A Drone Date

by sammynona

Tags: #clothing #comic_book #drones #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #D/s #dom:female #latex #mind_control_app #oblivious

You never know what you’ll have in common with your blind date. For instance, Cassie and Willa are both unknowingly brainwashed by the same social media app, and serve the same supervillain Mistress.

This story has been suggested by 2 users.

This story was written based on an art piece by Avabluecat on twitter, showing off Cassie in a sexy drone outfit. I had the idea of the brainwashing app arranging a blind date between two girls, and Ava was gracious enough to give me permission to use the character, and even drew two illustrations of the girls on their date. Be sure to check out Ava's art if you like cute hypnotized women!


Cassie had done online dating before and it was usually a disaster, so she was surprised how calm she felt as she waited in front of the small chic restaurant where they’d arranged to meet. Really she hardly knew anything about Willa. Somehow they’d started messaging and it felt like before Cassie knew it they were making plans to meet up in person. Usually Cassie was a much more cautious woman than meeting strangers on the internet, even cute punk women with short blue hair and a sexy smile. 
    Actually, why was she meeting a total stranger in a part of town she didn’t know? 
    As anxiety started to creep in, Cassie’s hand slipped into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She just needed to relax. She tapped the all too familiar purple and yellow icon for the Hornet app, the hottest new social media platform in the city. As soon as the swirling purple and yellow colors filled the screen, Cassie’s fears and worries left her. The loading screen was always so pleasant to watch.
    The Hornet app was her favorite new app.
    She could scroll it for hours reading and absorbing all sorts of advice on how to improve her life.
    The Hornet app improved her life.
    Cassie loved the Hornet app. 
    It was actually the Hornet app where Cassie first started messaging Willa.
    Cassie blinked, purple and yellow dots still dancing before her eyes as she looked up from her phone. Her finger unconsciously tapped the screen and shut off the spiral before anyone else could see.
    Standing there in the shifting purple afterglow of the spiral was Willa. The punk gal was gorgeous, with her razor sharp smile and dyed blue hair cut stylishly short. Cassie had the mad urge to run her hands through that gorgeous hair. And she was taller than her. Not by a lot, only a few inches, but as Cassie tilted her head back to meet Willa’s eyes she couldn’t help but squirm. There was something so hot about looking up at women above you. Lately Cassie had really been overcome with fantasies about kneeling beneath beautiful women. There was something so hot about submitting to a sexy powerful women.
    Cassie blushed, stamping down her libido until she’d at least talked to her. “H-Hi Willa. Sorry, I zoned out there for a second.”
    But Willa just chuckled and guessed, “The Hornet app?”
    Cassie nodded.
    “I get it. I could spend hours scrolling through the Hornet app, checking out photos and reading all sorts of advice on how to improve my life.”
    “The Hornet app has so improved my life,” replied Cassie, completely earnest.
    “I love the Hornet app,” they both said at the exact same time, then burst into laughter.
    “I never thought I’d be the type to get sucked in by the latest social media craze,” Willa said, rubbing at the back of her neck like she was embarrassed about liking something popular. For punk gals that was probably the case.
    “Well the Hornet app is pretty amazing. And hey, it got me a chance to meet you.”
    “Lucky for me too.”
    The two women smiled nervously at each other. The only strange thing about Willa was her outfit. Cassie had been expecting some cool, trendy clothes. Maybe torn up jeans, or fishnets, or whatever kinda clothes cool, sexy punks wore. Instead Willa’s clothes were completely hidden beneath a closed trench coat. Cassie was gonna ask why she was wearing something so strange, only to remember she was wearing her long green jacket, completely closed up around her too.
    Cassie blinked and saw a flash of purple and yellow in her head, accompanied by a faint buzzing sound. It was totally normal to cover up in her jacket.
    So it was normal for Willa to be in her jacket too. Then Cassie’s eyes dipped lower to see Willa’s feet.
    “Oh. My. God. I love your boots!”
    Willa burst into a grin, showing off her shining purple boots. They were so polished Cassie couldn’t tell if they were leather or latex, with a wonderfully bright shine to them that Cassie just wanted to reach down and caress.
    “Thanks! I love your boots too! They’re just like mine.”
