Loren Lunarian

by SabrinaTVBand

Tags: #cw:CGL #cw:incest #cw:noncon #audio_hypnosis #dom:female #f/f #forced_feminization #goth #multiple_partners

A nerd guy who works at the comic shop decides to try on some clothes at a nearby lingerie store, an action that does not go unnoticed.

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Loren finished her shift at the CD store and crossed the parking lot of the shopping center to visit the comicbook store. Loren didn’t keep up with the latest releases from the big two, but she did like to see what the latest underground releases were. This particular comic store mostly just stocked big two releases and TTRPG stuff, but it was the only place that was easy for Loren to visit.
        Loren entered the store and noticed that Dylan, the emaciated and long-haired nerd who often worked at the store, seemed particularly despondent. Usually an attractive woman entering the store was enough to pique Dylan’s interest. Not that he would ever do anything more than blush and awkwardly adjust his glasses, mind you. But even Loren’s gothic presence wasn’t enough to lift his spirits.
        She hesitantly spoke. “Hey, are you ok?”
        Dylan sighed. “The owner of the store just told me that we’re shutting down at the end of the week. This was my dream job . . . it wasn’t even work. Coming here, playing games with my friends, reading comics during slow business days . . . soon it will all be gone. Forever.”
        Loren nodded as she walked to the small part of the store where all the interesting stuff was. “I used to be in a band. Being in a band was my dream job, but that eventually ended.”
        “. . . yeah . . . ok . . .”
        Loren shrugged, grabbed her comics, and walked to the counter. She bought what she wanted and left.
Dylan finished his long shift at the comic book shop. He’d been there since opening, and was now leaving at 6 PM. The long hours never bothered Dylan; it had never felt like work. As he exited the store, for the second to last time, he decided to make a trip he’d always been too afraid to make.
        He walked to a different part of the shopping center towards a lingerie store called Latex Heart. He’d wanted to buy something from there for years, but he’d never had a flawless, ironclad excuse to shop there before.
        Thankfully, he’d thought of one before he would no longer be driving to this shopping center for work most days. He entered the store, and a woman with a black shingle bob walked up to him. Her name tag read Gwen.
        “Do you need help with anything?”
        Dylan looked at the floor. “Uh, yeah. I need to buy some clothes for my girlfriend. She, uh, has the same measurements as I do . . . and so if we just found clothes that could fit me, they would fit her as well.”
        Gwen smirked. “Sure. I can help you find some clothes. Follow me.”
Gwen sat next to Loren in a booth at the pizzeria. It was located in the same shopping center as the CD store and Latex Heart.
        Gwen spoke as they waited for their food. "I have a project you might be interested in."
        Loren took a sip of water. "What's that?"
        "You know that nerdy kid, who works in the comic shop?"
        Gwen grinned. "He came into the store the other day, and tried on a bunch of lingerie. Said he was buying for his girlfriend, who's the same size as him."
        Loren snickered. "Did she buy anything?"
        "No. He was too scared."
        Loren leant back in her seat. "That is a good project. Thanks for bringing her to my attention." She began to scratch Gwen at the base of her neck. "I will have to reward you for this find. Perhaps a new recording is in order?"
Dylan stared at the ceiling in bed.
        I'm never going to have another job like that. It was a once in a lifetime thing. I'll never be happy again. I'll be stuck working for a shitty boss . . . never have freedom. Never do what I love.
        I'll only suffer. I'll never feel joy. I've almost run out of savings. What will I do after I can't pay my rent anymore?
        I was doomed to fail. It was foolish to ever try . . .
        Dylan's phone began to ring. He answered.
        "Is this Dylan? From the comic shop?"
        "I'm Loren, from the CD store. Have you found another job?"
        Dylan sighed. "I'm not sure if I even really want to."
        "How would you be interested in working at the CD store?"
        Dylan sighed again, even more deeply. "I don't know, I guess I can try. When do you want me to come?"
        "Tomorrow at noon would be good."
        Dylan silently stared for a moment. Loren is hot. Maybe working with her would be nice. "Yeah, ok, I'll meet you then."
