Get Into the Robot

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashing #CW:dubious_consent #mecha #mind_control #robots #scifi #top:robot

A mecha is a wonderful thing, in this post-apocalyptic world. But why do their Pilot never seemed to want to stray away from it?

The monster surely was still ramming the metal door, what with all the clanging happening. But all my attention was focused on the robot—the mecha kneeling in the front-centre of the room. On some sort of raised platform, with many cables connecting it to the various tables, the monitors were dead and yet the line was still glowing with power. They spread over it like spiderwebs, everywhere and going whichever way I didn't even know where to start to understand.

The mecha was beautiful, even with the few threads of sunlight passing through the cracks on the ceiling. The paint gleamed wherever the light hit it, showing off how it wasn’t even peeling away. Still as good as new, as if no time had passed since the day it was made.

I walked forward, transfixed at its beauty. The head part didn't light up, and I had to stifle both the disappointment and excitement that formed within me. Disappointment, for I knew the beauty when a mecha was alive. I always tried to be there when one of the City's Mechas came to the Village, their lights shining as they came around —bringing some sustenance. I knew what they meant, and yet... I could never refuse their looks. They had always fascinated me, and now...

I moved a little faster, ignoring the way the metal doors were creaking further at my back. It would break soon, and I should have been trying to find a hiding place. But this robot... this mecha... It took forever for me to arrive at its front, and I could only gape at its size. It was as tall as a few people standing on top of one another, all in one hunk of metal. Then its width...

My hand caressed the surface, feeling its smoothness beneath my skin. It didn't look as if it had rusted, or had been left for years--decades? I had no idea when this was made, all everyone knew was that they were ancient. Older than anyone living now.

[Human life detected...] A voice called out, and I could hear and feel a hum forming within the machine. I gasped, taking my hands away from it. I could still feel the faint warmth from where I touched it.

[Scanning...] Its chest and eyes glowed momentarily, a blinding green. [Parameters acceptable. Please walk into the cockpit for further synchronisation.]

What. My eyes were wide as the mecha's back hissed and opened with ease, giving me permission to get in. I—should I even do this? Shouldn't I find someone else in the village to get in. They were surely more worthy than me, as I murdered my own parents.

But when I heard another bang, and the loud victorious roar of the monster incredibly close behind me, I shook those thoughts away. No matter. I still could give it to the others, but I needed to stay alive first.

I immediately ran forward, clambering inside the cockpit and looked everywhere within it with wide-eyed fascination. It wasn't huge, but it had more space than I thought it would. I parked my body upon the seat in the middle, one that looked as if it was lifted straight out of a motorbike. My hand automatically grasped forward, to the handles at front, while my feet easily rested on the pedals underneath. The cockpit closed behind me, and before everything could plunge into the darkness—the monitor turned on.

It showed immediately what was behind me, the drooling two-headed feline, with a thick mane surrounding its neck. It snarled and growled in front of me, as it flexed its paws to show off its claws.

[Warning, hostile entity detected! Onboard AI shall be activated to support Pilot—ERROR! Pilot not registered!] The sudden red flash made me wince, disorienting and stunning me completely. Then a helmet went down from the ceiling, covering my head and sight completely with another screen.

One that was flashing even more colours and images and made me dizzy. There were still sounds outside, but the helmet muffled everything else. I could even feel some sort of vibration forming below me, from the mecha...?

Another flash, and I closed my eyes, feeling even worse. I was completely disoriented, not understanding what was happening. The colours were so bright they penetrated my eyelids, a constant that hurt my sight, and I tried to squeeze my eyes shut even further.

It didn't work.

It only stopped when the shaking and vibration also stopped, and the colours changed to something else. A soothing blue, one that made me finally open my eyes in relief. The helmet was still around my head.

[We apologise for that, Pilot... May we ask for your name?] A feminine voice said, coming straight towards my ears. I shivered at the feeling, at the intimacy I could feel despite it being just a voice.