    Cassie automatically did a spin, showing off her shiny purple boots too. Her long jacket covered up the fact that the boots went all the way up to her knee. They were her favorite boots, and Cassie loved sitting down to polish them. She probably spent hours every week on her boots, although it felt like no time at all as she listened to peaceful music through the Hornet app.
    Willa stretched out a foot, and Cassie mirrored her, bringing their boots together. They were an exact match. The exact same brand and in the exact same shade of purple, although Willa’s boot was a couple of sizes bigger.
    “What a coincidence! Where did you get yours?”
    Cassie opened her mouth to gush, but found nothing at all to say as she drew a complete blank. Where had she gotten the boots?
    “That’s so weird but I can’t remember the name of the store at all. It’s like they just appeared in my closet one day.”
    Willa scrunched up her nose and furrowed her brow. For a moment Cassie worried she was upset at her, but then Willa shook her head and barked a laugh. “Huh, I can’t remember where I got mine either. Total brain fart.”
    “Maybe they were a gift from a friend?”
    “Maybe. I think someone gave them to me. But I love my boots. I love the way they shine.”
    “I love my boots too. I love polishing them every night.”
    “How funny, I love polishing my boots every night too. I love my boots.”
    “I love my boots,” Cassie repeated, her eyes glazing over.
    Willa’s eyelids dipped down too, her shoulders sagging. “I love my boots.”
    “I love my-”
    Both women had been gazing down at the others boots, hardly even aware of what they were saying, when someone nearby cleared their throat. Cassie glanced up to see a waitress with a bored expression, tapping her unlovely, unshiny black shoe against the floor.
    ‘She’d look so hot in shiny purple boots,’ Cassie thought absently.
    “Table for two at seven o’clock?” the bored waitress asked.
    Willa was still a bit dazed, shaking her head and blinking her eyes a lot, so Cassie smiled and said, “That’s us.”
    “Perfect, you can hang your coats up there.” She pointed at a row of hooks and already hanging coats. Cassie and Willa simply stared back at her and her ridiculous notion of not wearing their long jackets. After a few seconds of patiently waiting the waitress rolled her eyes. “Right this way.” 
    The waitress led them through the cozy little place. It wasn’t too crowded, still early in the afternoon, and Cassie actually found that the food smelled pretty good. There was a big screen television on the wall, only no one was paying attention to it since the ballgame had been interrupted by a newsflash about another superhero fight happening downtown. Torch Gal was fighting some buff dark-skinned woman with fire for hair, which was causing traffic delays. 
    Cassie really didn’t keep up with the local super news, despite living in a city prone to superheroes and villains flying around and fighting constantly. Though she did find her eyes lingering on the women’s costumes as she walked past the TV. There was something so sexy about sleek supersuits like that.
    Then they were past the television and Cassie was snapping back to attention as the waitress brought them to a table near the back. Cassie and her date sat opposite each other, both women blushingly nervous as they settled in. They gave drink orders and the waitress hurried off. Finally alone, Cassie and Willa just smiled at each other silently for the first few seconds.
    Working up the nerve, Cassie asked, “Sorry, but what were we talking about before?”
    “Honestly I can’t remember either,” Willa chuckled. “So how long have you had the Hornet app?”
    “About a month. It’s the best. It’s helped me sooo much. How about you?”
    “Only two weeks I think, but I already love it. Although I think it’s starting to change me.”
    Cassie’s smile thinned, her eyes narrowing. A strange sensation came over her. As if someone else were listening in. Some suspicious authority in the back of her head, curious about Willa’s answer. Her hand rested on her phone, ready to type a message at a moments notice.
    “How do you mean?”
    With a shrug Willa said, “Oh I’ve just been buying new clothes, and tossing out some of my old stuff. Honestly I’m liking the new looks, but my friends are acting weird about it.”
    The strange, looming presence vanished, and Cassie smiled sincerely. It was good that Willa was enjoying the Hornet app. For some reason Cassie had felt so concerned for her. As if Willa suspecting something about the Hornet app and any changes in her life was a problem Cassie would have to report to someone. Which was ridiculous, since she just used the app. It wasn’t like she worked for them or anything.
    “They’re probably just jealous you’re looking better. I know my wardrobe has changed a ton since I got the app, but that’s just because all these fashion blogs on Hornet have the best advice.”
