A Shocking Confession

Chapter 4

by janeisapornaddict

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sadomasochism #sub:female #transgender_characters #accidental_conditioning #bathroom_sex #breast_fixation #bullying #collaring #collars #conditioning #electroshock #forced_orgasm #futanari #obsession #public_play #valentine's_day

Jenna has won. Lily is her drooling, obsessive little toy now... and all that's left to do is drag her Valentine to the bathroom, and claim her! after all, it's not like anyone else would be turned on by what a total loser Lily is now... right?~

While it probably wouldn’t have been any consolation to Lily to know this, Jenna’s plan for their little confrontation had gone about as off the rails as her victim’s had. Things had been going great initially; embarrassing Lily in front of dozens of people, enjoying her cute, indignant blushing and glares, and of course, getting to see firsthand just how devastatingly effective her ‘prank’ had been. Lily pulling out her phone had been an issue, but Jenna had handled it, no problem. And then…

Looking down at Lily as she was pinned against those lockers, trying and failing to act defiant, all shaky and weak and oh-so-easy to push around, her cute, sensitive little HRT tits easily visible through her thin t-shirt… something had snapped inside Jenna. Any pretence of keeping the smaller girl at a distance had gone completely out of the window, and she had ended up groping and kissing Lily, in front of dozens of other students… there was no way she was going to be able to explain that.

Jenna pushed Lily into the bathroom stall, and looked down at her. Her victim was slumped on the toilet, gasping softly as she stared at Jenna’s tits, transfixed, shaking with nervous energy and exhaustion.

She rubbed her thighs together. Her panties were already soaked. Jenna bit her lip. Fuck it. Let them talk. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t resist this nerd.

She hooked her fingers into the pockets of Lily’s sweatpants, and yanked them down around her ankles.

“Oh my god…” Jenna gasped, and Lily let out an incoherent whine of embarrassment.

“I mean, I figured it would be small, but this is pathetic… you really thought you were going to impress Olivia with this?~” Jenna cooed, gently running a nail up the length (or lack of) of Lily’s dick, and drawing a shiver from the other girl. Jenna was enjoying herself too; her nail practically left a trail through the thick globs of cum that were still clinging to Lily’s undersized little disappointment. There was no way it was bigger than three inches, generously, although Jenna was a little impressed that Lily had already gotten totally hard again. Actually, impressed might not have been the right word; Jenna admired how absolutely pathetic Lily was, being so turned on by this treatment. Not to mention that Lily being hard again already made the next thing Jenna had in mind even easier.

“J-Jenna, p-please, I- hhhaaa!!~” Lily squealed, writhing as Jenna easily slipped all three inches into her mouth, casually tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she did. Lily’s cock didn’t even set off Jenna’s gag reflex as the bully left a ring of pink lip gloss around the base, sealing it in with a vacuum blowjob. Jenna shot a look up at Lily, delighting in watching the girl’s eyes cross as Jenna lapped her tongue at her hot, twitching dick. Drool ran down Lily’s chin; if Jenna hadn’t already known that Lily was a virgin, this reaction would have totally confirmed it. There was a soft pop as Jenna dragged her lips up to the very tip, leaving Lily’s cock smeared in lipgloss and cum. Lily groaned softly, composing herself enough to see straight again, and immediately averting her eyes with a squeak when she realised she was looking Jenna in the face. Jenna laughed.

“Wow, you’re such a fucking joke, Lily,” she snickered. “You can’t even look a pretty girl in the eye, but you’ve been bitching about a bombshell like me taking an interest in you… you should feel lucky that I even know you exist.”

“Sh-shut up, I don’t e-even like you, y-you fucking bully, i-it’s just b-because of the collar that- eep!” Lily tried to look back over at Jenna, and Jenna found herself rubbing her thighs together again as the girl’s face twitched a little, an obvious spectre of a painful shock.

Jenna laughed again. She reached into Lily’s pocket, where she’d felt the outline of the collar earlier, intending to pull it out and taunt her… when she noticed something else was tangled up in it. Something familiar.

“Oh? Is that right? You really hate me? You’d rather be with that whore Olivia right now?~”

Lily nodded, keeping her gaze fixed firmly on a piece of graffiti on the side of the stall.

“Care to explain these, then?~”

Lily glanced around enough to see what Jenna was holding, and Jenna’s sinister giggle echoed off the tiles as she watched Lily’s blood run cold.

