Queen Valborga and the Academy of Feminine Improvement

by barbararwetzel

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/m #fantasy #humiliation #sub:female #clothing #drones #growth

Unruly sisters are taken to Queen Valborga’s new academy of feminine improvement for reeducation.

Queen Valborga and the Academy of Feminine Improvement

DISCLAIMER: This book is fiction. Every name, place, character, and event are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

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SYNOPSIS: Unruly sisters are taken to Queen Valborga’s new academy of feminine improvement for reeducation.

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ABOUT: This is a sequel to Queen Sabina & The Kingdom of Hershin and Queen Valborga & The Kingdom of Neushin. If you enjoy this story, please consider reading Love, Honor, & Obey: A Spellbound Medieval Tale as well.

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The two men watched the mages, in white robes and headscarves, march towards them. Each was in their mid to late twenties. There had been a skirmish following the defeat of Prince Damien. A few rival lords had decided to take the moment, once out of his sway, to try to take over various lands. The nation, now ruled by King Marcus and Queen Valborga, had stamped it out with ease.

Which is what these mages had been brought in for. Their healing capabilities were extremely useful, and their devotion, as will be witnessed shortly, made them ideal for the situation.

Henry Van Gaal was the Director of Feminine Improvement for the kingdom of Neushin. Dark magics like what Prince Damien had used were evil and morally wrong. Light magic, as used across the kingdoms now that King William and his wife Queen Sabina of Hershin were sharing their own, kept men as leaders and women as compliant handmaidens to them. These mages were part of a new line that would change their roles forever.

The man with him was Louis Gerard. He was a businessman, constantly looking for a good investment. To curry favor with the new king and queen, a donation of some heftiness was being considered by him to support the military and their medical teams. Upon finding out his views of a woman’s role were similar to his own, Van Gaal asked for a meeting to demonstrate the new powers.

“Each of these mages,” he began as they came to stand at casual attention before him, “has been enchanted with the magical collars awarded to them after completing their time at the Academy of Feminine Improvement. By the time their training is complete, being collared is a joyous occasion for these formerly out of control women.”

Louis walked up and down the row. His dark hair blew in the wind. He was getting a little older, and his thinning hair did not quite fit in the normal hair tie anymore. “Yes, I have heard about the academies the queens have begun around the continent. Remarkable work.” He stopped in front of one of them and stared into her empty eyes. “So what is the difference here?”

Henry nodded and motioned him over. “Ah, yes, so the average woman graduating from the Academy of Feminine Improvement comes out docile, feminine, and obedient. Fair enough. However, our scientists and wizards have been working on something new, and this group is the first line of a new series of mages. Let me show you.”

He said a series of commands with a set of numbers at the end. If you have read my stories before, you know the drill, but let us remind new readers: I will not be giving you their activation codes. Who knows what naughty things you will do with them!

Life came back to the eyes of each mage, and they looked to their controller for his command. They did not notice or acknowledge the presence of Gerard.

“Mage001,” Henry began as the beautiful pink-haired mage looked at him with devotion and obedience mirrored in her eyes. “Please report on the recent battle and the team’s work in it.”

Mage001 curtsied before her superior. The loose fitting robes could not hide her impressive bust and athletic frame. “Master, Mage003 assisted Mage002 and Mage004 in healing soldier wounds. One soldier died from their wounds due to their severity. Mage004 attempted magical cures, but the injury was too deep. Mage002 also discovered a long-term injury in one soldier, which will be treated in their home city. Mage001completed a surgery on one injured soldier with assistance from Mage003.” She paused for a beat. “Mage005 privately conferred with military leadership about matters of Feminine Improvement. The Vice-General would like his daughter, 22, to enroll in the wonderful academy the incredible men of the Academic of Feminine Improvement run at the soonest convenience of Master. All Mages await command. Obedience is purpose.” She stepped back to stand in perfect symmetry with her teammates.

“Good girls,” Henry said to them with a proud grin. Mage001 had been an out of control villager who injured a diplomat with a rock. After being charged and arrested, a few months at the Academy of Feminine Improvement had fixed her attitudes. “Mages, you have done well assisting our brave soldiers during the battle.” He looked over at Louis to see his reaction to what happened next.

The mages took a step forward together. “Thank you, Master. Obedience is purpose,” they declared in unison.

Louis nodded with approval. “They are well-trained. He eyed the dark-skinned one, Mage004, on the right side. Her natural curls could not be contained by the headscarf tied around her neck.

“It’s more than training, my friend,” Henry said as he motioned for them to take a step to the right, which they, again, did in unison. “They are magically aligned to each other. All five have the same training, the same skills, and each can activate them as needed. Their personalities are interchangeable, and the raw need to obey is their only duty. All men are seen as their superiors. For purposes of guiding them, I have their full control, but it could be any man.”

He motioned for a soldier some ways from them to walk over. He held a gagged woman in a tattered frock by the arms. Her wild eyes showed defiance, but that would be removed shortly. The soldier shoved her forward and then held the woman before them.

Henry pulled a collar out of his pocket. “These collars have been magically enhanced. This is not new; it has been done for a generation in Hershin. However, there is a change to them. I will demonstrate.”

The soldier held the woman in place as Henry placed the collar around her neck. After a moment, the life left her eyes and she stared blankly at him, empty eyed. “Master, obedience is purpose.” Her previous life was gone, and a new purpose filled the slave.

“She is,” Henry began, “now a mindless toy. Her previous life is stored in the collar if needed, but it will not be likely. It gets better, though, but let me do something else first.”

He pointed at Mage004 and motioned for her to step forward. She curtsied before him, eyes never leaving her controller. “Mage004, you are now the property of Mr. Gerard. Please default to the name ‘Slave’ until he picks one for you. I am grateful for your service, but you are his property now and forever.”

Slave blinked a few times, smiled softly, and knelt down in a bow before the man who now owned her. “Master, Slave is yours to command. Obedience is purpose.” She looked up at him with love and obedience mirrored in her eyes.