    “Oh cool, which ones do you follow?”
    Cassie smiled back absently.
    “Which what?”
    “Which blogs do you look at on Hornet for your clothes?”
    Cassie frowned. What did she look at on the Hornet app? It was like as soon as the swirling loading screen booted up she became a total zombie. She was wondering how to answer when Cassie noticed that Willa had a faraway look in her eyes. She was staring off past Cassie’s shoulder right at the wall. Her lips were slightly parted, and Cassie wanted to lean in and kiss her. For some reason the idea of kissing Willa like that, with the girl giving no reaction at all was incredibly hot.
    But Cassie couldn’t just kiss her date out of nowhere. So instead she cleared her throat and ignored the fluttering warmth in her tummy. “Willa?”
    The punk gal snapped out of the daze and grinned. “Oh yeah, I love those blogs. They totally give out great fashion advice.”
    Wait, had she answered her question? Cassie laughed at herself. She was such a ditz these days, always having her thoughts trail off on her.
    “Yeah, I love all the looks they go for. Honestly I’ve kind of gotten obsessed with latex lately. Anything shiny and sexy I’m all about.”
    Willa visibly shivered. “It’s so hot. I don’t know if I could pull off wearing something like latex though.”
    “Nonsense,” Cassie replied firmly. “You’d be drop dead sexy in latex.”
    “Really?” She saw Willa squirm, heat rising up in her freckled cheeks.
    “I’d kill to see you walking around in a latex outfit. I bet everyone wouldn’t be able to take their eyes off you.”
    “Everyone would probably think I was a supervillain if I did that.”
    Cassie shrugged. “So? Supervillains are kinda hot. Have you seen Madame Vespa?”
    Willa’s lips parted and Cassie could swear she heard a moan before Willa clapped a hand over her mouth. She couldn’t help but grin, enjoying Willa’s obvious reaction to thinking about the villain. Not that Cassie could blame her. Madame Vespa was definitely Cassie’s new evil villain crush.
    The fact that she wore such a daring yellow latex outfit with purple strips, strutting around bank robberies and hostage takings as if she were on a kinky runway. There was something so hot about a dominant woman in latex taking what she wanted. And those colors.
    Purple and yellow. Just imagining the outfit made her mouth water.
    “Madame Vespa is so hot.”
    “And her minions. What does she call them? Drones?”
    “Yeah, they’re drones. Cause it’s a whole bee theme, with her being in the Hive Collective or whatever.”
    “I know it sounds bad, since all those women are brainwashed to commit crimes for her and junk, but… you know…”
    Cassie gave a knowing grin. “Those uniforms?”
    Willa closed her eyes and licked her lips. “So sexy. Purple and yellow latex outfits like that? And them walking around in public where anyone could see?”
    “It almost makes you want to be taken hostage,” the punk woman whispered, blushing hard.
    Cassie was blushing right back. “I mean, if it’s Madame Vespa…”
    “You’re talking about Madame Vespa?” 
    Cassie and Willa went pale as the waitress suddenly appeared beside them. “Y-yeah,” Cassie mumbled.
    The waitress, clearly eager to gossip, put down their drinks and leaned in conspiratorially. “I heard she’s the one behind that Hornet app that people are downloading. That the apps secretly brainwashing people into being her slaves.”
    Willa, with a strange look in her eyes, said firmly, “That’s totally ridiculous.”
    Cassie felt the same strange resolve inside herself. She wasn’t going to be taken in by dumb rumors. She’d scoff at any idea that the Hornet app was programming herself and others into total obedience. “Seriously, where do people come up with conspiracy theories like that?”
    Now the waitress frowned at them. “Isn’t it obvious? She’s got her BDSM bee theme, and it’s called the Hornet app? It’s totally some evil scheme.”
    “Even if that was true,” Cassie said, though felt ridiculous for even humoring the notion that the Hornet app had slowly conditioned her into total obedience, “Is it really any different than the shady stuff that other apps get up to?”
    “You’ve got a point,” the waitress admitted. “They’re all pretty much run by evil villains, aren’t they?”
    “So why worry about it,” Willa told her. Willa’s eyes moved up and down, checking out the waitress. 
