Strong Bodies, Weak Minds

26: Ring (Two)

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds #sub:female #bimbofication #bondage #consensual_kink #discreet_public_play #fear_play #foot_fetish #gender_fuckery #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #microfiction #orgasm_denial #petplay #pov:top #pronoun_play #somnophilia #titnosis #toppingfromthebottom #unaware #Unintended_side_effects
See spoiler tags : #brain_eating_play #vore_play

Now also available on AO3, combined with part 1!

One Hour Ago

Sam sat down on the couch with a theatrical sigh (performed to an empty audience, since Victoria was at work) and took a big bite out of the toasted cheese sandwich they’d made. They lamented the absence of their girlfriend and her culinary skills - not that Sam couldn’t have come up with something more elaborate if they had put in the effort, but after a long week at school, effort was the last thing they wanted to expend. Besides, that’s what having a chef for a hypnotised pet was for, right?

Smirking to themself, they took another bite out of their perfectly-adequate snack and reached for the TV remote. Vicky would be home in about ten minutes anyway. Sam would’ve waited for her to prepare something, but their stomach had made a convincing case not to. And they didn’t want to demand food from her the second she got home - that wouldn’t be fair at all.

They switched on the TV and began browsing channels while they finished their sandwich.

Ring ring!! Ring ring!!

Swallowing the last mouthful of cheese and bread, they brushed crumbs off their sweatshirt - making sure to aim them far away from Vicky’s pet bed - and reached for their phone with a perplexed frown. That was the sound they used for their alarms, because it was annoying enough to guarantee their instant attention. But what had they set this alarm for? Deactivating it, they checked the title they’d given it: ‘Showtime on the Sand’.

Getting up, they switched off the TV and put the remote back down on the coffee table, before making their way through to the bedroom, pulling off their top and their sweatpants as they did so. By the time they got to the bedroom they wore only panties, which bulged from the pressure of containing their hypno-dick. Throwing their sweats on the floor next to their nightstand, they crossed to the closet and got out their smartest clothes - white shirt, dark blue suit jacket and trousers, matching waistcoat, and darker tie. They efficiently got dressed in the suit, tucking the shirt into their pants and buttoning it all the way to the top.

Standing in front of the full-body mirror as they tied their hair in a ponytail, they grinned open-mouthed as they took in their appearance. They looked so handsome, so masculine - although their obviously feminine facial features and the two noticeable bumps beneath their shirt took away from the manliness a little, not that they minded. But there was no time to admire themself - they had an appointment to keep.

Exiting their apartment, Sam was on the road less than five minutes before Victoria returned home.



“Are you gonna tell me what we’re doing here?”

Raising her head from Sam’s shoulder, Victoria gave them a perplexed stare. “Wh- what d’you mean?”

Sam smirked back at her. “Come on, spill! Why are we here?”

“You tell me!”

The dominant’s smile grew increasingly quizzical. “But - you left me with a trigger to come here... my phone alarm...”

“No, you called me and triggered me to come here!”

“No, I didn’t!”

They stared at each other in utter bewilderment.

Then they both burst out laughing.

“I - what the fuck - who the hell -” Sam spluttered, clutching their sides.

“Do - do you think - do you think we’ve been too tricksy for our own good?” Victoria hooted, wiping away tears of mirth. “I - I mean, if we can’t remember which one of us set this up...”

“Maybe, maybe!” Sam giggled. “But it’s pretty hot that neither of us knows, isn’t it?”

Vicky blushed and squirmed a little in her dress, acutely aware once again of the chastity belt blocking off access to her tingling cunt. “Y-yeah,” she stammered. “But... what are we supposed to do now? We must’ve come here for a reason, but if we can’t remember why, or if we need to use any other triggers, how do we figure out what to do next?”

Sam shrugged and grinned helplessly. “Beats me.” They glanced around. “At least we’ve got nice scenery to look at while we think about it!”

“Yeah...” Victoria hugged herself. “Although I wish it were a little warmer! When we figure out whose dumb idea it was to come to the beach in February, I’m gonna slap them!”

“I only see you slapping yourself, then, since you’d never dare do it to me,” Sam sniggered.

“Uh... yeah. Good point.”

Laughing, Sam drew her into a hug. “Here, I’ll keep you warm.” Humming gratefully, Vicky snuggled into their embrace, engulfing herself in their jacket. “If the dress was my idea, sorry for not dressing you warmly enough. You do look hot, though.”