Henry put his hand on Louis’ arm. “I saw you looking at her. She is your property. Rename her as you see fit.”

Louis reached down and ran a hand over Slave’s face. She kissed his fingers, and took a few into her full, pouty, mouth and sucked on them like they were a cock. He pulled away after a moment as new names formed in his mind. “Slave, your name is now Bridgette. You will serve in my home in hopes of becoming my wife and being bred one day.”

Bridgette stood up, her eyes never leaving Master. “Yes, Master, obedience is Bridgette’s purpose.” She lowered her eyes again and bowed.

“Remarkable,” Louis said as he stared down at his new piece of property.

Henry put his hand on the man’s arm. “It gets even better. Watch this.” He pointed at Mage005, a busty redhead who had rebelled against her family’s desire for her to marry the son of a local lord. “Mage005, you are now Mage004, please load new directives and wait.” The soon-to-be former Mage005 blinked a number of times and then waited at casual attention. Her collar glowed with a light pink aura around it as new magical programming rewrote her mind.

He pointed to their newly enthralled captive. “You are now Mage005, sync with your sisters.” Mage005 walked over to them, all taking each other’s hands, as their collars glowed for a moment. “Master, Mage005 is yours to command. Obedience is purpose.”

Louis, petted Bridgette, who knelt beside him, “did the collars...you used the word ‘sync” to describe it?”

Henry nodded. “Yes. Our best magical engineers have been working day and night on this. We call it ‘artificial intelligence.’ This artificial intelligence is...the word I believe is ‘programmed’...into the collars and then passes into each wearer. Each mage serves a different purpose, but can take on the duties of another because they have been, yes, programmed with the information. That is why Mage005 could become Mage004 and take on those duties without a problem.”

Louis took his hand off his new slave’s head.“The intelligence granted to these women is not their own, but an amalgamation of tasks...artificial, yes, I understand. Every woman should have this. We could keep them in line much easier. The academy you help run could use this I am sure.”

“Mages, you may return to your duties,” Henry commanded and then watched them walk in a line to resume their current task. “Queen Valborga’s Academy of Feminine Improvement will certainly aid in that. Her Majesty and King Marcus have tasked us with aiding and teaching proper deportment for the women of the kingdom. Your financing will certainly assist with that. The women of Neushin deserve the safety and sanctuary of feminine obedience to their male superiors.”

The men shook hands. “We will talk soon,” Louis noted, “and I am sure I will be back. Bridgette here could use a slave sister, no doubt.”

The men clasped hands again and Louis handed a document with details about his financing to Henry, who waved goodbye afterward and went to return to his duties, but one of his scouts came to him with news that required his attention.

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After conferring with the scout, Henry began making plans to leave with immediate effect once the director approved his trip, which he would take alone for the sake of security with a team working behind him.

The scout had been checking on reports that some women who had escaped the evil Prince Damien’s mesmeric grasp during his reign of terror had fled into the mountains of Neushin. While many had been able to escape before his control took hold of the citizenship, which the now King Marcus emancipated them of before becoming king and marrying Queen Valborga, most had returned to their lives.

There were, however, some dissenters to this standard. This included a few sects of women, fed up with the patriarchal aspirations of the new queen; obsessed with femininity; obedience; and siring a son for the man she loved and served, who had left for the north and a new life. This was fine, and the king approved despite his sadness that women would want to leave their kingdom, but a whistle-blower within one sect had warned that they were up to no good and planning violent acts against king and kingdom. This was absolutely unacceptable.

After conferring with the scout, Henry decided to investigate the case himself. This sect of Neushian expatriated women were in the mountains to the north of the castle, a hundred miles away. He sent the scout ahead of him with a message to the whistle-blower to continue maintaining regular activities and information gathering until he would arrive in a few days.

Henry left on a ship the next morning after briefing the assistant-directors of Queen Valborga’s Academy of Feminine Improvement about the situation. The director would also speak with King Marcus and inform him, but Queen Valborga, pregnant with the king’s first heir, would be kept unaware for now for fears of stressing the simple-minded queen, in such a fragile and feminine state, and her maidens. Once this issue was addressed and the queen had safely given birth, she could be briefed as well about the situation.

He spent most of the trip in his quarters looking over notes from the scout and considering plans for what to do with these unruly women. A few ideas had already come to mind, and he made notes about the possibilities.

In the evening, he did make his way to the dining hall where various travelers were headed to the two villages near the mountains. A few men were going even further north on a trade mission. He spoke with them, and it turned out they had a shared friend back in the castle who had gotten them the assignment.

Henry was not much for social gatherings, but did enjoy the beautiful hostesses the ship employed for the trip. As the sun went down and the evening drew on, he grew bored and decided some amusement was needed.

One of the hostesses had caught his eye earlier in the evening. The tan, green haired, beauty wore the standard hostess uniform of a brief dress in the colors of the kingdom’s flag, stockings and matching high heels, and her hair tied up tight into a severe ponytail. He had heard the beautiful hostess say to another traveler that her name was Mariana, and that she was 25 and eager to get back to her life after everything that happened with Prince Damien. However, Henry had other ideas for her.

He waited until most guests had retired for the evening and then, feigning to leave as well, left one of his books on a table in the view of Mariana. He quickly left the room and went up the stairs to his quarters, knowing that she would likely try to return it to him upon ending her shift.

The dutiful woman did do as he hypothesized, and there was a soft knock on his door a short while later. Upon opening the door, she held up the book, but then froze in place as he said a quiet incantation that dropped the simple-minded peasant into a trance.

Mariana obediently followed him into the room at his command and closed the door behind her. “Good girl,” Henry said quietly as he took the book from her hands and placed it back into his bag. “Please join me on the bed, pet. You will answer my questions honestly and obey my commands unquestionably. Just like when you were under the thrall of Prince Damien. I am sure that was scary, but you feel safe obeying me. Pet, you will feel safer and safer each time you obey me. Do you understand.”

