Strong Bodies, Weak Minds

25: Ring (One)

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds #sub:female #bimbofication #bondage #consensual_kink #discreet_public_play #fear_play #foot_fetish #gender_fuckery #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #microfiction #orgasm_denial #petplay #pov:top #pronoun_play #somnophilia #titnosis #toppingfromthebottom #unaware #Unintended_side_effects
See spoiler tags : #brain_eating_play #vore_play

Now also available on AO3, combined with part 2!

Victoria shrugged off her work clothes and dropped them on the bed.

My body is strong, but my mind is weak.

Hot water poured from the shower head, hammering down onto her flesh. Sighing with satisfaction, she rubbed soap over her body, lathering up her abdomen, her arms, her tits and her ass. She couldn’t stop herself from teasing between her legs, gasping as her fingers stroked through her folds, already lubricated well enough by the shower. Her practiced hands soon brought her to the edge, but no further.

I’m a good girl. Good pets don’t cum.

Towelling herself off, she returned to the bedroom. Forgoing her favourite dildo for once, she instead got out a stainless steel chastity belt. She rarely used it - especially these days, when she’d been thoroughly conditioned not to orgasm without permission - but on some rare occasions she got the urge to deny herself any self-pleasure at all. Or her Master gave her the urge, though it didn’t make much difference to her.

I obey my Master.

Vicky clipped the belt into place, enjoying the feeling of the cool steel against her crotch and her pussy lips, and the straps embracing her waist and cradling her ass. That hole was still open for business, in case Sam still wanted to fuck her. She grinned to herself, imagining them returning home and immediately pushing her against a wall and ramming their cock into her.

I’m happiest when I’m full.

They’d been known to do that in the past, although she knew she was fooling herself with her hopes for instant gratification. Sam was far more likely to merely tease her with the prospect, knowing that alone would be enough to brew a storm of lust within her. She let out a shuddering sigh - she was already wet from the distracted thoughts, but with the belt already locked she had no way to satisfy herself (short of unlocking, and she was too well-trained to do that.) Chewing her bottom lip, she traced her fingers over the steel surface covering her cunt, which, of course, felt nothing.

Master is all-powerful, and I’m their helpless foot bitch.

As she made her way through to the living room, leaving the key to her belt on her Master’s nightstand, Victoria vaguely wondered where Sam was. They weren’t at work - it was a Saturday - but she supposed they might be shopping. Yes - she was sure she remembered them mentioning they may go the mall, before she left for work that morning. The stores would be closing soon, so she expected she’d see them soon. She laid down on her pet bed, covered herself with her blanket, stuffed her pig chew toy into her mouth, and settled down to wait for them.

Weak, and dumb, and helpl-

Ring ring!! Ring ring!!

Jerking with surprise, Victoria threw the blanket off and scrambled onto her knees, grabbing her phone from the coffee table. It was Sam calling her. She winced - she’d only just got this phone and hadn’t got around to changing the default ringtone, but she was determined to do it soon, because that was just plain annoying. No wonder old-fashioned landline phones had faded into obscurity.

She answered the call, lifting the phone to her ear. “Hrn,” she said, and then gave a muffled laugh and took the squeaky pig out of her mouth. “Hey!” she repeated, more clearly.

Hey,” her partner’s soothing voice replied.

“Where are you, still at the mall? Really dragging out your shopping expedition to the last minu-”

What do good pets do?” Sam interrupted.

“Good pets obey,” Vicky replied without hesitation, her tone instantly softening into blank compliance.

Good girl. Put on the midnight blue dress and come and meet me. You know the place... And don’t forget the package.

“Yes, Master.”

See you soon. Love you.

“Love you. Bye.”

Sam hung up. Placing the phone back on the table, Vicky got up and went through to the bedroom, fetching the blue dress from the closet. She quickly but carefully got dressed, handling the expensive garment delicately, and then crossed to the makeup table and put on a subtle layer and blue eyeshadow to match her attire. As the final touch, she grabbed a pair of dark blue high heels from the bottom of the closet.

Strolling barefoot through the living room with the shoes dangling from her left hand, she paused briefly to retrieve her phone and her purse, slipping the former into the latter. Then she continued out into the hallway, where she paused once again on her way out of the apartment, this time to collect a brown paper bag from the mantelpiece. The bag had a piece of string tying it shut, and had a slight weight to it, indicating that it contained something light. Victoria had no idea what it was, nor was she remotely interested in finding out.


As Vicky’s car rolled to a stop in a car park, she blinked with confusion and looked out of the windshield. She was at the beach. Why was she at the beach? And in her fanciest outfit? She glanced at the passenger seat, half-expecting to see Sam sitting there smirking at her, but all she saw were her purse, a brown paper bag, and the high heels that matched her dress. She seemed to have driven barefoot - at least her trance state hadn’t made her stupid enough to attempt to drive in heels.

“What’re they doing to me this time?” she mumbled, smiling bashfully. Fumbling for her purse, she checked her phone to see if she and her mischievous Master had communicated in the last hour or two. Sure enough, there was a record of a forty-second-long call from Sam almost twenty minutes ago. When she saw it, some scraps of their brief conversation returned to her. The midnight blue dress... Don’t forget the package... You know the place... Well, clearly she had known the place, but she hadn’t known she knew. Sam must have hypnotised her that morning - how else would she have known where to meet them? After all, she’d thought they’d been at the mall!

Chuckling to herself, she picked up her heels, opened her door and turned sideways, sliding the shoes on and stepping out of the car. She reached back inside and grabbed her keys and the paper bag. As she shut the door, she cast her eyes around to see if she could spot Sam.

The sun was on its way past the horizon on this cool evening in early February, casting orange light across the sky and shadows across the beach. The few people wandering across the sand were little more than silhouettes. As Victoria tottered closer on her heels, she spotted one standing alone, gazing out at the sea.

The nearer she got, the more the distant figure resolved itself, until it was finally, clearly, Sam. And damn, they looked hot. They wore a blue suit, a darker tie with thin silvery pinstripes, and a waistcoat that matched the suit. (Vicky had to suppress a whimper at the sight of that - she had no idea why, but she was a total whore for waistcoats. Especially when worn by hot chicks or enbies, both of which applied to Sam.) Their hair was in a ponytail, and their hands were in their pockets, their svelte appearance somehow not tarnished but enhanced by their languid posture, adding a certain maverick charm.

Victoria approached them at a leisurely pace, unfazed by the chill, being careful traversing the unsteady terrain. Thankfully, the sand was hardened (if not frozen) by the low temperature, so at least her heels were at minimal risk of sinking. As she drew near, Sam glanced back and grinned at the sight of them.

“Holy shit, Sam, you look so handso-” Vicky cut herself off mid-word with a squeak as Sam took a hand out of their pocket and held it out to her. Scurrying forwards, she took the hand, and they pulled her close. She nestled into their jacket, resting her head on their shoulder, soaking up their body heat.

The couple stood there for a long moment, hand in hand, looking out at the Pacific and the darkening sky above.

“Pet?” Sam said at last.

“Yes, Master?” Vicky murmured, her eyelids half-closed from sheer bliss.

“Are you gonna tell me what we’re doing here?”

A special thanks to my patrons, qxvw198 and Lucy! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...

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