Vicky blushed, burying her face in their shoulder. “Thank you, Master. Like I was gonna say before, you look handsome as fuck.” She paused, considering. “And I think it was your idea - you told me to wear it in our phone call.”

“Huh. I do wonder why I wanted us to wear such fancy clothes. What’s the occasion? Valentine’s Day is over a week away...” They thought for a moment. “What about this phone call? I don’t remember it at all...”

“I didn’t either, ’til I got here.”

“What did I say?”

“Uh... Well, you told me to put on this dress, like I said, and then you said to meet you - ‘you know the place’, that’s what you said.”

“Hmm. I guess I must’ve hypnotised you this morning, put the location in the back of your mind...”

“That’s what I thought. Oh, and - hold on...” Reluctantly detaching from the cuddle, Victoria reached into her purse and pulled out the brown paper bag. “You said, ‘Don’t forget the package’. That was the last thing you said. Somehow I knew this was the package.”

Sam stared at it. “I... have no idea what the fuck that is. Where did that even come from? What’s inside it?”

She shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t know. It was just on the mantelpiece.” She held the bag out to them. “Here.”

They raised an eyebrow. “You don’t wanna look inside?”

“Um... no,” Victoria said, grinning and shaking her head. “I wanna give it to you. I definitely don’t want to look inside. Gee, I wonder why that is?”

Chuckling, Sam took the bag from her. “Whatever’s in here better be pretty freaking special after all this...”

They opened the bag, peered inside - and caught their breath. “Oh,” they whispered. To Victoria’s surprise, and slight concern, they were suddenly tearful.

“What?” she asked, concerned. “What is it?”

“I, uh...” They inhaled shakily and shot her a reassuring smile, though their eyes still glistened. “I remember now. It was my idea - th-this, this was all my idea.” Their voice was tremulous, full of emotion.

“Oh-kaayy,” she said slowly. “So go on then, what’s all this in aid of?”

Sam’s smile widened. “Let me answer that question with one of my own.” Reaching into the paper bag, they drew out the object inside - and it was Victoria’s turn to catch her breath.

Her own eyes tearing up, she put both hands over her mouth, trembling (but not from the cold) as she watched Sam get down on one knee and open the ring box, holding it out to her.

“Victoria,” they said slowly, relishing every syllable, trying to make every moment, every instant, last forever. “Will you marry me?”

Yes!” Vicky squealed, barely letting them finish the question.

And she dove forwards into the arms of her partner, her Master, her soulmate - and now her fiancé. They held her tightly, letting out an overjoyed laugh, and kissed her like the only air they needed was the air from her lungs. Minutes passed with the two of them half-kneeling, half-crouching on the beach, entangled in each other’s arms, kissing and crying and laughing.

They eventually composed themselves and stood, and Sam slipped the diamond ring onto their fiancé’s hand. It was an heirloom from Sam’s family, given to them several years ago by their grandmother. It only just fit onto Victoria’s finger - a little too tight for long-term comfort. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can get it adjusted,” Sam reassured her, the first coherent sentence either of them had managed in several minutes.

Hand in hand, the newly-engaged couple sauntered back across the beach. “I can’t believe that all worked out the way I planned,” Sam remarked.

“It was a brilliant plan, Master,” Vicky simpered. “A wonderful way to make it a surprise for both of us!”

“I know, right? Having neither of us know what was gonna happen did make it so much more special - I was genuinely surprised when I saw the ring box! And double the amnesia made it twice as hot, obviously. But I’m still astonished nothing went wrong.” They chuckled. “I guess I’m just a genius!”

“I guess so,” Victoria giggled.

Sam leaned in to speak quietly into her ear as they continued to walk. “I’m getting the urge to reach up the front of my new fiancé’s pretty dress and finger-fuck her in my car...”

The submissive blushed. “Ahh... well, you m-might be outta luck, babe - I went with the belt this evening, and the key’s on your nightstand. Besides, we’ve got to split up long enough to get both our cars home!”

“Curses. Thwarted!” Letting go of her hand, they reached behind her to fondle their ass. “OK, how about, when we get back - first buttfucking as an engaged couple?”

Vicky spluttered with giggles, covering her red face with one hand. “Sounds great, Master,” she managed. “Could you leave on, like, most of your suit, though? Especially the waistcoat.”

Sam smirked. “Sounds like a reasonable request to me!”

Reaching Victoria’s car, they faced each other. Gazing at her with adoring eyes, Sam put their hands on their pet fiancé’s waist and leaned in for a long, slow, tender kiss. “I’m so glad you liked the proposal,” they whispered as their lips finally parted.

