
by Ana Valens

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #mind_control #pov:bottom #sub:female #bondage #fantasy #foot_fetish #humiliation #magical_girl #siscon #sisters #spiral #spiral_eyes #tentacles #trans #trans_main_character #transgender_characters

A magical girl named Akemi survives a monster girl attack, but she’s bound in tentacles and needs her big sister Kiriko’s help. And by help, I mean feet. F/F t4c (c4t?) siscon yuri. Part of the Majestic Shields series.

Like "Happy Birthday, Sis," this was written in the course of a day. It's my first time writing foot fetishism content and a mind control fiction story. Two kinks I share, but have little writing experience with. Feedback very much welcome.

It was almost shocking, really. How Kiriko’s hands tore through the wet, slimy muscle surrounding her body. She ripped the tentacle in half with ease, pulling its suction cups off her armor and slamming its gored vestiges to the pavement. A shockwave rippled through the air, sending gray debris flying.

Such strength.

My sister dove for her target: The gill-covered fish girl that had intended to incapacitate her and do Goddess-knows-what. But before Kiriko could even hit the ground, the Salmon slid to a manhole, pried open its lid, and escaped into the dark, watery depths of the sewer below. Certainly, she was already swimming back to the run, back to her fellow predators, the last survivor from a vicious, hour-long fight.

“Damnit, she got away,” my older sister moaned. Her body was covered in slick, sticky slime, which she wiped off with an annoyed grimace. “I don’t know what’s worse, Sirens singing girls into their lairs, or Salmons wrapping those tentacles around innocent bystanders and, well, you know the rest.”

“Yeah, I’m all too familiar, sis.” I wiggled and squirmed, trying desperately (and admittedly, futilely) to escape. I was still restrained by a half dozen tentacles, which held my arms and legs tight against my sides, refusing to let me go. “Could you help me out of this crap?”

“Oh, right, of course.”

Kiriko dropped from the sky and kneeled over me. With two quick flicks, she pulled off her slime-coated gloves and placed a hand on my forehead, feeling it, assessing my temperature and health. Standard operating procedure after a monster girl attack. Who knows what venoms, poisons, and pervert magic shit these girls were up to?

It was funny, though. I didn’t feel like I was getting a combat triage assessment. Kiriko’s face was calm, focused, concerned. It reminded me a bit of Mom. When I was young and sick with a fever, she stood over me and checked my temperature. Her gentle skin felt so nice, so cool against the oppressive heat of that illness. Mom was gone now, but Kiriko was unmistakably the mother between the two of us. Watching over me like Mom did, making sure I was eating right. Or, well, eating, period.

But even though we lived together, it had been a minute since I saw my sister this up close in her uniform. I was almost jealous of how perfectly it showed her curves. Kiriko, my older sister, she was the trans girl between the two of us, yet genetics and hormones blessed her with everything. Round breasts, thick thighs, supple hips, even an hourglass figure. How did a girl look so perfect?

I asked her if she tried feminization magic, and she simply shook her head. “I like going old-fashioned,” she said. “Looking like the girls who joined after they transitioned. Besides, I feel pretty enough. No need to use magic when I feel alright with what I’ve got.”

Ha, alright. Like she was anything short of perfection between the two of us.

Me, on the other hand? Her younger sister? Puberty passed me by. A flat chest, boyish hips, hell, I couldn’t even tone up like her. That’s why Kiriko got Combat class, and poor little Akemi, well, I was stuck in Support class doing magic. Maybe I wouldn’t have been pulled down to the ground by a bunch of tentacles for 30 minutes if I was actually strong enough to fight those pink fish monster girls by myself.

Not that I could seek out feminization magic and look a bit more like my sister. Believe me, I tried. Even the fancy new stuff my girlfriend Calliope invented wouldn’t do shit for me. “Goddess likes you the way you are, babe,” she said with a shrug. “We can’t all look like anime girls.”

The air stood still as Kiriko continued checking on me. There was so much damage and destruction, so much rubble. Thank Goddess we cleared the area for the next mile, this whole situation could have turned into a Salmon-human breeding frenzy. Luckily, the only girl pinned down was me, and that was it. Not a civilian detained.

