Glenda's Fall into B.D.M.

Chapter 2

by Phan_Tassey

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #fantasy #paralysis_effects #sub:female #interracial #mystical #paralysis

I'm a disabled writer, so, yes, I need money. Please consider subscribing to my SubscribeStar. All of these works are pure fiction.

        In her dream, she was walking into the massage parlor and went straight to room four. She didn't realize that she was naked until she laid onto her stomach on the table. She wasn't bothered by it, nor was she bothered with not having a towel covering her. Dominic then came into view and kneeled and began to perform the throat singing ritual. Everything felt the same except that this time his cock began to grow and move like a snake being charmed. It seemed to look at her like a giant eye before it slowly moved closer and closer to her slack-jawed mouth. It pulsed with every tap on her head, and she couldn't believe that she wasn't scared. She then felt a warm sensation growing around her groin, and then as the snake cock touched her lips, she shot awake with a slight gasp.

She let out a long sigh before looking over to her husband who remained asleep. When she pulled off the covers, she then realized that she had had a large orgasm. Her and the bed were soaked. She sat up and stared at the wet spot she could see even in the dark. She had never had an orgasm that strong. Not even when she occasionally would use her vibrator. She didn't know what to do except to hope that he wouldn't notice when he wakes up. He works on the weekend, and so she was hopeful that he wouldn't. It was already 4:30, and so she decided to just stay awake and make an extra special breakfast. She did feel a bit guilty.

Jim was excited about breakfast and gave her a long kiss and a grope on her ass. She had to fake a giggle, and couldn't understand how it didn't freak her out that she didn't feel the same chemistry when he kissed her. She sort of felt dazed again, and the next thing she knew, she was walking into the massage parlor. Brenda was there again and gave her a confused look as she normally never comes there on Sundays.

"Hey, girl, I've never seen you here on a Sunday."

Glenda didn't seem to process her confusion. "Is Dominic in?"

"Ooh, he must've done a good job yesterday, huh?"

Again, she didn't seem to process what she said. "Is he in?"

"Um, yeah, but he's with someone right now. He should be available in about thirty minutes."

"Okay, I'll just use the sauna or something."

"Sure thing. I'll come find you when he's ready." she said with a smile.

Glenda barely smiled at her as she walked away. She had to stop herself from walking into room four and continued on to the showers. She suddenly felt the need to make sure that she was clean. She liked that no one was in the locker room. As she sat on a bench, her phone dinged. It was Stephanie from the nail salon asking if she was still coming in. She sighed a little as she realized why Brenda was confused. The weird thing is, she doesn't remember deciding to come here instead of her usual visit to the nail salon. For some reason, it didn't bother her and she just set down her phone and undressed.

She relaxed in the shower, not really needing to clean. She had showered earlier that morning. She soon began to daydream, still taking her shower. She turned around to allow the water to hit her back, and through the frosted glass door, she could see a large, dark figure standing just on the other side. She wasn't scared, in fact, she didn't really feel any emotions about the situation. She just stood there as the door opened and Dom was standing there naked with his large cock fully erect with its head pointing right at Glenda's face. Still, she didn't experience any emotions and didn't move as he stepped closer to where his cockhead was barely an inch away from her lips. She looked him in the eyes before opening her mouth wide and allowing him to put his cock into her mouth. Once it hit the back of her throat, she suddenly awoke with a stir and nearly lost her footing.

Glenda was shocked at herself. Shocked at her behavior in that daydream, but also the fact that she could sense that her pussy was aroused. Thinking about why, caused it to flare again. She should've ran out of there. She wanted to tell herself to leave. She had no intention of cheating on her husband. She told herself that she should get dressed.

As she stood in front of the locker, she removed her towel, but then Dom's throat singing radiated through her mind. She just stood there, and she honestly couldn't tell for how long when she was interrupted by Brenda who had a bit of a stunned look on her face. It's not like Glenda to show her nudity, even in this environment.

Brenda went to speak, but at first, only a slight guttural sound came out. "Uh, Dom is ready for you."

"Okay." was all Glenda could say as she mindlessly wrapped herself in the towel while stepping into her slippers and then proceeded to room four. She somehow knew that that was the room.

"Are you okay, Glenda?"

"I'm fine." she said as she lightly brushed past Brenda.

"Um, okay. He's in room four."


When she got into the room and closed the door, she mindlessly discarded the towel and slippers. Dom was washing his hands and turned and watched her in awe as she laid on the table and got into position with barely a glance at him. She thought she heard him chuckle under his breath, or maybe he just cleared his throat. It didn't seem to matter to her at that moment because as soon as she got into position, her mind went blank.

Dom knelt at the head of the table and crouched to look her in the face. Glenda only stared at his bulge. "Good morning, Glenda. What may I do for you today? Would you like me to do the same thing as yesterday?"

"Yes." Her tone was androgynous and lacked emotion.

"Very good." Dom then began his throat singing ritual.

Again, Glenda felt paralyzed by the pinching of her neck, only this time, like in the dream, his cock began to grow and snake its way out of the bottom of his shorts. She watched with a slacked jaw as it moved to the rhythm of his singing and would lurch closer every time he tapped on her head. The sensations flowing through her body were almost overwhelming. Unlike in the dream, his cock went into her mouth and rhythmically pushed its way further and further, and when it passed the back of her throat, her eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered. Once there it stopped and she could feel it pulsate every time he tapped, and when it did, it ejaculated long spurts of cum down her esophagus. Her pussy gushed and her body convulsed in rhythm with it.