Dylan drove into the parking lot of the shopping center and parked near the CD store. A part of him never wanted to enter the shopping center ever again, not after his embarrassing trip to Latex Heart, and the closing of the comic shop. But he needed money to survive.
        He entered the store and looked around. As expected, there were tons of CDs in the store, alphabetically organized on shelves by genre. Posters covered the walls and a power pop song was playing over the speakers, not to imply that Dylan knew enough about music to differentiate power pop from pop rock.
        He spotted Loren sitting behind a counter. She motioned for him to move closer.
        "Are you ready?"
        Dylan shrugged. "Yeah. What do I need to know?"
        "You need to know how to operate the register, but otherwise there isn't too much to know. Stocking the shelves should be pretty intuitive for you. You'll eventually have to develop a taste so you can recommend stuff to people; I'm assuming you know nothing about music."
        Dylan huffed. "I have good taste."
        Loren grinned and stood up. "Ok, let's take a look around the store."
        Dylan walked to the end of the rock section, and after moving past ZZ Top they were confronted with the Various Artists section. Dylan started to look at the soundtrack albums.
        "Starting with the compilation albums; not a good sign."
        Dylan looked at the soundtracks and found one for Spirit Blade, his favorite urban fantasy TV show. "Oh, you have the Spirit Blade soundtrack! Music from and inspired by the show!"
        Loren sighed. "I have a song on that soundtrack." She took the CD from Dylan and pointed to a song on the back of the case by a band called Decimation of Light.
        Dylan looked at his new boss. "You're in a band? And you got a song on a soundtrack?"
        Loren put the CD back. "Was in a band. We broke up." She walked into a different aisle and motioned for Dylan to follow. She pulled a Decimation of Light disc off of a shelf. "This is the only album we did. You want a copy?"
        Dylan shrugged. "Sure I guess."
        Loren walked back to the register and removed the disc from inventory. "There's a backwards message on the album outro. You should give it a listen. You have a CD drive in your computer, right?”
Dylan sat at his computer that evening and listened to the album Loren had given him as he reflected on the day.
        The CD store wasn’t bad. In many ways it was like the comic book store, except Dylan didn’t care about the product. But the laid-back atmosphere was similar.
        After about forty minutes, the end of the album arrived. Dylan did notice a backwards message in the music; it was barely audible over the sound of the synthesizer pad that was fading away. And even then, it was backwards.
        Dylan set his FLAC player to play the file in reverse, and he listened again. The message was faint, but he still couldn’t really make out what it was.
        He isolated the ten seconds with the message and set it to play on loop. He squinted and hunched forward as he tried to discern the words.
        With each repetition, certain syllables and tones started to become more clear, as if they were emerging from a heavy fog. But they still remained mostly obscure. It wasn’t unlike listening to someone pretend to speak English, and not realizing for a moment that they’re speaking nonsense.
        Dylan began to hear the message with a clarity that jostled him. But the wakefulness he felt in that moment quickly dissipated, and he began to grow tired.
        The loop continued to play as he started to lean back into his desk chair. His eyes began to close as his mouth started to hang open. It wasn’t long before he started to drool on himself in his sleep.
Dylan returned to work the next day. Loren noticed him as he entered the store.
        “How are you feeling?”
        “Not great. I fell asleep at my desk and I did something to my neck.”
        Loren smirked as she put down the stack of CDs she was holding. “Do you normally fall asleep at your desk?”
        Dylan sat down on one of the stools and put pressure on his sore spot. “No, never. My bed is so close I just move when I’m tired.”
        Loren began to scan the CDs to remove them from inventory. “What did you dream about?”
        Her employee blushed. “What?”
        “What did you dream about?”
        Dylan remembered exactly what he’d dreamt about. Once his mind had processed Loren’s message, he began to see her towering over him, repeating her demands. They related to his deepest, most secret fantasies.
        Loren tousled Dylan’s hair. “You were dreaming about me. And I was telling you to wear something special. Isn’t that right?”
        Normally Dylan would’ve immediately un-tousled his hair, but instead he grabbed onto the counter and froze. He began to shiver.