So, no damage control to do, no innocents to calm down or rescue. Nothing to do but pass the time and wait for the all-clear to get me out of this damn thing, right? I decided to make a little small talk while Kiriko finished up.

“Hey, weird question.”

My sister’s hand was still on my forehead, assessing my health. She seemed like she was in deep focus. “Oh,” she said, breaking her trance. “Sorry, what?”

“Why are they called Salmon anyway?” I asked. “I mean, aren’t regular salmon gray? We just dye them so they look yummy?”

“Huh. Yeah, I think it’s something like that. No one wants to eat a bagel with cream cheese and gray fish meat.”

“Exactly.” I smiled, trying to stave off post-combat drop. Return some feeling of normalcy after all the carnage and destruction. “And yet these fish girls are pink.”

“You know, you’re right.”

“So why are they pink?”

Kiriko paused and thought carefully. Her hand was still on my forehead. Why wasn’t she pulling the tentacles off me yet? “Maybe we came up with the name, and they call themselves something different. Sirens call themselves Sirens, but those feminizing maneater plants call themselves Saccophytes.”

“Ah, that’s true. Maybe they aren’t even related to salmon at all, maybe they’re just like weird ass sea girls that prey on women or something.”

“That could be it.”

Philosophically fun conversation! But Kiriko still wasn’t done. What was the hold up? What was going on? I wanted out of this stupid shit. It was time to go.

“Okay, this is cute, but let’s get me out of the tentacles already,” I said. “I feel gross as shit and want some food.”

A look of concern flashed across my sister’s face. “I can’t do that.”

“What the hell, sis?” Damnit, I knew something was off. “I feel like I’m getting the life sucked out of me. Get me out.”

Kiriko moved her hand off me. Wordlessly, she twisted her wrist, twinkled her fingers, and a projection of a Salmon appeared. That naked, gilled girl, completely indecent from the bottom to the top, baring sharp teeth, clawed fingers, exposed nipples, and, yes, a nice uncut girldick. Slim but curvy, it was like looking in a mirror and seeing me… well, if I had a child-bearing hips. And a penis. Hell, you could even see her tentacles on her back wiggle in the diagram.

Ugh, why did such a terrible sex-obsessed carnivore have to look so cute?

“See the tentacles here? Well, the longer a pair of detached tentacles latch on to a victim’s exposed skin, the harder it is to remove them without damaging the captor,” my sister explained. She twisted her fingers again and, oh, that was a diagram of me! Wrapped in tentacles. “You haven’t fought that many Salmon yet, so you’ve never seen this first-hand. We only just learned this recently when they started fighting the Sirens for control of the sewer system. Let me show you what would happen if I removed your tentacles right now.”

Kiriko twisted her fingers again. The tentacles severed in half in the visual. But my body… it was starting to change. My armor shattered. My skin turned clammy. My teeth elongated. And my face. Were those… were those gills? And hips?!

Oh my Goddess. No wonder why the girl in the original diagram looked like me. She was me. Just with a dick!

“Holy shit,” I said. Sweat pooled across my forehead. “So they’re like Succubi. They can also turn people into one of them.”

“Exactly. If I pull those limbs off you right now, you could lose your humanity.”

I thrashed and squirmed. Losing my humanity? It was one of my greatest fears out of all. Worse than dismemberment (you could grow them back) and worse than death (you could usually come back). But turning? Transforming? We’ve seen magical girls turn into monsters before. None of us wanted to experience that. None of us. There was no greater horror in life than entering battle against a former sister crazed with bloodlust. Watching her pounce on you, fighting for your life before she did... well, whatever she was going to do. Which was usually a mix of violent and sexual.

Face-to-face with that reality. I could feel my chest tighten, threatening to hyperventilate. Kiriko held her hand to my heart, soothing me, encouraging me to calm myself.

“Please, there must be something you can do,” I begged my big sister. “There must be some kind of antidote or muscle relaxer or something.”

“Yes, we’re lucky, there is.”

“Oh thank Goddess.” I let out a long, relieved sigh. “Well then, what’s the hold up? Let’s put it in me, rip these things off, and get out of this hell hole already.”

Kiriko shook her head. “It’s not that simple.”


