Glenda's Fall into B.D.M.

Chapter 1

by Phan_Tassey

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #fantasy #paralysis_effects #sub:female #interracial #mystical #paralysis

I'm a disabled writer, so, yes, I need money. Please consider subscribing to my SubscribeStar. All of these works are pure fiction.

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Dominic and Deion:

Chapter One

Glenda is a typical 28-year-old housewife. Her and her husband have yet to have kids, but not without plenty of trying. They've been married for ten years, and she has never had another lover. She is devoted to him, but their sex life has always been a bit mediocre. Her husband, Jim, has just a six inch penis. He makes her cum with foreplay, but rarely ever through penetration. Glenda is not a large woman, nor is she that tall, but her husband likes to call her thick and juicy. Her mouth, boobs, ass, and pussy are all almost disproportionately large.

Despite that, she's never once thought of cheating on Jim. As far as she can tell, he's been as faithful as her, and they both want to have kids. He works as a weatherman for the local ABC channel and she keeps the house in order, which gives her plenty of time to do things like going to her favorite massage parlor.

She's prone to getting knots, and she goes at least once a week. She would make sure to only go on days that she knew that Sven would be working. He's a Viking of a man and he's familiar with her trouble spots.

It was a bright Saturday morning in Rockford, Illinois. Her and Jim were just finishing up their morning routine and she told him that she would be going to the parlor and asked him for a ride. He kissed her and agreed. He kissed her again and told her that he loved her when he dropped her off. She said it back and blew him a kiss as he drove away. She turned to face the parlor and took a deep breath with a smile. Other than the knot in her shoulder giving her some tightness, the day was starting off well, and she knew that a good massage would only make it better.

She smiled wide as she was greeted by Brenda, the front desk clerk, with a smile and a wave. "Hey, Brenda. How's things?"

"Oh, same old, same old, except that Sven isn't here."

"Oh? Is he sick?"

"No, his grandmother died, and he flew back to Sweden for like two weeks."

"Oh, no, that's terrible. I remember him telling me that she was having health problems, but he didn't make it seem like it was that serious."

"Yeah, he said that it was sudden and unexpected."

"Ugh, that's the worst."

"I know, right. So, it looks like I can hook you up with Dominic."

Glenda cocked her head in slight disapproval. "I don't know."

"Trust me, honey, he'll fix you up good. He's new, but he's very experienced."

Glenda sighed a little, but then smiled. "Sure, okay. I trust you."

"You will thank me later. Looks like room four is open."

"Thanks, chica."

Brenda gave her a big smile as Glenda made her way to room four. She felt nervous, but assured herself that there was nothing to worry about. She slipped into the room and shut the door. Her nerves relaxed a bit. She set her purse down and grabbed a towel and put it on the table. She then undressed and wrapped herself in the towel before laying on the table and undoing the towel to let it drape over her. She had to shift her large boobs to get comfortable and then placed her face in the hole and laid her arms at her sides over the towel.

Glenda let out a relaxing sigh. She actually enjoys this quiet time before the masseuse arrives. It was several minutes before the door opened. She gasped silently, and her anxiety spiked. She did her best not to show her nervousness.

"Good morning, Glenda, my name is Dominic, but you can call me Dom if you like."

He surprised her by crouching near the head of the table so that he could look her in the face. "Good morning," she forced herself to say in response. She was going to say more until she saw the long and thick bulge going along his right leg through his khaki shorts. His muscles were so large and thick that there was no mistaking the cylindrical shape of the bulge. She could even see a well-defined rim near the end that would be the base of the head. She managed to hide her shock, but her eyes became fixated upon it. 'Surely, that can't be... ' she thought to herself. She had to hide more shock as her pussy began to tingle and moisten.

"What would you like me to work on today?" he asked with a friendly smile.

His deep, soulful voice snapped her out of her trance, and she managed a slight smile before responding, "Um, I could use some extra work on my right shoulder. It feels tight today. I usually just let Sven do his thing." She was now mesmerized by his soft blue eyes. He was bald and his extreme masculine features only made her pussy tingle more. She silently chided herself even though she had no control over it.

"Well, don't you worry. I'm familiar with Sven's techniques. I use some of them, too." He gave her a smile as he stood and prepared to massage her.

