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Caleb 75 - Welcome to the Family

by Pastmaster

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #f/f #f/m #m/m #mind_control #sub:female #sub:male #asexual #asexual_characters

Caleb 75 – Welcome to the family.

I reversed my truck onto the drive at our new temporary home. Louise drove up beside me, as did Amanda. Ness, whom I’d given a garage opener, pulled straight into the garage. I’d put my truck in the garage later, but thought it would be easier to unload from the drive.

Amanda was the first to the front door and she opened up to let us all in. The girls hadn’t seen the house with all the furniture in yet so they decided to go on a tour before we unloaded the cars. Ness, of course, started with the kitchen.

I noticed her eyebrow raised on a couple of occasions as she noted where things were. I grinned at her.

“As long as you know,” she said with a superior air.

After the tour we started to unload all of our stuff. We’d put three wardrobes in the main bedroom and another two in the guest bedroom. If guests stayed, they’d have about half a wardrobe’s space to put their things in. With five girls in one bedroom, storage was at a premium. The new build was going to have a sizeable walk-in in the main bedroom.

Sarah also offered up some of her wardrobe space, since she had a double in her room and the girls were more than happy to take her up on it.

It took us over two hours to unload all the cars and get things put away roughly where we wanted them. I knew it was going to take a few weeks for us to completely settle in, but we made a great start. We were by no means finished though. Next, we needed to go food shopping since we had nothing at all in the house. There wasn’t as much as a grain of salt in any of the cupboards, so we needed to completely stock up.

We headed to the discount warehouse and literally filled my truck. I don’t ever remember spending quite so much in one hit on groceries. We not only had to buy the week’s food, but stock up on all the staples.

As normal, there were a few things that we’d couldn’t get from the warehouse. We stopped in at the supermarket on the way home and stocked up there too, spending almost as much as we used to spend on our weekly shop when we first moved out of the dorms.

We unloaded everything into the kitchen and I left Ness to put it all away. I went to the range and collected my guns, brought them home, and put them in the gun safe.

I stared into the safe once I’d put both guns inside. I really regretted not putting my grandfather’s ring inside the gun safe. I’d been wearing the ring that my parents had bought me for my 21st, but my grandfather’s ring had been in the house when it burned up. There wasn’t a detectable trace of it left.

My father had actually cried when I’d told him over the telephone that it was gone. It had meant so much to him. I’d written to my aunt to let her know too. Somehow an email didn’t seem to have enough weight. Her response was more pragmatic.

“Just thank your lucky stars you weren’t wearing it when it burned up,” she sent back. That made me smile a little and I resolved to make the effort to go see her at some point in the summer break.

I was heading out to move my truck into the garage when I saw a middle-aged man leaving next door’s house. I figured he was too old to be June’s husband, perhaps one of their fathers? He had the look of law enforcement about him. I smiled and nodded at him as he walked to his vehicle. He gave a short nod as he looked me up and down. When he got into his car, I noticed him writing something down. I got the distinct impression he was taking down my license plate and wondered about that.

Shrugging, I moved my truck and went back into the house.

While the girls organized the bedroom, and Jules organized her workbench, Ness and I organized the kitchen. I looked out into the back yard and checked out the brick-built barbecue out there. It was in decent condition and, after a clean, would be very useable.

“Hi,” a man’s voice interrupted my inspection of the barbecue. I looked up to see him looking over the fence at me.

“Carl?” I asked walking over to shake his hand.

He nodded. “June said you were moving in today.”

“Yes,” I said. “We are. And yes, sorry, we’re students too. I’m Caleb.”

He laughed. “Yeah,” he said. “We kind of screwed up. On Google Streetview it looks like a nice family neighbourhood.”

“They didn’t really give us much choice,” I caught from his thoughts.

“There seems to be quite a lot of you,” he said. “I saw you moving in.”

“Yeah,” I said. “There’s nine of us. But we’re not a rowdy bunch, I promise. Although we have been kind of forced into a house-warming party in a couple of weeks, so – sorry about that. You’re more than welcome to drop by.”

“We’re not really the party type,” he said. “With a young child, who sleeps when she wants, anytime she’s asleep we try and join.”

“I met her,” I said with a smile. “She seems full of mischief.”

“That’s one way to put it,” he said with a weary sigh.

Just then June came out to join her husband. She was carrying Carly. On seeing me, Carly broke out into a wide grin and, as June approached the fence, held her arms out toward me.

Carl shook his head. “She’s not usually so keen on strangers,” he said.

I shrugged. “Kids and cats,” I said. June smiled a little, having decided I was kidding, but Carl looked confused.

“Listen,” I said. “I was going to fire up the barbecue for dinner. How about you guys join us? It will save you cooking at least, and you can get to know the madhouse?”

“You just moved in,” said June. “Surely you have enough to do?”

“We have to eat,” I said, “and given there’s so many of us anyway, a couple more mouths aren’t going to make that much difference. To be honest, we’ve been living in a hotel for a while and my fiancée and I have both been dying to get back to cooking.

They looked at each other. Both of them looked bone tired. I wondered if Carly was the only cause, but didn’t snoop.

“If you’re sure,” said June. “Can we bring anything?”

“Just yourselves, oh and something to sit on,” I said. “Is there anything you don’t or won’t eat? Allergies and that kind of thing?”

“No,” said Carl, “we’re pretty omnivorous.”

“Perfect,” I said. “I’m going to get the grill cleaned, and then fire it up. Shall we say six thirty? Or is that too late for little miss there?”

“Ha,” said Carl. “If only. If we put her down before nine, she’s up at two. Even then we’re lucky to make it to four most mornings. Any later though and she won’t sleep at all and then she’s a demon the next day.”