I watched my sister’s gaze drop to the ground, like she was turning inward. It dawned on me. She knew the answer already, she knew this whole time. She simply delayed the inevitable, because it would be uncomfortable. Unthinkable. Unfathomable.

So, damnit sis, get on with it then. What was it? Removing a limb? Making me drink urine? Eating a Salmon? Killing me and bringing me back to life? I didn’t care how traumatic it was, if it was something that would scar the both of us for the rest of our lives. This was an emergency. Keeping my humanity was more important than anything she could possibly muster.

Kiriko sat down on the ground, pinning her red Majestic Shields skirt under her plump rear. Slowly, she drew her knees up, and I watched as she began silently unfastening their latches. Was she about to slip her shoes off?

“Akemi,” she said, working over her magical girl footwear. “It’s been a long day. A very long day.”

“Uh, yeah,” I replied matter-of-factly. “It has.”

“Fighting Salmon takes a lot out of me.” My sister slid her right boot off and threw it to the ground. It clinked and clanked as it slammed against the pavement, dust collecting on its shiny, pristine surface. “My feet are so sore.”

I paused, holding my breath. Something uncomfortable welled up in the pit of my lower belly. “Well, that’s a shame, but I don’t see how—”

“Akemi,” she interrupted me. I heard the other boot unlatch. Kiriko was slowly sliding it off. “Would you like to give your big sister a foot massage?”

My face turned beet red. “A WHAT?!

“You heard me.”

Kiriko repositioned herself on a piece of rubble, extending her height above me. Both boots laid down on the ground, gingerly pulled off as if my sister was relaxing after a long day fighting monster girls. Sure to leave her feet smelling strong and…

Wait. Goddess no. I didn’t want to think about that.

“You’re being super weird,” I grumbled. “Just get the antidote out already.”

“But little sis, my muscles are so sore. It hurts to even wiggle my toes,” Kiriko said. “The truth is, I’ve wanted someone to take care of my poor feet for the longest time.”

My big sister giggled. I was in danger, my life was about to be irreconcilably changed forever, and… she wanted a foot massage?! What was she doing?! Kiriko couldn’t be serious. But there she was, my big sis with her feet out. Right next to me. And that expression on her face. She smiled softly, quietly. Gently. Something wasn’t adding up.

“Be a good girl and give me a nice, refreshing foot massage, huh?” Kiriko cooed. “I’ll make it worth your while, sweetie.”

I wiggled in my bondage, squirming, drawing my thighs together then pulling them back apart.

“Stop goofing around and let me out!”

“Oh, Akemi, that’s no way to behave,” she tut-tutted. “Won’t you at least take a look at your big sister’s toes?”

You know what? Sure. Fine. Fuck it. Whatever would take me out of here. I could chew out Kiriko later. After a brief moment of hesitation, I gazed over at Kiriko’s feet. And there, my eyes lingered.

Her toes. They were clad in tight black combat stockings, which gave a nylon shine to her skin without outright obscuring the surface underneath. And my goodness. Despite being a Combat girl, despite smashing her feet into more things in one week than I ever would in a month, there wasn’t a single sign of scuff on my sister’s toes. Perfectly trimmed and painted nails, flesh smooth, pampered, and soft. Not a sore nor cut in sight. Just like the rest of her, Kiriko’s feet were… perfect.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked. Sweat dripped down my hair. “If you really need a foot massage that badly, I’ll do one when we get home. It’s not like I can move my hands anyway.”

“Tell me, what do you like more?” Kiriko said playfully. Did she even hear me? Instead, she rose her left foot, revealing her sole underneath. “Do you prefer when feet smell perfectly prim and proper? Or do you like just a little musk to them?”

Her sole. Good Goddess. It was perfection. Smooth, dainty, pale around the arch, but with a light even shade of red across her heel. Its rosy shine curved around the middle, flanking the center until it blossomed at the ball of her feet. And those wrinkles, those barely visible wrinkles. I could see the lines left from them, but they were slim and easy to miss.

I knew right away. These feet were wonderful. They were beautiful. My exact type, laid out right in front of me. Like seeing something from an anime or Pixiv post in real life, it was only too good to be true. Goddess, why did they have to be attached to my sister? Why?