When she managed to formulate a thought and question whether or not it was really happening, he stopped the ritual, and everything went back to normal, except that she now had drool hanging low from her bottom lip. She was so taken aback by the hallucination that she didn't care about it. Her body hummed even greater this time, and when he touched her to spread the oil, she had a full body orgasm that forced out a long moan from her.

Dom began to massage her, only this time he was all over, sometimes going from neck to toes and back. Every release of pressure sent her whole body into another orgasm. She barely had the consciousness to bite her lip to keep herself from screaming out. She was in complete awe at the euphoria of the sensations. Never before has her body felt like this. She wanted it to last forever. She wanted to know if it could get better.

When Dom finished a routine, he then spread her legs. She heard him moan. She knew it was because of the state of her pussy. Somehow, she didn't care. Something in the back of her mind even told her, 'no', but she couldn't understand why. The only thing she could understand at that moment was to experience more of the incredible sensations.

Glenda didn't even gasp as she felt him get up onto the table between her legs. She heard something call out from her conscience, but it sounded like gibberish to her. She moaned heavily as his hands went to her inner thighs and rubbed firmly along their length. She then moaned every time his hands went up to her groin and up against the flesh along the inner crease of her legs. He then began to massage that flesh and inward along her labia. The first time he touched her labia, her hips involuntarily rose as a strong orgasm struck her and her pussy gushed a little.

"That's it, let it all out." Dom said encouragingly.

He then focused only on her labia with his large thumbs, never once touching the inside flesh, nor was he massaging near her clitoris. The sensations were driving her wild, making her hips move to his rhythm. She could feel the humming throughout her body intensify, especially where he massaged. She felt something building inside of her. The drool coming out of her mouth was flowing in a long string all the way to the floor, but her eyes were glazed over; her inhibitions muted. Dom suddenly pressed her labia inward together, and the sensations came to a crescendo, and her pussy gushed harder than it ever had before. Glenda couldn't help but to let out a rather high pitched squeal and her fists clenched hard along with her toes curling. Her body slammed back onto the table when it finished, but still convulsed for several moments.

Glenda felt a bit dizzy, but could feel Dom get down and carefully wipe down the table and her pussy which made her jump a little before closing her legs back up. He came up to the head of the table to crouch and look at her. "I know that was unexpected, but it's an honest part of my technique. I'd really like to invite you over to my place to do a full body massage. Would you like that?"

By now the euphoria had faded, and her body laid at peace. She was still contemplating in her head whether or not she felt as though she had been molested. It was still hard for her to fully process her thoughts, but she did know one thing: her body felt amazing. There was no tension or tingling anywhere. Without looking away from his bulge that looked to be threatening to grow beyond the seam of his shorts, she fervently nodded in agreement.

"I promise that you won't regret it. I'll have everything set up for tomorrow evening. How does seven o'clock sound?" he asked as he took a towel and wiped away the drool around her lips.

For the first time in a while, she looked him in the eyes. They seemed so genuine, like her suspicions that he was trying to get her to cheat on her husband weren't true. That it truly was some sort of unorthodox technique that wields amazing results. "I'd like that."

"Very good. Now, you take all the time you need here. I'll take my next client in another room."

She wanted to say, 'thank you', but when her eyes had drifted back to his bulge, she saw it flex strongly and it caused her pussy to flare a little. She did everything she could to prevent him from seeing that.

"You have a good day now, Glenda." He then promptly left.

After some time to collect her composure, she finally got up off of the table. To her surprise, she felt lighter on her feet and that she seemed to have more energy than when she had arrived. It was damning evidence against her conscience that kept reminding her that she had just been molested. She further justified it by telling herself that he did it only for her benefit, and that since there was no penetration, that it wasn't cheating. Her conscience nagged her about that too on the way home.

When she got home, she felt very motivated and still felt invigorated. She whipped through her daily chores and went on to do more detailed cleaning around the house. She put in her earbuds and jammed out to her favorite pop songs, and before she knew it, her husband was home. He caught up to her as she was using a toothbrush to clean the edges of the kitchen tiles along the base of the counters. He tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, but he was the one startled by how quickly she sprang to her feet. This gave her enough time to think about the fact that she couldn't tell him about any of what had happened, and that, even though she felt an uneasy distance growing between them, she had to play her part. "Hi, honey," she said with her usual bubbliness.

"So, what are you up to?" he asked with a concerned look and an insinuating tone.

Glenda stammered a bit, and then realized that she hadn't made dinner. "I'm sorry, I forgot dinner. I guess I got carried away with cleaning. I'm sure I could whip something up. Give me fifteen minutes."

"Yeah, but you were supposed to make my favorite since I have that conference in Boston tomorrow, remember?"

She gave a long gasp, even though she strangely didn't feel sorry about it. "I'm so sorry, honey. I don't know how I forgot about that. How about we go to Fu Lao's and get that General's chicken you love so much, or better yet, let's just order in. How does that sound?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

His face slowly brightened a bit. "That does sound good."

"Go sit down. I'll grab you a beer. Aren't the Cubs playing right now?"

"Oh, right," he said with a surprised look. "Thank you, honey." He quickly kissed her and raced off to the living room.

Glenda let out a relieving sigh, but it was also filled with consternation at the fact that she didn't feel anything from his kiss. It was just a peck on the lips, but even that would normally send little shocks through her. She didn't let it eat at her as she wanted to focus on making it up to him. She told her phone to call the restaurant while she grabbed him a beer. She wasn't even phased by the lack of adoration she would normally feel while watching him react to the game in his animated ways. She had always found that to be cute.

She decided that they would just eat in the living room to keep watching the game. It ended up going into extra innings, and Glenda decided to go to bed early. She knew that Jim would end up falling asleep in his recliner as he always does with the late games.

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