From Barista to Priestess

by sammynona

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #multiple_partners #transgender_characters #urban_fantasy #growth #oblivious

Tulip, a trans woman working in a coffee shop, accidentally summons a fertility goddess and finds herself in the new position of sex priestess.

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    “That’ll be 3.99,” Tulip says, for the fortieth time that day. The business woman across the counter barely even looks at her as she swipes up her coffee and heads out the door, instantly replaced by an equally grumpy and irritable business woman. Tulip keeps her customer service smile fixed in place and recites, “Welcome to Hallowed Grounds, how can I serve you?”
    The woman glares at her, as if Tulip were personally responsible for the awful pun name of the coffee shop, then rattles off a long and complicated order that’s either meant for six people or meant to give herself a caffeine induced heart attack. “And don’t fuck it up again,” she throws in at the end, even though Tulip is pretty sure she’d never seen the woman before because she would have remembered that cute haircut and her broad nose. More likely the customer just mentally molds all baristas into one singular figure to lash their frustrations out on. You’d think Tulip being a tall trans girl with purple cotton candy hair and a sidecut would have made her stand out, but apparently not.
    So Tulip did like she always did at work and hastily tried to complete the difficult order while slowly dying inside. She wished that something would change. That someone would be nice and help her. But she’d worked in customer service long enough to know miracles didn’t happen.
    Except a miracle did occur. Through the overly complicated process of making specialty lattes and the happenstance of unconscious actions, Tulip unknowingly began to perform an ancient ritual once used by the priestesses of a forgotten fertility goddess. Tulip was pouring the oat milk and scratching her leg with her left foot when she accidentally burned the back of her hand against one of the piping hot machines. She screamed and hopped backwards on one foot, her flailing hands knocking over a bowl of apples in a way that cosmic forces could interpret as an offering of bountiful fruit. 
    As Tulip heard the customers and other baristas direct their laughter at her she felt a hot, embarrassed rage filling her. She cradled her hand and whispered, “Please.” The plea was to no one in particular. But a goddess stirred from her sleep, the ancient ritual once more performed.
    Suddenly the laughter stopped. At first Tulip wondered if it was some ridiculously well coordinated prank. After all, why else would every single person in the coffee shop freeze in place like someone hit the pause button?
    Tulip copied them, standing perfectly still and waiting until long after the joke would have been funny. When she moved again nobody else broke their perfectly stiff posture. It was starting to unnerve her, so Tulip went over to the nearest and thankfully nicest of her coworkers. Emma was typically no nonsense, and yet she was doing the unfunny human statue bit too. Tulip tentatively waved a hand in front of Emma’s face but they gave no response at all. Not even blinking.
    “Okay this is fucked up,” Tulip muttered. As an experiment she poked Emma, only did it harder than she meant to— she was justifiably freaked out— and watched as Emma tilted sideways and froze in place, one foot teetering off the floor at an angle no one should be able to stay at. It was too freaky a sight for her already frayed sense of reality so, fighting her confusion, Tulip grabbed Emma and carefully pulled her back upright.
    A voice behind her said, “That was kind of you.”
    “Gah!” Tulip whipped around, shocked to see the Goddess. Even at first glance it was obvious she was a Goddess. The mysterious woman was hovering in the air, coated in a soft golden glow. Their green hair cascaded behind them, waving in an impossible breeze and softly shedding colorful flower petals that smelled like sunshine and spring weather. Also she had enormous tits barely covered up by a thin tunic. Tulip should have probably focused on the rest of her more, but her attention was firmly rooted in that bountiful chest.
    “Would you like to suckle at my breast?” the Goddess asked with an innocent laugh.
    There are a lot of things Tulip knew you shouldn’t do when time somehow freezes and a mysterious magical woman hovers above you. But refusing an offer to suck on said magical woman’s amazing tits was apparently not one of them, because Tulip found herself nodding and loudly whispering, “Yes please.” 
    The Goddess smiled as she unclasped her tunic, and as soon as her breasts were bared Tulip found herself lifting off the ground, carried by an invisible force right up into the floating woman’s chest. Tulip allowed herself to be guided in, since she didn’t know how to actually fight it if she wanted to, but apparently her aim was off because she ended up sinking face first between her tits. Tulip wriggled in midair as she was smothered between the wonderfully soft boobs, drinking in the floral scent of her skin. The Goddess put a hand behind Tulip’s head and guided her properly until Tulip found a nipple to suck. And to her surprise there was milk. Delicious, tangy milk that filled her with the warmest joy.