Everything inside me stopped. Like my brain was turning off. My gaze darted between my sister’s exposed feet and back to her eyes. Any sign of prior discomfort was gone now. She looked serene, almost motherly. That’s what she was like. A Mom. A Mommy. It reminded me of our mother, watching us play together, looking down at her pretty girl and soon-to-be pretty girl. Back in those simpler days, when I used to take my feet and press them against Kiriko’s face, poke her nose with my big toe and…

Oh. Oh Goddess, no.

I didn’t know what I was doing back then. I mean, we were just kids having fun. It was innocent. It was play. We’re adults now. We can’t just act like that around each other. Someone might feel uncomfortable. Or they might get the wrong idea, and, um…

My stomach whined. I felt something warm in my lower belly. My face was so hot, I felt like I had a fever. I didn’t like this.

“I need you to stop,” I stammered. “You’re making me incredibly uncomfortable.”

“Why? Is there something wrong with your big sister’s feet?” Kiriko pressed her exposed sole closer to my face, flexing her toes upward. “Don’t you want to make me feel happy? Besides, I don’t need you to use your hands to make me feel good. I know another way you can show me some tender love and care.”

I could smell it now. Her soles. It was unmistakably Kiriko’s scent, just as fresh and flowery as ever, but something else was there. Yes, her foot reeked of musk and sweat. The fight had clearly kicked up some perspiration in between her toes, and it was airing out from the fabric and right into my face. It pooled in my nostrils, dainty sweetness mixing and mingling with that familiar foot stink.

My brain screamed for escape, my stomach sank deeper with fear. But as my mind and belly fought for relief, my lower half remained untamed. With every whiff, the warmth in my pelvis grew hotter. Needier. More eager. My thighs twitched, my voice moaned. I was losing control of my body, more ways than one.

“Mmm, seems like someone likes their big sister’s feet,” Kiriko giggled. “Good girl.”

“K-Kiriko!” I snapped, squeezing my thighs together. “That’s enough!”

“Aw, is it? I don’t think my little sis is being honest with me now!” Her foot crawled closer. “Wouldn’t it be nice to, I don’t know, be your sister’s footstool?”

I opened my mouth. I wanted to yell. I wanted to scream. But I was interrupted. Not by Kiriko, but by something else: My pussy.

It was throbbing. And I was wet. Wet for my big sister.

No scream would come. Instead, a slow, helpless wail ushered from my lips. A tear dropped from my face, rolling over my cheek. And still, my pussy throbbed.

One of the tentacles lessened its hold on me. I gasped as my legs gained more movement. I pulled my thighs together, drawn to the warmth, then thought better of entertaining my body’s betrayal. Instead, I kicked my legs apart and flailed them in the air, desperately trying to wrangle control of the situation. But to be honest, I must’ve looked more like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

“You’re sick!” I cried. “You’re hurting me!”

“I’m saving you.” Kiriko spread out her toes, showing the gaps between each and every one, letting the stink waft closer to my face. “You want the antidote to the tentacle’s hold? Well, this is it. Whatever’s happening between your legs. We need that.”

Another tear trailed down my face. How could this happen? I was being turned on by my own sister? And—wait, how did she even know about this fetish? I went to great lengths to hide anything sexual about myself from her. Which was not an easy thing to do as a Majestic Shield.

“You know I’m into feet…?” I whispered. My kicking was dying down. I felt a tear crawl across my lips.

“I mean, you’re not really hiding it. Your Twitter account is full of mommy domme foot yuri.”

I gasped. “You follow me on there?!”

“No, but you have that feature that lets people find you with your phone number,” my sister replied matter-of-factly. “Thought it was pretty weird that I got a push notification saying ‘You may know ‘girlstinkbian’ from your contacts.’”

Her foot was so close to my face now, I could see the knitting in her nylon stockings, the high quality design made right at the Shields headquarters. I trembled. No woman should be this close to her own sister’s feet.

“I was wondering who kept tweeting about Majestic Shields having such pretty feet. I mean, you were posting about peeping at our feet in the gym and all that, so I knew it had to be another Shield,” she said. “Didn’t expect it to be you. Well, until you posted your own toes online. Then a lot of stuff from childhood made sense.”

