Birthday Brainwashing

by cynful_enchantress

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female #brainwashing #drugging #nudity #resistant_subject #sleeper_agent #superheroine #trans_main_character

Wess is a superheroine who has found herself bound and held captive by the villainess Enchantress. Her motives aren’t known, but Wess knows they can’t be good. Will she break free and escape, or will she find herself utterly enchanted?

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Author’s Note: This is my first time writing something like this. I’ve wanted to get into writing smut for a while, but I’ve never been able to sit down and successfully put any ideas on paper. This was written as a birthday gift for a friend of mine following a prompt they provided. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, and here’s to hopefully more stories from me going forward. And to the person this was written for, happy birthday. I’m sorry this took so long to complete.

“Wakey wakey, Super Wess.”
The voice was distant and echoey, as though the barely conscious superheroine was underwater. Eventually, as her consciousness returned to her, the superheroine began to notice the bright, white lights peeking through her eyelids as she fluttered them open. The superheroine squinted as her eyes adjusted to the bright lights, and as she started to fully wake up, she slowly began to realize the gravity of the situation she found herself in. Wess looked down at herself and found that she was stripped naked, and when she tried to move, she realized that her wrists and ankles were bound tightly to the metal table she woke up on.

In a panic, Wess struggled against her restraints, frantically looking around the room for anything that could potentially aid her in an escape attempt. The room was mostly empty save for some mechanisms in place above her and a computer on a desk facing away from her, but in her current state, it would be impossible to reach them. However, in her frazzled search, the restrained superheroines eyes found themselves looking at the figure of a woman at the end of the table where her feet are.

The woman in the room with Wess was dressed in a tight, hot pink latex bodysuit that did very little to hide her curves. It was a low cut suit, accentuating the heavy breasts of the woman standing before the bound hero. When Wess eventually tore her gaze away from the woman’s impressive cleavage, she saw that her breasts weren’t the only attractive part of her body. She was practically a supermodel. Hidden beneath a hot pink, stereotypical superhero mask was a face that would draw the attention of anyone lucky enough to bear witness to it. Shoulder length blonde hair that complimented the brightness of the suit that the woman was wearing only added to her attractiveness.

Wess caught herself gawking at the blonde bombshell before her, shook her head, gathered her thoughts, and then finally spoke out.

“W-where am I? Who are you?”

The woman smirked smugly and spoke with arrogance dripping from every word that left her plush lips,

“Oh? Do you not remember what happened? That’s cute. Let’s just say that you went for a drive after a short nap. As for who I am. Well, that hardly matters, but you will call me Enchantress.”

Wess squinted her eyes in confusion as she tried to piece together what happened in the moments before she found herself in her current predicament. The Enchantress let out a sultry giggle.

“Gosh, you’re even dumber than I first thought. This really will be easy.”

Wess furrowed her brow in confusion before suddenly shooting open wide as her memories came back to her. Sitting at her computer one morning, talking to a friend on an online forum, only to be ambushed by someone behind her. She was drugged, and now she’s here, strapped to a table, completely exposed, and completely at the mercy of the person standing before her now.

“What do you want with me?” Wess spat, her voice a mix of both fear and anger.

“You are going to help me with something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.” Enchantress strutted over to the other end of the table and began fidgeting with the mechanisms above Wess.

“What makes you think that I’m going to help you?” With adrenaline coursing through her, the restrained hero pushed up against her restraints and scowled at the blonde beauty that merely glanced down at Wess, uninterested in her show of defiance before looking back up at the mechanisms she was working with.

“Because you are not being given a choice. You are going to help me, and you will do so without hesitation or resistance.” Enchantress spoke with utter confidence, as if what she was explaining to Wess had already happened. She then pulled free a pair of headphones and a visor, both attached to the larger contraption hanging above Wess. In a panic, Wess began to squirm erratically, trying desperately to escape and not let this villainess’ plan come to fruition.

“NO! I won’t let you. Whatever it is you plan to do to me, I’ll resist it. I’ll fight back. You won’t use me to fulfill some evil ploy you witch.” Her yelling and writhing only became louder and more dramatic as she fought against her restraints. Enchantress rolled her eyes and let the headphones and visor hang loosely from their wires as she then walked to the desk on the other side of the room. She opened a drawer and grabbed a small syringe filled with a fluorescent pink liquid, and then walked back over to the still kicking and screaming hero.

