Her Voice


by goodbot

Tags: #consensual_kink #f/f #friends_to_lovers #transgender_characters #comic_book #orientation_change #romance
See spoiler tags : #plurality

The rest of the day, they both try to pretend everything is normal. Alison cooks pasta, Olivia cleans up, and even though it’s just platonic roommate domesticity she finds herself thinking about how it could be more. She’s trying not to be awkward, trying not to stare, but now she’s finding her attention drawn to Alison’s face, her hair, her chest. Olivia was happy for Alison when she started growing boobs, but now she can’t believe that she never noticed how nice they look on her. Lying in bed that night, Olivia’s mind drifts to sexual fantasies, the way it often does when she can’t sleep. This time, instead of picturing vague non-specific fantasy dudes, she’s thinking of Alison.

Alison tenderly reaching into Olivia’s mind and pulling out all her anxieties, forcing her to feel safe and secure and loved.

Alison keeping her as a pet, taking away her voice and making her crawl on the floor. Olivia nuzzling up to Alison and wordlessly asking for cuddles and headpats. Alison calling her a good girl.

Alison falling to the dark side and using her power to conquer the world. She would be an empress, a goddess on her throne. She’d be surrounded by hundreds of perfectly obedient servants, but Olivia would be her favorite, the only one allowed to kneel on a pillow at the goddess’s feet. Olivia servicing Alison, no longer even capable of feeling embarrassed by all the eyes watching as she sucks her off…

‘Hey, stop that,’ her inner voice tells her. ‘You know that’s not something Alison would be into. She was clear about that.’

Olivia sighs and takes her hand out of her underwear.

‘I don’t understand this situation well enough to know whether you’re going to hurt her, and we can’t afford to screw up the way Kelsey did. If you start fantasizing about things that you know she wouldn’t like, you might say or do something that makes her uncomfortable. And that’s THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD.”

“Okay, you have a point,” Olivia mumbles before she realizes she’s starting to talk out loud to herself, or rather to that other Olivia inside her head. She hopes she isn’t going crazy or suffering from some unsexy side-effect of mind control. ‘How about this?’, she thinks, and she reimagines the fantasy with Alison post-op. The empress of the world can surely afford the best surgeons if that’s what she wants, and that means Olivia can kneel in front of her throne and eat her out.

One layer of imaginary-fantasy-world above that, she pictures herself folding up that mental image into a paper airplane and throwing it at the other Olivia’s forehead. ‘Is that allowed under your rules?’

The other Olivia rolls her imaginary eyes and pops out of her consciousness.

Coming back to Earth, Olivia decides that unrealistic fantasies are the wrong thing to think about right now. It’s good to know that her sexuality is into Alison as a woman now, but if she’s ever going to win back Alison’s affection she can’t come across like she’s only into Alison for her superpower.

She loves Alison for so many other reasons. The superpower and the mind control are just potential bonuses. What matters is that she wants to be Alison’s girlfriend again, and she wants Alison to be her girlfriend for the first time.

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