My sister giggled, as if it was a forgone conclusion that I was a huge fucking foot pervert.

“Getting a lot of attention online, aren’t you?” she asked, teasing me in a sing-song voice. “You might not keep your feet as well manicured as your big sister’s, but plenty of girls out there like that natural look, don’t they?”

I didn’t know what to say. My sister knew everything. Everything. I squeezed my thighs together as my pussy ached. I felt disgusted. With her. With myself. With my stupid fucking fetish. Anxiety welled up in my chest as my shame grew, and yet the smell of my sister’s feet… the gorgeous, perfect shape of her wrinkles and arch… she wiggled and flexed her toes over me again, spreading their stink out. Then she curled her foot, letting me see how her soles looked when she brought her toes together.

Goddess. Fuck. No. Fuck. It was hot. It was so hot.

I just, I had no idea a Combat girl’s feet could ever look so well groomed, so well taken care of. I mean, again, it was no secret that Kiriko took care of herself. Yes, she was a nerd just like me, but I was the NEET egirl between the two of us. Not her. But that said… I simply had no idea a girl fighting monsters all day could look so… perfectly manicured. That juxtaposition of brute strength and beauty, sweat and femininity. Fuck.

I felt my pussy gush. I was getting very wet. Another tentacle unlocked. Four more to go. I could move my shoulders and back now. But I… I… I could stomach this no longer. This was going too far. I used all of my might to pick my body up and slam down on my side. With my back turned completely away from Kiriko, I pretended she wasn’t even there. To my surprise, another tentacle reattached itself to my frame. Back to five again. But it was a price worth paying.

“What are you doing?” my sister asked, horrified. She poked my back with her toes, and I winced.

“Get away from me!” I shrieked. “We’re not doing this.”

Her sole gently pushed against me. I shuddered.

“If we don’t, I’m going to lose you.”

“Then lose me!” I could feel tears well up in my eyes. “I-I don’t want to feel like this around you. You’re my sister. This isn’t right. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said. She tried to console me with the ball of her foot, like it was the palm of her hand, but it just felt creepy and strange. Like she was awkwardly trying to pressure me into giving consent. “Which is why I’m doing this.”

“I think I’d rather die than fuck you.”

“Well, I’d rather die than leave you.”

“It’s not your choice to make!” I screamed. “Get up, rip these tentacles off me already, and let my humanity die in peace.”

I heard rubble tumble from where my sister sat. Her skirt shimmied as she got up. I craned my neck back, watching her walk around me. Slowly, she kneeled over me, sizing me up. I felt her thumb and index finger on my chin, and I waited. Was she going to free me now? Was she going to finally let my mind perish already?!

“That’s where you’re wrong,” she said. “I’ve already made the decision for you.”

Her fingers wrapped around my jaw and gripped my face. I squirmed and wriggled as she wrapped her other arm around my back, effortlessly flipping me face-up. Desperately, I flailed in place, trying to break free from my big sister’s grasp, but there was no use. She was a Combat girl, and I was a Support Shield. It was never an even fight.

Still, I fought against her with all my strength. But I could see something red and black emerge from within her pupils. Slow, small, like a lens on a camera.

Then it was not so small anymore. It grew bigger. Rounder. Richer. Clearer.

Oh Goddess, no. Not this. Anything but this.

“Don’t do it, Kiriko,” I pleaded.

“It’s for your own good.”

“I don’t want it!” I screamed.

“Give in.”

My sister’s grip tightened. I tried to close my eyes, but her fingers surrounded me, holding my jaw in place while she pried my eyelids open. We were inches apart now, so close I could feel her hot, wet breath on my skin. There was nowhere else to turn, nowhere else to look. Even when I looked away, her spirals. They were there, on the edge of my peripheral vision. Calling to me. Inviting me inward.

I had no choice. I would have to look into her eyes.

Majestic Mesmerization. I was a fool to think she wouldn’t try it on me.

