A River Runs Through Her

Chapter 5

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #claustrophilia #CW:dubious_consent #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #mind_control #unaware

“The thing is, if they’re not listening to you, a change of face can make a real difference,” Mya Mason commented over her shoulder, as she unlocked the front door of her house and stepped inside. Her guests followed close behind. “The students know us, so they’re more likely to respond. That way it’s less likely we’ll get another bending-fingers-back situation...”

Her new apprentice nodded, grimacing. “Got it. Sorry, boss - never occurred to me to ask for help. I’ve always really been one to try to deal with things by myself.”

“Oh, I get that completely,” she reassured him. “I’m the same way, mostly.”

“It’s all a learning curve,” Ellie Miares, her teaching assistant and lifelong friend, cut in. “I mean, it’s your first week, you haven’t done this kind of work before, they don’t really know you yet... We don’t mind supporting you, and there’s absolutely no shame in asking for our help if they’re not doing as you ask.”

“Fair enough.” He grinned down at Ellie, towering a head taller than her. “Although I’m sure it won’t be much of a problem from hereon out. I’m actually pretty persuasive when I want to be.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yep.” He raised his head and glanced across at Mya, making direct eye contact with her as she was closer to his height. “I mean, I’ve made you two believe I’ve been working with you for a week, when I’ve never and will never step into that school in my life. So I must be quite convincing, right?”

He laughed, and after a brief pause the women joined in. Neither of them really understood the joke, but they already knew their new colleague’s comedic tendencies were a little baffling. It was best just to humour him.

Dismissing the odd moment, Mya led the way into her living room. As she strode towards the sofa, a loud yawn burst free of her mouth. “Oh man,” she sighed, rolling her head on her neck as she sat down heavily on her sofa. “Long week...”

“I know, right?” Ellie groaned, stretching out her arms as she approached the vacant spot beside her friend. Just before she could reach it, she froze in place as she felt a hand on her butt, squeezing it through her jet-black leggings. Stepping around her, the apprentice sat down in the free space, his outstretched arm turning Ellie round as he moved past, so he could continue to grope her.

She let him without complaint, remaining standing at attention and gazing down at Mya in her seat, not even looking back at him. It was fine, after all. In addition to being the new apprentice in their class, he was now also the owner of her and Mya’s arses. He could do whatever he wanted to them whenever he wanted - touch them, fondle them, slap them, fuck them - and they needed to let him. That was perfectly normal. Upon meeting them the other day, he’d immediately offered them a thousand pounds each for ownership of what he’d called ‘two of the most fantastic arses I have ever seen’. They had happily accepted the high praise, the generous offer, and the hastily-written IOUs he’d handed them. (It briefly occurred to her that he still hadn’t actually paid them, but that thought drifted away like gossamer in the breeze.)

She and Mya continued their conversation, their new colleague groping one of their butts so utterly unremarkable that, sure enough, they didn’t remark upon it. “Thanks again for letting me stay over, mate. I really appreciate it.”

“Hey, it’s not a problem,” Mya said, waving a hand dismissively. “You can stay as long as you like. Hope you and Jack sort things out soon though...”

Ellie grimaced. “Yeah, I mean - I still don’t really want to see him.”

“That’s fair. I thought things were good with you guys, though?”

“They were, that’s the thing. Out of nowhere, just this week, he’s just been - aah...” She paused for a second, interrupted by a hard slap on her butt from the new apprentice, and then carried on as if nothing had happened, brushing a few strands of her long dark brown hair out of her face. “He’s just really been pissing me off. I can’t stand the sight of him at the moment.” She smiled apologetically at her friend. “I don’t think I’m gonna be going home any time in the near future.”

“No worries. It’s been nice having someone to share my bed while Daniel’s off visiting his parents. Although you might have to move to the couch when he comes back!”

“You could do worse,” their new colleague said with a smile, his hand still shifting from one of Ellie’s buttocks to the other and back again. “It’s a pretty comfy couch!”

“True,” she grinned. “Yeah, that’s fine, Mya, I don’t mind. Not the first sofa I’ve slept on, to be fair.”

