Glenda's Fall into B.D.M.

Chapter 5

by Phan_Tassey

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #fantasy #paralysis_effects #sub:female #interracial #mystical #paralysis

I'm a disabled writer, so, yes, I need money. Please consider subscribing to my SubscribeStar or buying me a coffee. All of these works are pure fiction. Ask me for my Session ID.

Author's Note

This separation has been difficult, and I've been having little time to write. This chapter is a bit short and mostly story. I do appreciate your patience.

Chapter 5

It took a moment for Glenda to realize that she had a permanent grin on her face and it widened as Sun Hee stood and encompassed her vision. She looked up at her to say, “I wish I knew a word stronger than incredible. Thank you. I feel like I owe you both now.”

Sun Hee chuckled. “Well, this is all part of the community effort. You’ll pay your dues in time. There is still much to do to get you caught up to speed. You can stop fondling her now, Kaimana.”

Kaimana smiled and moaned as she continued to fondle Glenda’s large breasts. “Mmm, I can’t help it. I don’t like the word, funbags, but these are just so much… fun.”

Glenda giggled, both at her statement, and the fact that she didn’t seem to mind that she was still playing with her breasts. It felt comfortable, and for some reason, they didn’t feel erogenous. “It’s okay. I would’ve freaked out three days ago, but now it just feels natural.”

“Hmm,” Sun Hee began as she looked Glenda up and down, “it sounds like Dom and Deion really opened you up. When we do your regression, we will find out more.”

“You mean like, hypnosis?” Glenda’s nerves tingled again. She believes in hypnosis and has always been afraid of it. Afraid of what the hypnotist might do, or might make her do. Afraid of what answers might be hiding.

“I felt that, Glenda.” Kaimana said before removing her hands from her breasts to rest them on her shoulders. “There’s no reason to be nervous. Sun Hee is the one who will perform your hypnotism. She only takes advantage of you a little bit.”

Sun Hee clicked her tongue at Kaimana. “I do not.” she said, sounding insulted, but in a playful manner. “I would never make you do anything to embarrass you.”

“Oh, like you didn’t have me lapping at your cunt like a little dog? You even made me bark.” Kaimana accused.

Glenda giggled as she saw Sun Hee’s face take on a look of recollection and embarrassment that then turned into guilt. Her cheeks went flush as she said, “I can’t believe I forgot about that. You see,” she then looked down at Glenda as she continued, “Kaimana was Dom and Deion’s first and I was their second. I was showing off my talents and got a bit carried away. What Kaimana failed to mention, however, is that I had asked her to choose her favorite past life, and she suddenly started barking at us. If I remember correctly, it was Dom and Deion that told me to keep going.”

“Oh, sure, blame the twins.” Kaimana laughed.

“Well, they can be blamed for everything, can’t they?” Sun Hee asked with a giggle.

Glenda felt a bit out of place, but managed to giggle with them. She knew that she was part of this family now, however, she still felt like an outsider. She could tell that there was something still holding her back, though, at that moment she was caught up in trying to understand their rhetoric, and she wasn’t able to see the obvious:  she still had to finish off her husband.

“I suppose that is true.” Kaimana said through a sigh. “I should let you two get back to your orientation.” she said as she massaged Glenda’s shoulders lightly. She then leaned down to speak softly into her ear. “If you’ll have me, I definitely want to do this again.”

Glenda felt her body hum at the offer. It still felt strange to her that she would be interested, but not only could she not wait, she was anxious to see what else Kaimana can do with her powers. She also felt flattered that Dom and Deion’s first recruit wanted more of her. She turned her head to look up at her and said, “I would feel honored, Kaimana.”

“Mmm,” she moaned and then kissed her once on the lips, “when you’re done with your orientation, we should have dinner and dessert together.”

Glenda could tell she meant something other than actually having dessert. She smirked as she said, “I’d love that.”

Kaimana kissed her again. “My god, you make me feel insatiable, Glenda.” She then kissed her again with a bit of force before taking her leave to finish her shower.

