voice cut back in. 'Is it any worse than what other girls wear to work?'
    Sasha pictured Dani's usual black leather outfits, clad in metal studs, not to mention Sue's skimpy and expensive clothes. She certainly wouldn't be revealing anything more than they have, but neither of those girls had her assets.
    'You've already condemned yourself to suffering through one day,' the voice whispered seductively. 'And which is worse? Itching and hot in those awful sweaters or simply dealing with people being able to see your breasts?'
    Sasha blushed deeply, just imagining the fresh insults Dani might come up with once she saw her tits for the first time. But the short girl knew it would be impossible to work in those constraining sweaters. And she was used to tuning out the other girls. It would be just like any other day, Sasha told herself as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.
    Though she had to admit the breeze felt amazing, normally she was too swaddled up to feel the cool wind on her skin. The sky was bright and clear, and Sasha could even feel the warmth of the sun massaging her arms and chest for a change. A ghost of a smile started at her lips. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
    Suddenly she caught sight of her bus pulling in a block away. Sasha cursed and broke into a sprint. If she missed this one the next bus wouldn't show up for half an hour. No way would Gwen forgive her for that. Sasha caught the bus at the last minute, wheezing and thanking the bus driver. Normally the stern older driver never waited, but today he seemed to take longer than usual closing the doors. Sasha headed to the back of the bus, noticing a lot of eyes following her. Had she messed up her hair running like that?
    A slight bump on the bus made her collapse into her seat, her breasts jiggling pleasantly. And suddenly it clicked for Sasha. If they bounced like that from a small bump what must they have looked like with her running fall on? The tiny girl's cheeks flushed bright red, suddenly realizing just why the bus driver must have waited for her, why guys on the bus were still straining back to stare at her. She was so used to hiding her tits she had completely forgotten what it was like with them visible again. All those people leering at her on the bus and Sasha felt…
    Hot. Her breath caught in her chest, body heating up. But this wasn't the smothering heat of the sweaters. All at once she felt incredibly turned on, wriggling uncomfortably in the seat. Sasha noticed a man staring at her tits, smiling absently to himself as if unaware he was being so obvious. And the attention only turned Sasha on more. It wasn't like he was staring at her as if she were some freak with monstrous tits. It was clear he wanted her, desired her, and this was causing all sorts of strange reactions inside the short girl.
    She slowly put an elbow up against the window to rest her head, her chest turning slightly to give him a better view. Sasha pretended to have her eyes closed, secretly watching. The man didn't disappoint as his eyes widened, whistling to himself appreciably. Sasha shivered with pleasure, thankfully hidden by another bump in the bus. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, Sasha thought.
    But this was fun being out on the street. How would the girls in the office respond with her showing up with her breasts on display? Sasha tried to worried about this but could only focus on the pleasant pulses of warmth rushing through her as she noticed more and more people checking her out on the bus. Somehow she had the sense that things in the office would work out for her, though she couldn't say why.
~ ~ ~
    Gwen whimpered on her knees, legs spread wide to reveal her dripping pussy. She was staring ahead with empty eyes, panting and drooling as the impossible pleasure surged through her.
    "Excellent, Gwen," Bridgette the hypnotist praised her. "Now picture yourself arriving to work to find an enormous stack of papers on your desk."
    The Indian girl squealed pathetically, eyes rising to take in the imaginary load of paperwork. It would take her hours to finish all of this, and she was already so far behind that-
    "And now channel it, just as I taught you. That tight, confining pressure and stress you feel melting in the heat of your lust, spreading and taking over completely."
    Gwen experienced everything she described, her open mind allowing the hypnotist to control her entirely. She would allow her Mistress to program her any way she desired. It happened slowly since the stress was such an ingrained part of her that at first it refused to leave. But her Mistress had described the bright furnace burning inside her pussy, boiling lust that would reduce all stress into exquisite bliss. Gwen felt it beginning, her tension shifting and breaking apart, an iceberg of pressure collapsing and melting against that unstoppable heat. Gwen let out a delighted moan. The pleasure was such exquisite torture, but it was also the joy of knowing that she'd obeyed Bridgette's instructions perfectly. Mistress was taking away all of her worries and she was so grateful. Mistress had said she could cum soon, but only when she was fully programmed.