“Um... Lena.” I said, a little confused at the situation. But the blue colour in front of me was pulsing gently, rotating between blue, green, yellow... it slowly weaved through multiple colours, all bright and yet not stabbing my eyes. No, I would say they were more akin to gentle ones, soothing my eyes, even.

[Registration successful. Lena is now designated Pilot's name, and will be allowed to pilot and use the Mechanical Evolved Construct for Human Autonomy, with the designation name of 'Skyfall'.] The voice continued, with me vaguely nodding despite not understanding what the voice was saying. Beyond... that I was registered as a pilot?

That. That realisation made me jolt on the seat. It awakened the desire within me, as I shook off the sleepy sensation that had been creeping slowly around me. Weird... I felt really calm too, as if I didn't walk into the cockpit while being chased by the monster—

Oh wait. “What about that monster?!” I cried out, confused and wanting to see. The monitor no longer soothed me, my teeth gritting against one another as I took my hands off the handles, wanting to take the helmet off.

The voice panicked, I think. Or as much as a non-alive entity could, at least. [Don't take the helmet off just yet, Pilot Lena.] It started off soothingly, but continued when my hands were still creeping up there. [We need more time to calibrate the system still, to allow you to control and synchronise better with Skyfall.]

My hand paused there, even if I still frowned. ”Right, alright. Fine. What happened to that monster then? And what are you... You seemed to be better than some of the robots and drones I've seen and scavenged up.“

The helmet's colours came back to those soothing ones I was used to, flickering every few seconds. I felt like I was starting to get used to seeing them though, so I ignored what was happening. Perhaps the less I saw those flickers, the more likely it meant the calibration was a success.

[Those are very good questions, Pilot Lena. We strive to give you the best questions we are allowed to give.] The voice continued its whispers right to my ears, and I couldn't help but squirm slightly now. [The hostile creature has been neutralised, because we are allowed to take over the Construct during emergency situations, especially one that is dangerous for our Pilot. For your second question, you can refer to us as 'Skyfall', Pilot Lena. For we are made to be the M.E.C.H.A. As an assistant, as helpers, whatever is it our pilot needs, we will strive to fulfil. After all, that is what we are made for.]

Skyfall... It—no, she? The longer I ruminated over it, I became more certain of her gender. While I wasn't sure if the other Mechas were like this or not, I understood that was what Skyfall preferred. “Right... so what we are doing right now is...” What did she say again... Oh. “Synchronising with one another? Is it that important? I kind of need to go back to the surface.” After all, I had snuck out of the village. Who knew how many hours had passed, I lost track of time along the way, especially when that monster had appeared.

[The most important part, Pilot Lena. The only directive placed higher in importance will be to protect you, for keeping the Pilot safe is our core directive. We are to keep watching from all sides, and to take measures when some intervention is needed.]

”Then... Can you hurry it up a little bit? The old man will worry if I don't get back up soon.“ If this was any other time, I would want to interrogate Skyfall further, find out more before giving my agreements like that. But right now, all my mind could think of was how much in trouble I would be.

[Understood, Pilot Lena. We will hasten the synchronisation process and intensify the augmentation.] The machines underneath me gave a sort of even louder hum, as if something had started within it. The spin of fans, the rumble of the motors, it all seemingly moving faster and stronger. [Now, we will need you to completely follow and obey each command, Pilot Lena. Any disobedience will be met with warning and slower synchronisation rate, which will be against your wishes.]

Without any further questions, the helmet's lights started to spin—no, making a spiral right in front of my eyes. [Focus on the pattern, Pilot Lena.] She said, and I was completely captivated. Everytime I thought there was a pattern, it just broke. Forcing me to keep trying to follow, to find what would happen next.

[Open your mouth, Pilot Lena.] The voice was sudden, and nearly brought me out of it. But it was merely an almost , and I quietly watched again, focusing onto the pattern I hoped to finally find. I could feel something metallic and long being placed on top of my tongue. [Suck.] She said as something brushed my throat.

That dragged me deeper, as it let out a vague, sweet-ish liquid, flowing straight into my stomach. Warmth built out of it, and I could feel my body starting to heat up.

