Strong Bodies, Weak Minds

11: Join (One)

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds #sub:female #bimbofication #bondage #consensual_kink #discreet_public_play #fear_play #foot_fetish #gender_fuckery #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #microfiction #orgasm_denial #petplay #pov:top #pronoun_play #somnophilia #titnosis #toppingfromthebottom #unaware #Unintended_side_effects
See spoiler tags : #brain_eating_play #vore_play

CW: no actual hypnosis in this chapter, and only light dominance. It's mostly setup for the next entry... ;)

Now also available on AO3, combined with part 2!

The afternoon that everything changed, Victoria could be found scrubbing dishes in the kitchen sink. Her Spotify was playing in the background, having randomly selected a Bastille song.

“Last night, you said,” Victoria sang along as she rinsed a plate, “empty your head...”

“Yeah, sounds like something I’d say,” Samantha chuckled, sliding her arms around her girlfriend’s waist.

Victoria let out a small yelp, turning her head to smile at Samantha. “I didn’t hear you sneaking up on me! I thought you were working...”

“I’m finished,” she replied. “All set for the new school year. I’ve got the rest of today free...”

Victoria raised an eyebrow. “Free for some not-entirely-wholesome fun? Of the hypnotic, degrading variety?”

To her surprise, Samantha didn’t respond with her usual devious grin - instead she chewed her lower lip, her eyes thoughtful. “I actually wanted to talk to you about that,” she said cautiously. “How would you feel if we tried something a little different?”

Her curiosity growing, Victoria turned to face her properly. “I mean, you know me - I always like to try new things... but what, exactly?”

“Well...” Samantha squirmed a little, seeming to struggle to get her words out. “I was just wondering if, instead of me hypnotising you... you could try to, uh, y’know...”

There was a prolonged pause. The potential end of Samantha’s sentence belatedly clicked in Victoria’s brain.

I could try to hypnotise you?” she asked, astonished. “Seriously?”

Samantha smiled nervously. “Uh, yeah. If you want.”

“If I want? Um, I’m still grappling with the notion that you want! Since when have you wanted to try hypnosis?”

“Well, I’ve always kinda been interested,” Samantha admitted. “I love all the suggestions, and the kinky fun, and you always look so peaceful and contented when you’re in trance, it made me want to join you... So yeah, I thought I might give it a try sometime, but you were always so into it, so eager to be hypnotised and dominated, that I just decided we’d concentrate on you for now.” Her smile grew, starting to shift into the aforementioned devious grin that always filled Victoria with excitement and trepidation. “Get you nicely conditioned into a subby little hypno-toy, with me as your Mistress... And then, once we’d got you to that point, maybe we could revisit the idea of me being hypnotised. And I think we’re at that point.”

Victoria chuckled. “You think? Now that I’m so whipped I can’t even get into or out of bed without your say-so? Yeah, the point has been reached!”

“See, I had a feeling you’d agree there,” Samantha laughed. “And I’ve been listening to some hypnosis files in the last few weeks, when I’ve had some spare time, and it seems like they’ve been working really well... I mean, I’ve always been pretty naturally easygoing and compliant, even if I can be forceful and dominant when I want to be. So going along with the files, and responding to suggestions, wasn’t difficult for me.”

Victoria stared at her. “You’ve been listening to files? Really? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you,” she said bashfully, struggling to meet her girlfriend’s eye.

“Well, mission accomplished! What kind of files?”

“The first ones I tried were just, like, normal meditative ones, just to test whether I’d be responsive. When they worked, I tried ones with some low-level triggers. The craziest one was the one to forget my name - I completely forgot it for, like, ten minutes afterwards!”

Victoria let out a deep breath, her pussy fluttering eagerly at Samantha's words. “Well, that’s a good sign...”

“I know, right? So I figured, maybe we could try the next step!”

Some of Samantha’s embarrassment seemed to have faded by now - her eyes were bright with enthusiasm, eager to try hypnosis. Victoria had to admit, from what she’d described, it seemed like she’d be at least a good a subject as Victoria herself - maybe better. And she couldn’t help picturing Samantha in trance, drifting into the same dark void Victoria had come to know so well... blank and mindless, staring dazedly into space, a droplet of drool running down from her mouth... She could barely stop herself from quivering at the thought of it.

“We, uh, we could give it a try,” Victoria said slowly. “I definitely like the idea of you getting hypnotised! But... I’m just worried I wouldn’t be such a good hypnotist. I mean, you might be a switch, but I’m a sub for sure - I don’t know if I could be in that kind of position of power. At least, not competently.”

“Oh, right,” Samantha sighed, considering this. Then she brightened again. “Well, just think of it this way - even though you’re doing the hypnosis, you’re doing it because I’m ordering you to.” The feared grin of dominance was back. “It’s just like when I have you massage me, or wash my body in the shower, or fuck me from behind... You’re doing the work because you’re my slave.”

Victoria trembled a little at her domme’s words.

“And you did a good job every time, because you knew I’d punish you if I wasn’t satisfied,” Samantha continued, her lips and tongue seeming to revel in every wicked word she spoke. “That should be ample motivation to do a good job here.”

As she wrapped her arms around Victoria again, pulling her close and gazing at her face, her expression softened. “All teasing aside, I’m sure you’ll do a great job,” she said gently. “You know hypnosis so damn well at this point, I have every faith in your abilities. Plus, I trust you completely, and that’ll definitely have a bearing on how well it works. We have a bond, and a rapport. That’s a big part of why I can trance you so easily, and I’m sure it’ll help you trance me.”

Victoria swallowed hard. She still felt nervous, but Samantha’s encouragement was definitely helping.

“OK,” she said at last. “I’ll give it a try. But... can you give me some time to get ready? I want to prepare the best induction I can...”

Samantha thought for a moment. “How about I give you five hours to prepare?” At the startled look Victoria gave her, she smiled. “We have a free evening, babe, which might be harder to come by once the week gets underway and I have lessons to prep for. Plus, if I give you too long, you’ll overthink it and tie your brain in knots. And only I am allowed to tie your brain in knots.” She winked.

Victoria laughed. “Alright, point taken. I’ll try and sort something out for tonight...”

“It doesn’t have to be perfect,” Samantha reminded her. “I’ve winged it and bullshitted more inductions for you than I can count - definitely more than the ones I meticulously planned out beforehand! Just trust in the trust between us, and the rapport, and your own abilities and knowledge. You’ll do great.”

“Alright... I’m just not sure what suggestions to give you. I mean, me trying to dominate you won’t work, because I don’t have that in me...”

“There are lots of triggers and scenarios we can try without interfering in our dynamic too much,” Samantha remarked. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

Victoria inhaled deeply and gave her girlfriend a smile, trying to show confidence. Samantha responded by leaning in for a kiss. Then she pulled away, and started to trot out of the kitchen, only to pause in the doorway.

“Oh, and because I’m a kind and generous Mistress,” she teased, “you have permission to sit at the dining room table while you’re planning for tonight.”

Victoria smiled long-sufferingly, rolling her eyes. “Thank you, Mistress.”

So, their dynamic definitely wasn’t going to change any time soon. Thank fuck.

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