“I loved it,” Victoria replied softly. “It was so romantic... and the web of triggers and suggestions made it so sexy... Not to mention, you look goddamn smoking...”

“Back atcha!” Sam stroked Vicky’s hair, and she sighed with pleasure and leaned against her car door, weak-kneed. “I love you so much,” they mumbled, appearing to be on the verge of tears again. “I can’t fucking wait to marry you.” Their mischievous grin started to reappear. “You’re gonna make such a good little housewife!”

Housewife. Vicky wriggled with arousal, even as her heart swelled with love. She’d been a slave, a pet, a plaything, a lapdog, a footstool... Her Master had made her into so many things, but she thought that being their housewife - being their wife, period - would be the most fun of them all.

“I love you too, Master.”

One more kiss, and then Sam set off to find their own car. As Victoria longingly watched them go, she held up her hand to admire the sparkling diamond ring in the low light. True, it was a little tight, but nothing she couldn’t tolerate for a little while, until it was fixed. It was a symbol of everything she held dear - the partnership she and Sam had built out of love, trust, and hypnokinky mental domination. Even more so now, since the whole truth about that day had been revealed to her the moment her fiancé had put it on her finger.

Within seconds of seeing the ring box in the paper bag, Sam had remembered hypnotising Vicky that morning. They also remembered Victoria hypnotising them (using a tried and tested method), so the proposal would be a surprise for both of them. But they had the sequence of events in the wrong order - and their conviction that they orchestrated the event was as incorrect as it was absolute.

Victoria had been planning the whole convoluted scenario for days, and had spent most of the last 24 hours putting it into action. Planting the alarm on Sam’s phone (the easiest part of the plan, comparatively speaking, since they each knew the other’s phone PINs), retrieving their grandmother’s ring from the bottom drawer of their nightstand and putting it in a nondescript paper bag on the mantelpiece... and most importantly, devising all the triggers and suggestions necessary both to lure Sam to the beach, and to have them lure her there - without letting them realise the true purpose of the rendezvous.

That had been the trickiest part. The whole time she’d had them in trance - telling them what triggers to give her, what to forget and what to make her forget, and what to remember and when to remember it - she’d had to avoid any mention of a proposal, or an engagement ring. Such a big revelation could have shocked them out of trance, whereas merely implying a special surprise probably wouldn’t. True, there had been every chance all the conditioning could have broken down when Sam finally did see the ring box, but Victoria had been prepared to take that risk.

It had paid off. It had all paid off, beautifully, perfectly, precisely as she’d envisioned. She thought it was the best possible proposal for the two of them, at least that she’d been able to come up with. She’d tried to be fair and even-handed - she’d chosen the location, but had left it up to Sam (or rather, their subconscious) to pick their clothing. And this way, both of them got the satisfaction of believing they were behind the elaborate proposal.

Whether Sam ever remembered the truth was entirely up to them. As they’d laid in her arms that morning - their face buried in her tits, gently kissing and nibbling them whenever she asked if they understood her instructions - she’d offered a choice for their subconscious to make later. They could either remember the truth in a few days’ time, or remain convinced that it was all their idea. She guessed she’d have to wait and see what they chose.

As she clambered into her car, Victoria felt warmth swelling in her chest once again. This had been the most complex scene either she or Sam had ever planned - and both of them had played their parts to perfection, responding to all their triggers flawlessly. Of course, it was only natural she’d responded perfectly - she knew the end goal, deep down, even when she wasn’t consciously aware of it. But Sam had been oblivious right until the end, and yet they’d still gone along with everything, a clear sign of their unwavering trust in their girlfriend. Not to mention, they’d retained all the suggestions Victoria had given them - and there’d been quite a lot. She was so damn proud of them.

But nothing made her happier than the memory of Sam getting down on one knee, holding the ring out to her, their face rapturously happy. They’d thought they were proposing to her. They’d had no idea that what they were actually doing was accepting her proposal.

Wiping tears of joy from her face, Victoria turned the keys in her car engine, ready to make the return journey to the place she and her Master would soon turn into their family home.

A special thanks to my patrons, qxvw198 and Lucy! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here.

Thank you all for following Sam and Vicky's story, and loving them as much as I do. This is categorically not the end. In fact, it's only the beginning... <3

TravisNSpud 2023-01-16 at 11:10 (UTC+00)

@decenceve awwwww you are so welcome!! You’ve made my day <3 <3 I already have at least one more Sam/Vicky story pretty much already written in my own head, just need to type it up! And there are many more half-formed ideas floating around too ;)

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