“N-n-no, that’s, they’re not-”

“Not what? Not my panties? Not something you kept to jerk off to? I can see some pretty nasty stains in these things… but that’s ok! I gave them to you, you can do whatever you want with them… just don’t deny that keeping these on you means you have a thing for me, you fucking creep~”

Jenna’s tone was sickly sweet, and she delighted in the way it made Lily gasp. She dangled the pink thong in front of Lily, taunting her.

“I… i-it’s not faaaiir… I didn’t even m-mean to… b-bring them…” Lily whimpered, and god, she sounded so petulant and whiny. The worst part? Jenna totally believed her.

“Awww… it’s ok, Lily, I believe you, it really was just bad luck, right?~” Jenna giggled, reaching out and lightly flicking the tip of Lily’s cock. “It’s only natural that something like this should happen to a perfect little victim like you,” she cooed lovingly.

“It’s not just that you make it easy for me, it’s like you’re predisposed to fall into my hands…” Jenna gripped Lily’s bare thighs, her long nails leaving white marks on Lily’s pale skin as they trailed back towards the smaller girl’s crotch.

“But hey, I’m not totally unreasonable…”

Jenna leaned forward.

“Look me in the eye, and tell me to stop. That’s all you have to do. I’ll let you go, so that you can beg Olivia to be your Valentine, and I’ll even leave you alone for the rest of the day~”

Gosh, but it was cute how much Lily tried. She even muttered to herself a little (“G-gotta do this for Olivia…”) to psych herself up. Squeezed her eyes shut, took some deep breaths… and turned to look at Jenna.

Right as Jenna grabbed the hem of her sweater, and pulled it up over her tits, snagging her bra and pulling that up too. The perfect globes of her breasts bounced just a little.

“J-Jennnnngghh…” Lily didn’t even make it through the first word before she froze up, her cock twitching in Jenna’s other hand as she stared at (probably for the first time in her life) another girl’s bare tits. Jenna giggled, shaking her chest a little, and enjoying Lily’s whimpers. It was obvious that Lily had forgotten about Olivia.

Fuck. It was really sinking in just how badly Jenna had totally broken this girl. And that felt good.

“Hm? Did you say something?~” Jenna asked.

Lily didn’t reply. She didn’t look like she trusted herself to talk.

“Come on, Lily, spit it out… what are you thinking right now?~” Jenna smirked, pressing her breasts between her arms and shaking them, enjoying the way Lily’s eyes helplessly tracked them.


“Hm? Come on, speak up, sweetheart. Tell me what you really want~”

“B-boobs… w-want… Jenna’s b-boobs…” Lily whimpered. Her face was a mixture of dazed bliss and horror at what she was saying. Jenna laughed wickedly, clapping her hands together, which just jiggled her tits even more.

“Well… since I think we can safely conclude you’re not going to be asking that whore out…” Jenna smirked. She stood up, and as she did, she flipped up her skirt… and slipped down her panties, blue and lacy in contrast to the pink ones Lily had brought. Of course, the other difference was the lack of months of cum stains… and the fact that the pink pair weren’t connected to Jenna’s cunt by a thick strand of drool. She kicked off the other pair of panties, and climbed into Lily’s lap, pushing her tits right in the shorter girl’s face. Lily turned so red that she looked like steam might start pouring out of her ears. Jenna grunted; in the cool bathroom, Lily’s hot, shaky breath felt good on her sensitive breasts. Any semblance of restraint was rapidly receding.

“Why don’t I pop your cherry as a consolation prize? It’d be soooo sad if you spent another Valentine’s Day alone, after all…~” Jenna shifted her hips… and pressed her hot, pulsing, needy cunt up against Lily’s cute little dick. Her only answer was a muffled whine, and the feeling of a thick spurt of precum running down the inside of her thighs.

“That’s what I thought… I bet you’ve dreamed of this, right? A gorgeous, popular girl like me, who barely even knows you exist, finally taking pity on you enough to let you actually put that thing inside me…” Jenna panted. Of course Lily thought about her. Who else would she be thinking about? There was no way Lily had jerked off while thinking about other girls, especially that whore Olivia, why would she when Jenna was right there?

You’re the creepy, obsessive stalker…” Jenna continued as she lifted her hips, shivering with anticipation.

“And you’ve fantasised about this moment since you met me…” her own voice was shaking now.

