Strong Bodies, Weak Minds

8: Wear

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds #sub:female #bimbofication #bondage #consensual_kink #discreet_public_play #fear_play #foot_fetish #gender_fuckery #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #microfiction #orgasm_denial #petplay #pov:top #pronoun_play #somnophilia #titnosis #toppingfromthebottom #unaware #Unintended_side_effects
See spoiler tags : #brain_eating_play #vore_play

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Conditions had improved since yesterday - it was a lovely, sunny day. As soon as they woke up and saw the gorgeous weather, Samantha and Victoria both wanted to go for a walk in their local park.

As Victoria got undressed, Samantha plodded out of their bedroom and went to make coffee for them both. No sooner had she warmed up the kettle than she heard a yell from the other room.


Hark, she said to herself with a grin, I hear a frustrated hypno-sub...

She practically skipped back to the bedroom. “Whatever’s the matter, darling?” she chirped.

Victoria stood before the bed, wearing nothing except a dirty look. A sports bra, white shirt and blue jeans lay on the duvet.

“You’ve done some bullshit,” she sighed, obviously trying to suppress a smile. “I know you have. Come clean, you bitch.”

Samantha pouted. “How very rude! And how dare you accuse me? I assure you, I’m totally innoc-”

“Cut the crap!”

The dominant couldn’t help but fall about laughing - Victoria’s expression was just so indignant, so frustrated... so delectably vulnerable. It didn’t hurt that she was naked. Samantha always appreciated the sight of her girlfriend’s body.

“OK, OK,” she said at last, wiping a tear of mirth away. “Why don’t you tell me what the problem is, and I’ll see if I know what happened?”

Victoria gave her a look that plainly said, you know damn well what happened, and I know you know, and you know I know you know...

Samantha ignored the look, smiling sweetly.

“Fine,” the submissive relented. “I can’t figure out how to put my clothes on. I can’t remember how... I picked up my bra to put it on, but I couldn’t figure out which way it went, or where to do it up...”

“Well, a bra can be complicated,” Samantha said, toeing the line between sympathetic and patronising, and conveniently overlooking the fact that the sports bra in question was basically a thick strip of material with some Velcro. “Why don’t you try your shirt instead? That’s simpler.”

“Yeah, no, it wasn’t,” Victoria grumbled. “And before you ask, neither were my panties or jeans. Every time I tried, I couldn’t figure out what to put in what holes, and they kept getting tangled up... And the worst part is, I know you’ve done it - I know it’s a hypnotic suggestion - but I can’t do anything about it!”

Samantha chuckled. “I love that. It’s so hot that you have even less power to resist hypnosis if you’re aware of it, rather than being able to...”

“Dude. We’re supposed to be going for a walk! Why are you doing this to me?”

“Well, I felt I was being too lenient as your Mistress, just letting you do whatever you like for most of the day. So I decided to start imposing some... restrictions.”

Victoria’s eyebrows shot up. “Restrictions?”

“Yup! Just the one for now - you can’t get dressed without my permission, or my help. You can’t even figure out how to get dressed.”

Victoria groaned. “Oh, come on! This is mean - I’m not even Vicky right now!”

“Are you sure?” Samantha teased. “Maybe you are Vicky, and I just made you think that you’re Victoria...”

“OK, that is too much of a head-fuck even for me!”

Samantha laughed and darted across the room, hugging Victoria tightly as she wriggled and mumbled complaints.

“This is super mean, even for you,” she muttered.

“Hey, don’t blame me - it was your idea!” She grinned at her slave girl’s look of confusion. “Yeah, like a week ago, you told me you wanted me to be even more domineering, and start taking away your liberties one by one. Then I hypnotised you to forget we had that conversation - or that you even wanted that, except on a subconscious level...”

“For real?” Victoria mumbled, eyes wide.

“Maybe.” Samantha’s evil smile grew. “Or maybe it was my idea, and I’m gaslighting you. You’ll never know!”

The noise Victoria made in response to that was the verbal equivalent of a keysmash. Samantha laughed uproariously.

“Whyyyyy?” Victoria whined. “Why take away my ability to put on clothes, of all things? If you’re gonna start restricting things, why start there?”

“Well, two reasons. One: because it’s really fucking hot, knowing you can’t dress yourself without me.” She planted a kiss on Victoria’s cheek, making her squirm. The submissive instinctively tried to raise her arms to wipe her face, but her arms were pinioned by her girlfriend’s embrace.

“And two,” Samantha continued, “because this” - she gestured to the clothes Victoria had laid out - “is kinda basic. It’s a lovely summer’s day! You should wear something a little more... seasonal.”

Her slave girl pouted. “I like those clothes.”

“You’ll like this even more!” Releasing her, Samantha skipped over to the closet and opened it, reaching to the very end of her side. She knew Victoria wouldn’t have looked here.

Victoria’s eyes widened even further at the sight of what Samantha brought out.


“You want me to wear that?

Victoria gazed in faint horror at the dress. It was a bright pink gathered babydoll dress, big and floaty, with no shoulders and ruffs around the upper arms. The kind of thing she’d never have been caught dead wearing... unless she was in a particularly submissive mood.

“I’ll look like a meringue!”

“You’ll look adorable, sweetie,” Samantha retorted firmly, taking the dress off its hanger. “Now, sit down and put your arms up.”

The sudden steel in Samantha’s tone brooked no argument, and Victoria found herself meekly doing as she was told. Smiling triumphantly, Samantha slipped the dress easily over Victoria’s arms. It fit her buxom frame like a glove, reaching down to just above her knees.

“Oh, and the final touch - a matching pair of panties!” Samantha announced, producing bright pink underwear. She had Victoria stretch out her legs so she could slide the panties into place.

At Samantha’s insistence, Victoria stood up so she could admire her. The cotton blend made a faint fwish sound as she stood, rustling around her as if it was moving of its own volition.

“My God, you look so pretty,” Samantha said in a breathy whisper, her eyes aflame with delight and desire.

“Grumble, grumble, grumble,” Victoria replied, blushing furiously. “Big mean meanie.”

“So eloquent!” Samantha gave her submissive another cuddle. “How do you feel right now?”

“Humiliated,” she muttered, unable to meet Samantha’s eye.

“Good! And?”

Victoria bit her lip, squirming in her Mistress’ arms. “Horny,” she admitted.

Very good! You’re such a good girl, Vicky. Such a pretty dress-up doll...”

“Mmm...” Vicky couldn’t suppress a moan. “Thank you, Mistress...”

Samantha peppered her cheek with kisses, refusing to relinquish her embrace. Vicky wriggled delightedly, aware that she’d stopped grumbling and started enjoying herself properly, giving in to how good she felt to be her Mistress’ pretty dress-up doll, any slight resistance she was putting up crumbling into nothing. She wasn’t even sure if she was Vicky or Victoria right now, or somewhere in between. All she knew was that her Mistress was teasing her, playing with her, and it felt better than anything else in the world...

Although, there was a close second best feeling. “We could just stay here,” she mumbled. “We don’t have to go for a walk... We could stay here, and you could take this pretty dress off me and have your wicked way with me...”

“Oh, I fully intend to,” Samantha chuckled. “But not yet. No, we’re going on that walk - I want to enjoy the sunshine. And I want to show off my pretty slave girl...”

“Mmm, yes, Mistress,” Vicky simpered happily. She couldn’t argue with that!

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