    Tulip didn’t know how long she suckled for. The patrons of the coffee shop remained silent and frozen, so she was in no hurry to stop enjoying herself. When it finally felt like she couldn’t drink anymore Tulip reeled back, gasping for air and feeling shockingly drunk.
    The Goddess drifted Tulip back down to the floor but as her feet made contact she stumbled. Her head was buzzing and her meager tits were throbbing and her dick was pressing achingly hard against the front of her jeans. Her clothes felt so tight, as if someone had shrunk them on her. But Tulip didn’t notice any of that just yet. Instead her attention was on the gorgeous Goddess she’d yet to question.
    “What’s your name?” she asked, the ambrosia taste of milk still coating her tongue. It seemed like the polite way to start a conversation.
    The Goddess scrunched up her brow and pursed her lips, hard in thought, then broke into a delighted laugh. “I can’t remember! It’s been so long since I was summoned by a mortal.”
    “You were summoned?”
    “Yes. By you, silly.”
    Tulip shook her head. The drunk on milk sensation was fading, although as the stupor peeled away it only left Tulip realizing how insanely horny she was. “Wait, I summoned you?”
    “Yes. You performed the ritual and I answered your plea. You have suckled at my breast and accepted my divine power. Now you are baptized as my priestess, to spread knowledge of me and love of me to those around you.”
    Tulip gulped, desperately trying to process all this. Perhaps sucking on the floating glowing woman’s titties was a mistake after all…
    “Um, how am I supposed to do that?”
    “You shall grant my favor to the supplicants through your divine rod, of course.”
    Tulip blinked. She looked around, but saw no sign of a divine rod. The Goddess let out another good humored chuckle as she gingerly pointed her finger down. Tulip’s eyes followed that finger until she was looking down at her crotch, tented by her erection.
    “Wait you mean my dick!?”
    The Goddess nodded serenely. “You shall let them worship me by worshipping your dick and granting my countenance upon them.”
    Tulip stared aghast at the Goddess, then back at her crotch. She tentatively poked the outline of her cock and felt a rush of pleasure. It was hard to tell through her jeans but her dick seemed… bigger. Also Tulip realized she had to angle her hips further out to see over her tits, which had grown a few sizes in a matter of seconds.
    “Did you grow my boobs too?”
    “My blessing renders you with whatever you desire, my new priestess.”
    “That would be bigger boobs, yeah,” Tulip said, experimentally squeezing her expanded tits and liking what she felt. She glanced around the coffee shop but everyone was too busy acting like statues to notice her feeling herself up. “So let me get this straight. I’ve got a holy dick?”
    The Goddess nodded.
    “And you expect me to fuck random people?”
    “No one you wouldn’t wish to sleep with by your own standards. I already sense you have a preference for women.”
    “I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m probably not your best option for a sex priestess. I, uh, haven’t really been with anyone in a few months. I don’t have the best luck with the ladies.”
    “Not to worry,” the Goddess replied with a wave of her hand. “My new followers shall seek you out. All in need of your aid shall be drawn to you. They will make their interest quite obvious. You shall have no trouble at all delivering your holy rod to them.”
    “Okay now that sounds really dirty.”
    The Goddess covered her mouth as she laughed. “I am a fertility Goddess. I encourage my priestesses to have fun with their good works. Offering their divine rod to the masses so they may be succored.”
    Tulip couldn’t help but smile. “So they’ll be doing a lot of, uh, succoring then?”
    “You’ll do wonderful, my child. Now enjoy yourself, and call me if you ever need assistance.” Suddenly the Goddess began to fade, drifting away in radiant light like a dwindling sunset. 
    “Wait! How do I call you?”
    “With my ritual,” the divine voice answered, “Just as you performed it before.” Then she was gone, leaving Tulip with no clue what ritual she’d been talking about.
    “Son of a bitch,” she muttered, and was shocked to hear someone groan.
    “Did you screw up my order?” the mean businesswoman griped from the other side of the counter. Everyone in the coffee shop had returned to being animated again, as if nothing had happened. The only sign of anything out of the ordinary was Emma, who stumbled in place as if unsure of her footing. She glanced around in confusion, then shrugged it off and went back to the latte she was preparing.
    “Was that real?” Tulip asked no one in particular, but the business woman decided to take offense to it.
    “Of course you screwed up my order. All you baristas are useless. Will you hurry up and-” The angry customer’s spiel had been directed at Tulip while the woman stared at her phone, no doubt just lashing out her frustrations at the nearest helpless retail worker. But as soon as the woman glanced away from her phone and actually looked at Tulip she went silent. Her eyes went wide with wonder.
    For a second Tulip wondered if that was the divine power at work. Then she realized she was still groping her boobs and quickly yanked her hands away.