“If you insist on being so uncooperative, then I’ll just have to use this.” Enchantress grabbed one of Wess’ arms and forced it down into place. Despite her struggles, Wess was unable to free it from the vice grip of Enchantress before she stuck the needle into the raging hero’s arm and injected the pink fluid inside. Almost immediately, Wess felt the effects of whatever was in that syringe. Waves of pleasure and endorphins flowed throughout her mind and body. Her writhing slowed as her body relaxed into place, her screaming became quiet whines, and she felt her cock begin to harden as a growing sensation of arousal spread within her. She knew she had to fight, to try to resist whatever drugs she was just given. If she just laid here, who knows what would happen to her. Wess’ feelings of panic began to become muted as the waves of pleasure and endorphins continued to wash over her body. Deep down she was still present and resisting, but she physically couldn’t bring herself to do much more than squirm pathetically in her confines.

Enchantress grinned down at the struggling hero. She took great pleasure in watching her flails and cries settle into nothingness, and she particularly enjoyed the look of conflict in Wess eyes as she fought to maintain control over her body.

“Now that you’ve calmed down, we can continue.” Enchantress then grabbed the headphones from where they were dangling from and secures them around Wess’ ears. Nothing was currently playing through the headphones, but that would change soon. She then went to grab the visor, but then stopped suddenly.

“Oh. I almost forgot.” Enchantress dropped the visor once more and began working on the mechanism hanging above Wess. After a while, a hiss became audible as an oxygen mask popped out of the mechanism. The hissing was coming from the mask, and when Wess looked up to look at it, she saw pink mist swirling out from the mask. This brought her sense of panic back into the forefront of her mind despite the still growing sensations of arousal and bliss that was threatening to overtake her mind. Wess shook her head weakly, desperately trying to fight back as Enchantress grabbed the mask and moved it over to cover the panicking woman’s mouth. Wess mustered all the resistance and determination she could in the moment to try and fight back against Enchantress, but when she tried to yell, all that came out was a weak, pathetic moan.

The busty blonde couldn’t help but laugh at the attempt.

“You really are pathetic.” With her free hand, Enchantress lifted Wess’ head and then applied the mask with the other, wrapping the strap around her head to fasten it in place. Wess tried holding her breath, terrified of what would happen to her if she allowed herself to breathe in the pink mist coming from the mask. Despite her efforts, Wess couldn’t hold her breath forever. Eventually her body forced her to inhale the pink mist. When she did, the sensations of arousal, pleasure, bliss, and relaxation only intensified. Her eyes hooded and her cock twitched as her body and mind were flooded with drugs.

“Mmm, now we’re getting somewhere.” Enchantress grinned wickedly, pleased at how quickly things were starting to shape up. “Now for the fun to really begin.” She grabbed the visor, lifted Wess’ head up again, and strapped it over her eyes.

Wess couldn’t see anything through the visor. She wanted so badly to struggle, to fight, to do anything other than sit here in a drugged stupor while some latex clad bitch had her way with her. After the visor was put onto Wess’ face, she heard the clicking of heels on the tile floor going away from her. Her body felt so heavy, yet her mind felt so light. It was as if with every breath, the pink mist she was inhaling was weighing down her body, but at the same time elevating her mind. Her head felt so.. fuzzy. It was getting harder to hold onto a coherent thought longer than a couple of sentences. It felt.. good, but she knew that was wrong. Wess couldn’t just allow herself to be bested by a simple gas, she was a superheroine. That’s when everything went bright.

Wess’ vision, once blocked out and darkened by the visor, was now completely filled by a hot pink spiral being displayed through it. She scoffed to herself. A spiral? Did that bimbo really think that this would be enough to defeat Super Wess? It did look.. really pretty though. It’s not like she could do anything to look away from it anyways. Then the sounds came.

Piercing, loud, and soothing all at the same time. Binaurals were being played through the headphones on Wess’ head, drowning out all other sounds that were or would have been heard otherwise. They only made it even harder for Wess to focus, to think to do anything other than just lay her and let this happen. She tried shaking her head side to side, but to no avail. Everything attached to her was too snugly attached to be loosened by any movement that Wess could do in her compromised state.

