The Cock Whisperer

Chapter 3

by Samantha_Writes_Smut

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #dom:female #f/f #mind_control #pov:bottom #sub:female #big_tits #capture #comic_book #conditioning #latex #maid #orgasm_denial #panty_sniffing #superheroine #transgender_characters

Something caught at the back of Bella’s mind. Not a thought; she didn’t need any of those when she could just serve her Lady. But something. A memory, maybe. A detail. She ran her duster over the tabletop once more, making sure the surface was spotless. She made sure all the chairs were in place, then picked up her Lady’s phone to dust that as well and wiped the spot where it had been sitting before putting it back down.

That thing caught in her mind again, and she paused.

After she’d polished her Lady’s dress, she’d been set to work cleaning the couch that her cock had been dripping over last night. Then she’d vacuumed the whole house. Made lunch for her Lady. Washed the dishes. Cleaned her Lady’s car. It was getting dark. At some point, her Lady had come down dressed in an old t-shirt and pyjama bottoms and started watching a movie; Bella could see her in the next room now, still sitting on the couch eating a bowl of chips, paying Bella no attention as the sounds of a laser fight came from the TV. Bella hadn’t brought her the chips; she’d gotten those herself. Just a minute ago. She’d passed through the room Bella was in on the way to the kitchen, absently leaving her phone on the table and forgetting it when she carried her snack back.

Her phone.

…her unlocked phone.

Bella’s brain ground to a halt as that one detail fought its way through the thick, goopy pleasure her mind was marinating in, and she stared at the phone blankly.

The unlocked phone.

Bullet reeled back as the detail finally connected with something and a thought sparked in her head. She grabbed at a chair as her legs almost gave way, her muscles simultaneously sluggish and too-responsive, like she’d just finished a two-hour full-body workout. She slapped a shaking hand down on the screen to make sure it wasn’t about to black out on her, then picked it up in a grip so tight she might have broken it. She didn’t care. She opened up the call function, and screamed internally so hard she couldn’t stop a whimper escaping her lips. Her head snapped up, expecting to see the Lady right behind her ready to subdue her again, but her captor was still comfortably engrossed in her movie.

She didn’t have anyone she could call. None of her friends or family knew about her powers, and they were all saved as contacts in her phone anyway; she didn’t know any of their numbers by heart. Even if she did, how could she convince them it wasn’t a prank? And how would they help, anyway? Best case scenario, they called the police. Worst case, they came here themselves and got caught alongside her. For the first time, she regretted not making any connections with other heroes.


It had to be the police. Even if the officers they sent were vulnerable to the Lady’s power, she would need time to break them, and their disappearance would be noted. It would draw attention. She’d end up on the radar of every hero in the country.

And Bullet’s secret identity would be toast. Every disgruntled gang member whose friends she’d put away would know who she was and where her family lived.


Her hands were shaking and she realised she was crying out of frustration. She was holding an escape tool in her hand and she couldn’t use it.

FUCK!” She screamed out loud as she slammed the phone back on the table and sank to her knees, burying her face in her gloved hands as she sobbed.

Her breath hitched as the Lady’s full lips wrapped around her cock and sucked, her wet tongue tickling the underside, and Bullet wiped away tears to see nothing but the tent in her skirt as her cock rewarded her with a phantom blowjob. Lightheaded from the whiplash of emotions, she couldn’t help but laugh at the reminder of how stupid she’d been. It wouldn’t have mattered if there’d been someone she could call; her cock would have stopped her the moment she started dialling.

There was a crash and running footsteps from the next room, and the Lady - a chip still clinging to her pyjama bottoms where she’d apparently knocked the bowl over - appeared in the doorway. Her eyes locked onto her phone on the table and her face turned white.

“What happened?!” She yelled, and Bullet’s blowjob became tinged with the weirdest sensation that she had no comparison for as her cock recounted recent events to the Lady.

The blood slowly returned to the Lady’s face, and she giggled into her hand and sagged against the doorway in relief.

“Oh fuck me,” she breathed, addressing empty air, “that would have been embarrassing.”

The Lady straightened up and recomposed herself, her arrogant smirk returning as she stared down imperiously at Bullet.

“Congratulations on passing, girl. If you’d tried to call for help, I would have had to punish you.”

Bullet glared up at her.

“That wasn’t a t-hhaaaa-t-test.” The word caught in her throat as the phantom tongue stuck itself in her peehole and wriggled around.

“Maybe not,” the Lady leaned in close to her face, “but you’re not going to tell anyone. Not with my sweet girl holding your leash.”

Bullet’s cock jumped at the praise, and she felt its joy and eagerness to please as the Lady crouched down and lifted up her skirt.

“That’s right, sweetie,” the Lady cooed at her cock. “You’re doing such a good job keeping her under control.”