“I will feel safer and safer each time I obey you,” she confirmed in a blank monotone, her eyes never leaving his.

The mesmerized hostess followed him to the bed, sat down, and folded her hands on her lap. She stared at him with empty, docile, eyes as he said a further incantation that put her into an even deeper trance.

Henry put a hand on her face. She was pretty, but could be beautiful with some enchantments. An idea came to his mind and he began quizzing her. “Pet, do you have any close family or friends? Is there anyone here you are especially friendly with? You will address me as ‘Sir’ moving forward.”

Mariana slowly nodded in the negation. “Sir, My family lives a few villages to the south. I am estranged from them. I wanted a better life, so I left to come work here to raise money, so I could go to the city and find a better life there. My coworkers are just that; we are friendly, but not close. I feel so safe obeying you.”

Henry laughed despite himself at the hypnotic sincerity of her programmed statement. This one would be easy to mold into the ideal feminine state demanded by the queen’s academy. “Good girl. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will resign your post here at this inn. You no longer want to work here, but will do whatever I command of you, isn’t that true, pet?”

She again nodded. “Sir, I no longer want to work here. I will resign my post here at the inn in the morning. I will do whatever you command.”

He leaned in and kissed her gently. She did not move. “Good girl. “Pet, you will address me as ‘Master’ moving forward. You are my slave and have no purpose but obedience.”

Mariana returned the kiss and stared at him with a gentle smile. “Yes, Master.” Her previous life was forgotten, as she now had no purpose but obedience to this wonderful man.

“Good girl,” Henry began, “I am going to wake you now and your new life will begin. You need training and rigorous, regimented, study of the feminine arts, but we will discuss that later on, pet.” He snapped his fingers and waited a moment while life came back to Mariana’s eyes.

Mariana blinked rapidly and then gasped at Master. “Master! I am—”

Henry put a hand over her pouty mouth. “Quieter, pet. We cannot have anyone knowing your new purpose here. These people are not relevant anymore to you.” His new slave nodded slowly. “I enjoy having my new slaves demonstrate their skill level to me. Do not worry much about my assessment for now: Enhancement and training will be given to you based on my view.” He took her hands in his own. “Strip for me, pet.”

The green-haired slave kicked off her high heels, slid off her dress, undergarments, and stockings. She untied her hair and let it down to a moderately large chest. Out of respect to Master, Mariana lowered her eyes and then knelt on the floor before bowing at his feet.

Master undid his belt and dropped his pants to the floor. Mariana looked up and began licking his cock. She was clearly inexperienced and had a bit of a gag reflex upon trying to take more of Master’s cock inside her, which he stopped immediately upon noticing.

She pouted, but he pulled her up to stand before him. “As I said, pet, you need training.” He cupped one of her breasts and considered what sort of magical enhancement they would need in the future. “All women need training. Every one of you is, by nature, docile, feminine, and obedient, but it needs to be activated, enhanced, and accentuated.”

Henry took Mariana and dragged her rather harshly to the bed. He pinned her down on the bed and began fucking the slave senseless. She was not a virgin, but inexperienced with a man who knew what he wanted and how to force his will, and cock, upon a woman.

Even if not mesmerized, the hostess would have been deeply attracted to how powerful and dominant each thrust inside her felt and the way he made eye contact with her, thrust more, and then came alongside her own orgasm would have activated that natural submission Master had spoken about before.

He slid out of her and was about to say something when Mariana threw herself into his arms. “Oh, Master,” she exclaimed, “my body is yours, please use it again if you desire!”

Henry pulled her tight to him. She would be a suitable member of the academy. He ran his arms down her back. The desire to please was in the female soul, and it could be activated with care, love, and, sometimes, a hard fuck. “Did you enjoy that, pet?”

Mariana nodded as her hand began stroking his cock to hardness again. “Yes, Master. Use my body again if it would please you!”

He put a hand on hers, and she stopped stroking. “While that sounds like a nice idea and all, I have an early morning to continue my travels. You need a good night of rest to begin your new life tomorrow, pet.”

She pouted, but then nodded in agreement. Henry kissed her forehead. “You did well this evening, but you can improve...do you want to improve?” She nodded with great enthusiasm.

“Good girl.” He got off the bed, picked up his bag, tore a page out of his journal, and began drawing a map to the place Mariana would find purpose. “After you resign tomorrow, you are going to take a ship down the coast to the city. Do you have money?”

She commented that her savings were decent. “Good girl. At the port, you are going to travel to the city itself. This is a map of the area. Stick to official royal trails, and you should be left alone, but if anyone questions your presence, please give them this,” he handed her a small amulet with his family crest emblazoned on it. “Any knight or government official will know what it is. If you show it to a criminal, they should back away. I am an official agent of the King and Queen.”

He took her hands in his own. “When you get to the city, you will be traveling to Queen Valborga’s Academy of Feminine Improvement. Her Majesty is a role model for what a lady should be: Docile, feminine, and obedient. She is what you will aspire to being at the academy. Who knows, perhaps a role in the castle could be in your future?”

Mariana gasped at the possibility. “Master, I will do whatever is needed of me. Queen Valborga is my role model.” She had not thought much of the new queen until now, but the beautiful lady now enveloped her thoughts that were not put there by Master.”

Henry nodded. “Give them the amulet when you arrive. I will be back in a few weeks. I have academy related business in the north and will return as soon as possible.” He gently kissed her again. “I will be interested in your progress, pet.”

He said a new spell quietly, and Mariana dropped back into trance. “Goodnight, pet. Return to your quarters and we will talk soon.”

* * *

Henry Van Gaal woke up the next morning, ate a quick breakfast in the dining hall, and then went to thank the front end staff before leaving to continue his trip. As he spoke to the pretty woman at the front desk, he could overhear Mariana in the back room telling the manager she had decided to leave. Another woman could be heard trying to talk her out of it, but she was set in her ways and sounded upset that anyone would even question her decision.