“Good...” Mya let out another long yawn, her jaw stretching to its full extent.

“Oh God, don’t, you’ll set me off,” Ellie groaned, covering her mouth with one hand to stifle her own weary exhalation.

“Sorry. God, I’m glad it’s the weekend, I’m knackered. Not that I haven’t been enjoying these little evening ‘debriefings’,” she added, smirking at both her TAs, “but between those and marking, I think I’ve had one too many late nights this week!”

“Fair enough,” the newcomer conceded, finally relinquishing his grip on Ellie’s rear. Once she was sure he was done groping her, she trotted across to the armchair and plonked herself down. “It’s been a tiring week, I’m sure. Not so much for me, because I didn’t have to get up as early as you guys, but I do get it.” He snickered again, while his comment went over his new colleagues’ heads once more.

“I mean, I’ve been getting people’s names muddled up all week, that’s how tired I am,” Mya admitted, looking slightly ashamed, absent-mindedly twiddling a lock of her curly ginger hair between finger and thumb. “In fact, I’m really sorry, but I actually can’t even remember your name.”

“Er... me either,” Ellie divulged. “I’m sure you told us when we met, but I can’t remember for the life of me - and the longer it’s gone on...”

“The more embarrassing it is to confess you’ve forgotten?” he grinned. “I gotcha. Don’t worry about it, honestly. I’ve never really set too much store in names. They just seem silly to me. It’s like, call me whatever you want. Call anyone whatever you want. Who cares if you get them mixed up? Aside from being a key part of your identity, the first thing you know about yourself and the first thing anyone else learns about you, what does it really matter anyway?”

“Er, yeah.” Mya raised an eyebrow, uncertain whether that was another of his strange jokes.

“I mean, all week I’ve kept getting your names the wrong way round,” he said with a chuckle. He pointed at each of them in turn as he continued, “I kept thinking your name was Ellie, and yours was Mya.”

The women exchanged a look of amusement. “Uh, we are,” Ellie sniggered. “You got them right. My name is Ellie, and her name is Mya.”

“No, they’re not.” He smiled calmly at them, sitting back in his chair so they were both in his field of vision at once. “Your name is Mya,” he continued, pointing at Ellie. “And your name is Ellie,” he added, his finger moving to aim at Mya.

The teacher’s other eyebrow shot up to join the first. “Um, no, that’s - that’s not -”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

“W-wait,” her TA stammered, “you’ve got them -”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

“That’s the wrong - the wrong way -”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

“My... my name...”

“M-my name is... nnn -”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

“My name’s M-Mya...”

“My - ah - my name...”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

“My name is Mya...”

“My, my name is - is Ellie?”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

“My name is Mya.”

“My name is Ellie...”

Your name is Mya, and your name is Ellie.”

He continued to coolly repeat his assertion as they faintly echoed back at him, their voices growing stronger as they believed him more and more. The TA, once known as Ellie, became convinced a little faster than the teacher, Mya-as-was, who took a little more persuading. Once he was sure from their clear, confident tones that their new names had settled into place, their apprentice ceased his compelling mantra, shifting position to make himself more comfortable on the couch. The women blinked, coming back to their senses.

“Um... What were talking about?” the newly-rechristened Mya Miares giggled.

“Beats me,” shrugged Ellie, the current bearer of that name. “This is why we need earlier nights!”

All three of them laughed, before lapsing into comfortable silence. The apprentice got out his phone, and without looking away from the screen he slid his free hand under New Ellie. Following his guiding hand, she got up and onto all fours, pointing her posterior in his direction so he had better access to it. He leaned against it, cushioning his head on her left buttock, as he scrolled through whatever app he had open. She smiled placidly over at Mya.

“Oh hey, how’s Brooke?” Mya asked, sitting forwards in her chair.

“She’s really good,” her new coworker replied, glancing up from his phone to grin at her. “She’s getting on very well.”

“Glad to hear it,” Ellie remarked. “We miss her! It really surprised all of us when she quit, we thought she loved her job...”

