Strong Bodies, Weak Minds

15: Sick

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds #sub:female #bimbofication #bondage #consensual_kink #discreet_public_play #fear_play #foot_fetish #gender_fuckery #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #microfiction #orgasm_denial #petplay #pov:top #pronoun_play #somnophilia #titnosis #toppingfromthebottom #unaware #Unintended_side_effects
See spoiler tags : #brain_eating_play #vore_play

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“Did you enjoy your breakfast in bed, sweetie?” Samantha asked kindly as she picked up the empty plate.

Victoria said nothing - just lay there and sulked with her arms folded.

“Too poorly to speak, huh?” Samantha patted her gently on the head, making her squirm. “Aw, my poor little invalid... Would you like some medicine?”

“I don’t need medicine,” Victoria grumbled. “You do remember that I’m not actually sick, right? You just won’t let me get out of bed!”

Samantha gave her a look of mock concern. “Oh, but don’t you realise, darling? Not being able to get out of bed without permission is a symptom of a very serious illness!”

She was met with an eyeroll in response. “Oh, yeah?” Victoria asked drily.

“Yes! It’s a dreadful condition called slave-itis!”

Her bedridden girlfriend spluttered with laughter. “Slave-itis? That’s the best you could come up with, seriously?”

“It’s no laughing matter,” Samantha said sternly. “Those who fall victim to slave-itis grow so docile and submissive that they can’t function on their own. They lose the ability to make decisions for themselves.” She studied Victoria intently. “Judging by the severity of your symptoms, I’d say your illness could last a good twenty or thirty... years.”

Victoria raised an eyebrow. “Thirty years, huh? That’s all?”

“Luckily, I know just how to help you manage your condition,” Samantha said slyly. “You just need a good Mistress to tell you what to do!”

“This is ridiculous, even for you,” Victoria giggled. “How do you come up with these bonkers ide-”

“Hush,” Samantha said suddenly, and Victoria fell silent, eyes wide as she shrank meekly beneath the bedclothes. Samantha reached into a half-open drawer in the nearby bedside table. “I think it’s time for your examination,” she sniggered, holding up the familiar black strap-on they called ‘the Beast’. Throwing aside the duvet, she gently grabbed Victoria and rolled her onto her front, receiving no resistance from the squirming slave girl.

A good while later, after she’d pounded her helpless, trapped girlfriend into oblivion, Samantha clambered off her and rolled her onto her back again. Victoria lay there, groaning and drooling, eyes rolling back in her head.

“Oh dear,” Samantha tutted. “I was afraid this would happen. Sometimes, when a victim of slave-itis gets fucked too hard, their brain breaks. Thankfully, I know how to fix it...”

She reached down and tickled Victoria mercilessly, making her squeal and writhe. “Noooo!” she cried, limbs flapping uselessly around her as she struggled in vain to defend herself.

At last Samantha relented, leaving her exhausted submissive lying spread-eagled across the mattress, gasping and moaning. Gazing down at Victoria, she was overcome with a wave of affection. She stroked Victoria’s head, wiping the sweat from her brow.

“My love, do you know how special you are?”

Victoria had regained enough of her composure to respond. “Special like ‘special education’?” she joked weakly. “I am dyslexic, after all...”

“That’s not what I meant!” Samantha laughed. “I mean, you’re my whole frickin’ world. You make me so happy every minute I’m with you...” Smiling adoringly, she bent down and kissed Victoria on her sweaty forehead. “And you’re so easy, and squishy and malleable...” she couldn’t resist adding.

Victoria snorted. “That was almost a cute moment, before you ruined it!”

Retrieving the duvet, Samantha tucked her girlfriend back up beneath it, ignoring her mumbled protests. Then she fished a vibrator out of the bedside table, reached under the duvet, and slid it into Victoria’s underwear. The vibrator was controlled through an app on Samantha’s phone - and thanks to one of her many rules, Victoria couldn’t take it out of her panties by herself.

“I’m gonna go make you some nice herbal tea, my poor helpless patient,” Samantha said mockingly. And she strolled away to the kitchen, phone in hand, leaving her whimpering slave girl imprisoned in their bed.

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