Her red and black spirals demanded my attention. Demanded my focus. They sucked me in, blocking out everything but her body and her mind. I could no longer control my gaze even if I wanted to. Her eyes soothed me, called out to me, offered me safety. Pulled me in, drew me deeper, promised me rest. Promised me calm. If only I would be obedient. If only I would obey. If only I would fall deeper. And deeper. And deeper. And deeper.

And deeper. And deeper.

And deeper. And deeper.

And deeper.

And deeper



So very calm.

What was I thinking about again?

What was I resisting?

My sister’s spiraling eyes, they were so nice.

So comforting.

Eyelids relaxed. Muscles untensed. Why was I here?

Kiriko. My sister. So pretty.

Eyes. So beautiful.

Something warm at my mouth.

Dripping down my chin.

My sister smiled, and I smiled.

She blinked, and I blinked.

That was nice.



My sister got up. My eyes followed.

I didn’t want her to move. Her spirals were pretty.



She sat down over me. Spread her legs.


Pretty legs.

“Close your eyes. What do you see?”











“Still spirals?”


I smiled. A nice smell reached my nose.

It mixed with musk.

But it wasn’t a bad musk.

I felt the stink hit my lips. Salty like sweat.

I licked it up.

It tasted good.

The spirals were pretty.

My sister was so nice to me.

Nice enough to give me spirals.

The smell came closer.

Something warm and moist closed around my face.

It pressed against my nose.

My lips.

Covered my eyes.

Like a sweaty hug.

It was nice.


But sweet.

Musky but sweet.

Musky but sweet.

Nothing better.

But musky but sweet.


My tummy felt funny.


My crotch felt warm.


This was nice.


My thighs felt sticky.

And wet.


And wet.



They were wet.

Something else was wet.

Against my tongue.

Nylon and sweat against my tongue.

So good.

So yummy.

I didn’t want it to stop.



My sister’s eyes.


In my head, I could see them.


I could see her smiling.

I could see her laughing.

So pretty.

So p—

In my mouth.


In my mouth.




No. Toes.

Reeking, but delicious.

So sweet. So cute.





Is that what she said?

Suck on them.

Feel good.





Thighs, wet.

Crotch, wet.

What was my back doing?




























I couldn’t stop myself. My sister’s toes were in my mouth, and I was moaning her name, and I was so very wet, and I didn’t… I couldn’t… I couldn’t contain this side of me any longer.

I sucked on them, kissed them, felt wetness gush from my pussy.

She smelled amazing. The taste of her sweat pooled inside my mouth as her entire musk flooded my face and poured down my throat. All I could do was worship her toes more and more with my tongue. Press my lips around the fabric and beg to have her feet in me forever.

I could feel it. I was on the edge now. I needed her. An orgasm was so close.


“Huh?” My response must’ve legitimately surprised Kiriko. Probably assumed I was still under.

“P-Press your other foot against me,” I moaned. (Well, I moaned as best as I could, given my sister’s feet were in my mouth.)

“What?! Where?”

I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. My eyelids were pinned down under nylon and footstink.

“You know where. I’m so close...”

I thrust my pelvis upward. My eyes rolled back in my head as her scent flooded everything. My nostrils, my taste buds, my sinuses. My sister’s feet, fuck, I had never felt anything so good before. It’s like Kiriko was made for me.

And then it happened. I felt her toes grace my pussy, trailing upward. Then her sole cupped my wet exterior, caressing my throbbing labia. Feeling her big toe rub against my engorged clit, feeling my wetness flood out of my slit and onto her stocking. Goddess, fuck, this was amazing.

Kiriko gasped. Even my sister was shocked by how turned on I was. And it was too much for me to bear. No longer could I resist. My lips wrapped around Kiriko’s toes, my pussy gyrated against her feet, I arched my back to the heavens, and I came. Through my panties. Through my stockings. Rubbing my cunt against those pretty feet. How wonderful it felt, that pristine nylon texture surrounding me from both top and bottom, pleasuring both pairs of lips. My eyes rolled back as cries escaped my mouth (well, as best as they could), as I shouted my sister’s name, as squirt poured out of me, leaving my big sister’s stocking drenched.

“Kiriko,” I moaned, barely audible. “Goddess, fuck, Kiriko, don’t stop.”