Without warning, the Lady hooked her hands under Bullet’s shins and lifted, driving her onto her back, then wrapped her arms around Bullet’s hips in a tight hug that pressed her ample chest against Bullet’s bare cock. Bullet gasped and barely held herself back from pumping her hips against those fantastic pillows; she could feel the Lady’s nipples against her lower abdomen. As it was, she couldn’t stop herself from wrapping her legs around the Lady’s chest like she was returning the hug.

After too short a time, the Lady let go and stood up, extricating herself from Bullet’s legs. She brushed at a wet spot over one of her tits where Bullet’s precum had soaked into her shirt, then motioned for Bullet to stand.

Bullet followed the Lady up to her bedroom, pointedly not watching her butt sway as they climbed the stairs, and stood in the doorway as the Lady threw the covers open.

“Get in.”

She didn’t try to fight it. There was no point. Bullet slipped her heels off and climbed into the bed, and the Lady smirked as she climbed in with her.

“What, no sass?”

Bullet didn’t respond. The Lady grinned as she put an arm around Bullet’s shoulders and pulled the covers over both of them.

“Well, it’s no fun if I’m just talking to a wall. Sweetie, would you mind giving me a bit more to work with?”

Bullet’s lips twitched upwards and her heart started beating faster as her cock gave her a shot of happiness and excitement. Just like that morning, but without her inviting it this time. The despair at this further loss of control was immediately overridden by a burst of infatuation, and her cheeks grew hot as she gazed into the Lady’s eyes. She forgot how to breathe as the Lady started stroking her hair.

“That’s better. Now, I’d like her to apologise for thinking about escaping. Can you make her do that, sweetie?”

Bullet immediately curled up into a foetal position and started sobbing past the lump in her throat, unable to look the Lady in the face. The forewarning wasn’t enough for her to block out the embarrassment and guilt that thrust into her head, sliding straight through her defences. The way the Lady continued to hold her close and pull her head to her chest only amplified the negative feelings, but Bullet managed not to give in until her cock changed tactics.

A wave of pure regret washed over her, and neither the knowledge that it was artificial nor knowing that the Lady was just making her apologise for her own amusement kept the words from spilling out.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Oh god I’m so sorry. I’ll never do it again, I’m so sorry.”

The Lady laughed and pulled her in close as she babbled her apology.

“I know you won’t. You’re forgiven.”

The negative emotions coming from her cock subsided instantly, leaving room for her own shame at how easily she’d been controlled to take the stage. The infatuation didn’t disappear, however, and when the Lady spoke, Bullet found herself hanging on to every word.

“Now,” she purred, “I can see how upset you are about your cock gaining a bit of control over your emotions, and I’m ashamed of how selfish you’re being. You’re what, twenty years old now? Can you imagine what it’s been like for your cock, not having a moment of control for two decades? You’re supposed to be a role model, someone for people to look up to and try to emulate.” The Lady’s hand cupped Bullet’s chin and guided her up to meet her eyes. “Is that what you want? Do you want people to be selfish and greedy and not care about how others feel? Of course you don’t. I know you were raised well and you want people to be kind and empathetic and share with each other. But you haven’t been sharing, have you? Even if you gave her half of the control from now on, you’d still have twenty years to make up for.” The Lady leaned in so her lips were next to Bullet’s ear, pressing her boobs against her face as she did. “You owe her twenty years of control, don’t you agree?”

The ploy was obvious. Even if she agreed to the twenty years, there was no way she’d actually be released at the end. Even with her mind clouded by her cock’s love for the Lady, she could see that was a bad deal.

It was at that point that her cock pulled out a new trick.

A new concept thrust into her mind. Not an emotion this time; instead, her head was filled with her cock’s agreement with the Lady’s logic.

Her eyes widened and she squirmed in the Lady’s arms. No! It was a bad deal! Her arguments were just trolling, trying to use moderate language and buzzwords to distract from how malicious her goal was! Her cock wasn’t actually sentient, it was just animated by the Lady’s power; the Lady would be the one in control!

All of these arguments ran through her head, but they were all weak and nonsensical. The Lady was right. She was being selfish. She wasn’t living up to the ideals she was supposed to inspire. She’d already had twenty years in control and had been trying to hoard the rest for herself.

When she looked back on her actions, they filled her with shame and disgust, and that was what decided her.

There wasn’t a lot of room to move with how tight the Lady was holding her, but the tit her face was pressed against was soft and let her head nod up and down.

“That’s right,” the Lady cooed in her ear. “And I think it goes a bit further than that, don’t you agree? You were planning to get her removed completely. You would have done it if I hadn’t stepped in.” One of the Lady’s fingers started idly tracing circles on Bullet’s back. “So, if I had to step in to stop you, then you’re morally no better off than if you’d actually gone through with it, right? If you attack someone in the street, that’s a crime even if they get away unharmed. That means you need to give your cock the same reparations you’d owe if you’d actually removed her. Full control of your body, forever.”