Glenda giggled and blushed slightly. She followed Kaimana with her slightly stupefied gaze until Sun Hee cupped her chin and forced her to look at her. “I know that was fun and new, but it’s time to focus, Glenda. Are you ready?”

Glenda felt a bit of nerves, but this time she pushed them aside and smiled with a confidence that she has rarely experienced. “I am, but what about my hair?”

“Oh, well, hair gets done in the morning. It’s best to only wash your hair once a day. And don’t worry, it shouldn’t frizz as we use filtered water. Let’s get dried off and then it’s off to your physical.”

After drying off, Glenda smiled and waved to Kaimana as they went through the other door. Kaimana bit her lip and blew her a kiss which made Glenda blush and look away to where she went.

The door led to a hallway that had a bit of an office vibe with several doors on either side. Glenda felt a bit self-conscious as there was a woman in a business suit standing against the left wall a few doors down the hallway. She was texting on her phone, and since Sun Hee was also naked, she didn’t let it bother her.

Sun Hee ushered her into the door across the hallway from the woman on her phone and Glenda noted that she didn’t look up as they passed by. They were then inside a doctor’s office, and the doctor was a very, very short and a bit stout Indian woman. She had thick glasses and a round face and she smiled big as they entered, showing her slightly crooked teeth.

“Hello, you must be Glenda? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” the doctor said, putting her hand out for a shake. She spoke with a fairly thick accent.

Glenda was slightly hesitant meeting her hand with hers. She couldn’t fathom that this tiny, albeit thick-framed, woman was capable of taking big cocks. As she shook her hand, she glanced at Sun Hee briefly, and the look on her face must have told Sun Hee enough.

“This is Dr. Priya Aswani, and she is not a woman like us, Glenda. Between choosing to have excellent medical staff and getting whatever we would get from recruits, we choose to have excellent medical staff. There are a few other positions here that are the same, at least until we find a woman like us with those talents and skills. Dr. Priya will do your physical while I go get dressed and then I’ll be back for you, okay Dear?”

Glenda let go of Priya’s hand and turned and nodded to Sun Hee who promptly left. She looked back down at Priya. She must be at least a foot shorter, she thought. She managed to have a smile as she asked, “So, where do we begin?”

“Right this way.” she answered, escorting her over to a scale.

They went through the rigamarole of a physical:  weight, height, blood pressure, temperature, etc. Then it was on to a slew of medical questions before the doctor brought up what Glenda was dreading a bit:  a gynecological exam. It was then that Sun Hee returned as Priya was getting Glenda’s legs into the stirrups. Sun Hee had a slight smile as she came to Glenda’s side, but Glenda’s smile in return wasn’t as convincing.

Sun Hee grabbed her hand before asking, “You’re not worried about a little old speculum, are you?”

Glenda smirked and raised an eyebrow, “I guess I shouldn’t be considering what I just had in there.”

“That’s the spirit.” Sun Hee said before walking around to watch Priya’s work.

Glenda was hoping that she would’ve remained, and so she took a deep breath and let it out very slowly just as the doctor was lining up the speculum. Glenda focused on the ceiling tiles as she inserted it, and then it would be the uncomfortable part as she opens it. She wasn’t paying attention to what Sun Hee was doing, and just as the doctor began to open the speculum, she felt a quick twisting, cold pressure on her anus as something hard and metallic was shoved inside.

She managed to keep herself mostly still, but her gasp was loud. “What was that?!”

Sun Hee stood back up to say, “It’s an anal plug. It’s a small one, but we need to work your ass up to getting fucked by Dom and Deion when you cuckold your husband tomorrow night.”

Glenda felt the speculum close just as she sat up a little to ask, “When I what? What is cuck-hold?”

Both Sun Hee and Priya giggled. Sun Hee explained, “Not with an H, and it’s one word; a weird word. It means that you’ll be cheating on your husband in front of him. There can be a lot of other layers to it, but all you’ll be doing is letting Dom and Deion fuck you in front of him. They’ll be calling the shots.”