A muscular snap broke through the air. Every tentacle undone, releasing me. My arms. My hands. Free. I used my newfound freedom to good use, groping my sister’s leg with my right hand and thrusting her foot against my cunt, grinding, fucking, cumming, screaming, feeling good. So good. So very, very good.

So perfect. Her feet.



“So fucking pretty,” I whimpered, “Kiriko.”

My orgasm shot through me, wave after wave. And I rode it. Thrusting, arching, crying out, licking and sucking her toes. A perfect life-saving cum, and oh, how it felt endless. It died down slowly, gradually, but even as I felt the last bits of squirt pour out, even as I felt my gyrating hips lessen to a stand still... I still kept Kiriko’s foot against my pussy. Still kept her toes in my mouth. Almost like I was stimming. It was so nice, being surrounded by such a pretty sister, and I really didn’t want to let go.

Slowly, gradually, I finished grinding against my sister’s perfect soles, finished grasping my tongue around her toes. And finally, when I felt too tired to go on, when I felt too overwhelmed to continue, I tugged on her ankle and motioned for her to pull her foot off my face.

And so she did. Finally, I could see again. Kiriko looked down at me as she lifted her drool-soaked stocking upward. She looked kindly. Softly. Sweetly. Motherly.

“I… I…” I stammered. “I feel really good.”

“I’m so very glad you’re okay.” My big sister smiled. Her eyes were back to normal now. Thank Goddess. I could not go through another round of that. “Even with the antidote, we were still racing against the clock.”

The suction cups unclasped from my back and Kiriko pulled them away, dropping my body to the ground. Ouch. My whole torso felt sore, yet adrenaline and lust were still humming through my veins. The pain hardly registered. At least, not right now. I was still thinking about my sister’s toes.

“I’m sorry,” Kiriko said, throwing the dead tentacles aside. “I didn’t want to make you do that. But I had to.”

“No, no, it’s okay,” I told her. I grabbed onto her leg for support. “Your feet are really pretty.”

“Ha, well, thanks.” She ruffled my hair, and I felt like her kid sister again. “I’ve actually never heard that before.”

“I’m shocked. You could make a lot of money with those things.”

She giggled. “I’ll consider it.”

We both stayed there, silent. Her foot was still against my pussy. Awkwardly, I pulled away from it, signaling to her that our crisis scenario was officially done. Very well. She dragged both feet across the ground, wiping bits of my cum and drool off of her stockings. And that was that.

Was it?

I stared up at the gray sky, while Kiriko just sat there, her hands templed under her chin, her feet patting the rubble underneath. No use putting your boots back on when your feet were covered in your sister’s various juices.

“So,” I started. Finally breaking the silence. “Uh, yeah.”


Great start, Akemi.

My face turned red again. I still felt good. So good. But I could feel the gravity of everything coming down. I came to my sister’s feet. She forced me to worship them. I was free, but we both knew this was a line. A line crossed we could never come back from. And we were going to have to figure that out.

“So, you know.”

“I’ve known.”

“About the feet thing.”

“Yes. About the feet thing.”

I desperately searched for words. Finally, something came to me.

“I didn’t super mind it, in the end.”

This took Kiriko by surprise. “Really?”

“I mean, at first, I did. But even before you put me under, I was already starting to feel, uh, um…”

“Wait. Don’t rationalize it.” My sister rose her hand, interrupting me. “I’m sorry. I only did what was necessary. For your safety. For your life. I understand if it felt good, but you can't bear to forgive me. You shouldn’t.”

“No.” I tugged on her shin and looked her in the eyes. Now that the life-or-death situation was over, I could see her gaze soften, her mind coming down to Earth. She looked nervous, sad, concerned. Afraid. I wanted to hold her and take care of her. Let the roles reverse. Like it was my turn to play big sister. Like it was my turn to play Mom.

I knew what that meant. It was my turn to tell her the truth.

“Kiriko,” I said, clearing my throat. “What I’m trying to say is, I liked it. I liked it a lot.”

Her eyes widened with relief. “Oh?”

“Yes. I did.”

“So,” she said, her voice trailing off. “You’re not mad?”

“No. I’m not.”

We both sat there. Thinking. Considering. Wondering. Where was this going? What did this mean for us?

