Dairy Princess

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:male #f/m #mind_control #pov:bottom #sub:female #transformation #adipophilia_aka_fat_fetish #body_horror #body_horror_to_body_euphoria #body_positivity #breeding_kink #cw:branding #cw:not_exactly_bestiality_but_verging_on_it #enslavement #happy_slaves #hucow #identity_manipulation #lactation #magic #milking #oneshot #unaware
See spoiler tags : #cw:noncon #memory_alteration
(Some Content Warning tags are spoilered. Click to show them) #cw:noncon

A day in the perfect life of Princess, with a few flashbacks to illustrate how she got so lucky.

“Hi, sorry I’m late...”


“Oh hey, no worries. I mean, I’m on my third coffee, so I’m a little wired now, but that’s nothing unusual! You OK, mate?”


“Not really, to be honest. Nightmare of a day. Entitled customers, lazy coworkers...”


“Aw, I’m sorry...”


“And there’s roadworks on the way here, I had to take a detour. Drove past a field of cows to get here, that’s literally been the only bright spot of today.”


“Did you shout ‘cows!’? Otherwise it doesn’t count.”


“Wasn’t really in the mood. God, I wish I was a cow. Can you imagine?”


“... er, not really! Why, exactly?”


“No job, no having to deal with other people, no rent... I’d just be eating grass in a field, all day every day. No stress, just... moo.”


“That does sound appealing, actually. You wouldn’t have to look after yourself, or worry about any real-world stuff - you’d have a farmer to take care of that for you.”


“Right?! Ideal way to live. If it were actually an option... after a day like today, I’d sign up for it in a heartbeat!”


Princess stepped out into the sunlight, feeling its warmth spread across her body, and smiled broadly as the strong scent of grass filled her nostrils. She took a deep breath to inhale more of the delicious fragrance, and then let out a long, low, loud sound of pure pleasure.


As her voice tailed off, she took another few deep, languid breaths, her body humming with satisfaction, and beamed blissfully again. Then she began to trot forwards, across the wide expanse of green before her, relishing the feeling of the grass squishing beneath her hooves.

She made her way over the field at a slow but steady pace, about half as fast as a normal person’s walking speed. She couldn’t go very fast on her four legs, and besides, there was absolutely no need to hurry. She had no obligations, no appointments to keep, no duties to perform. She never did, these days. She was free of all that now. Her days were practically empty, aside from the few minor things her farmer required of her - and she considered those privileges, not tasks. She had nothing to do and nowhere to go, all day, every day.

She’d never been happier. Becoming a hucow had been the best decision she’d ever made - and pretty much the last one, too.

“Mmoooo,” she sighed again as she meandered onwards, the soft exclamation sending waves of tranquility through her. It was all she needed to say, which was lucky, because these days it was all she could say.

Mentally, she actually hadn’t changed that much. She still knew English and could think in full sentences, although she couldn’t say them out loud. She could do complicated mental arithmetic, even if she didn’t need to. She still understood the world around her, but it no longer affected her. It moved past without her, rushing by as hastily as ever, while she plodded placidly along her pasture. It was true that her mind felt slower than before, but she couldn’t tell if that was an effect of her transformation, or simply a result of her not really using her brain for a very long time. Either were possible, and even if she could ask the farmer, she didn’t care enough about the answer.

The one thing of note was that she couldn’t really remember anything from her former life, even her old name. Trying to think back made her feel uneasy, almost agitated - the memories were obscured, surrounded in dark fog that felt like anxiety. She must’ve been pretty miserable back then, if all she could remember of that time was just a cloud of stress. So it didn’t really bother her that she couldn’t recall anything much. Besides, why would she need to? That life wasn’t hers any more. She’d chosen to give it up, and become someone, something, else.

She may have retained her human brain, more or less, but her physical changes had been much more drastic. She hadn’t fully transformed into a cow, nor did she particularly want to. Instead she looked like an amalgam of human and bovine, a hybrid of the two species - a hucow in the truest sense of the word. The most noticeable change was her limbs. Her arms had shifted and distorted into legs, her elbows moving from the side to the front to become knees, while her hind legs had shortened, their dimensions changing as if being digitally resized on a computer, until they were the same proportions as her forelegs. Her hands and feet had transformed into thick, sturdy hooves.

