Strong Bodies, Weak Minds

7: Down

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds #sub:female #bimbofication #bondage #consensual_kink #discreet_public_play #fear_play #foot_fetish #gender_fuckery #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #microfiction #orgasm_denial #petplay #pov:top #pronoun_play #somnophilia #titnosis #toppingfromthebottom #unaware #Unintended_side_effects
See spoiler tags : #brain_eating_play #vore_play

Don't let the title fool you, this is not the answer to 7 down in the crossword. If it was, it'd be a very long answer.

Now also available on AO3!

It was a lazy Sunday in late July. The school year had finished for Samantha, and Victoria had a few days before her next shoot. With an unseasonable rain deterring them from leaving their apartment, they could be found on the couch watching a chat show in the early afternoon. Samantha was slumped in her seat on one end of the chair, her curly brown locks splayed over the cushion behind her. Victoria lay across the couch, her head in her girlfriend’s lap, straight blonde hair hanging down Samantha’s legs like a golden waterfall.

“I’m bored,” Samantha said suddenly.

Victoria groaned. “Every time I hear you say that, I know it’s not gonna end well for me...”

They both laughed. Samantha stared down at her submissive, a vindictive smile spreading across her face. Victoria met her gaze with a defiant glare.

“Go on, then. Do whatever batshit hypnotic shenanigans you’re gonna do. Trance me and fuck me up.” She wanted to sound rebellious and bratty, but couldn’t help letting her tone drift into wistful longing, making it clear that she was far from unhappy at the prospect.

“Oh, I don’t need to trance you,” Samantha smirked. “Y’see, last time I left you with a trigger, which should still work nicely...”

Victoria sighed long-sufferingly. “Oh, what kind of trigger?”

Well. You know that adorable face you make sometimes, the one I really like?”

“Ah, fuck...” Victoria spluttered with laughter and struggled to sit up.

“Uh uh, don’t get up, sweetie,” Samantha chided, planting a hand on Victoria’s chest and pushing her back down. Her head landed with a soft thud on Samantha’s thighs.

“Nooo,” she whined, squirming helplessly. “Don’t wanna do any dumb face...”

“Oh, I think you do. I think you’ll thank me for making you do it...” Samantha raised her hand, pointing her index finger towards Victoria’s head, and began to move it closer.

“Get away,” Victoria giggled, knowing how hopeless her situation was. She wasn’t even being pinned down, and yet escape felt impossible. “No, don’t do it, I don’t waaauuuhhh...”

Samantha’s fingertip had met the point right between Victoria’s eyes, and was stroking gently up and down, sending a wonderful tingling sensation through her brain, and flares of arousal through her body. As the ecstasy overtook her, Victoria’s eyes crossed, as if magnetically drawn to the finger between them. Her jaw fell open, and her tongue flopped out, hanging over her chin. Her limbs twitched and flailed uselessly. Overwhelmed with pleasure, she let out a moan that sounded to her like a rumble of thunder.

All of a sudden, the fingertip was gone. Her eyes rolled back into position, and her tongue slipped back into her mouth. She swallowed hard, and glared up at her girlfriend. “You asshole!”

Samantha cackled. “How very rude! I only gave you that trigger because you liked it so much!”

“I did? I swear, I don’t even remember doing an ahegao faaaayyyyy...”

Samantha’s finger was back, the gentle touch sending Victoria back into oblivion. Unprepared, she had no way of stopping her face from returning to the ridiculous expression, her eyes turning inwards, her tongue hanging out, a stream of drool running down her chin and onto her neck. Her body spasmed with arousal as she gurgled and groaned.

Victoria knew she must look utterly ridiculous. If anything, that turned her on even more. She had absolutely no control over her face, her limbs, her voice - anything. She was stuck with this stupid expression, getting hornier by the second, utterly helpless. Samantha was dominating her with one finger, and the gentlest touch.

After what felt like hours but couldn’t have been longer than a minute, Samantha withdrew again. Victoria fumed, crossing her arms. A silence followed as the girlfriends engaged in a staring contest.

“Well?” Victoria said eventually. “Gonna do it again?”

“Oh, I’m waiting for you to talk so I can interrupt you,” Samantha admitted with a fiendish grin.

Victoria tutted. “Well, in that case, I think I’ll just stay siluuuuuh...”

Back came the finger, stroking her lightly but relentlessly between her eyes. Back went her face into orgasmic bliss. Back went her mind into a fog of horny humiliation.

And so it went for many more minutes, with Samantha bringing Victoria back to her senses, teasing and mocking her, only to cut her off mid-sentence and rub her mind away again, forcing her face back into the ahegao. Each time, it was more difficult for Victoria to drag herself back into full consciousness. Each time, Samantha slightly extended the period in which she reduced her hypnotised plaything’s brain to goo, while shortening the interval in between.

“Getting harder to come back up, huh?” Samantha sniggered, as Victoria took a full ten seconds to blink and shake herself awake.

“Uhhh... Juhhh... just hol... hold ohhhh...”

Samantha’s gentle finger hit Victoria between the eyes like an anvil.

“Down again, pet... Down into blissful, mindless, trance... down, down, down...”


“Down, down, down... So deep down now, into that wonderful void... So far down, you can’t remember how to get back up...”


“Can’t even remember what ‘up’ is. What is ‘up’? There’s no ‘up’. You don’t know what that word means. You’ve never heard it before.”

Vicky shook with joy and arousal. Mild confusion flickered in her mind at the sound of her Mistress saying ‘up’. What did ‘up’ mean? She didn’t know. It sounded funny though...

“There’s only down, Vicky. Down, down, down, deeper and deeper into darkness...”

At some point, the fingertip was gone. It was impossible for Vicky to know how long it took for her eyes to uncross and her tongue to retreat into her mouth - it could’ve been several minutes after the gentle touch on her forehead vanished. But this time, she was down so deep, she couldn’t find her way back to full consciousness. She couldn’t come back up, because she didn’t know what ‘up’ meant.

She could only go down.

Samantha wrapped her arms around her incredibly fractionated girlfriend, cuddling her tightly. “You are adorable, pet,” she purred.

Vicky’s eyes were dead weights, her neck and limbs bonelessly limp. Her head lolled sideways, her mouth agape. But on some level, she heard the praise from her Mistress, and gave a little delighted gurgle, unable to respond verbally.

A full fifteen minutes later, Victoria awoke to find her shirt had been removed, and Samantha was idly playing with her tits while continuing to watch TV.

“Still bored?” she jibed weakly, her head still cloudy, her voice hoarse from moaning. She rubbed her thighs against each other, feeling pretty sure that she hadn’t cum in all the confusion, despite the high arousal her ahegao trigger had generated. She could tell from how fucking frustrated she felt.

“Not so much,” Samantha replied nonchalantly. Then she looked down at her slave girl and winked. “Of course, I might be bored again later...”

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