No. No more wondering. I spent all today wondering. It was my turn to take control of this situation.

“Kiriko, I love you, and I’ve never felt like that with another girl before,” I blurted out. “Can we do that again sometime? Please? Please?!”

I watched my sister. She looked dumbfounded and confused. Like she wasn’t expecting me to say that. Like it was the last thing she was expecting me to do.

Had I answered incorrectly?

Did I totally misread this?

Oh. Oh fuck.

I could feel the spiral start. Not the soothing one. The dangerous one.

Akemi, I thought to myself. You just suggested incest. With your older sister. With your trans older sister.

Stupid girl.

Stupid, stupid fucking girl.

I must’ve sounded like a huge pervert. A fucking chaser. Like, hello! She needed you in her life. You were the only cis woman in her family that was normal about her. And now you want to suck on her toes?! Holy shit, what a deranged thing to ask for. Stop thinking with your fucking pussy, you degen—

“Yes, Akemi,” my sister said, kindly, softly. “I would like that. I would like that a lot.”

A smile crept across Kiriko’s face, then a blush. Holy shit. Had I misread everything in my misreading? Had I… read things correctly the first time? I suppose so. Just as quickly as it came, the cloud lifted. And I felt… good. So very, very good.

If anything, I was surprised to see my big sister look so bashful. When was she ever shy? When was she ever anything but cool, confident, and in control? “I’m sorry, little sis, I know this is so sudden. I didn’t ever want to have this conversation with you.” Her voice was quiet, considered. “But I knew one day it would come, and now, it’s time...”

I ran my hand up and down my sister’s shin. Calmly. Soothingly. A sigh of relief, and a well of excitement in my stomach. A gentle peck on her foot felt in order. She giggled as I kissed her big toe. The fabric still smelled like my saliva.

“It’s okay,” I said, voice still filled with relief. “We aren’t normal girls. Nothing about us is normal. We get to do things differently, if we want.”

“If you say so.” Kiriko smiled. Her foot playfully pressed against my lips, and I kissed her again. “After seeing that show of affection, there’s no way I could go back to normal. You’re just way too pretty.”

Butterflies fluttered in my tummy. And then, oof, my back. It ached. I pressed it against the ground, trying to stretch my way out of the pain, but it only made things worse. And was that… a pool of sweat against my uniform? I thought that was just slime from the tentacles. I didn’t realize how clammy I was, how much I stank. From all the squirming. Huffing. Panting. Resisting. Sex-having. Ow.

I reached out for Kiriko’s hand, as if asking her to help me get up. She grabbed me gingerly, softly, warmly. But a thought struck me. Here she was, my beautiful sister, as kind and helpful as ever. And now, she was about to be my lover. Why get back on my feet quite yet?

“Hey, sis?”



I pulled her down to the ground in a tight embrace, Kiriko on top of me, my other hand around her back. She gasped at first, but my lips quickly pressed against hers, and her shock suddenly was replaced by an eager moan. Goddess, how her lips were so soft. I pressed deeper into our kiss, and so did she. But before things grew any deeper, I pulled back. Smiling. Giggling. Teasing.

“I love you, big sis.”

“I love you too, Akemi.”

“Wait!” I suddenly interrupted her.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, just, get on your knees,” I giggled. “And slip off one of my boots. Stay right in front of my feet.”

Kiriko looked puzzled, but she shrugged anyway and made her way over to the other side of my body. Gently, she unlatched my right boot, pulling the shoe aside and freeing my aching foot. I wiggled my toes and smiled. She watched carefully, wondering what, exactly, I planned to do next.

Oh yes, how my plan was in motion. My devious, devious plan. Slowly, for dramatic effect, I lifted my foot toward her face. Slowly wiggling my toes, drawing them in and flexing them outward, how they crept upward and upward. Closing the distance between my nylon stocking and her bare skin, closing the gap between her face and my body.

I saw a smile creep across her lips as my foot came closer. She knew exactly where this was going.

I booped her on the nose with my big toe.

“Look!” I said, pressing it against her. “Like we were kids, remember?”

She laughed as I kept bopping it. “Oh yeah. I remember.”

Just like old times.


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