She would’ve thought that constantly standing on all fours would get tiring quickly, but to her surprise her new limbs were more than up to the challenge, strong enough to hold her up from dawn ’til dusk. She had tried once or twice, just for fun, to stand on two legs like she used to, but she’d found it impossible. She couldn’t lift herself into that position without losing her balance and falling to the ground with a hard thump. After a couple of painful landings, she’d decided not to attempt it again.

Her neck seemed to have changed shape, as well, to accommodate her standing on all fours. In its new form, she could comfortably look straight forwards, just as she could as a human - even though, from the perspective of her human anatomy, her new ‘straight forwards’ was in fact straight up. She could never have held her head in this position for so long before her transformation, but now it was perfectly natural. She couldn’t raise it much higher, though - she couldn’t look directly upwards (from her cow form’s vantage point, rather than her human body’s). She didn’t really need to, but it would be nice to look up into her farmer’s loving face when he stood at her side.

Her head and face were otherwise almost the same as before, aside from the two stubby yellow horns protruding from her forehead, just below her hairline. Her hair, rather than vanishing, was thicker and richer than it had been before, a lustrous shade of gold like that of a glamour model. She was more of a glamour moodel, though, she joked to herself, grinning ruefully at her own painful pun.


“Sorry you had another rubbish day, love. Hope I’ve managed to a-moo-se you a bit, though...”


“Oh, no!”


“I apologise, that was udderly dreadful.”


“Ahh, it gets worse!”


“You can trust me to milk a joke...”


“Fuck’s sake, man!”


“Hey, if you commit to the cow lifestyle, you’ll probably hear these jokes constantly. Only burden you’ll have to bear, to be fair...”


“Yeah, I don’t think I could commit really. I’m too much of a princess!”


“That’s fair. Although cows can get princess treatment too, with the right farmer...”


“Well, you’re not wrong, I guess! We’d have to put that in the contract -”


“The cow-ntract, if you will.”


“Shut up! Yeah, we’d have to stipulate that they’ll lavish me with attention, so I want for nothing and feel special and precious...”


“I’m sure whoever’s lucky enough to be your farmer won’t mind pampering you as much as you like.”


“Too right!”


Princess still had the same pale skin as before, but now large portions of it were blemished with big dark marks, covering her ears, parts of her face surrounding her eyes, and large areas of her neck, torso and arse. She was literally thicker-skinned - her epidermis had become dense hide that protected her from the elements, allowing her to be naked in all forms of weather throughout the year. Which she was right now, of course, and felt no shame about it. Cows didn’t wear clothes, after all. Her pendulous udders, which slowly swung beneath her as she walked, seemed unchanged from before - they’d always been pretty huge. And she still had only two of them. Her farmer had noted that they were more than enough - she was getting a good enough flow from each of them - so there was no need to add two more teats, like an actual cow.

She’d never been a slim girl - she could never have been described as fat, but she had always been slightly overweight, enough to feel self-conscious about it. But ever since she’d become a hucow, she’d really been piling on the pounds... and she couldn’t be more delighted. Her big belly was so beautiful. She loved the way she looked. And that was despite the fact that she remembered quite clearly how depressed she used to get about her size, and how hard she tried to lose weight. It seemed so silly in hindsight. How could she not have known how gorgeous she was? Bigger was better. Size was sexy. Large was luscious. The farmer clearly concurred - he was always complimenting her portly frame, rubbing her tummy rolls and groping her giant arse.

Trailing over her big butt was another contender for the most bizarre new aspect of her body - her tail. It was reasonably long (although it didn’t quite reach the bottom of her bum), and mostly hairless, although a few wispy tufts grew out of its pink, wrinkly length. At the end was a thick blonde puff, matching the hair on her head. She’d found it was relatively prehensile - she could swing, flex, and even point it in whatever direction she wished. Even now, as she heard a buzzing in the near distance and felt a tickling sensation on her lower back, she raised her tail and snapped it like a whip, flicking away the fly that had landed on her. Useful though the appendage may be, it was easily the most uncanny change, the one that most consistently gave her pause as she was struck again by the strangeness of the transformation she’d undergone.