Part of Bullet was screaming that she’d predicted the deal would change like this, but its protests were completely unconvincing. It couldn’t compete with the Lady’s overwhelming intellect and tireless logic.

“Yes,” she croaked out.

“Good girl.”

Apparently, that was all it needed. Something new forced its way into her head; not an emotion or a concept, but a sense of pressure. Like a fat person forcing their way into a phone booth with her, except the phone booth was her skull. Her own thoughts and will were pushed to the edges of her awareness, pinned helplessly against the walls of her mind while another presence took centre stage. 

The sensation spread down her neck and spine, filling up her limbs and making her skin feel too tight, and where it spread, Bullet could no longer move. In seconds, her whole body was completely unresponsive to her commands, lying limp as a ragdoll.

Then, without her telling it to, her hand rose up and cupped the Lady’s tit. When she tried to pull away, it started kneading the breast, and her head turned. Her lips found the Lady’s nipple through her shirt and wrapped around it until the Lady gently pushed her away and onto her back.

Bullet was overwhelmed with her cock’s devotion to the Lady as it used her face to gaze lovingly up at her.

“You’re doing so well, sweetie. She won’t trouble you for much longer.”

The Lady’s hand disappeared beneath the covers, but didn’t touch Bullet. Instead, her legs started shuffling around and Bullet realised she was taking off her pants. Or her cock realised it and the thought overflowed into her awareness. She couldn’t tell.

The Lady pressed a bundle of fabric into Bullet’s gloved hand and guided it up her body. When it emerged from under the covers and Bullet caught sight of the Lady’s pants with her pink panties still inside, her head shot forward and pressed her nose hard into the crotch.

A spike of arousal, which Bullet could do nothing but ride from the edges of her mind, shot through her whole body as her lungs greedily inhaled the Lady’s scent. Her body started to curl into a ball, but was stopped by the Lady’s hand pushing her knees back down.

The Lady’s bare legs made contact with Bullet’s as she climbed on top and straddled her hips. A groan escaped Bullet’s lips and her hands ran along the Lady’s thighs as her hot, wet lower lips pinned Bullet’s cock against her stomach. A hand snatched the pants and threw them aside before the Lady lay down on top of her and wrapped her arms around Bullet’s neck and shoulder, hugging her tight. Her hefty tits, hidden behind the thin fabric of her shirt, rubbed against Bullet’s own larger ones encased in her black dress, and the moan that would have come out of Bullet’s mouth was smothered by the Lady’s lips pressing against hers. Bullet’s eyes closed and her mouth kissed back hungrily. Her hips bucked in frustrated lust as the Lady’s tongue explored her mouth, her hot breath on Bullet’s face.

Then suddenly the Lady pulled back, breaking the kiss as she sat up and ground her hips against Bullet’s cock. Her fingers grasped the hem of her shirt, and Bullet’s eyes fixated on them as they slowly lifted, revealing the Lady’s taut stomach. As it reached her breasts, they were lifted up, and Bullet’s breathing froze until the shirt released them and they dropped down bare for Bullet to see.

The Lady gave her tits a shake and laughed at how Bullet’s head shook with them before tossing her shirt aside. Now fully nude, she reached down and grasped Bullet’s cock, lining it up to her dripping sex before lowering herself onto it.

The Lady groaned as she did so, and her thighs clenched and squeezed Bullet’s hips.

“Oh fuck.” Her hands started kneading Bullet’s breasts. “Do you have any idea how hot it is breaking a fucking superhero? Don’t cum until I do.”

With that, the Lady leaned down again and pulled Bullet’s head to her chest, smothering her in perfect titflesh. Bullet’s tongue stuck out and started licking at her cleavage as the Lady started fucking her in earnest. Her climax started to build, but would not grow beyond a certain level, not while the Lady still hadn’t cum.

Bullet caught a nipple in her mouth and sucked, and was rewarded with the Lady moaning with pleasure. Her arms came up and hugged the Lady tight until she pinned them both above Bullet’s head. The Lady kissed her again.

It was a surprisingly short time before the Lady arched her back, crying out in orgasm, and Bullet’s body matched her. The sensations that were normally limited to her cock instead spread throughout her whole body, the pleasure spiking in her brain as her cock stiffened and shot its salty fluids into the Lady.

The Lady’s body collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily, and she started talking in her ear.

“I’m so glad you couldn’t leave well enough alone. This is the most fun I’ve had in years. Go to sleep now.”

Bullet’s mind shut off and darkness took her.


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