“So f-fine, if you’re going to be like this, I guess I have no choice but to be your Valentine~” Jenna leaned in, planting a kiss on Lily’s forehead… as she dropped her hips, easily hilting the smaller girl’s entire length inside her hot, tight cunt.

“Nngghh… J-Jennaaaaa…” Lily’s voice was weak.

“Oouughh…” Jenna moaned. Fuck, she had been right, Lily was absolutely the smallest she had ever taken. It wasn’t exactly stretching her out, but that was just the way Jenna wanted it… totally enveloping Lily, feeling something small and cute and desperate twitching inside her…

“I’m gonna start moving now… try and hold it in for at least a few miunutes, ok?~” Jenna wiggled her hips, and enjoyed the moan she drew from Lily. Between getting her cherry popped, and having Jenna’s tits pushed right in her dumb, brainwashed face, it was clear that forming any actual words was well beyond Lily at this point.

The soft plap, plap, plap of Jenna bouncing her hips in Lily’s lap filled the bathroom. Jenna let herself relax into Lily, her arms draped around the smaller girl. Lily was finally hers. It was perfect… for about thirty seconds.

There was a creak as the bathroom door swung open, and Jenna froze. Two sets of footsteps as a pair of girls moved over to the sink, one set sharp and clicky, a pair of heels, and the other more muted, probably a pair of sneakers. Jenna scowled. Could these two fuck off? She was having fun with her Valentine right now!

Speaking of, her Valentine was slumped against her, her body completely weak and defeated… at least, until she heard who was talking. That seemed to perk Lily up.

“So… why did you call me in here?”

It has Helen, the friend who Lily had been showing the collar off to yesterday. Lily drew a breath, like she was about to call out to Helen, and quick as a flash, Jenna stuffed her thong into Lily’s mouth, drawing a shameful whine from the girl.

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but… you’re friends with Lily, right?”

If hearing Helen had perked Lily up, hearing the low, pleasant hum of Olivia’s voice practically made her jump out of her seat, whimpering through the makeshift gag. Jenna had to stifle a moan, since Lily was still buried inside her.

“Sure am, what about it?” Helen replied.

There was a pause.

“OK, so like, I might be reading a little too much into things, or be entirely off-base, but… do you think she like… likes me?” Olivia asked.

Lily’s squeak of panic was almost imperceptible, as Jenna pushed her tits back in the girl’s face, doubling up the muffling.

“Oh! Oh, Lily is crazy about you,” Helen said.

Lily’s eyes widened. Jenna turned, glaring at the door at the spot where Helen’s voice was coming from.

“Right! I thought she might be. I’ve been, you know, getting some vibes… but she also seems pretty skittish, so I wanted to ask one of her friends first…” Olivia trailed off, and there was another pause, before she added, “… because I like her too.”

You wouldn’t have thought that it would be possible to discern Lily’s expression when she was half-lucid and obscured up to her eyes in bitchy bully tits, but Jenna could still see how overjoyed the smaller girl looked… and Jenna suspected that even without the conditioning, Lily would have immediately looked away, as soon as she caught Jenna’s eye and saw the withering glare she was being given.

“Like, I’ve been dropping a lot of hints for a while, and Lily didn’t seem to be super responsive to any of it, so it’s a relief to hear that she’s into me-” Olivia continued.

The little eep of happiness from Lily was the last straw. Jenna’s cheeks burned with humiliation and jealousy. This loser was hers. She rolled her hips, taking a sadistic joy in the feeling of Lily shuddering against her. That’s right. Who cared if Olivia liked her? Lily was balls-deep in Jenna right now, and that was all that mattered.

“Well, I think she wanted to wait until Valentine’s Day to say anything, she said she wanted to ask you out in a cool and confident way,” Helen replied, matter-of-factly. Jenna looked down at Lily, pale and shivering and with her eyes rolled back in her head, totally overstimulated by Jenna’s body, and snorted to herself. She leaned in, and whispered in Lily’s ear.

“Good luck with that~” she teased, but her smirk disappeared when she heard Olivia’s reply.

“Well… that would be cute and all, but… don’t tell her I said this, but I think it’s kind of cute how nervous she is. I don’t think I’d mind her asking me out in an embarrassing way,” Olivia laughed.