Henry left before Mariana saw her and made his way through the village and into the northern woods. The trails in this part of the north were mostly not official royal trails and thus a bit haphazard, but a monk had gotten permission, these days the only official printing was guides for heads of home and feminine manners for women, to print a copy of the map his monastery had made up here while traveling some years before. It seemed to still be fairly accurate, and he was confident in his friend’s map for sure.

Anything north of the village was not really affected by Prince Damien’s mind control magic. Henry himself had been away in Hershin when it all happened and offered his assistance to King William’s advisor, his friend, Trent Henriad, and worked to thwart the evil dark magics by traveling to Disonia to assist with matters there.

Henry would be meeting with his contact later in the day, so he stopped at one point to eat after coming across a small inn where a meal could be procured. He ate outside and when the hostess came out with his soup and water pitcher to go with the cheese and bread he was already carrying, he entranced her momentarily to gather information.

Upon being asked about odd behavior in the area, she noted a flamboyant woman who came into the area once in a while for supplies. The woman always refused assistance and seemed to have unruly views about every possible topic under the sun. The hostess confessed to being uncomfortable around the woman, who she mentioned as an aside also came in with two other women sometimes, due to their rebellious nature. She was working until marriage, where she would settle into life as a homemaker and mother.

After giving her a direct order to double her efforts to be the best, most lovely and obedient, wife possible, Henry let the hostess get back to her duties before wrapping up his meal and getting back on the trails.

Henry was disgusted by what he had heard from the hostess. This unruly force here in the north had to stopped. Thankfully, one of the women had come forward to get assistance, which is whom he would be meeting with shortly. The walk to their meeting point at another inn was another five miles up the trails, but Henry was in shape, prided himself on it, and enjoyed the walk. He encountered a few other travelers, but was able to mostly keep to himself and only stopped once for water and a bit of cheese before continuing on his travels.

Henry got to the inn right before dusk and got a room for the night plus an evening meal, which he ate anticipating his contact arriving. A bard was doing a reading of a new tale about a woman trying to find a suitor using magic, but the magic is turned against her and she becomes his ideal wife. It was a comedy and, he had to admit, quite amusing. His serious nature still afforded him time for such matters, and it pleased him how many women in the inn were laughing along with the humor and sentiment.

The bard finished their tale, spoke with the audience for a few minutes, and then retired for the evening with his lady friend, who was beautiful and lovely. Henry finished his meal and was looking over his notes when a woman came to sit down across from him.

“Hello, Mr. Van Gaal,” the beautiful blonde began in a whisper, “I am Ordalf Muller, the woman who contacted you about the activities of her sisters.” Miss Muller had blonde hair, piercing green eyes, and wore a long skirt, stockings, a sweater that could not hide her large breasts, and a loose headscarf. The way she lowered her eyes after speaking was noticeable. According to his scout, she was 24 years old.

Henry tilted his head and put away the journal. “Yes, of course. I am glad you could make it to see me. I was told by our scout you had important information about dangerous feminine behaviors?”

Ordalf looked around quickly. “May we speak in private? I don’t want to cause a stir or any further unrest.” She reached her delicate hand out to his arm and touched it gently.

He nodded and motioned for them to stand. “Of course,” he said quietly, “I have a room for the night here, and we can speak there for as long as needed.” After waving to the innkeeper and hostess, who must have assumed the man and woman were lovers, they made their way upstairs and entered his room.

Henry asked Ordalf to sit down on the bed, and he joined her after a moment. “So tell me what brings me into the company of such a beautiful woman? What concerns you?”

Ordalf hesitated for a few seconds as a tear went down her face. “I feel so bad for doing this to my sisters, but I am scared of their plans. They are going to…” she trailed off and began crying. “I don’t want to betray them, but I am so afraid they—”

She froze in place as Henry waved some magical visuals in front of her. “Okay, pet, calm yourself. Take a few deep breaths. That is good. I have placed you in a trance for your own safety. You will always feel safe when tranced. Now, be a good girl and tell me why you contacted me.”

Ordalf replied in a blank monotone. “I am worried that my sisters are planning some kind of action against King Marcus and Queen Valborga. My eldest sister hates her and believes they want to do harm to women like Prince Damien did. I like the queen and strongly believe she is a good representative for the King.”

Henry nodded with approval. “She is a remarkable woman and the finest example of feminine virtue in the kingdom. You must live to emulate her in behavior, belief, and mannerism. Tell me more about your sisters.”

Ordalf continued. “Nophica is my middle sister. She is very spiteful. Freya is my eldest sister. She is angry and has different views about men and women. She thinks the queen is a threat to women and what Prince Damien did radicalized her. I went along with my sisters to the woods because I was worried about them and I love them.”

“Of course you love them,” Henry commented, “they are your sisters. But is there anything more? Tell me the truth. You will always tell me the truth, pet.”

A tear went down Ordalf’s face. “I agree with Queen Valborga’s views of the place of women. I am scared that my sisters are not like me. I knew someone at the Academy of Feminine Improvement would be able to help stop them.”

“Good girl,” Henry said as he wiped away the tear from her face. “You exist, as all women do, to obey men. It is your natural purpose. Science has shown it is an instinctive, biological, drive in women. They defy it, but you embrace your nature. You live to please men. You live to please me, pet. Do you understand?”

Ordalf nodded. “I live to please you.”

“Good girl.” He held her face in his hand again. “You are now my servant. I have a plan for you to join me at the academy, but that will wait. You will return to them in the morning. We have agents who are following behind me who will arrive to assist at that time. I will return you to your sisters to bring them out, but I will be close by to assist if needed.”

Henry took her hands in his own. “But that is for tomorrow. I am going to bring you out of trance shortly. You will address me as ‘Master’ as that is what I will be for you. I am Master and you are slave. We will assist your sisters in seeing the righteousness of this as well.”