    It was an odd feeling as Cassie waited to feel jealous about her date checking out someone else. Instead, all Cassie did was check out the waitress too, appreciating her fit figure and cute face. She’d look so much cuter in a better outfit though. One with sexy purple boots like theirs. If only the waitress would check out the Hornet app and get some fashion tips like they did.
    Normally Cassie loved telling others to try out the Hornet app and convincing them to download it. But maybe it was because the waitress was already skeptical, or because Cassie was supposed to focus on her date with Willa, that she held her tongue and just smiled as Willa gave the waitress their order. The cute waitress hurried off, hopefully to someday check out the Hornet app herself. Cassie knew she would love it as much as she did.
    Wait, how did Willa know what Cassie wanted to order? It was her favorite meal, too. Cassie was going to ask when Willa beat her to it with a different question.
    “Have you ever worn latex before?”
    It caught her completely off guard. She’d fantasized about latex so much. And the way Willa was watching her intensely now, as if imagining what Cassie would look like wrapped up in sleek latex. The open desire on her face at the thought of Cassie in latex. She wished she were wearing some shining catsuit right now that she could show off.
    Heat rose in Cassie’s cheeks.
    Willa kept staring, openly fantasizing about her as she bit her lip, and Cassie felt a wonderful surge of arousal pass through her.
    Suddenly Cassie had a clear image of herself in latex lingerie, modeling before her mirror. Perfect in her shining, sexy outfits. Her face utterly blank as she took picture after picture, purple and yellow lights flashing in her empty mind as she modeled for… someone.
    Then Cassie shook her head. Must have just been a fantasy. A really hot one, but Cassie didn’t own any latex outfits or uniforms that she kept hidden under her bed. She wished she had something that sexy though. A latex outfit to show off how sexy and submissive she was.
    Cassie’s eyes fluttered. She wiped a bit of drool from her mouth and blinked at Willa. “Um, sorry. What were you asking about?”
    Willa blinked back. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was squirming slightly in her seat. “I don’t remember. I was just thinking you look really pretty like that though.”
    Cassie blushed back at her, clenching her thighs together. “Like what?”
    “Looking blank. Like you were lost in thought. I don’t know why but it was super sexy.”
    Had she looked blank? She felt like her fantasy had been about her blank. Hypnotized. Brainwashed. The thoughts tried to bubble up in her head to be heard, but instead all Cassie cared about was asking Willa, “You think I’m sexy?”
    Quietly Willa nodded. It was so cute how shy the taller punk gal was. Cassie had secretly been hoping she would be dominant and kinky, but it was obvious that Willa was shy, nervous, needing to be told what to do. Willa needed a dominant, powerful woman to help her.
    Maybe they could both find a powerful woman someday to dominate them both. An image filled her head, of herself down on her knees. She wore her beloved purple boots, with matching latex purple gloves running up her arms. She was fitted in a purple and yellow striped corset, with sleek latex purple panties and garter belt. Her expression was totally blank, and she wore a thin purple mask over her eyes. Like she was one of those ridiculous supervillains running around the city.
    No. Kneeling in the sexy, submissive outfit made her look like a weak minion for one of those hot supervillains. A hot supervillain like the woman standing over her. Madame Vespa was resplendent in gleaming purple and yellow latex. While Cassie’s latex lingerie made it obvious she was submissive, Madame Vespa’s latex costume and mask made it obvious that she was a woman you were meant to submit to. That Cassie was meant to submit to.
    And Willa was meant to submit to as well. Willa was kneeling beside Cassie, dressed in an identical latex lingerie outfit. The outfits that Madame Vespa’s brainwashed drones wore as they served her. Beneath the purple domino mask Willa’s face was as blank as Cassie’s. They knelt without a thought between them, gazing up in adoration at their mistress. Mindlessly awaiting commands just as the Hornet app had brainwashed them to do.
    There were other sexy minions around them, but Cassie only cared about Madame Vespa and Willa beside her. The supervillain caressed their chins with her sleek yellow gloved fingers.
    “You two have the computer skills to hack the lock and gain entrance to the vault, so you will be positioned close by. Somewhere discreet, like a cafe or restaurant. Perhaps I’ll send you two on a date.”
    “Anything you command, Madame Vespa,” both drones intoned in unison.
