Hospitable Takeover


by Wayril

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female #dom:plant #drugs #Human_Domestication_Guide #indoctrination #medical_play #petplay #systemic_D/s #xenophobia

Another impact rocked the ship. Ursa’s Roar groaned, but didn’t buckle.
“But this means- This means I lead them back here!” Abigail whispered, her eyes wide.
“Yes, it does.” the captain said, gloomily, “But it was my call to send you to Thypso in the first place. Don’t put this all on yourself.”
Another hit, harder this time. Abigail felt it rattle her bones as the horror and finality started to settle in. “We can’t get away this time, can we sir?” she asked, quietly.
“I doubt it.” the captain sighed, rising up from his desk. “But we’ll give them hell all the same. To your station, Corporal!”
Abigail gave a quick salute and sped out of the captain’s office. She ran as fast as she could to the armory where the marines were already donning their equipment. “A bit late, Abby!” Tybalt yelled, securing his helmet. “C’mon, grab your shit! We’ll make a soldier out of you yet! For Terra!”
“FOR TERRA!” The cry was echoed by everyone in the room.
Minutes later the corridors were filled with gas and gunfire. The Affini warships’ vines had fully immobilized Ursa’s Roar. The fight was hopeless. But that didn’t stop them from making a last stand nonetheless. Exactly what Free Terrans do!
Abigail’s rifle clicked empty and she fumbled for a new charge cell. She couldn't stop coughing as she felt the gas seeping through the cracks in her oxygen mask. Freya lay unconscious beside her, a dark blue ichor seeping from her lips. Tybalt screamed as a sudden mass of writhing vines pulled him into a dark vent. The corridor was spattered with dark red Terran blood and whatever sickly cyan-blue sap the Affini Weeds had inside them.
With a pitiful laugh, Abigail stumbled, supporting herself against the bulkhead. More gas crept into her mask, she felt so heavy now. “Exactly what Free Terrans do…” she choked, her head spinning. The corridor seemed to turn upside-down as she collapsed to the floor, the slithering of leafy vines closing in around her.