He tapped her nose and said, “wake up.” Ordalf blinked back to life and threw her arms around Master. “Master,” she exclaimed, “I am your slave. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.”

Henry undid her headscarf, and the slave’s light blonde hair fell to her shoulders. She was beautiful already and would be even more so once he was done with her. He leaned in and kissed her, which she eagerly returned.

Ordalf ran a finger over her pouty mouth. “Master, is there anything you would like your slave to do?” He motioned for her to remove all clothing, and she did obediently. The slave had a nice body, but it would be much nicer once properly magically augmented.

She undid his belt buckle and then unbuttoned the cotton shirt he wore under his tunic. Once naked, Henry watched his property run her hand over his arms, shoulders, and chest. “Master, you have a nice body. I love men who clearly take the time to ensure they are psychically pleasing.”

“Well,” he began, “I do participate in the King and Queen’s fitness program. Maintaining health is important for both men and women.” Her hands running across his chest had hardened his cock, which was impressively large. Ordalf began stroking it and then pushed him onto the bed so she could grind on top of his cock. The shy slave was not sexually experienced, but had read about various sex acts from a book passed around the women in her village. She fumbled into place and had to be guided by Master a bit, but was rewarded with a powerful orgasm once he came inside her.

After Henry tranced Ordalf for the night, Master and slave lay together in bed together until the sun rose. As people in the inn began to stir downstairs for the morning meal, the blonde slave sucked off Master until swallowing down almost every drop of his cum.

After performing their morning ablutions and redressing, she knelt before him in the middle of their room. While she bathed, Henry had been writing out a plan in his journal.

“Pet, you are going to return to the camp. I have ensured the supplies you made the trip for have been procured for you downstairs. Behave normally. I will be behind you at some distance with some of my agents behind me. We will observe your sisters until there is verifiable evidence of the accusations you have made.” He stroked her chin.” At that point, they will be arrested, as will you.”

Ordalf looked up at Master. “I am guilty of so many things, Master!” Courageously, she denied the impulse to cry.

Henry shook his head slowly. “You are only guilty of being a loyal sister. By coming to me, you have rectified that by being even more loyal to them and ensuring they are caught and brought to justice. You are a good girl, pet.”

They went downstairs separately, with Ordalf leaving first after picking up the supplies she had used as an excuse to come down out of the mountains to meet Master. She set off to travel the hour walk after refreshing her water and picking up a quick breakfast of cheese and biscuits to eat on the way. A good night of sleep, and coming into Master’s service, had refreshed her, and she walked the trail with determination mirrored in her eyes.

Henry followed with his agents, a crack team of scouts who had caught up with him, about 15 minutes behind Ordalf. Word had also been sent back to the Academy of Feminine Improvement to expect three recruits, with one being willing and the others not so much. Unwilling, out of control, women like Ordalf’s sisters would need proper taming, not just the simple magics that he could use out in the field. The scout sent back to the academy would also then brief King Marcus as well.

They soon arrived near the camp and took up an observational position. Ordalf’s middle sister, Nophica, a few years older than her, came off like a bit of a brat. Henry hated brats. She made a few brash statements, but seemed like the type that could be brought under control and tamed.

Henry himself had a cousin like that: She had been so brash and rebellious until meeting a good man who brought discipline into her life, and now she was pregnant with his third son and devoted to motherhood and obedience.

The elder sister was the really alarming concern here. Freya was clearly a militant type, she even had short cropped hair, and speaks of a world without men in charge. She made a statement to her sisters about how, rightfully, Prince Damien’s actions had disgusted her, but her statements about removing the monarchy and seeking to show Queen Valborga that there is more to life than, in her words, “swooning” for King Marcus and spreading the lie that women should be servile to men.

Freya was clearly educated and passionate, but her emotional state led her to many logical leaps that pointed the finger at every man for the crimes of a few. Most men were decent, and more women as well, and it would be one thing if she wanted to just stay in the woods and live her life, but the calls to oppose the queen were too much.

“They are trying to neutralize efforts to educate women,” she spat out, “just like in Disonia where it is forbidden for women to read. In Hershin, only the royal women are educated. Why should only elite women know how to read? It’s a disgrace!”

Henry shook his head. One of the reasons Neushin had been an advantageous target for Prince Damien had been the fact that most women did know how to read, so when he mesmeric letters were put forth, ensnaring the royals and government was straightforward. Surely, this was part of why he chose it as a target. This would not have been effective in Disonia. When he was in Hershin advising Trent Henriad and King William, his wife Queen Sabina had worried so much about the chance, due to being literate, that she could herself be ensnared by the letters. However, due to her son’s heroic efforts, none of this ended up mattering.

During this arrogant rant, Ordalf had come running into the camp, “there are men nearby! I am not sure what they are doing here, but we should investigate it. I did not want to go without any of you. I had to leave some of the supplies behind in my haste.”

“We need to make sure the supplies are okay,” Freya announced, ignoring her sister’s safety. She and Nophica began following their sister back into the woods.

Henry smiled with pride at his slave’s feminine brilliance. He motioned to his scouts to begin moving towards them. There was a cut-out in the trees that Ordalf seemed to be moving towards, and he was pleased to see that his hypothesis was correct. At his command, the scouts leapt out and grabbed all three women and placed magical neutralizing collars around their necks, which froze them in place.

“Hello, my dears,” he began smugly, “my name is Henry Van Gaal. All three of you are under arrest for heresy against Her Majesty Queen Valborga and for contempt of the feminine example she offers. Freya struggled against the magical bonds, but Nophica and Ordalf stood silently, blank stares, as the magic ensnared them.

After a moment more of struggle, Freya’s movement slowed as well, and she stared just as blankly as her sisters at Henry.

“Take them away,” he stated idly, but then stopped the scout holding on to Ordalf. “Not her. She goes with me.” He gave her a tug. “She has been especially criminal.