    “I’m, um, sorry about your drink. I’ll get right back to it.”
    “Okay,” the woman gasped, still staring at Tulip as if she were a unicorn. There was something unnerving about being so openly watched, especially when Tulip was still working out if the Goddess’ visit was real or not. She could still taste that delicious milk of hers, and she was still ridiculously horny and feeling plumper than usual, but that could all just be the nervous breakdown from being an overworked barista who finally snapped.
    She needed confirmation, so Tulip slid as casually next to Emma as she could while wearing a possibly insane smile. “Heeeey Emma. Weird question, but are my tits bigger?”
    Emma glanced at Tulip’s chest, never skipping a beat on the latte she was making. “Definitely bigger. Guess your drugs are working.”
    “Not sure it was the drugs,” she chuckled nervously. Tulip was just wondering how to politely and professionally ask Emma if her dick seemed bigger and possibly magical when somebody slammed a hand down on the counter.
    Tulip turned and flinched. The mean business woman’s weird stare had only grown more intense. She had one hand on the counter and was actually dragging herself up onto it.
    “Ma’am! You can’t climb on that-”
    “I’m sorry,” she cried, and suddenly Tulip could sense her emotions. They radiated off of the business woman, waves of anxiety and insecurity and sadness. “I”m sorry but I can’t… Please. Help me. I’m so lost. Every day in the office I feel like I’m drowning. Like I’m never good enough. I just wish someone would help.”
    It was such a stark contrast to the grumpy front she wore walking into the coffee shop, and yet Tulip somehow knew that this woman was being genuine. How much stress must the poor pretty woman be under if she was making a spectacle of herself like this? Tulip felt for her, but there was no way she could help.
    Tulip gulped. “What do you want?”
    Unless she wasn’t crazy. Which meant…
    The sad, scared woman clapped her hands together in supplication and shouted, “Please let me suck your dick. I need your blessing.”
    Now either she was crazy, or it was this woman who was crazy. Except everyone in the shop must have heard her. Tulip desperately wanted to wave her arms and convince everyone she wasn’t a pervert.
    Except that no on in the shop was reacting at all. The other baristas kept serving. The customers queued grumpily in line. Couples and people reading papers in the booths sat unruffled by this woman very loudly begging to suck Tulip’s dick.
    “Please,” the business woman asked again, still kneeling on the counter.
    “Um, Emma.” Tulip tugged on Emma’s sleeve, praying she could be a life preserver in all this madness.
    But Emma only gave her and the begging woman a brief look and shrugged. “It’s fine if she sucks your cock, Tulip. Seems like she needs it.”
    “Wait, it’s fine?”
    It was clearly a question directed at Emma, but the obviously distressed business woman took it as permission and dived over the counter with a huge grin, neatly dropping to her knees before Tulip and opening her mouth wide. Stuck out her tongue and everything. All set to receive a divine rod in front of everyone here.
    “Uhhhhhhhhh…” Tulip wanted to. Her cock was aching to be in this woman’s mouth. Clearly she wanted it and Emma was apparently unconcerned about the blowjob. Still, was this really right? “Hey, are you okay? Is this really what you want?”
    The pretty business woman slowly reeled her tongue back into her mouth. “I’m not. Okay, I mean. I’m very not okay. I keep holding in my feelings and not taking care of myself. I’m mean to anyone I can be mean to, like making you feel bad about the drinks earlier. And I just- it’s like I know you can help me.”
    “With my dick?”
    The lady blushed. “I can’t explain it, but yes. I really want it. I’m so turned on staring at the shape of it.” And Tulip realized that she was definitely doing some longing gazing at the outline of her dick through the jeans. “I’m Nina, by the way.”
    “Tulip,” she replied, still trying to catch her bearings with how insane all of this was.
    “I’m sorry if I came off crazy back there. It all just hit me at once and I didn’t know how to react. I’ve never met a priestess before.”
    Tulip snapped her fingers. “Right there. How do you know I’m a priestess?”
    Nina frowned in confusion. “Aren’t you? You just look like one. Like I see you and, well, you’re obviously a priestess. And I want your dick quite a lot. I know that your blessing will help me.”
    “And you’re seriously okay with sucking my dick?”
    At that Nina nodded eagerly.
    Tulip pointed a finger at Emma. “And you don’t have a problem with a customer just going down on me right here?”
    “I guess you could probably move back a bit so you’re not in the way, but it’s whatever. You’re a priestess. You gotta fuck customers sometimes.”
    To Tulip’s bewilderment the other baristas all nodded and shrugged too. As if this were simply a super normal thing they didn’t care about one way or another.