“As if… you’re mine, and no-one else’s,” Jenna cooed, working her hips slowly, and stifling a moan by pressing her mouth against Lily’s shoulder as she felt the girl’s cute, tiny cock twitch inside her. But still, despite the show of confidence, Jenna was worried. If Olivia was going to be actively pursuing Lily, that could present an issue… suddenly, Jenna had a flash of inspiration. Her arms were wrapped around Lily, and she was still clutching the shock collar. Lily let out a dazed groan as Jenna pulled away from her, a string of drool connecting her mouth to Jenna’s tits… which were keeping her so distracted that she couldn’t even protest as Jenna slipped the collar back around her neck. With her other hand, Jenna pulled out her phone, connecting it to the collar again… and pulling up the manual shock controls.

Lily let out a weak, mumbling cry that was once again totally muffled by Jenna’s tits going back in her face.

“Well, maybe you can tell her that later. I’m sure she’ll try to ask you out today,” Helen said.

At the same time, Jenna dialled the pleasure shock slider up as high as it would go, leaned in close to Lily… and whispered, “I love you~”, before jamming her finger on the button.

“Mmmgghh!!” Lily went rigid, her eyes crossing.

Olivia giggled, and said “She’s really going to do that today? I’m looking forward to it!”

“I love you, Lily… you’re such a fucking pervert creep, but I love you anyway~” Jenna whispered, jamming the switch again, gasping as Lily’s hips twitched, unevenly and desperately rutting at her.

“Just forget about that bitch Olivia… if you think about her at all, it should be because you’re staring at her tits, acting like such a creep that she’d never want to date you… in fact, no girl is going to want to date you, except me~”

Jenna glanced down at Lily’s chest, rising and falling rapidly, her tits obviously visible through her shirt… Jenna giggled to herself. She should match with her Valentine, right?

She completely pulled off her sweater… and her bra too, lacy blue to match her panties, leaving her wearing nothing but her heels, stockings, and a hitched-up skirt. There were dark stains on the underside of the bra, sweat stains from how worked up Jenna had gotten herself… which she pressed against Lily’s nose, drawing a perverted little moan from the girl as she leaned in again.

“You’re mine… all mine… my pet loser… you belong to me~” Jenna hit the pleasure switch again, slammed her hips down-

And Helen and Olivia’s conversation was interrupted by Lily’s broken, desperate howl of pleasure as she hilted inside Jenna again, and Jenna’s moans as she felt a hot, sticky load painting the inside of her cunt. Fuck, Lily’s size might have been underwhelming, but even now, Jenna knew for a fact that she’d never had such a disgustingly thick load blown inside her before… no wonder her panties had gotten so messed up.

Well, Lily doesn’t need to waste all of these loads on my panties now… she has me, instead~

That thought was enough to tip Jenna over the edge too, moaning softly and shuddering as she clutched Lily close to her.

“I uh, think one of the stalls is occupied,” said Helen, after a moment. Olivia must have nodded in agreement, because Jenna heard two sets of footsteps as the pair quickly left the bathroom. Jenna looked over her shoulder, smirking after them… before turning her attention back to Lily.

Her Valentine.


After an hour, Jenna climbed up on shaky, legs, sliding her panties back up her bare legs and took a moment to redo her makeup, before leaving the stall… and Lily, who was still barely able to speak, and would still need some time to recover. It wouldn’t do to be seen leaving the bathroom together, after all. Down the end of the hall, Jenna noticed that Olivia was hanging around… almost like she was waiting for someone to show up. Jenna leaned against a bank of sea-green lockers opposite the bathroom, attempting to look unassuming in the mostly empty hallway. After a moment, Lily staggered out of the bathroom. She let out an eep when she saw Jenna still hanging around, and shuffled away from her… and an even louder eep when she turned, and noticed Olivia standing at the end of the right in front of her, looking expectant.

Jenna smirked, arms folded as Lily practically stumbled into Olivia, the small girl’s body still weak from lack of sleep and multiple, rapid-fire orgasms.

“Hi Lily, happy Valentine’s Day!” Olivia smiled. She looked expectantly at Lily, holding both her hands in front of her, her cheeks tinged red. Jenna had to suppress a cruel snigger; the schoolgirl-ish way Olivia carried herself was badly at odds with her black makeup, leather jacket, and ripped jeans.

“O-oh, um, hhhi Olivia,” Lily mumbled, staring at the floor. There was a moment of awkward silence. Jenna could have cut the tension between the two of them with a knife. Lily went to move away from Olivia.

“Um- hhaa!”

Whatever Lily was about to say, she was cut off as Olivia stepped in close, crooking a finger under the girl’s chin and lifting it so that they could look one another in the eye. Jenna started, and had to fight the urge to jump in. This was way more aggressive than she would have expected.