* * *

Freya woke up some time later in a small room that only had a dresser, mirror, and bed. She had clearly been bathed by her captors at some point, but the thought slipped out of her mind as the naked woman, realizing she was naked, padded over to the dresser to find clothing.

The redhead felt a need to cover up her body. In the dresser she found undergarments, stockings, and a form-fitting dress that hugged her curves and showed off ample cleavage. Had her breasts grown? The thought slipped out of her mind.

Finally, a green, simple, headscarf lay under it all. Unable to stop herself, she placed the scarf over her head and tied a simple knot under her chin. Freya felt docile, feminine, and obedient. A gentle smile came across her face. Their trek into the woods had been fraught with such danger. She felt at peace right now.

That peace was broken a moment later when there was a knock at the door. Henry walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He wore a heavy sweater and dark pants. His beard was trimmer than before and with his hair tied back he looked rather handsome. When he smiled at her, she tensed.

Freya blinked a few times and furrowed her brow. “Why am I here? You arrested me without cause! I will get a lawyer and get out of here!”

Henry laughed. “Well, women are not allowed to retain a lawyer without the approval of a male. You were most certainly arrested with cause.” He took a few steps towards her. “You are here to be reeducated. Queen Valborga’s Academy of Feminine Improvement was founded for exactly your type of woman.” He sighed, bored with this banter. “Now, kneel before me, pet.”

Unable to stop herself, Frey knelt on the floor, eyes lowered, and her defiant attitude ceased. At his command, she crawled to her controller and sat silently as her attached a collar and leash to her neck.

Her eyes saw his half hard cock bulge and lit up, but Henry nodded a silent no down to her. “Not yet. You need to earn the right to do that. In fact, another one of your holes will get a lot more use, pet.” He stated a trigger phrase, which, as always, I will not be telling you, and she dropped into trance.

“Report to your morning lesson,” Henry commanded her. “After lunch, you have a medical session. Obey the doctors as if they are me. Dismissed.”

He watched Freya, deep in trance, leave the room to obey his command without noticing the other woman standing in the hallway who entered, knelt, and bowed before him. “Good morning, Master,” she said quietly, and sweetly, while undoing his pants and beginning to stroke his cock. She deep throated him, gag reflex hypnotically erased, until he came in her mouth. After cleaning herself up, the hypno-slave took Master Henry’s hand in her own, and they left the room for her own lesson, which he would confer in private.

* * *

After supervising a slave’s lessons in the morning, and checking on Freya’s progress, he returned to his home, on the edge of the academy campus, to work on a letter for a potential buyer and notes for his update letter to King Marcus and Queen Valborga. Women were biologically inferior to men, and treating them in any other way was unsafe. They were to be docile, feminine, and obedient.

The King agreed and, through the queen, wanted the women of the kingdom to be treated properly. His own mother and sisters were all fine examples of femininity. Henry had just received a letter from his youngest sister, 27, with news of her pregnancy. She would be a great example for Freya and would write back asking for her and the man she married to visit.

He continued his letter to the buyer, who was a close friend of a Disonian prince and had very specific requests for what his wife would be like. The man had a number of questions, which Henry answered thoughtfully, and confessed to a few fairly deviant kinks involving bondage and discipline. Henry reassured the man that the woman he chose would be programmed to share these fetishes and to exist for his command. Various mental and psychical modifications were also confirmed by him as straightforward for the mages on his medical staff.

He spent the afternoon meeting with different staff members around the academy and checking in on the progress of various women. It was a good idea to personally speak with staff, especially new ones, and ensure that they were doing good work, but also that they knew they were as well.

Henry’s last stop was to check on the medical staff mages and see how Freya was doing. After much conditioning, the unruly woman was becoming an obedient dove and taking to her lessons, which today were given by the deeply pregnant wife of one of the mages. The pretty blonde woman was professing to the joys of being bred, to a focus on being feminine, and of the biological need for women to submit to a man. She warned of dangerous radicals who thought a wife’s purpose was not to obey her husband and, even worse, those who did not find the fetus inside her womb to be sacred and worth dying to protect.

The Medical Mage, a handsome man, 34 like his wife, as devoted to his wife as he was to the academy, confirmed each statement with various scientific and medical facts. Since most women in Neushin could read, a hypnotic trigger to believe anything they read while at the academy made each woman in attendance believe each statement with a high level of feminine gullibility.

In the audience, Freya, in a deep state of hypnotic suggestion, nodded along with each statement from the male authority figure. Tears dropped down her face at his talk about the sacredness of pregnancy. She was coming around to the correct views and her breasts were growing because of a hormonal potion being given to her each day to encourage it. After some further medical tests, her fate was sealed to not only a life of feminine submission, but of being a breeding bimbo for the monarchy.

Henry followed her to another session where the women were run through a series of routine commands they might receive from a male including standing at firm and casual attention, kneeling, dropped to all fours, and finally back to kneeling with a bow. Freya was a bit awkward at some of them, but once the trainer corrected her, his “good girl,” made her docile heart race with happiness.

He would not join her that evening when the slave joined the trainer and an in-training one for more intimate practice. After being commanded to drop to all fours, which she did compliantly, her wrists and ankles were chained to the floor to keep her in place. The trainer took a position in front of her, while another trainer came to stand behind her.

While he fucked her from behind, the senior mage pushed his cock inside of her mouth. Freya sucked on it enthusiastically and only stopped to stroke him to further hardness. After he shot wads of cum all over her backside, the other trainer came all over the former radical’s face.

After the men took a moment to clean her off, Freya was back to sucking and being fucked. Her other hole was off limits for now, but by the time they were done, her cocksucking skills would rival any pleasure slave across the kingdoms.

A few days...weeks...months…???...later, Freya waited quietly for Mr. Van Gaal to see her. The beautiful redhead was dressed in a cleavage baring top, long skirt, very high heels, stockings, frilly undergarments, and a loose headscarf. She was beautifully made up and smiled softly, waiting for the incredible man who ran Queen Valborga’s Academy of Feminine Improvement.