    “And nobody in this whole place minds that this woman is about to suck my dick in front of all of you?”
    The assorted customers all grumbled their unconcerned agreement.
    “Holy crap. It’s real. I’m a priestess.”
    From below her came a plaintive whine. Nina was still on her knees, blushing and biting her lip as she stared at Tulip’s crotch. “So… can I?”
    “Well. Apparently it’s my job as a priestess so…” Tulip squirmed nervously, her own horny excitement catching up to her now. With trembling fingers she tried unzipping her jeans, but it took her a few tries. Nina waited with baited breath, until Tulip finally had her jeans unzipped.
    Her cock sprang free, and the first thing Tulip noticed was that it was bigger. Not to like, an absurd degree, but at least a few inches. There was also something else about her dick that was different. Like an aura, or some golden influence radiating from it. Not radioactive, but perhaps her dick really was holy.
    Tulip was staring at it in wonder when Nina suddenly lunged in, taking the length of the trans girl’s cock in one go. Sheer pleasure welled through her as the tight, wet pressure of Nina’s mouth enveloped her.
    “Oh fuck!”
    Nina slid back, giving the tip of her cock a small lick. “You’re telling me,” she gasped, and there was pure delight in her eyes. “Your cock is…”
    “Beautiful,” another voice said. Tulip glanced up and saw another customer at the counter. A college girl probably around her age. She was tugging at the neck of her turtleneck and gulping. “It’s beautiful.”
    “It sure is,” Nina purred, as she began to slowly lick her way along the sides.
    Tulip gripped the counter behind her. There was no way to tell if this felt so mind-blowing because of the Goddess’ magic or if Nina was just that good at oral, but it was taking everything Tulip had to hold on. And it didn’t help that every time Tulip looked away from Nina’s head bobbing up and down on her dick that she saw the pretty college girl in the turtleneck watching them openly. She was rubbing her tits through the shirt, and whatever weird magic made people okay with this exhibition happening also extended to her. No one paid attention to Tulip groaning and writhing, or Nina’s enthusiastic blowjob, or the college girl slipping a hand down her pants.
    “Can I go next?” the masturbating college girl asked with a moan. “I’d like your blessing too.”
    “O-okay,” Tulip managed to say, but it felt like she was about to dissolve from the pleasure overwhelming her. Would she really be up for a second turn after this?
    Nina was gazing up at her as she sucked longingly on the cock of the priestess. Somehow Tulip could sense the happiness dripping off of Nina. She knew how much the business woman was loving this. And it was that sense of love and devotion that finally made her cum.
    With an embarrassing sound Tulip came in Nina’s mouth. The orgasm that washed over her was like nothing she ever felt. It was like witnessing a tsunami after a life of shallow waves. It crashed through Tulip, piercing her to her core with a joy she’d never known. And suddenly that joy and pleasure coursed down her spine and into her cock and into Nina.
    She made Nina cum instantly. Like her other strange intuitions Tulip knew that it was the best orgasm of her life too. Nina stumbled backwards onto her butt, gasping as jizz dripped down her chin. Her eyes glazed over as she sat there quivering, not a thought in her head.
    When Tulip finally caught her breath she crouched down to check on Nina, who still hadn’t moved at all. As if she’d frozen in place again, with a look of complete ecstasy on her face and cum in her mouth.
    Even with that blank expression, Nina nodded.
    Words bubbled up in Tulip’s head. The perfect words to say. So she said them. “In the name of the Goddess I grant this blessing. May you be happy, Nina. May you know your worth. May you spread the light and joy of the Goddess into the world and find success on your way. Enjoy this blessing I have bestowed.”
    Nina gulped down the load of cum resting in her mouth. Then absently licked her lips clean as she listened. Eyes blank, Nina rose to her feet. “Yes, my priestess. Thank you for the divine blessing. I grant you this offering in joy and gratitude.” And then Nina snapped out of the trance, smiling confusedly. “Um, I know I make an offering but I don’t know what to give.”
    “I don’t know either,” Tulip admitted. “This is my first time. I guess you sucked my dick and that was really amazing, so that might count.”
    But Nina shook her head and smiled. “No, that was my pleasure. Here, how about this.” And Nina reached into her purse and pulled out a wad of cash. She didn’t open it or count out any bills. Instead she immediately stuck it into the tip jar, more than that tip jar probably ever sees in a month. “You deserve it for the great work you do every day.”
    Tulip wanted to protest, but then she sensed the sincerity of the gesture. This woman had guarded her heart to survive the business world, but with this one blowjob her attitude about the world had changed. She would be kind and uplift others. She would put out joy into the world. And this would only be the first of many charitable acts to come. Nina would live a life with love in her heart from now on. So Tulip simply nodded gratefully, getting a sense of just what her new duties as priestess really meant.