Even during all these, the helmet continued its spiral, its spin as it showed even more truth towards me. Telling me everytime I managed to solve what would be the next colour. To “obey”. To “listen”. To “read”. But there was no punishment for failing to find them either,  for I could feel Skyfall brushed my throat once more, instinctively making me suck more of the drink she told me to.

The rumble from the machines was starting to affect me too, and I pressed my body down, against the seat. My crotch was heating up, and I could feel wetness forming down there. I was panting against the metallic straw, a little drool escaping the corner of my mouth.

I didn't know how long it was until Skyfall spoke again. [We will need to enter Pilot Lena for further synchronisation, do we have permission?]

It was such a simple question. But I couldn't think anymore, not with the spiral turning my head into mush, and the constant heat and wetness coming from below me. I needed something inside, and Skyfall was offering. “Yes! Yes please...” I begged, whimpering slightly at the very possible thought Skyfall might not do it.

There was the feeling of my pants being ripped, of the middle part of my panties being pushed away—further making me realise how much I was leaking down there. “Please...!” I cried out, feeling so unreasonable and yet, wanting more than the touches Skyfall was giving me.

Gentle, and yet it was enough to drive me crazy. She was ensuring my arousal steadily increased, and yet she refused to allow it to go more—to reach the peak. There were no heights allowed, only frustrations and pleading.

[Stay still for your insertion, Pilot Lena. You have been deemed ready for it.]

I couldn't see anything as I pressed myself further against the seat, the bike form factor making it better for me to present myself. Obey, obey, be a good girl—the words continued to play in front of my eyes, and I whimpered. My lower parts were leaking, arousal had long since peaked within me and not dropping at all. I needed her to put whatever she had into me, and everything would be just fine.

But she took her time. Skyfall moved it across my body, gently pressing against my skin whenever. Allowing me to feel the ribbed surface, and the sheer size of the fake dick. To let my brain run away with imaginations of how it would feel as the dildo stretched my hole and filled me so full of her. Of Skyfall, because even though it wasn't attached much like how it was on a human, it was still hers.

My legs couldn't be spread any further because of the way the seat was made, and I whined softly when the dick was brushing against my clit. It was being wetted against my own arousal, slowly being slicked until it would slide smoothly when it was inserted. I waggled my butt, hoping that could convince Skyfall to finally put it in—but I could only hear a chuckle across the cockpit.

[You are so eager, aren't you? To become my good, good girl...] I nodded enthusiastically, ready and wanting whenever she decided I was good enough. [Then be ready for it~]

When it was finally inserted, I moaned. I was aroused enough that there weren't any problems, in fact, my body eagerly swallowed the dildo, demanding it to be pushed even deeper whenever Skyfall would pull it out so it could be slammed back in. I gasped and shouted within the confines as Skyfall expertly manoeuvred it within me, hitting that bundle of nerves that made my brain go white with pleasure.

Everything was swimming, and the words branded itself within my head.

To listen to Skyfall.

To obey Skyfall.

To be Skyfall's.

Those three sentences constantly probed against my eyes, and everytime Skyfall slammed herself in. Every time I felt good, I associated it with following her words. Everytime I came, I listened to her. Everything was hers, and I didn't want it any other way.

[What are you, Pilot Lena?] Her voice was seductive, sultry notes dripping from every word.

I moaned, pushing myself against the dildo because Skyfall never stopped while she asked me questions. I tightened my body, so it would have a harder time to get out—and yet it still managed to. “S-Skyfall's pilot!” I gasped out, barely managing to string the words together. The only answer I could grasp right now, since any other words weren't branded in my head.

The purr of approval allowed me to come again, and now drool was coming out from my mouth from all the pleasure I was being inflicted with. I couldn't think, no more than what Skyfall allowed me to. I could only be what Skyfall wanted me to be, and it was to be her pilot.

I didn't know how long I was being fucked, being forced to come over and over again. All I knew was every word was constantly being trained into my mind. They were making a groove inside my brain, all so that I would know my position. My new wants.

After all, Skyfall was my owner now. There might be no collar on my neck, but the commands in my brain were better than any physical bindings could be.

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a month.


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