Contact e-mail:
lamiaprincess (@lamiaprincess)
Hey everyone! My name is lamiaprincess, also known as lamia on EMSCA.
This is a placeholder bio for now.
Suggested stories
lamiaprincess suggested 3 stories. See all suggestions from lamiaprincessStories
Dahlia, anxious and stressed trans woman gets the surprise that fulfills her dreams of a gacha game entirely filled with dolls. But, will Dahlia be able to keep her senses as the game becomes more tantalizing, and her friends fall under its spell as well?
A story with direct mythological inspiration, Lyra is a normal woman who has gotten the attention of a grieving Goddess, and that goddess has decided she is going to be the perfect replacement for the daughter she has lost.
Dorothy, dealing with depression and difficulties in her relationship with her girlfriend Lisa, is given an experimental antidepressant from Lisa’s friend Victoria. It makes her feel better almost immediately, but nothing comes without consequences.
Three college students encounter a pretty dazzling light (which may or may not be an alien) while on the beach, and their lives get so much better, and sluttier, after they accept it forever! A light, fun story with some gender transformation in it, but no dark themes.