    “You shall message each other and strike up a rapport on my app. One of you ask the other out, and arrange a date in the specified location for seven o’clock.”
    “Anything you command, Madame Vespa.”
    The hornet-themed villainess grinned at her two mindless drones. “You two actually would make a cute couple. I hope you get along.”
    And so Cassie had left her mistress’ lair, hiding her uniform beneath her long green jacket she’d bought specifically for concealing her uniform in public. She’d returned home and stripped, while updating new photos of herself stripping to the Hornet app for her mistress to admire later. She’d hidden her uniform beneath the bed where she was programmed not to look, and then Cassie had found herself on her couch watching TV, suddenly hit by the urge to check out the dating section of the Hornet app. She’d never had much luck with online dating, it was usually a disaster. Maybe she felt optimistic. Or lonely. Whatever the reason Cassie began scrolling through profile pictures of numerous men and women, not even paying attention to their looks or quick list of stats. She barely gave any of them more than a glance, as if there were some perfect person waiting to be discovered.
    A flash of bright blue hair. Cassie scrolled back up as a cute punk girl’s picture caught her eye, and before Cassie could think of being nervous she was already typing out a message to say how cute she found her. And the cute punk gal messaged right back, as if she’d been waiting by the phone just for her.
    Willa. The cute punk girl’s name was Willa.
    There was a sense of clarity as everything came to Cassie all at once. How the Hornet app she’d downloaded a month ago had brainwashed her into obedience, making her a useful drone minion for Madame Vespa. How she’d been sent in and out of trance through the app, completing tasks that she would have no memory of later. How her personality and wardrobe had been modified to suit Madame Vespa’s desires. How she’d even been given new fetishes to make her a more efficient, submissive drone in her latex uniform. And finally how she’d been sent here, literally programmed to flirt with Willa on their fake date until Madame Vespa sent them the notification that would drop them both into trance.
    Cassie smiled to herself. It was funny how life sent you places you never expected, and that strange circumstances would lead to you meeting people you never would have known otherwise. 
    While Cassie studied her arranged date, Willa was staring at the wall with a faraway look in her eyes. No doubt Willa’s mind was secretly editing itself to remove any suspicious thoughts they weren’t meant to have. Cassie wished she could hear what Willa was thinking, and hear how the programming discretely changed the thoughts to more appropriate ones. If Cassie hadn’t been brainwashed too she would have found the entire experience fascinating.
    But she was brainwashed. She loved being brainwashed. Cassie wasn’t even sure if that was part of the programming or not, but these rare introspective moments let her see the truth. And yet as much as she loved what was being done to them, Cassie was brainwashed and had to obey her programming. Which meant she wasn’t supposed to know about any of this.
    A wonderful violet fog filled Cassie’s head. Her eyelids slipped closed. Her head tilted down to her chest. A purple and yellow spiral began twirling over her thoughts, as a pleasant buzzing filled her ears. Memories slipped away, thoughts were buried, and when Cassie opened her eyes she found herself smiling at Willa, the cute date she’d met on her favorite app.
    “Were you saying something?” she asked her, unable to remember their conversation so far.
    “Did I?” Willa looked around, as if she could find the lost trail of their conversation on the floor. Failing to find anything, she just laughed. “I can’t remember.”
    “That’s okay. Honestly I’m having a great time.”
    Willa’s smile was bright and immediate. “Me too.” 
    After that they started talking about the usual first date things. What school they went to. What hobbies they had. They laughed realizing they both worked with computers, practically identical jobs at different security companies. How Willa used to be in a band. How Cassie’s wardrobe used to be more heavy metal until she found the Hornet app and her tastes changed to yellow dresses and black and purple shoes and cute jewelry. They discovered their mutual love for latex three more times as they talked, quickly forgetting what they’d been discussing and starting over on new topics.
    To anyone else in the restaurant they would have resembled any normal couple, except that occasionally one or both of them would stare off into space, leaving them both to lapse into a comfortable silence for a bit until they resumed talking like nothing had happened. But most of all the other customers remembered the two girls smiling and giggling and laughing, getting along like a perfect match. One woman would even say as such when interviewed by the police later, trying and failing to figure out who the pair of accomplices to the bank robbery were.