“I know. I think she did, once. It was just getting overwhelming and she stopped enjoying it. For what it’s worth, I think she really loves where she is now. She seems a lot happier.”

“Still can’t get over the coincidence,” Mya chuckled. “I mean, we get a new apprentice and it’s Brooke’s boyfriend? What are the chances?”

“Pretty high. After all, I did ask her to introduce me to her hottest former colleagues, so I could turn them into my sex toys,” he laughed.

His colleagues responded with titters that were mostly just polite, although there was some faint amusement mixed in too. His sense of humour was really odd, but there was definitely something funny about his words - they just couldn’t quite grasp what it was...

“It’d be lovely to see her again,” Ellie said. “I mean, we barely saw her on Saturday - she pretty much just introduced you to us and then left. We used to be really close, me, Brooke and El- Mya.” She blushed and giggled, lowering her face to look down at the armrest below her. “Now I’m getting my name mixed up!”

“You need sleep, mate,” Mya snickered. “But yeah, it’d be great if all four of us could hang out sometime.”

The new apprentice smirked. “That could be a lot of fun, indeed. Now, ladies, if you don’t mind, I’d like to fuck your arses.”

“Oh, sure,” Mya said nonchalantly, hopping to her feet. “Do you need help getting ready first?”

“I could do with it, yeah. I mean, I’m already pretty much ready for action, just from having my head on Ellie’s frankly magnificent bum - but I could still use a little lubricant.”

“Not a problem,” Ellie told him, clambering off the sofa and onto the carpet. Mya knelt down beside her, in front of the sofa.

“Alright, get to it,” their new colleague told them with a grin. Mya gave him a mock salute, and then leaned towards Ellie and began to kiss her passionately. Their hands roamed over each other’s bodies as they made out, caressing through clothes, fondling their breasts and butts.

“You’ve been improving,” he noted as he watched them. “Much better than Saturday.”

They broke apart long enough for Mya to reply with a smile, “Practice makes perfect!”

Neither of them had ever been with a woman before, so the new owner of their arses had suggested they start doing ‘makeout practice’ for half an hour per day, so they would improve more quickly. Mya sleeping in Ellie’s bed had definitely helped with this - they usually kissed for at least thirty minutes before calling it a night. As they got more used to it and more into it, however, they’d found themselves carrying on for longer, which had probably contributed to their increasing exhaustion. Last night they accidentally went for almost a full hour!

At length, the apprentice stood up, looming over them, and took out his cock, sliding it easily between their mouths. They continued to make out around it, slurping and sucking, soon soaking his shaft with their saliva. He smiled serenely, his hands sinking into their hair, running Ellie’s glinting ginger locks and Mya’s dark chocolate waterfall through his fingers.

“OK, that’s good, girls, I’m ready now,” he said at last. They promptly pulled away from his dick and from each other and sprang upright. Ellie tugged down her trousers, managing to take her underwear with them, while Mya peeled off her leggings and slipped her panties down. Then they both stepped forwards and leaned over the couch, bending into right-angles, planting their hands firmly on the back of the chair, arching their backs, and spreading their legs as wide as they could, making their holes as open and inviting as possible.

“Perfect.” The new apprentice, and the new proprietor of both their arses, whose name still remained unknown to either of them, approached them from behind. Moments later, Mya felt him spear her between her ample cheeks. Gripping the sofa more tightly, she glanced to her right and gave Ellie a pained, but genuine, smile, which she returned. As he fucked Mya, their new colleague reached over to probe Ellie’s anus with his fingertips.

“It’s been a pleasure working with you this week, ladies,” he chuckled, ploughing one of his two newest playthings more insistently by the moment. “Long may it continue...”

I hope I made it as clear as possible in this chapter, but the mysterious Owner/apprentice will never set foot in a school, or anywhere else where there are children, at any point in this story. Mya and Ellie only think he was there working with him all week; in reality they've just been meeting up with him after work so he can fuck them. Clear? Good 😅

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, Modren, noëlle, FinixFire, Prodygist, masterspark101, vulkants, DyonisiusBacchus, Marcelo Alfonso, An Otter and John Doe! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here.

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