Glenda couldn't help but to look at his bulge while he stood. It almost went out of view which meant that he must be quite tall. Her anxiety spiked a little, knowing that he would be touching her soon. She was worried that her pussy would continue to betray her. She also couldn't stop her mind from wondering just how big it could be. She gasped when he spoke up.

"I'm going to take the towel down. Please move your arms."

She complied right away, but her whole body tingled with nerves, knowing that his touch was imminent. Her body slightly shuddered as he pulled the towel down to just below the top of her ass. She felt him fold the edge of the towel in toward her and then firmly creased it. She shuddered at the slight touch, and to her dismay, her pussy tingled and flared. For a brief moment, her mind felt paralyzed, as though she couldn't form a thought. This made her anxiety spike a bit higher, and she flinched when he grabbed one of her arms to coax her to put it back to her side.

"Hey," Dom said softly as he put a hand on her upper back, "it's best to relax. There's nothing to be nervous about."

Glenda wanted to respond, but the sensation of his hand caused her pussy to tingle again. She couldn't understand it. She's had men she's been attracted to touch her on her back with no reaction, even while in a bikini.

"Are you okay, miss?" he asked as he went to crouch by her head again.

Glenda's jaw slacked as the massive bulge came back into view. She closed her mouth and swallowed hard and forced herself to look him in the eyes. She tried to feel confident when she told him that she was, but it didn't convince her herself.

Dom lightly scoffed. "Look, I have something that will help you relax." He then moved over and got onto his knees directly at the head of the table. He took his right hand and pinched a pressure point on her neck which caused Glenda to feel paralyzed. Dom then began to perform throat singing. His very deep voice made it sound like a didgeridoo to her. He then began to rhythmically tap her head with a finger on his left hand. They were light but noticeable, and every time, it felt like a slight shock went through her entire nervous system. Every time, her pussy pulsed heavily and would moisten further. Every time, everything in her vision would seem to breathe, and he had pinched her nerve as she was fixated on his bulge. The vibrations of his voice were incredibly soothing, and every time he tapped, it looked like his bulge was getting bigger. Every time she could feel her pussy engorge further.

Over the next minute, the sensations flowing through her from his tapping became more and more sensual, until she finally had a small orgasm. Since she was paralyzed, she couldn't make a noise, and she could feel some drool threatening to drip down from her slacked bottom lip. As though he knew what had happened, he stopped and removed his hand from her neck. She immediately sucked her spit back in as Dom crouched to look at her. "How do you feel now?"

She was in shock, but she didn't allow herself to show it. "Definitely more relaxed." she said, raising her eyebrows.

"Good, then I'll begin."

Glenda kind of wanted to say, 'no', but she felt so relaxed that it was almost like the paralyzation, though this time, it was her inhibitions that were paralyzed.

After lathering her back in oil, he began to use his massive hands and forearms with firm strokes along muscle channels. Where normally she would feel pain and tingling where knots were being worked, she was only feeling tingling that would always creep down to her already aroused pussy. It was all she could do to keep herself quiet. Then, as he was massaging the side of her back closest to him, her arm would involuntarily move outward a bit, and each time, it would bump into his bulge. Was he doing this on purpose, she asked herself. Knowing that she was touching his massive cock made the sensations increase ten fold.

He then moved around to the other side and eventually worked his way to that side of her back from her spine, and now her right arm was doing the same. On his last push, he held it at the end and she swore that she felt his cock flex. Her pussy flared heavily, and another small orgasm struck her. She had to bite her lip to keep from letting out a moan. She couldn't believe that she was having orgasms from a massage. It would normally take several minutes of direct clitoral stimulation. She also couldn't understand why she didn't feel any panic.

"I must say, you have the most amazing skin." he said as he left her side and went to the head of the table to begin working on her neck and shoulders, paying a bit more attention to her right shoulder like she had mentioned. At one point, he used his elbow to really work that knot and this made her pussy gush a little, and she couldn't help letting out a moan as her body shuddered a little. She wanted to run away in embarrassment, but she couldn't move. Dom then rested his hands on her upper back.

"Now, Glenda, I know this is unorthodox, but your knots go further down through your buttocks and into your legs. I'm going to remove the towel and work on your legs up to your butt."