    Only Emma started reaching into the tip jar to remove the wad of cash. “Ma’am, this is a communal jar. Your offering should go right to the priestess.”
    “No,” Tulip declared with surprising authority. Emma’s hand froze, the money in her grip. Their dynamic as coworkers had clearly changed beyond just allowing Tulip to hook up with customers. Tulip knew that Emma and the others would obey her. That they would defer her to new power as a priestess and support her. Tulip didn’t know if they questioned this change in their duties as baristas at Hallowed Grounds, but she would show her appreciation all the same.
    “Leave the money in the jar. That’s for all of us to share.”
    Emma gave a grateful smile, and the other baristas all gave a quick cheer. Yes, they would obey her, but Tulip knew just how hard the job was. They all deserved better too. And as priestess she could make that happen.
    Nina was walking away with a new skip in her step and Tulip caught sight of the cute college girl, still masturbating at the counter. Only there were more women behind her now. All with cheeks flushed, nervous smiles, and about half of them touching themselves in intimate ways. A whole separate line had queued for the horny women that wanted the blessing of the Goddess.
    Before Tulip could despair at the number of women she’d have to let suck her cock, a strange burst of energy filled her. It was a true second wind, as Tulip’s cotton candy purple hair ruffled in an impossible breeze. The cool feeling on her skin refreshed her, gave her strength. Her cock stiffened in the spring breeze, ready for the next worshipper. She didn’t bother putting her dick away as she walked up to the front counter. It was what the people were here for, after all. 
    All the women eying her cock longingly made her feel giddy. A few women even got up from their tables to join the new line dedicated to the Goddess. And Tulip caught Emma staring too, biting her lip and quickly glancing away when caught. As if Tulip wouldn’t want to hook up with her hot coworker too.
    It was a whole new world to explore, and Tulip had a divine mission to spread love and joy in it. And next up was the cute college girl in the turtleneck, a hand still stuffed in her pants.
    “Welcome to Hallowed Grounds,” Tulip said, just now understanding the new level of word play at work here. “How can I serve you?”
    “I’d like the divine blessing of the goddess,” she asked breathily. “With your dick. Please.”
    “Of course, come on back here.”
    The college girl giddily walked around the counter instead of climbing over. They might have to find a better place for her to ‘work’ from now on. Perhaps she could take over the booth in the back.
    “Um, does it have to be a blowjob?” the college girl asked. “Or can you fuck me instead? I’d really like you to fuck me.”
    A heavenly impulse told Tulip that she could absolutely give her divine blessing into the cute girl’s cunt. “I’d love to fuck you, Maureen.”
    Maureen clapped her hands and hastily began to pull down her pants, not even questioning how Tulip knew her name. Tulip didn’t question it either. It was just one of those priestess things, apparently. Like how she knew Maureen was having trouble deciding her future and nervous about tests coming up. Tulip’s cock could sense what troubled the poor girl, and exactly how to fuck her worries away.
    So Tulip was happy to bend Maureen over the counter and slide her dick into her eager pussy. There was no need to worry about safe sex; divine protection made for the safest sex of all.
    “Oh yes!” Maureen moaned, and everyone in the shop either ignored her cries or were blushing and squirming as they waited for their turn. “Yes, yes, oh Goddess!”
    Tulip was kissing at Maureen’s neck as she fucked the newest follower of the Goddess. They really would have to find out the name of their Goddess eventually. And somehow she’d have to figure out how she summoned the busty Goddess in the first place. But for now Tulip was more than happy to carry out her new life’s work as she fucked the college girl against the wall.
    Customer service was always hard work, but Tulip felt like it would be far more rewarding from now on. A feeling she was certain of as she came inside Maureen and watched her eyes go blank, her thoughts fading as she lost herself in the heavenly euphoria of Tulip’s blessing. 
    “In the name of the Goddess I grant this blessing,” Tulip recited, the words automatically coming to mind as she stroked the entranced girl’s cheek, her hard cock still twitching inside Maureen. The words would come to her easily with each blessing, just like her rote recitations as customer service. The two jobs weren’t really so different, after all, but Tulip had a feeling that her new divine work would be far more fulfilling. An idea confirmed as she delivered her blessing upon dozens of women over the rest of her shift.

I hope you all enjoyed the story, and if you want to check out more of my work feel free to join my discord server, where I interact with fans and post about updates to my patreon, where you can get exclusive access to past stories and upcoming chapters of my series. You can also check out my official twitter page: @sammynona1


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