For Princess, though, the actual strangest thing about her transformation was that she didn’t find it particularly strange. Or rather, she didn’t find it strange in a bad way. She may be utterly astounded by the alterations to her body, but it didn’t upset her. Losing her hands and the power of speech, growing a tail - she knew these were things that would freak out any normal person. Which must mean that either the magic that changed her had also sedated her, allowing her to be amazed and to revel in the novelty of her new form without panicking... or perhaps this was what she was always meant to be.

Maybe she’d never been distressed about her changed appearance because it felt so right. And it did, honestly - her cow form was as wonderful as it was weird. Her farmer had erected a wall-length mirror in her shed, and she spent hours every day admiring every inch of her form, mooing merrily as she drank in the sight of her increasingly rotund belly, her dangling udders, her jet-black cow spots, her fluffy tail, and her short, cute horns. It made her euphorically happy - and inexplicably horny. For some reason, she found her new self incredibly sexy. Every reminder of it - every step of her hooves in the grass, every swish of her tail, every moo she let out - turned her on more and more. And it always grew at least three times stronger when she underwent her daily milking.

The only problem was that she couldn’t sate this unfathomable self-lust herself - a downside of not having hands any more. Luckily, her farmer had picked up on her near-perpetual arousal, and was quite happy to help her out. He was so good to her!


“So in light of the rough couple of weeks you’ve been having, I got you a little something to cheer you up a bit.”


“Uh... thank you, it’s... nice?”


“I know, I know, it doesn’t look like much, little wooden tablet on a pendant - but humour me, I think you’ll like it. Here, try it on.”


“OK... Yeah, um, it does look pretty, I guess. Thanks, I do appreciate the gesture... Hey, what’s this little carving? It kinda looks like a bell...”


“It does, doesn’t it? It’s actually a sigil, and I think it’s going to be very beneficial to you. Transformative, in fact.”


“What do you mmoooo...? W-what the fuck - why did I -”


“See? It’s working already. Didn’t that feel lovely?”


“W-what are you talking about, mmooo-?! Whuh... why do I keep - what’s going on?! What’s happening to moooo?”


“Well, after how hard things have been for you lately, I wanted to do something to improve your life. Did I ever tell you I’m a practicing sorcerer?”


“Mm-y-you are?”


“Oh, yes. I’ve been studying magic for years, trying out hexes and enchantments of all kinds, on all manner of subjects. And what’s the point of becoming a warlock if you can’t help a friend?”


“H-how are you helping mmoo - me? What did you mmooo - d-do to me?”


“Well, all that talk of living the carefree life of a cow...”


“Oh no. No, no, wait, we were just joking around, I didn’t really mmoo - m-mean it!”


“Are you sure? Because you really sounded like you meant it. And you seem to be enjoying it, even if you’re not ready to admit that right now. I can see it in your face, hear it in your voice, every time you let out a nice loud moo...”


“Mmooo - uh! That - I -”


“Feels so wonderful, doesn’t it? To just let that sound out of you, to just give in to it...”




“It’s like a pressure building up inside you, isn’t it, demanding to be released? And when you do, it feels so, so good, so natural, just to let it blare out...”




“And when you hear yourself moo, they’re so big and loud they fill up your brain, clearing it of all thoughts, right? The more you do it, the more moos you let escape your mouth, the more blank you feel, the better you feel... more and more mindless, ’til there’s nothing left but that one word, that one sound. No thoughts, just moo...”


“Mmm-uuhhh... mmoo-nnngh! Nmoo! You can’t mmoo this to mooo! Please, mmooooo!”


“Aw dear, still trying to deny it? Still fighting it? That’s only going to wear you out, love. I was hoping to give you a really fun first day as a hucow - we can’t do that if you’re sleepy. I’d better see if I can speed up the process - here...”