        “Gwen told me about your little visit to Latex Heart. I know what you want. That’s why you’re here, working in my store. And I’m giving you a new path.”
        Dylan didn’t know what to think, how to feel. Scared, or relieved?
        Loren gave her employee two pats on the back. “Meet me at my apartment later. Let me write down my address.”
        As Loren began to write down her address, Dylan heard the door to the backroom open. Gwen exited, visibly flushed and covered in sweat.
        Dylan spoke discreetly to Loren. “What was she doing back there?”
        Loren slid the stack of CDs over to Dylan. “Nothing you need to worry about. Anyways, these are yours.”
        Dylan began to look at the CDs; it was a bunch of goth, symphonic, and industrial metal albums. “I don’t really listen to this kind of stuff.”
        Loren gave Dylan another condescending pat on the back. “It’s training. I can’t have an employee who only listens to . . . whatever it is you listen to.”
Dylan parked in front of Loren’s apartment and turned off his car. He was shaking in his skin. While the thought of what was about to happen excited him immensely, he wasn’t sure how things would go down. If he would actually enjoy the things that he thought he did.
        And he was pretty sure he was going to embarrass himself.
        He pulled himself out of the car and began to walk up the stairs to Loren’s place. He reached her door, and paused. He hesitated to knock, and thought about leaving.
        Loren helpfully opened the door for him.
        “Hello Dylan. Come inside!”
        Dylan walked into the apartment, and noticed that another woman was seated on the couch. She smirked and waved her fingers at him.
        Loren spoke. “Dylan, this is Gwen. Do you remember her? From Latex Heart?”
        Dylan froze. “w-what’s going on here?”
        Loren ignored the question and began to walk into her bedroom. Gwen followed her.
        “We have a surprise for you.”
        Dylan gulped. He followed the two women into the room and noticed a black harness was resting on Loren's bed.
        Dylan heard Gwen close the door behind him as Loren began to lift the harness. "What is that?"
        "A straitjacket. It's for lost girls like yourself, who need a little pushing and guidance."
        Dylan felt Gwen rest her hands on his hips from behind. She then began to pull off his shirt.
        In the time Dylan's vision had been obscured by the shirt Loren had closed the gap between them. She looked down into her quarry's eyes, smirking.
        She put a hand on his cock, which was growing erect. She stroked it through his sweatpants.
        "Don't struggle with me. By the end of the day, you'll get to be just like Gwen. Another one of my special toys. You want that."
        Dylan watched as Gwen circled back to Loren's side. "Gwen is . . . ?"
        "Trans? Yes. You'll also get to be a girl. But you first need to take your pants and underwear off, if you're wearing any."
        Dylan removed his pants and Gwen took them, throwing them onto his shirt. He held his breath as Loren began to slide the straitjacket onto him. The part that went between his legs had a hole for his genitals.
        After Gwen helped get everything fastened around the back, Loren pushed Dylan back onto her bed. She reached down and touched the head of Dylan’s cock. She chuckled and raised her finger to Gwen. “Look at how much she’s leaking.”
        Gwen sighed. “I wish I still made that much cum.” Dylan watched as Gwen walked around the edge of his vision. He could feel her fastening restraints to hoops on the shoulders of the straitjacket.
        Loren placed a small CD player on the bed and began to lower headphones onto Dylan’s head. “It’s time for your training to begin.”
        Ambient synth and guitar textures began to build up in Dylan’s ears, and he started to hear Loren’s voice again, softly but firmly cutting through the soundscape.
        He watched as Gwen handed Loren a back massager, and she began to lower it onto his frenulum. His entire body shook with pleasure as he became overstimulated.
        His eyelids began to grow heavy. The last thing he saw was Loren’s cruel grin.
“Make her name T’Pol!”
        “Shut up, Gwen. Ruby, can you hear me?”
        The captive’s eyes opened. Loren and Gwen were both sitting on the bed, looking down at her. She could feel a lot of dried cum around her inner thighs.
        “r . . . ruby?”
        Loren gently stroked the girl’s hair. She looked concerned. “Ruby. Don’t you remember your name?”