It was almost like he knew she couldn't respond. Still, she felt relaxed, even more so from having had three orgasms. She somehow wasn't worried that he might see her engorged and wet pussy. The thought of him possibly seeing her orgasm didn't cross her mind.

Dom lathered her up and began his work. It almost tickled when he would massage her thighs. The closer he would get to her ass, the more her pussy would flare. She was now letting out involuntary little moans. It was starting to feel incredible, and then he began to massage her ass. His first motion was to push her two large bubbly cheeks together. This caused her to let out a much louder moan, which followed with each push and rub he did on her ass. She could tell that her pussy was leaking every time as well. It felt so amazing. What did he do to me with that ritual, she asked herself, but somehow she wasn't motivated to know the answer in that moment.

He then began to work back up her back and to her shoulder and the feelings lessened until he put a lot of force onto her knot for a long period, and she suddenly felt it release. The sensation from which caused her to gush a little harder and moan out loud a bit louder. She felt so much better and her body felt like it was humming or slightly vibrating.

"I'm going to wipe you down now. How do you feel?"

Glenda had to swallow before she responded. "Much better." she managed to say. She felt like she wouldn't have been able to say more if she had wanted to.

"That's good to hear." he said as he wiped her down with dry hand towels. It was almost enough for to have another orgasm, but he stopped before it could crescendo. She almost felt disappointed as he draped the large towel back over her.

She felt so relaxed, but wanted to lift her head out of the hole. When she did, she felt very light-headed, and for some reason, it felt like she needed to roll over to get right. Luckily, Dom was on that side, and his massive build allowed him to catch her as her thick five foot seven inch build weighed about 160 pounds. Her vision blurred for a moment, but when it came back into focus, she saw his concerned face, and she could feel that her right arm dangling down was right along his large bulge.

"Woah, are you okay?"

This brought her out of her stupor and she quickly covered her breasts with her other arm with a slight gasp.

"I'm sorry, miss," he said while looking away, "Are you okay to stand?"

"I... I think so."

He let her down gently and kept looking away as he helped her with the towel. "Again, I'm sorry. I hope you have a good day." He then promptly left.

Glenda felt a bit dazed, but was no longer light-headed. She couldn't really complete her thoughts, but she knew that she felt brand new. She gasped when she looked down to see the small puddle on the table where her crotch had been. She quickly used the towel to clean herself and the table before getting dressed and leaving. She was glad that Brenda was with a customer and didn't see her leave.

She didn't really think about it as she took the bus to the grocery store before heading back home. She did note a slight feeling of being on auto-pilot while she did the daily chores. She still couldn't seem to fully complete her thoughts. She was trying to remember when they had invited their neighbors over for dinner, but she couldn't. This was not like her. It was almost always her that would plan these things. She shook her head and then checked the calendar to make sure that it wasn't that night. Luckily, it wasn't for a few days.

She then went to the kitchen and started dinner. She had planned to make cabbage soup. The next thing she knew, she was standing at the stove stirring the soup in the big pot. Glenda honestly couldn't remember having gone through all the other steps, or what she had thought about during that time, but it smelled like cabbage soup. She tasted it and it was just right. As she went back to stirring, Dom's throat singing suddenly filled her mind. She watched the soup swirl as she began to feel her body humming again.

Because of this, she didn't hear her husband come home and he startled her as he hugged her from behind and tried to kiss her on the cheek, but she dodged it from being scared.

Jim laughed, "I'm sorry, honey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess I was deep in thought." She smiled at him and gave him a kiss before turning back to the soup. "How was your day?"

"Well, we can expect more hot weather for the next few days." he answered as he went to the fridge to grab a beer. "That smells amazing, honey."

"Thank you."

"Anything exciting happen to you today?" he asked while popping open the beer and resting against the counter near her.

Glenda stared at the soup for a moment longer before she looked at him while he took a long sip of his beer. "Not really."

"Alright, well, let me know when dinner is ready." He then walked away.

"I will, babe."

During dinner she felt a strange feeling. It was like she could feel a distance growing between them. It made her choke on her water a little bit. It slightly nagged at her until they went to bed. It bugged her enough that she said she was too tired for sex. It was a lie, but she did fall asleep pretty fast.

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