Freya felt a growing confidence in her appearance. Her new look had gained approval from men at the academy, but there was one in particular she was fond of at the moment. Henry came into the room and smiled at her. “Good morning, pet, thank you for your patience. I got caught up in an early morning meeting.”

He motioned for her to follow him into a private meeting area down the hall, and then pointed at a couch. “Sit down with me, pet. We need to discuss a few important matters.”

As you wish, Sir,” Freya confirmed, eyes lowered to the floor, and she sat down next to him. He was so handsome, she had realized at some point, and longed for his touch.

Henry sat with her and ran a hand down her arm. “I hope you have come to accept our required dress code at the academy. It comes straight from Queen Valborga after King William gave his approval. I think it makes you look magnificent. Look up at me, pet.”

Freya obeyed his instruction. “Freya supports Her Majesty in ensuring all women in the kingdom look their best at all times, Sir.” The Queen was now some months along in her pregnancy and word from the capital was that she looked breathtaking and had a feminine glow to her that had inspired many women to settle down, submit to their husband, and becoming filled with his seed.

“Good girl, I am pleased by that, pet.” Henry squeezed her hand, which the simple-minded woman returned.

Freya blushed, but then paused. Why did it feel so good to please Sir? Why did she call him Sir?

Before such unruly thoughts could be given further consideration, he put his hand on her chin. “How about you honor me in the manner that you have been trained to honor men here at the academy. Position two, pet.”

Freya found herself obediently sliding off the couch and onto the floor to knell before her controller. She undid his belt and pants, running a nail over his hardening cock. As it went into her mouth, her mind emptied, focused only on giving the absolute maximum possible amount of pleasure to the handsome man who had commanded her. Her mouth bobbed up and down on it, slowly and methodically sucking him off until he came into her mouth. Afterward, she knelt and bowed to him.

After cleaning himself up, and offering a towel to the new hypno-slave, Henry stood up and motioned for Freya to join him. He walked over to a desk and picked up a collar off it. A leash was attached via a metal ring. The name FREYA was scripted in beautiful pink, cursive, writing.

Henry handed it to her, and she snapped it on after awkwardly moving around her headscarf. “This collar and leash are here for your protection. There are many unruly women arriving for training for various parts of the kingdom. In fact, Hershin and Disonia will be sending women here soon as well. Keeping you leashed will offer protection in case there is some kind of danger.” He winked at her. “I will keep you safe either way, pet.”

Freya smiled at him. What a thoughtful gesture by him! He adjusted her headscarf a little bit. “I think that looks good.” His charm made her melt and want to be back on her knees sucking his cock again.

They walked out into the hall and then outside, Freya holding on to his arm with eyes lowered, to go across the academy quad to another building, which had a considerable first floor. “I wanted to give you a tour of the wonderful work we have been doing here on Her Majesty’s behalf at the academy.”

A number of women were speaking, a few in small groups, with men whom Freya realized were trainers. A few looked over and greeted Henry, one looking the beautiful hypno-slave up and down, while the women remained focused on their instructor. All of them were collared with a medallion hanging off it. She stared at the pretty gem and wondered why she did not have one yet!

They entered a room on the side that was for individual meetings. A moment later, a pretty green-haired woman came into the room behind them, curtsied, and then knelt on the floor and bowed. Henry motioned for the slave to rise to her knees, and she did without hesitation. A form fitting dress adorned her body along with a loose headscarf and a collar, with a medallion, that said MARIANA on it. “Master, how will Mariana obey? Your will is purpose.” She lowered her eyes again and placed her hands behind.

Freya stared at her. “She is so beautiful, Sir.” She again wondered about the medallion. It was difficult to look away from the beautiful gem in the middle of it. Even the short time at the academy had filled out Mariana’s body and daily, rigorous, exercise sessions had begun sculpting it to be pleasing. Magical enhancements to her breasts were scheduled to be completed in a few days.

“I agree, pet, she is a lovely woman,” Henry confirmed, “I met her on my travels in the north of the kingdom. Mariana had left her family to find a new life in the capital, inspired by Queen Valborga’s feminine example.”

He leaned down and lifted Mariana’s chin. “She has agreed to marry the son of a family friend of mine. A bit of an arrangement, but you don’t mind, do you, pet?”

Mariana lifted her face. She had taken to her training immediately upon arriving at the academy after her boat trip. “Master, Mariana exists to obey. She loves Mr. Richmond and has no desire other than to be his ideal wife. Her body exists for his pleasure, to be bred to continue his family line. She awaits his seed with joy.”

Henry smiled and nodded. “Wonderful, pet, I need to continue Miss Muller’s tour, but surely, you will encounter her again at some point.” He turned to Freya. “Mariana is a fine example for you, pet.”

Freya blinked a few times. What an inspirational woman! “Yes, Sir.”

They walked to another building. Again, Freya wrapped her arm around Henry’s. His masculine grip felt so good to her.

Henry looked over at her while they walked together. Freya, like most women, did not have the mental facilities to withstand the light magic used to bring her under control. Their natural feminine need to please draw them to obedience like a moth to a flame. It amused him to make her think that she had been at the academy for a number of weeks. These sorts of uppity women needed to be humiliated to keep them in their place.

The building they entered had a number of tables and chairs with various restraints. The incredible men who ran this academy were always thinking about the safety of women!

A few women sat in chairs staring at medallions in their hands. It dawned on Freya that they were the same medallions, with their pretty jewels, that the other women had been wearing earlier.

Henry’s hand on her arm brought the slave out of her daydream. “As women are trained here at the academy, some personal touches can be added to make them unique. As they seek marriage or employment, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have that.”

Freya stared at one of the women. “How is it done, Sir?”

Henry walked over to one of the chairs and motioned for Freya to sit down. In her current state, she complied unquestionably. As she sat down, the magic in the restraints snapped them into place around her arms, legs, and neck. The redhead looked up at him with confusion littered on her face.