Mel accepted the incoming message and a familiar grinning face greeted her on the screen. “Hey girl, how's it going?”
“Abigail!” Mel cried happily, "It's great to see you again! How are things going on The Amarantha?"
"Things are alright, I guess." Abigail shrugged, "I'm still not used to everything, but at least I'm feeling more myself again. The Xenodrugs definitely help, I feel a lot calmer than I used to. Also, turns out Miss Thaelia is a sort of... Astrographer? I don’t quite get it, but that means so long as I'm with her I'll get to see all the planets and stars I could ever dream of!"
"That's great to hear!" Mel said with a warm smile. "I know you've wanted to travel like that since we were little! Did you get the tea I sent you?"
"Yeah! It arrived with a freighter the other day." Abigail replied, "It's delicious, thank you again!"
"Wonderful, I'm glad you like it!" said Mel, "Make sure Miss Thaelia gets some as well!"
"Of course, I already did! She says it's very good, by the way." Abigail laughed.
Mel took a moment to hold up her data pad, giving her friend a wide view of Orion's Blossom. Soft sunlight filtered down across a bustling sitting area with dozens of patrons. "Stars, that's- Mel, that's so many people!" Abigail gasped.
"I know, right?" Mel beamed, "Niles and I are running the kiosk together now, we can keep it open longer and serve more people that way! Plus, it's helpful if one of us needs a break."
"Is that Abigail?"
Mel turned to see Niles looking over her shoulder, a small tray of fresh teacups in his arms.
"Heyy, Niles!" Abigail teased, "How're you doing?"
Mel stifled a giggle as Niles blushed and stammered, "I- uh, hello Abigail! It's nice to talk with you again."
"Niles, you're looking very cute and proper today!" Abigail said with a smirk. Niles turned a vibrant shade of red and attempted to look very interested in something on the other side of the sitting area.
Mel couldn't contain her laughter any longer. "Abby, stop teasing him!" she cried.
"Okay, okay!" Abigail snickered, "Niles, I'm looking forward to meeting you in person in a few weeks! It'll be nice to talk outside of a video call for once."
Niles stole an awkward glance back towards Mel's tablet and nodded.
"So, you are gonna visit me after all, huh?" Mel grinned, "Told you we couldn't stay apart for long!"
Abigail sighed and said, "Yes, you were right, rub it in. Miss Thaelia has been pretty accommodating to be honest. Next time The Amarantha is within range of Thypso, we're coming to visit."
"How are things between you and Miss Thaelia?" asked Mel.
"Well, we've got a rapport now, I think." Abigail smirked, "I do my best to follow her instructions, but I'm also good at finding loopholes. It's fun to see what I can get away with!"
"Stars, you always were a brat!" Mel giggled.
"What, I've gotta have some fun!" Abigail grinned, "Honestly, I get the feeling Miss Thaelia actually enjoys it. It also helps take my mind off- other things."
Mel looked sympathetically at her friend. "You've gotten a date for your implant, then?" she asked.
"Yeah, a little more than a week from now." Abigail replied, "I'm still nervous as hell!"
"It's okay, Abby," Mel reassured her, "You're the strongest girl I know! I'm confident you'll do just fine!"
"That- wasn't exactly what I meant…" Abigail said, anxiously. "But at this point- look, there's no sense delaying the inevitable, right? It is what it is. Just gotta take it one step at a time."
"Exactly right, Abby!" Mel said with a smile. "I am very proud of you though, I know it isn't easy to adjust and you're doing so much better already!"
"I uhh- thanks?" Abigail said, blushing slightly. "Honestly, It's comforting to see you so calm and sure of yourself. It makes me less nervous about everything, knowing you've gone through all of this too. I'd probably still be a wreck if you hadn't come to see me…"
Abigail trailed off, looking wistfully at Mel through the tablet screen. "Mel, listen, I'm so sorry for how I treated you before! I can make up justifications for why I did it, but that doesn't change the fact that I hurt you. And despite all that, you still came back for me, so- thank you, is all."
Mel gave Abigail an affectionate look and said, "I appreciate the apology, but I'm mostly just glad you're doing okay again! I'm happy that you're safe and that we'll get to see each other again soon. I love you, Abby!"
A tear rolled down Abigail's cheek as she smiled and replied, "I- thank you, Melrose. I love you too!"
Mel helped Niles close up Orion's Blossom for the day and the two of them parted ways. Later that evening, Sylnathi returned from her duties looking flustered and exhausted. "Welcome home, Mistress!" Mel called as her owner entered the hab unit.
"Uhff, hello again, dear, I-" Sylnathi stopped as she noticed the Terran girl in front of her patiently holding up a cup of freshly brewed tea. "Well, aren't you a good little girl?" She said, her expression brightening at the gesture. "Thank you, Melrose, I needed this!"
"Of course, Mistress!" Mel replied happily as Sylnathi took the cup from her, "Usually when you get home late it's because something got complicated with work, so I thought this might help."
Sylnathi sighed deeply as she drank from the teacup - Darjeeling, her pet knew her all too well at this point. Between the warm drink and the wonderfully obedient Terran, she started to feel herself relax from the stressful day. As she finished the tea, Sylnathi noticed Mel nestling up against her, gently working herself further into her vines. "And what exactly are you doing now?" she asked, bemused.
Mel grinned sheepishly up at her. "Well, Mistress, I thought you might like to unwind another way as well." she said as innocently as possible.
"You thought I might like to, did you Pet?" Sylnathi teased, wrapping a flowery tendril around her Terran. Mel giggled and looked up at her with adoration.
Sylnathi smiled hungrily. Melrose was right, playing with her Terran would be an excellent way to relax! But she wasn't going to allow such an obvious implication from her pet to go unchallenged. Sylnathi slowly entangled Mel more and more, vines wrapping firmly around her entire body. She lazily splayed open a flowering bud right in front of her pet’s face, letting the needle-like Pistil reflect in the light as a hefty drop of purplish liquid formed at its tip. "If you really want me to unwind," Sylnathi purred, "You can’t be making feeble suggestions to me. You need to ask for it, Pet~"
"Please, Mistress!" Mel whimpered, her voice needy and subservient, "Please, play with me tonight!"
"Play with you how, little Melrose?" Sylnathi asked, dangling the open flower in front of Mel's eyes.
"Drug me!" Mel whispered desperately, "Touch me, use me, command me! I'm yours, Mistress!"
"That you are, Pet~" Sylnathi said sweetly as she drove the pistil into Mel's thigh, pumping the poor girl full of fresh Xenodrugs.
Sylnathi spent a long time playing with her pet, indulging herself thoroughly. As Mel finally fell into unconsciousness for the night, Sylnathi looked down at her affectionately. She was so calm and peaceful, safe and content. The Affini woman sighed happily and settled down in the bed next to her. It just felt so right, taking these poor adorable creatures under their care. As happy little pets, Terrans - and all other Xeno species in the vastness of space - could finally have proper, fulfilling lives.
The Xeno Domestication Programs were the greatest gift the Affini Compact could offer to the universe!
Thank you for reading Hospitable Takeover!
If you enjoy my writing, please also check out my Writing Portfolio!
The Human Domestication Guide setting was originally created by @GlitchyRobo with her story "Human Domestication Guide". If you enjoyed Hospitable Takeover, please go and read her story as well!
Several other authors on Read Only Mind are working on stories set in the 'HDG-verse' as well, check out the HDG Linktree to see more works in this setting!

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