Princess finally came to a halt on a low hill, where she’d found an especially scrumptious patch of grass, which she tucked into eagerly. It had a sweet flavour, not unlike limes, and a crunchy, papery texture which would’ve been sensory hell for her BC (Before Cow) but now felt fantastic on her tongue. With some mouthfuls she also got a nice clump of soft, thick mud, the texture of which reminded her of mashed potato, although it tasted a little like coffee or chocolate. She wondered idly if the interesting tastes were just her brain associating the colours of what she was eating with familiar flavours from her past life, or if the morphing magic was making her staple food more palatable for her. As ever, the actual explanation didn’t interest her. All she knew was that she simply couldn’t get enough of the succulent greenery.

As she chewed lazily, she saw movement in the distance, from the direction of the farmhouse, and raised her head with a growing grin. “Mmoooo!” she cheerily called out to her farmer, who approached her with a broad smile, carrying a small wooden stool in one hand and a metal bucket in the other.

“Morning to you too, love,” he chuckled, setting down the items on the grass nearby and stepping closer to his beloved livestock. “How’re you on this fine day?”

“Moo,” she said nonchalantly, shrugging and smiling up at him.

“Really? Just ‘moo’? Not ‘mooooo’?” he teased. “I’d have thought you’d be in a better mooood than that...”

She rolled her eyes at the familiar joke. “Mmooo.”

“I know, I know, I promised no more puns,” he laughed, moving behind her. “But what you gonna do about it, huh...?”

She squeaked as he tickled her bum. “Mmoo! Mooo!” She charged forwards a few steps to try to escape his reach, but she couldn’t move fast enough. She tried to swat his hands away with her tail, but he dodged it easily. The torment only lasted a few seconds though, before he moved to stand in front of her again.

She pouted up at him, giving him a reproachful, “Mmoo!”

He winked. “You know you loved it really.”

“Mmm... moo,” she conceded with a bashful grin, unable to meet his eye.

He patted her on the head, running his palm over her glossy golden mane. “That’s my Princess.”

“Mmoooo,” she murmured, shivering with pleasure as she leaned into his touch. She loved it when he called her that. Truth be told, her name wasn’t really ‘Princess’ - it was just a nickname that had stuck. She was actually called ‘488’. That was her official designation, the number on the yellow tag that hung from her right earlobe, the number branded on her right buttock. But she’d gotten to the point where she thought of herself as Princess, and clearly he did too.

Stepping away, he grabbed the stool and moved it closer, and then positioned the steel bucket directly under the chunky cow’s chest. Knowing what was about to happen, she grinned in eager anticipation and held still, although she kept chewing her current mouthful. Perching on the stool, he reached under her without preamble.


“W-what are you - g-get off m-moooo-ooo-ooooh!! Ohhh - mm-mm-mmoo-ooooooohh...”


“There, that’s better, isn’t it? I had a feeling this’d help. And honestly, I’ve been waiting so long to get my hands on these. We’re talking, like, eight years.”


“Mmooo? Moo!”


“Don’t worry about it, babe. And I love that - you’ve already lost the power of human speech, haven’t you? It just slipped away, the moment I took hold of your boobs. Yes, you’re coming along nicely, my cute little cow...”


“Mmoooo...! Moo-hoo-hooo...”


“That’s right, you’re slipping away so fast now, aren’t you? I can see your eyes clouding over, even as you struggle so hard to hang onto your human mind. But it’s so difficult, isn’t it, when I handle you like this? It’s so hard to keep hold of your wits, and your will, when I treat you like the cow you’ll soon be - like the cow you are... I can practically see the intelligence fading from your face with every stroke of your bountiful breasts...”




“Mmmmoo-oooooooh,” Princess cried, the sound bursting out of her at the first squeeze of her udders, drawn out longer by the prolonged contact. “Mmmmooooooo...” Her eyes rolled back in her head, her jaw hanging slack, a couple of stray flecks of grass falling from her lips, one getting stuck to her chin.

His hands moved across her heaving breasts with a methodical rhythm, alternating with a predictable routine - one hand on each, then both on the right teat, then both on the left, then one on each again. His technique was at once caring and businesslike, his touch firm yet tender - he was intent on getting her to produce what he needed, but he wanted the experience to be as pleasant for her as possible. He almost needn’t have bothered, because she got off so hard to being milked.