He held up one of the medallions and the gem in front of her eye line. “It’s so simple, we hypnotize them. You’re going to stare at the gem and fall under its spell, pet. You are so easy to hypnotize, correct?”

Freya stared at it, unable to look away. “I am easy to hypnotize, Sir.” The last few words trailed off as her mind went blank.

“Good girl.” Henry leaned forward. “You are in a deep hypnotic trance and are highly suggestible to my command. From now on, you will only speak when spoken to by myself or another man at the academy. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said in a blank, monotone, voice.

A mage came into the room and nodded at Henry. “Start her final conditioning. When it is complete, I want to see her upon my return to the academy. I want to take a trip to the capital with my bride to be in order to update the King and Queen on our activities.”

* * *

When Henry returned from his travels, the medical mages updated him on Freya’s progress. A final decision had been made.

Freya stood silently on a pedestal in Henry’s office. She had been, after her training was completed, put into a deep trance and left for him to offer one final humiliation before the triumphant news of her fate.

A loose fitting dress adorned her body. The slave’s breasts had been magically enhanced while Henry was away and further accentuated by the impending news he would share with her. A new collar with a medallion, a different medallion, hung around her neck.

“At ease, pet,” he announced. Freya blinked back to life and waited passively for him to command her again.

Henry smiled with great pride. “I hope your training while I was away went well. I apologize for being away for so many weeks, but there was much to do at the capital.”

Freya brightened. “Yes, Sir, it was wonderful. Freya learned so much from the incredible men here at the academy.”

“I had a great time at the capital,” Henry replied, “the Queen is nearing the end of her pregnancy and many reforms have been passed to improve the lives of women all around the kingdom. King Marcus is a great man who will have a long reign.”

He paused for a beat. “By the way, I also got engaged. My future wife, it has been confirmed, is also pregnant.”

Freya’s eyes lit up. “Sir, the most important asset a woman has is her fertility. Her body exists for a man’s seed.” She gasped and put a manicured hand to her mouth. Something seemed off about that.

“Good girl. That is the right attitude to have for your new role in life.” He motioned for her to turn to the side of the room where a large mirror stood. Freya was very visibly pregnant, well along due to magical assistance, and glowed with the feminine duty of being bred.

She looked at him with confusion mirrored in her eyes. “How?” was all she could think to ask, her mental abilities nullified. A hand went to her swollen belly and a peaceful docility filled her body.

“Ah, well,” Henry began, taking her hands in his own. “A bit of magic, a bit of hypnosis, a lot of training. You have been here for a number of months now and a decision was made that you will be a resident of the new breeding center being built in honor of Her Majesty.

He motioned for her to sit down with him on a couch. Freya blushed at his taking her hands again. “While you were being initially trained, pet, our medical mages found that you are an extremely fertile woman. You can be impregnated effortlessly and, should, be able to sustain a number of pregnancies without complications as long as both medical and magical best practices are upheld.

Henry squeezed her hands. “There are many women in this kingdom and others who cannot be bred for their husbands. It’s a shame for them. What has been proposed is that a new center will be built in the north, near where I found you, to allow significantly fertile women like yourself to be bred for families that cannot conceive themselves.”

“But,” Freya began, an up-pitch entering her voice in frustration, “how did Freya get pregnant already, Sir?”

Her controller laughed. “Ah, while I was away, pet, you were entranced and sent to sexually submit to a man in the Neushin ruling class. It actually doesn’t matter to you who he is, pet, but just know you are doing a patriotic service to the kingdom and emulating Her Majesty Queen Valborga in your feminine actions.”

A tear dropped down Freya’s face. Queen Valborga was her role model! Of course, she would conform to these ideals. The man did not matter; the only thing that mattered was fulfilling her feminine duties to be bred.”

“There is one more thing,” Henry continued with a proud grin. A few seconds later, Ordalf walked into the room, curtsied as good as her pregnant body could, and then knelt on the floor. Her eyes never left Master; the man she would spend the rest of her life loving, honoring, and obeying.

Freya gasped again in shock. Her simple mind could only form one word: “Pregnant?”

This time it was Ordalf who spoke. “Sister, Ordalf is engaged to marry Master Henry. She is so proud to be bred by him.” The blonde beauty was magically further along in her pregnancy, with a swelled stomach and enormous breasts. A tight headscarf adorned her head. A collar was around the slave wife’s neck too. She had a glow about her that made the slave beautiful beyond words.

Henry cut in and stared at Freya. “When Ordalf reported your actions to the King, I was sent to investigate. While she assisted me in your arrest, I found myself becoming quite fond of her. I took her with me for my visit to the King and Queen and by the end of the visit I was quite smitten with her. She agreed to be my wife and is about as pregnant as you are with some magical assistance.”

Freya stared at her sister. Under normal circumstances, her sister’s betrayal would fill her mind with rage, but her thoughts drifted elsewhere. “Both of us are pregnant!” She crawled over to her sister, and they embraced before turning to kneel before Henry.

The medallion in Freya’s collar glowed, and the life left her eyes. She stared up at him with mindless submission mirrored in her eyes. “Master, Freya awaits command. Your will is purpose.”

Ordalf looked over at her sister as Master began unbuckling his pants. “Sister, Freya will leave tomorrow for a new life, but until then, we serve Master.”

The sisters knelt before Master and Freya began sucking his cock. By the time his seed was filling her mouth, the formerly rebellious woman lost all individuality and became the breeding slave she had been trained to be. Ordalf clapped happily and looked to Master for command. She would be bred five times and live a content, safe, and happy life as Master’s slave.

Freya would be impregnated eight times over the next two decades before being married off to a widow connected to the royal family. Her new life as his trophy wife slave would bring great fulfillment.

Both served their husbands in emulation to their great Queen Valborga, the finest example of a woman’s purpose.

The End

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