    Even Cassie and Willa perfectly believed they were on a normal date, until both of their phones chimed in unison. Cassie got hers out first, and a glance at the glitching, glowing symbols on her phone sent her into a deep trance. She sat in her chair, head empty as she heard Willa fumbling for her phone. Once she checked it Willa became just as silent and still. Both women looked up into the others equally empty eyes. They put their phones away, stood, and put down cash for their food they had only half eaten. 
    The waitress called after them as they walked past her to the back exit, but Cassie and Willa ignored her completely.
    They quickly crossed the street to another alley, their purple shining boots marching in unison. As they walked both girls silently put their hair up, with Willa’s short blue hair going into pigtails while Cassie’s frizzier hair went into a pair of small buns. Their hair matching now they walked into the dark alley.
    At an unheard command they both slipped off their jackets, tossing them aside to reveal their purple and yellow uniforms, marking them as drone minions of Madame Vespa. Cassie and Willa paused, saying not a word as they opened a cardboard box beside a dumpster and saw the tools waiting for them. They each received a pair of latex purple gloves and a purple latex domino mask, slipping them on to complete their uniforms. It was no longer Cassie and Willa in the alley, but two drones ready to serve Madame Vespa.
    Five minutes passed as they stood there silently, perfectly still. When their phones buzzed in unison they set out across the street towards the designated bank. Out of cars, shops and other alleys emerged other women in matching purple and yellow latex uniforms, all equally entranced as the other drones. They swarmed the bank, easily overpowering the bewildered security guard without force. The other drones began rounding up confused bank customers, while others commanded that the tellers hand over all of their cash.
    The drones that had been Willa and Cassie ignored the bank robbery in progress, swiftly moving to the vault. They took out their tools and connected to the security system. It took no time at all to hack and disable the system. After all, in another life it had been Cassie and Willa who installed and maintained those systems for their jobs.
    The pair of drones stepped back as the vault swung open. Their blank eyes didn’t even glance at the millions of dollars waiting inside. They only finally showed a reaction when the clicking of high heels approached, and they knelt down to greet their mistress.
    Madame Vespa cackled with delight, giving a speech to the terrified hostages about how no one would be harmed. At a snap of her fingers mindless minions poured into the vault, each grabbing a bag of cash or gold bars and quickly running out of the bank. Madame Vespa watched her brainwashed toys moving like clockwork, before her amber eyes fell upon the drones that had been Cassie and Willa.
    “Excellent work you two. I shall contact you again when your services are needed.”
    “We exist to serve, Madame Vespa,” they said in unison.
    “Grab a bag of cash and hurry away to the delivery point.”
    “As you command, Madame Vespa.”
    The pair of drones stood up to do her bidding when their mistress commanded, “Wait.”
    They both stopped, instantly slipping back to their knees to await her command.
    “How did the date go between you both?”
    Her eyes landed on the drone who had been Cassie, so she answered first. “I thought it went wonderful. I am extremely attracted to Willa and enjoy her sense of humor.”
    “I thought it was a great date. I really admire Cassie’s point of view on the topics we discussed, and I want to bury my head in her gorgeous ass.”
    Madame Vespa broke into a smile. “I had a feeling you two would be compatible from your search histories. In your after action reports you may request another date if you desire. If you both request it I’ll arrange a second date for you both.”
    “Thank you, Madame Vespa.”
    “Thank you, Madame Vespa.”
    “Now grab the cash and run you two.”
    The drones obeyed. It was all a blur to them as they fled the bank, ignoring the shouts of others as they ran holding a bag of cash each, probably more cash than they made in a year. After running a certain distance they stopped beside a quiet street, oblivious to the distant sirens. A white van pulled up. The driver was a glassy eyed woman in a latex uniform identical to theirs, her red hair up in pigtails. The panel on the side of the van opened to reveal two more mindless drones.
    The drones handed the cash over to the other drones without a moment of hesitation. In return the drones in the van handed over their jackets, collected from the alley where they’d been left behind.
    The drones who had been Willa and Cassie took off their mask and gloves, and put on their jackets as the van drove off. By the time they were dressed there was no way to tell the pair of girls were minions for a fiendish supervillain, aside from their shiny purple boots and the empty expression in their eyes.