She was mooing continuously now, only pausing to draw breath. The sounds weren’t standing in for human words now - there was no meaning behind the long, loud lowing, just unadulterated, animal pleasure. She was at her most cow-brained during her milking. It was practically impossible right now for her to string a thought together that wasn’t just ‘moo’. Her eyes were unfocused, her head lolling forwards, saliva escaping her mouth and washing the stray grass off her face. Her cunt was drooling too, and she desperately wanted to jerk her hips, to hump something, to part her hind legs and get fucked - but she tried to keep still, her sole lingering crumb of awareness unwilling to do anything to stop the sensational grasping of her udders.

It was about half a minute before the farmer’s efforts bore success, although to Princess it was an euphoric eternity. All of a sudden, she felt pressure build up in her right teat, and then a second later it was released, and a jet of white fluid fired out of her nipple, hitting the bottom of the bucket with a metallic splash. The farmer focused his attentions solely on the producing udder until it had finished, by which time the bucket was almost half-full. While the last few droplets fell from her nipple into the pool below, he switched back to the left udder, and before long it was filling the receptacle up the rest of the way.

Lifting the brimful bucket out from under his hefty hucow and placing it nearby, he gave her a congratulatory pat on the back. “Well done, Princess. Good cow.”

“Mmooo,” she mumbled sleepily.

He gave her more headpats, rubbing his thumb along the ridge on the bottom of her horns, the border between sensitive skin and nerveless keratin, making her quiver with ecstasy. Then he left her alone for a bit, while he transported the heavy vessel containing her precious dairy produce back to the house. She stood in the field and smiled stupidly at nothing, still awash with mindless joy and arousal.

By the time he returned, she’d almost regained her wits, and had begun chomping on turf again, having deliberately manoeuvred around to eat from the patch that had been beneath her back legs. For reasons she could not explain, the grass tasted even sweeter when flavoured with her own pussy juices, which kept trickling down her thighs. She was still so wet, her tits tingling wonderfully, tiny beads of milk still oozing gently from her nipples.

“C’mon beautiful, let’s go get you cleaned up.” He gave her an encouraging slap on the rump, and she squeaked with surprise and started to trot forwards, back to her shed, with her adoring farmer by her side.


“You’re not even trying to fight me any more, are you? You were trying to get my hands off you a minute ago - you were already so weak it didn’t make a difference... but now your hands have dropped away, and your arms are dangling by your side, and you’re just standing here letting me grope you, mooing your sweet little heart out. Because it feels so good, doesn’t it? Feels so right, when I rub, and squeeze, and milk, your big, heaving, udders. Why would you want to stop me?”




“There you go, so nearly there now. Just let it all go. No more cares, no more worries. No job, no rent, no stress, just -”


“Mmooooooo! Mmoooooooo!”


Having helped the beefy bovine climb into the huge metal tub in the corner of her shed, the farmer began to bathe her attentively, using a shower head attachment on the end of a hose to drench her black-and-white hide while applying soap across its soft surface, lathering up every inch of her. He washed the dirt off her face, rubbing her cheeks soothingly with his soaped-up palms while she smiled adoringly at him, and ran his fingers through her shiny locks after coating them with shampoo. He massaged her sides, back and belly, working the soap into her pores and washing away any filth, and gave her udders a cleansing rub, which almost sent her back into her mental ‘cow-space’ despite the brevity of it. He washed her butt cheeks, and between them, too, and then wrapped his hands around her tail to spread the lather along its length, before applying a little shampoo to the puff of hair at the end. After washing each of her legs in turn, he had her lift each hoof so he could scrub them with a brush. Lastly he sprayed her with the shower head again, rinsing off the soap and shampoo all over her.

He chatted to her as he worked, updating her on the continued success of his dairy - or their dairy, as he liked to call it, given her key role. “Everyone loves your milk, Princess, it’s the most popular in town,” he assured her. “So many customers come by every day, I can barely keep up!”