        The girl blushed; had she really forgotten her own name?
        “s-sorry! Yeah, I’m Ruby!”
        “And surely you remember my name?”
        “Of course! It’s . . . mm . . .”
        Loren grinned. “Good girl. And you know who this is, right? Your sister Gwen?”
        Ruby nodded. That mostly sounded right.
        Gwen began to remove the ropes connecting the straitjacket to the bed, and Loren motioned for Ruby to follow her.
        “Come on, let’s get you dressed up; you can’t wear that at Mommy’s CD store.”
        As Gwen helpfully removed the straitjacket, Loren procured a syringe. “But before we get you dressed, we need to give you your shot.”
        Ruby felt nervous. “Is this safe?”
        “Of course. It’s just a little estrogen; nothing to be concerned about. It’s going to go right into your tummy. It’ll only hurt a little.”
        After Loren used an alcohol wipe to clean a small space on Ruby's stomach, she gave her the injection. Loren then placed a kiss on Ruby's forehead.
        "There you go. You didn't struggle at all; Mommy's so proud."
The next hour was a whirlwind. Gwen and Loren began by dying Ruby's hair a shade of crimson. Loren allowed Gwen to accompany Ruby in the shower, but she told Gwen that she was only allowed to indulge in some light teasing.
        When they came out of the shower Loren thought about dressing up her new plaything, but she elected not to. Gwen began to dry Ruby’s hair, and Ruby stared at Loren like a lost puppy. Loren smirked, eager to break in her new toy.
        “Let’s watch TV.”
        “But I’m naked!”
        “It’s ok”, said Loren, as she walked out of the bathroom and led her daughters into her living room.
        Loren turned on her PS2 and placed a DVD into its tray; it was a film about a Vampire anti-heroine. Loren then seated herself on the far left side of the couch. “Ruby, sit between your sister and I.”
        Ruby sat down as Loren started the movie. She felt Gwen put a hand on her right thigh.
        “Be gentle with your sister,” Loren began, “she’s so delicate. She’s probably never seen a scary movie before, isn’t that right?”
        Before Ruby could reply she felt her Mommy’s index and middle fingers starting to enter her mouth as she inched closer to her. Ruby could only let out a soft moan.
        Gwen giggled. “Look at how hard she is already.”
        Ruby had been at half-mast for a long time, but she was already painfully erect. Loren guided Ruby’s head to the side and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
        “You’re a special little girl, aren’t you? Special, hard, and needy.”
        Ruby let out a cute whimper. She had a vague awareness of what had been happening; her driving to the apartment, the hypnosis. But she now was her Mommy’s special girl; it felt so right, and whimpering felt so natural. She’d never been into subspace before and she was already intoxicated.
        Ruby reached for her cock, but Loren slapped her arm away.
        “Bad girl. Only bad girls touch themselves. You don’t want to make Mommy upset, do you?”
        Ruby shook her head and whimpered some more. She felt her Mommy start to gently move a finger up and down the underside of her cock.
        “Only your Mommy and sister can touch you. And then it will be time for the cage.”
        The cage? Ruby hadn’t heard about a cage, but if that’s what her Mommy wanted . . .
        Gwen spoke up. “Can I stroke her?”
        Gwen wrapped her hand around her sister’s girlcock and began to slowly pump it, carefully teasing her frenulum as she did. Ruby was leaking so much precum she didn’t even need any lubricant.
        “She’s so adorable.”
        Ruby realized she hadn’t even been paying attention to the movie, but she got the feeling that her Mommy wasn’t expecting her to. Loren removed her fingers from Ruby’s mouth and leant forward.
        Ruby was such a virginal loser that she’d never been kissed before, and she didn’t know how to respond. But it wasn’t long before she had a vague idea of how to reciprocate. Loren gently stroked her plaything’s hair as she kissed her.
        It wasn’t long before Ruby ejaculated. Gwen laughed.
        Loren placed a gentle kiss on Ruby’s forehead. “Good girl. Let’s give you a break.”
The movie ended and Loren placed an arm around Ruby’s shoulder. “Gwen, I’m going to spend some alone time with your sister. I’ll see you at the CD store tomorrow, ok?”