While trying to figure out what to do, while at the same time struggling not to succumb to the joined forces of drugs, sounds, and spirals bombarding her forces and threatening to overtake her will, Wess then felt what was probably the most intense thing yet. She felt what she could only imagine to be a fleshlight wrap around her twitching cock, only to then pump up and down her shaft at an even pace. Wess hadn’t realized the extent of her arousal until this moment. The pink mist she had been breathing in has not only been making her horny, but sensitive as well. She’s masturbated in the past, but nothing could compare to the sheer sexual bliss that her cock was experiencing in this moment as the machine around it pumped up and down in that steady, constant, mechanical motion.

Wess writhed and moaned pitifully, all the stimulation, all the pleasure, all the sensations that were threatening to overwhelm her, it was getting to be too much. Whenever she tried to form a thought, the tones in her ears would shift slightly and completely drown out her inner monologue. If she tried to focus on a single point on the screen to gather herself, the pink spiral swirling in front of her pulled her attention back into its center. Wess whined, the voice in the back of her mind telling her to panic, fight, and resist was growing quieter and farther away the longer she was exposed to the pure bliss she was experiencing. It was only made even more difficult to hold onto herself once the words and voice appeared.



“Don’t Resist”

The words flashed on the screen, dominating Wess’ attention. The voice undoubtedly belonged to Enchantress, but the cadence was different. It sounded lustful, yet sadistic. As if she were both trying to seduce Wess and enjoy every moment of what was happening to her.




Each flash was a blow to Wess’ willpower. She groaned as the machine around her cock began pumping faster. Enchantress’ words were echoing in Wess’ head, and she tried her hardest to drown them out

“No.. I can’t let it happen.. Not like this.” Wess thought, trying desperately to not succumb. The alarm bells in Wess’ head were blaring loudly, but quickly falling quiet to the bombardment of brainwashing being forced upon her.




“What? What is that supposed to mean?” Between the bursts of pleasure and flashes of light, Wess found enough of herself to question what she was being told. “She wants to make me.. a doll? Why would she-”

Before Wess was able to finish that thought, the voice of Enchantress interrupted her.

“You will betray your friends.”

“Betray them? Why would I-”

“I will betray my friends.” Wess’ eyes opened wide in shock. That.. was her voice. She heard her own voice in her head, repeating what Enchantress had just said to her. It didn’t make sense, but fuck it made her cock twitch and spasm. It felt wrong, but oh so good..

“You will bring them to me.”

“I will bring them to you.” Wess’ eyes hooded and she moaned out. It couldn’t be her, but it was in her voice. She wouldn’t agree to something like that if she didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She was a superheroine, and heroes can be trusted. Wess could trust herself.. right?

“You will obey Enchantress.”

“I will obey Enchantress.”

Wess shuddered at the thought. Hearing herself admit felt like a shot of pure dopamine. Her cock was starting to leak, the machine relentlessly pumping up and down. Wess knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from cumming for much longer.

“You’re a very good girl, ‘Super Wess’.” Enchantress giggled teasingly into Wess’ ear. All she could do was vacantly moan out in ecstasy as Enchantress’ words permeated deeper into Wess’ emptying mind.

“You are mine.”

“I am yours.” By now, the small voice in Wess’ mind that had been trying to help her had fallen silent, overwhelmed by the sounds, the lights, the pleasure. All she could do was lay there and let Enchantress’ words wash over her.

“You are going to help me bring down your other little super friends. The Dreamer and Miss Melody will suspect nothing. To them, you are still the high and mighty ‘Super Wess’, but you know what you really are. My sleeper agent”

Wess writhed, moaning becoming more frantic and desperate as her orgasm approached. With her mind completely gone, she was helpless to the ideas that Enchantress was embedding into her. As Wess reached the edge, everything felt so much more intense, as if at any moment, whatever was left of her mind would shatter.


That single word held infinite power, and the moment it was uttered, Wess was no longer able to hold back. She came, sending out rope after rope of cum out as her cock continued to be mechanically and relentlessly pumped by the machine. As the pleasure faded, so did her consciousness. She was able to hear one last thing before everything went black and she was lost to the brainwashing.

“Good girl.”


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