    They began walking slowly, leisurely, down the street as they took their hair down. With each step the women began to wake up. Life returned to their eyes. A blush rose in their cheeks. Their lips pulled back into a smile as they glanced over and saw their date beside them.
    Cassie couldn’t believe how well the date had gone. She remembered their flirting and talking from earlier, along with perfectly remembering how they had enjoyed a pleasant dinner together and were on a pleasant stroll together now.
    “I had a great time,” she said, and prayed that Willa felt the same.
    “Me too. It was a great date.”
    “Would you like to go out again some time?”
    “I really would. Hopefully we can.”
    There was something about the way Willa said it, as if a second date was up to someone else to decide for them. But then Cassie heard a happy buzzing in her head and saw a shimmering haze of purple and yellow. She smiled absently, forgetting the thought completely. Then she straightened up and saw Willa grinning at her.
    “Um, sorry. Zoned out for a second there.”
    “I feel like we did a lot of that tonight,” the cute punk giggled.
    “Maybe. But I really enjoyed it.”
    “Me too.”
    Cassie pulled Willa in for a kiss. A quick, almost chaste kiss on the lips, which Willa returned. Their hands lingered against each other, though. Cassie wanted to take Willa home and fuck her. She was so wet and turned on that she didn’t care if it made her seem easy to sleep with her on the first date. She wanted her. And the hungry gleam in Willa’s eyes made it seem like Willa was just as desperate to have her too.
    But both girls released the other, smiled, then turned and walked away, their date concluded.
    Cassie immediately cursed herself for chickening out. She should have made a move. She wanted to make a move. And yet some higher power had forced her to respectfully wait. One thing was certain, however. Cassie really wanted to go out with her again.
    Her phone was suddenly in her hand. Cassie blinked in surprise as her fingers nimbly unlocked the phone and hit the icon for the Hornet app. The spiral loaded, and Cassie lost herself in the purple and yellow.
    A block behind her Willa was absently walking down the street, mesmerized by her phone as well.
    Cassie mindlessly opened a chat message to the administrator. They entered a professional summary of how the date had gone, as well as how the bank robbery had progressed. Cassie ignored the other people on the street, walking around them without looking as she typed and typed. Her face was blank as she wrote, not a thought in her head as the information was written down to be reviewed later.
    But at the end of the report Cassie’s mouth twitched. Her gait faltered as she missed a step. Emotion was flooding into her absent mind, but it only took a few seconds of staring into the spiral to calm herself down again.
    Once mindless Cassie wrote in the strongest possible terms about her attraction to Willa, her desire for her not just sexually but romantically as well. The drone outlined how badly she wanted a second date with Willa, then sent the message.
    Cassie found herself staring at her phone, and quickly put it away. It was a bad habit walking around with your eyes glued to your phone. It’s a wonder she hadn’t stumbled into someone or fallen down a hole. And yet for all her scolding herself about not looking at her phone while walking she instantly took out her phone when it chimed the familiar Hornet app sound. 
    The spiral put her mind under. The message was from the administrator, praising her for her good work on the heist. It also informed her that Willa’s report expressed an interest in a second date as well. They would be allowed to date as they wished, and their relationship would be utilized as a cover for future work for their mistress as needed.
    Cassie was grinning hard as she woke up from the trance. For the life of her she couldn’t remember why she suddenly felt so elated. Then she checked her phone and saw a new message from the Hornet app. It was a quick message from Willa.
    “So where are we going for our next date?”
    Cassie’s grin grew even wider, and she instantly sent back a response, completely ignoring everything around her as she exchanged messages with Willa the whole walk back to her apartment. As Cassie rode the elevator back up to her place, unaware that she would drop into trance once inside to strip off her uniform and hide it beneath her bed, all Cassie could think was the same thought over and over again.
    A deep, sincere gratitude for whoever had created the Hornet app and brought her and Willa together.

This is my first story published here on ROM, but I plan on uploading all my stuff here so stay excited for that. I'll be transferring over everything I have publicly available in the next few weeks, and publishing new pieces here to ROM along with any other sites. The best way to keep track of my work and support me is by joining my Patreon, which I can't link directly, but you can find it through my twitter account or my discord server. https://discord.gg/wRypFNE



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