“Sorry. I know you’re nervous, but I think you have something to say to me. So, come on, out with it,” Olivia cooed. Jenna remained frozen, unsure of whether to say something. Would getting so territorial over her Valentine really be the right move? Besides… she couldn’t help enjoying the display a little. The way Olivia’s adoring eyes narrowed as she noticed that Lily stank of sex, examining the gloss smeared on Lily’s lips, the darkening bruises from Jenna roughly claiming the girl’s first kiss… and the collar, which was still around her neck.

That’s right, bitch. She already belongs to someone.

And Jenna had to suppress a squeal of delight as Lily promptly proved it. Lily managed to maintain eye contact for all of three seconds, before her eyes drifted downward… fixing on Olivia’s chest. Jenna bit her lip as the tinge in Lily’s cheeks overtook her whole face again, leaving no doubt that the poor girl was hopelessly turned on, just from gawking at Olivia’s chest.

“U-umm… I… w-will y-y-you… nngghh…” Lily’s voice dropped to a hoarse whisper, but she was still loud enough that even Jenna heard her whimpering “… b-boobs…”

Olivia cocked her head, and raised an eyebrow.

“Um… what did you just-”

“S-sorry, I have to go!” Lily squeaked, turning and dashing away… and Jenna giggled as Lily thrust her hands over the miniscule bulge in her sweatpants. Jenna had made the right call; getting all forceful right now wouldn’t have worked. Lily had to realise that even if she went behind Jenna’s back, she was helplessly in the thrall of her bully. Lily belonged to her… forever. Jenna sighed dreamily… before realising that Olivia was looking over at her, giving her a wry smile.

“What’s your problem?” Jenna scowled. What was Olivia smirking for? She had lost. Olivia shrugged easily, walking over to Jenna.

“Oh, nothing. I was just wondering… you’re Jen Murayama, right? Are you a friend of Lily’s?” Olivia asked, her tone completely friendly, almost disarming.

“It’s Jenna. And I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Jenna replied, unfolding and folding her arms again, and making sure to push up her tits as she did, tits that were way bigger than Olivia’s undersized set.

“Ahh, I see! Well, that’s fine, of course… I just see you around her a lot,” Olivia jerked her thumb in the direction Lily had gone, “and she doesn’t always seem to necessarily… know that you’re around her that much.”

Olivia’s smile twisted into a smirk, while Jenna narrowed her eyes.

“What do you want?” she demanded, pushing herself off the lockers and standing face to face with the goth girl. It was only now that Jenna realised Olivia was a little taller than her.

“Oh, I just think we ought to get to know each other a little, Jen… I know we don’t move in the same circles, but I think we have a little in common, that’s all. For example…” Olivia looked after Lily, sighing dreamily to herself, before looking back to Jenna.

“I think we might have the same type, right?”

Jenna felt a bolt of fear. She laughed, but she could feel how strained it was.

“Pfft, why… why would you want to date that? You saw how pathetic that whole display was, right?” Jenna asked, jerking her thumb the way Lily had gone. Olivia held Jenna’s gaze. Her piercing green eyes were a little unnerving.

“I did…”

Jenna was about to bite back, to spitefully tell Olivia to back off from her new girlfriend… when she glanced down, and noticed an unmistakable, huge outline in Olivia’s ripped jeans.

“… and it was fucking hot ,” Olivia practically moaned , and when Jenna looked back up at her face, her eyes had unfocused a little, and it was obvious that she was getting carried away thinking about Lily, to the extent where she’d popped an obvious ( huge ) hard-on right there in the corridor! Jenna wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that. Panic’s deft fingers traced up her spine again. Even though she was victorious, even though she was facing Olivia down with their mutual obsession’s obscenely thick cum drooling down her thighs, Jenna realised, fully, for the first time, that Olivia wasn’t just an obstacle to getting her claws into Lily… she was a real, romantic rival. Jenna’s gaze flicked down again.

A rival who had… assets that even Jenna couldn’t match.

The silence stretched on for a few seconds… and then Olivia giggled. Her eyes refocused on Jenna, and she ran her tongue over her glossy, ink-black lips.

“I think I’ll be seeing you around, Murayama,” she said, and then set off, thankfully not after Lily. Jenna let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. That whole conversation had left her frustrated and out-of-sorts…

Her lip curled into a smile.

And she just knew her Valentine would be perfect for working off that stress.

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