    "Melllteeedd," the horny girl mewled, just as she'd been instructed. Bridgette smiled wide.
    "Much better, Gwen. Still needs improvement, but by the end of the day you should be able to instantly translate all stress you feel into sexual tension. Focus on the stack of papers and watch them rise, more and more work piled onto you."
    Gwen's eyes rose higher, staring up at the ceiling as she whimpered. Bricks of tension mounting on her back, threatening to collapse her. But now her body was reacting with more confidence, breaking up the stress and melting them, converting it into passion that made her sweat, unbearably horny.
    "Good slave. There was nothing you could do about your stress before, no way for you to relieve it. But that's not the same for arousal, is it?"
    The brown skinned girl whimpered, golden eyes pleading for relief. 
    "When you're this incredibly horny you already know what will cure all of your problems. Don't you?"
    "Pl-please, Mistress. Need… to… cum…"
    "Cum now, slave. Cum and release all that pressure."
    Gwen roared in ecstasy, body collapsing into a puddle on the floor as she came harder than ever before. The passion she'd been feeling had seeped into every inch of her body but now that the orgasm hit it was as if Gwen were cumming with every cell of her body, just as she'd been programmed to. Her pent up lust igniting like rocket fuel and offering her the reward she'd been craving.
    Bridgette watched the show proudly, petting Sasha's head as the naked girl knelt beside her chair. Gwen's eyes unfocused, drooling on herself as she melted completely, pooling on the floor without an ounce of tension or stress in her body.
    Bridgette clapped politely, overjoyed at her progress. "Excellent, Gwen. I must say your new treatment is quite effective. A few more tests and we'll have you cured in no time."
    Gwen groaned in a pleased tone, the bare essence of what might have been words but impossible to distinguish. Luckily Bridgette was well accustomed to the blissfully blank look on a subject's face, she'd seen it before on so many satisfied past clients. The face that expressed utter gratitude, a facial expression for 'Thank you, Mistress.'
    Satisfied, Bridgette turned to address the short, naked girl kneeling beside her. "Now, Sasha, how are you feeling dear?"
    "So hot, oh fuck it's so hot in here. They're staring…" she whined, Sasha shivering and blushing. Her body had been frozen in place by the hypnotist, splayed out so her surprisingly massive tits and soaked pussy were on display.
    Carla and Maggie were spread on the floor before her, both women naked and laying flat on their stomachs. They were staring devotedly at Sasha's naked body, lust clear in their faces.
    "Slaves, what do you think of Sasha's naked body?"
    "So beautiful," Maggie muttered absently.
    "Wanna fuck her so bad," Carla said shivering. "Want to suck on her tits and finger her cunt, fuck her for hours and hours until she's cumming my name like a good slut." Carla was rubbing her tits, staring at the other woman with hungry eyes. 
    Bridgette laughed at the display. When Maggie had hired her to help with the office she hadn't specified too many of the problems, at least not until she'd been hypnotized by the powerful redhead, but one of the first things she admitted to being frustrated by was Carla's sullen silence. She'd hired the disabled girl for her incredible programming skills even though she'd heard about her refusal to interact with others. Of course the boss had taken this for nothing more than gossip until the Latina in the wheelchair arrived and proved the rumors right by refusing to speak other than when absolutely necessary, as if she had a limited reserve of words for the day.
    Being the pragmatic problem solver she always was Bridgette had decided the introverted girl just need to be more… vocal, about what she wanted. And she certainly was proving talkative now. Carla licked her lips and pulled on her nipples, moaning.
    "Wanna crawl over to her and eat Sasha out. Taste her cunt and make her cum, over and over. Want to fuck her brains out with my tongue."