Glenda felt a twinge in her groin and was reminded of her fantasy in the shower. “Oh,” she started, raising her eyebrows, “so they intend to fill every hole in front of him. I can’t wait to see his face.” She finished her statement with a rather devilish smile.

“Well, it sounds like you won’t mind that they plan to record it for us all to enjoy. There’s going to be a watch party, and you’ll get to meet everyone in the organization.”

“Ooh, I think I might like watching me get fucked by them. They are so sensual and make you feel like you’re making love rather than just fucking.”

“Mm hmm, they are good at what they do. Are we done here, Dr. Priya?”

“Yes, Ma’am. She is quite healthy for her age.”

“Well, that’s splendid. Let’s get you dressed and then it’s on to your interview.”

Sun Hee and the doctor helped her down. It wasn’t unpleasant, but there was now some pressure from the anal plug as she stood. It again felt a bit strange as she walked with Sun Hee.

As they came through the door at the other end of the hall, they entered a large room fitted as a hair salon in the front end and a dressing room in the back end. It wasn’t very busy with a tall blonde woman getting a manicure, a pedicure, and her hair styled at the same time by three women. The blonde woman had her eyes closed as they entered, and the three workers did not look up from their work. Glenda was the only one naked now, but she told herself not to get flustered about it. It helped a little.

Sun Hee stopped as they were now in front of the blonde woman. “Hmm, I don’t see Tobias. He must be in the office. Stay here while I go fetch him. He will be so delighted to finally meet you.” she said as she smiled and walked away.

Glenda nervously smiled back, and now her nerves began to get rattled. She rubbed her upper arm while keeping it straight as she looked around. It wasn’t cold, just a nervous tic. Just as she looked into the mirror across from the blonde woman, she saw that her eyes were now open.

The blonde woman gave a long gasp before saying, “Oh, you must be Glenda. Hello!” She had a very thick Southern drawl, but she spoke slowly and well.

Glenda turned around and nervously held her other arm straight at her side, not knowing how she should hold them in that moment. “Hi.” she nervously answered, raising her eyebrows. The woman had on a large blue apron, and so she couldn’t tell what she was wearing, but her long, golden blonde hair was wavy and looked as soft as a cloud. She had a very wide mouth with dark red lips and cornflower blue eyes that had very long eyelashes.

“Well, aren’t you just adorable. The twins did not describe you with justice. My name is Constance, but you can call me Connie; all my friends do. I bet we’ll be like two peas in a pod, you and I.”

Glenda blushed hard, but managed to keep her focus on her. “My, is everyone so friendly here?”

“Sure, well… most of us. There are a few, let’s just say, cantankerous ones.” she said with a high pitched giggle.

Glenda had never met a real Southern belle before. So far, it was refreshing. “So where are you from with that lovely accent?”

“Oh, well, I’m from Oklahoma. A small town called, Eva, up in The Stick.”

“Excuse me, the what?”

“You know, the little panhandle part. We call it, The Stick, where I grew up. Anyhoot, I hear Roger can’t wait to meet you.”

“Who’s Roger?”

Connie’s face became very surprised, and she put her hand up to her mouth with a silent gasp. “Well, I don’t want to spoil it for you. You’ll find out soon enough.”

Just then, Sun Hee had returned with Tobias. A tall and skinny man wearing a pale lavender suit. His small, rectangular framed glasses hung a bit low and this forces him to look down his nose at you, which only adds to his slightly snobbish exterior. However, when he speaks, he is immediately the best friend you never knew that you wanted.

“Oh my, you have the bodice of a goddess, my dear. Now, turn around for me. Let me take a gander at what others wish to pander.” He spun his finger around as he commanded her.

Glenda blushed and smiled as she slowly turned.

“I’m definitely thinking Roman Goddess, or perhaps Greek. What do you think, Sun Hee?”

“Mmm, you should make her look like Octavius’s mother in Rome, only way hotter.”

“Ugh, I love how you think. It’s perfect. Ladies!” he yelled, clapping his hands rapidly. “I want the full works! Chop, chop!”

Thank you for reading. If you enjoy my work, please subscribe or buy me a coffee. Ask me for my Session ID.


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