“Mmooo!” she said delightedly. She was so glad people were enjoying her milk! She’d done a taste test herself, once, out of curiosity, and had found it rich and refreshing. Just getting a thrice-daily tit massage that left her dazed and dreamy was enough for her, but knowing that the by-product of those sessions was proving so popular, and was earning her owner so much attention and money, filled her with immense pride. It was only right, after all - as his livestock, she was meant to be aiding in his financial success. It was her purpose. The fact that she didn’t really need to work for it - that all she had to do was stand and get groped until her body performed a natural response - made it all the sweeter, because she’d chosen this life so she’d never have to work again.

“In fact, demand’s so high that I’ve been thinking of bringing in some more livestock,” he said casually as he unplugged the bottom of the tub, letting the water drain away. “Would you like that, love? Some more hucow friends?”

She bit her lip, considering. The idea of having company was intriguing - she’d certainly appreciate having friends around, to share in the rapturous contentment she felt all day, every day. But she was a little worried that with more cows, her farmer wouldn’t pay as much attention to her...

“Don’t worry, you’ll still be the Princess,” he reassured her, seeming to sense her concerns. “You’ll always be my Princess. But now you could be the leader of a whole herd. Think how much fun you could have together!”

Taking in his words, she slowly smiled. “Mmooooo,” she said at length, grinning enthusiastically at him. He had her blessing to go ahead and gather up more magically-modified girls - not that he needed her permission. Truth be told, the notion of being Princess of a whole herd of hucows excited her. She was rather looking forward to it...

“Good girl,” her farmer praised her, standing before her and stroking her damp hair. “Now, would you like your reward for being so well-behaved, and making lots of lovely milk for me...?”

“Mmoooo!” she gasped, eyes wide. She could see the bulge in the front of his jeans, and knew he was looking forward to her reward as much as she was. She nuzzled his crotch with her face, letting out another soft, “Mmooo...”

“Alright then, Princess,” he chuckled fondly, moving away and circling around her, his shoes clanging on the metal floor of the bath. Whining with unabashed desperation, she spread her hind legs as far apart as she could and lifted her rear, flicking her tail aside.

“Mmmooo-oooooooh,” she moaned, as he pushed her buttocks apart and entered her, beginning to slowly slide inside. She started jerking back and forth, bouncing along his length, encouraging him to pick up the pace. She’d been dripping wet for what felt like hours now, and urgently needed to be bred. To her relief, he got the message and started thrusting with speed and vigour, spearing her relentlessly. He couldn’t get very deep - she had too much ass, it was blocking his way - but the degree of penetration he was able to provide was enough for her, given how worked up she was already from being tenderly milked, and luxuriously bathed, and pampered like the bovine Princess she was...


“Good cow! That’s right. This is what you wanted, remember? To just be a cow, eating grass in a field, and not have to deal with the rest of the world. You wanted this. You asked for this. You longed for this. I’m granting your wish...”


“Mmoooooo! Moooo...”


“Aww, you’re welcome, darling. You don’t have to worry. I’ll take such good care of you, just like you wanted. Princess treatment, remember?”




“That’s right, my love. I think you’re so wonderful, and so special, and I’m going to look after you and give you the best, most peaceful life. You never have to worry about a thing again, sweetheart. You’re in safe hands.”


“Mmooooo. Mmoooo... mmmooooo...!”


“And hey, here we go - now you’ve adjusted to your new moo-ntality, the physical changes are starting to take effect. Then you’ll be all ready to start your moo life, Princess...”


488, better known as Princess, climaxed around her farmer’s cock as it spasmed and spurted in her cow cunt, and let out a clamouring, contented, “Mmoooooooo!” Then, as she stood and simmered in the afterglow, he dutifully rinsed off her backside and legs again, and then dried her with a big fluffy towel, vigorously rubbing it all over her bulky body. She felt like she’d just had the most satisfying spa treatment.

How lucky was she, to get to experience this every day? Her life had never been better. She couldn’t express how glad - how overjoyed - she was that she had a powerful warlock for a friend... and that she’d chosen to become his hucow.

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, noëlle, John Doe, Prodygist, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso, Stormy and Cueballl! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...


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