    "I think you're going to be much more fun around the office," the redheaded hypnotist laughed. "And Sasha, how are you enjoying their attention on you?"
    "Embarrassing. They can see my… my vagina, and my boobs… and, fuuuck I'msowet."
    "Good girl. How will it feel whenever someone stares at you?"
    "I'll feel good," she replied instantly. 
    "Just good?" Bridgette urged.
    "Iiii get turned on," Sasha moaned.
    "Go on, dear. Tell me what's true for you now."
    "I get horny when people see me. I get more turned on the more of me they see. I love the pleasure, always want to feel it. Want to show myself off more. To know how much others want to see me. Everyone wants to see my sexy body, and I want to expose myself to get others off."
    Sasha broke into a strangled moan as her pussy clenched, cumming simply from accepting this new truth of herself. Her subconscious envisioned the shy girl wandering through the street naked, seeing everyone staring at her and marveling at how aroused the thought made her. All those other women wanting her so much and oh god she was so horny knowing they wanted to fuck her, everyone should see her and want her and she had to show off her tits, flash her ass, spread her pussy, show everything to please others.
    "Yeeeessss," Sasha cried out, body shaking even as her muscles tried to hypnotically stay in place as commanded. Bridgette tenderly stroked her hair, telling the girl to sleep as she came down from the intense orgasm. Seemed like another success to her.
    "Carla, go ahead and have some fun with Sasha as a reward." Bridgette got up from the chair and wandered away, grinning as she saw Carla happily pulling herself towards Sasha, unable to hold back her desires any more. Even if the girl couldn't use her legs she was determined to get to that delicious looking pussy and Bridgette certainly wasn't about to deny someone that eager to play.
    Bridgette wanted nothing more than to stop and fuck herself at all her wonderful work, this truly was a special group of women, but that would have to come later. For now she had to once again deal with the problem child of the office. The tough and confident Dani was spread naked on the floor with Soo-Jin bucking on top of her face, the black girl eating the secretary out with the entirety of her being. Bridgette nodded and Sue whined, disappointed that she had to rise up off of the other woman but she still obeyed. Dani's face was smeared in juices, tongue still licking at empty air.
    "Dani, why are you eating out your coworker?"
    "Because it makes her feel good," she replied drunkenly.
    "And what happens when you make others feel good?"
    "Feell so good tooo," Dani moaned, her hips suddenly bucking. The entire time she'd been eating out Sue the girl's cries of pleasure had driven her on, knowing how much the other girl was getting off above her. And in return she'd felt an invisible tongue lovingly lapping at her own pussy, the same pleasure she gave revisited on her.
    "Excellent, you can resume for now."
    Sue eagerly dropped onto Dani's face, the black girl smothered under her soaked pussy but she didn't complain for a second. Dani simply set right back to making the other girl as happy as possible. Bridgette kissed the beautiful Korean girl, stroking her pert breasts.
    "Mhm, you are a special one. But don't worry, I'll have your new routine implanted soon enough." Sue nodded absently, too far gone in the trance to really understand what Bridgette was saying. "So just keep riding your friend's face until it's my turn to mess with your pretty head." 
    The mindless girl understood the permission to feel pleasure, crying out in ecstasy as she came. At the sound of her orgasm Dani came as well, so happy she could please Sue with her tongue. Bridgette heard the black girl moaning something into the Korean girl's pussy, words muffled by her crotch. But the repetition of the words made it easy for her to recognize the mantra she'd implanted in the metal girl.
    Sometimes Bridgette truly loved her job.

Here’s a series I worked on five years ago that was up exclusively on my Patreon, and apparently I forgot to send it out to the public. So I hope you all enjoy, and you can read it up to chapter 8 on my Patreon if you want to read ahead of time. The series went on hiatus about halfway through what I planned, and I’m hoping to get back to work on it later this year if I have time. But there’s some good stuff ahead so check it out! I can’t link my Patreon directly, but you can join my discord server and see announcements on all new stories, along with everything else Sammynona going on in the world. You can also check out my official twitter page: @sammynona1

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