        “Yes Mommy. Goodbye Ruby!”
        Loren watched as Gwen left. Gwen was a good sport who didn’t get jealous; an important quality. Loren returned her attention to her little girl.
        “Are you excited for alone time with Mommy?”
        “um, i think so.”
        “Follow me.”
        Ruby watched as her Mommy returned to her bedroom. Ruby, with some hesitation, got off the couch and followed, not sure what to expect. 
        All the lights were off except for a bedside lamp. Loren was removing her clothes on her bed, tossing them onto a chair in the corner of her room. She grinned at her special girl.
        “Mommy wants to play with you.”
        Ruby climbed onto the bed and crawled towards Loren. Her Mother moved onto her back.
        “Put yourself inside of me. Mommy wants to cuddle.”
        Ruby grabbed her cock and manuevered herself into Loren.
        “Wrong hole.”
        Ruby pulled out and tried again.
        “There you go. Come closer.”
        Ruby moved up and began to kiss Loren. Loren gently stroked her plaything’s hair and felt her gentle thrusts.
        “Good girl. Your Mommy loves you.”
        Ruby whimpered. She wasn’t that much shorter than Loren, but she felt so tiny, so small. So delicate and cute. Loren kissed her forehead.
        “You’re so adorable. Do you like Mommy’s pussy?”
        “y-yes Mommy!”
        “Such a good girl.”
        Ruby felt Loren reach down to squeeze her ass; it felt surprisingly good.
        “Cum for me princess.”
        Ruby began to feel that magical feeling, of her body nearing orgasm. She tried to hold it in and savor it.
        “Mommy wants you to cum.”
        Ruby came; she couldn’t help it; she couldn’t deny her Mommy what she wanted. Loren gently kissed her and turned off her lamp.
        “Goodnight princess. Next time I’m going to ask so much more of you, but today was your special day.”
        Ruby fell asleep next to her Mommy, a feeling of contentment within her she’d never felt before.
        Over the next few weeks Loren would change Ruby’s programming so that she could become more self-succicient, more capable of living a normal life. Of course Ruby would always be responsive to her Mother’s demands, and would never return to her former identity.
        Ruby would probably want it that way, without any outside influence. Loren had assumed the same of Gwen, and she seemed happy enough.
The next day a woman in her 40s parked her car in front of the CD store. Her wavy brunette hair framed her large round sunglasses, which obscured much of the top half of her face. But her full lips formed a sly and mischievous smile that gave some insight into her headspace.
        After entering the store she took a few cursory glances around the store to make sure it was empty. She then approached Loren at the counter.
        “I hear you have a special kind of merchandise in the back of the store.”
        Loren studied the customer and felt a pang of jealousy. This particular woman had never visited the store before, but she certainly wasn’t new to this kind of thing.
        “You heard right. Payment is $200 for an hour.”
        The woman crossed her arms. “$200? I thought it was $100.”
        “I found another employee.”
        The customer chuckled. “Oh. Ok. Cash only?”
        Loren nodded, and the woman opened her purse. She was surprised she had an entire extra $100 than she was expecting, but she wasn’t going to complain.
        The woman handed over the money and began to walk towards the backroom, but Loren spoke up.
        “By the way, when you’re done . . . would you like to have some coffee?”
This is the first story I've written in around a year and a half; I'm admittedly a little rusty. A confluence of events caused this; I was going through a down period in my life, and also I got long covid. The long covid wasn't as debilitating as it could've been, but I somehow lost the ability to specifically write fiction.
I recently-ish got a covid vaccine shot, and I found myself starting to return to normal. I was worried it was a placebo for a moment, but I did some reading and it turns out that covid vaccine shots can have therapeutic effects on long covid.
I don't think I've returned to 100% yet, but I'm finally capable of writing fiction again. I already have two ideas for stories, and I might get around to writing those soon.
I'd like to give a big thanks for Modren, who commissioned this story!
Lore Bonus: Loren Lunarian was in the same band as Valda from my other story, Heaven Isn't Real [which unfortunately will probably always be incomplete].

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