“Wow,” I said. “I don’t envy you in the slightest.”

“That’s why noise is such a problem for us,” said June. “If she goes down and gets woken, then that’s her up for the night.”

“We’ll try and make sure not to wake her,” I said sympathetically.

Just then Mary came out into the yard.

“Caleb,” she said, “what are we doing for dinner?”

“We’re having guests,” I said. “And I was going to fire up the barbecue.” I turned to the neighbors. “This is Mary, my fiancée. Mary, Carl and June. . .our new neighbors. That little fireball there is Carly.”

Mary smiled at the family. “You’re coming over for dinner?” she asked.

“If it’s not too much trouble” June said.

“Not at all.” Mary answered. “Caleb and Ness love cooking, so the more the merrier.”

I saw a puzzled expression on Carl’s face, but he chose not to voice the thought running through his head. I’d told him my fiancée liked to cook and Mary, who’d been introduced as my fiancée, had named someone else.

I wondered how that was going to play out. But chose not to say anything right then.

“I’d better get to cleaning,” I said, “if we’re going to get cooking in time.”

I moved back to the barbecue and set to the task at hand.

Melanie, having made sure nobody was looking, lit the barbecue for me just after six, and by six thirty I was thoroughly enjoying myself cooking on it. Ness was in the kitchen baking potatoes, making salad, and fixing other things to go with the meat I was cooking.

At almost exactly six thirty, the neighbours emerged from their house and stepped into our yard. There was only a partial fence between our two properties which was how Carly had managed to get into our house so easily earlier in the week. They brought over a couple of garden chairs and placed them next to our furniture. I made the introductions.

“This is Mary, Amanda, Jules, and Ness. Melanie and Sarah, my sisters, and our friends Louise and Josh, her boyfriend.”

“Are you all students at PSU?” asked June.

“I’m at a catering college,” said Ness. “Everyone else is at PSU.”

“Is Arnie coming over?” I asked Sarah. She nodded.

“He said he’d be here before seven,” she said. “Arnie’s my fiancée,” she went on to explain to Carl and June. Meanwhile Carly, having been directed in no uncertain terms away from the hot grill, was sitting on her mother’s lap sharing her dinner.

“What do you do?” I asked Carl.

“I’m an acc…” he began “Salesman,” he corrected. “They used to call us account managers, but that’s old school.” He laughed.

“Oh?” I said. “What do you sell?”

“Fasteners,” he said. “To industry. Not very exciting but it pays the bills.”

“Nice,” I said. “So why the move to Portland?”

“June wanted to be nearer to her family,” he said, “now Carly is getting a little older.”

“Nice to have the support,” I said.

“If only,” sighed June.

“Was that your dad I saw leaving earlier?” I asked June.

“No,” said Carl, hastily. “That was a colleague of mine. He’d come to drop off some paperwork. What about you guys? What are you all studying?”

We continued to chat about incidentals while we ate. Arnie arrived just before seven and I hit the grill again to cook him something. He was more than grateful.

Carl and June stayed until just before nine, and I could see that Carly was starting to doze in her mother’s lap. June looked at Carl and indicated the little girl.

“We’d better get her settled,” said Carl. “If we miss the window – that’s us up all night.”

“No problem,” I said. “Thanks for coming over.”

“It’s us who should be thanking you,” he said. “Welcome to the neighborhood.”

June took Carly into the house, while Carl picked up the chairs and took them back to their own yard.

We stayed out in our yard, talking quietly. I treated myself to a beer, which had become somewhat of a ritual I’d missed since the fire.

Sarah was sitting in Arnie’s lap in one of the lawn chairs. They were talking quietly, which progressed to kissing. I picked up some of the dirty plates and took them into the house. A few minutes later Melanie came in with some more, then Ness. Within the next ten minutes Arnie and Sarah were alone in the yard, enjoying the privacy.

I wondered if they’d even noticed we’d left.

I heard Arnie leave just as I was about to get into the shower. By the time I was done, Sarah was sitting on the edge of our new bed.

“Arnie didn’t want to stay?” I asked.

“He has an early lesson in the morning,” she said. “His Dad said he had to be back. I know it’s his house, but Arnie’s eighteen. Surely…”

I shrugged. “That’s for him and his dad to resolve,” I said. “Don’t forget it’s not just his home. It’s his job too. If they fall out Arnie could be left with nothing. Also let’s not forget that Arnie leaving home will be leaving his dad there alone. I don’t know what happened with his mom, but I get the feeling it’s been those two for a little while.”

“I know,” she said. “It’s just…”

“Bear with it,” I said. “His dad will chill out, I’m sure. Is he coming over tomorrow before the concert?”

“He says so,” she said. “His last lesson finishes at three. So, he should be here after.”

“Nice,” I said, getting into bed.

Sarah climbed in beside me, and laid her head on my shoulder.

“This is so weird,” she said. I laughed.

“I know,” I said, stroking her hair. She sighed and snuggled in. I rolled my power over us both and slid into sleep.


It was nice to start to get back into a normal routine. Sunday morning Melanie, Sarah, and I got up at four, and headed out for a run. We scouted out a new route, and my watch told me that we’d covered just over six miles. I was feeling good, and Melanie looked good. Sarah still looked winded by the time we got back. I figured that she’d need at least a few more weeks before we could start to extend the range even more.

Lights were on in the neighbor’s house when we got back, and I wondered if Carly had woken them up. It was still early, and I’d planned to do another hour of martial arts in the yard before the rest of our household emerged. Sarah watched for the first fifteen minutes while she recovered, but then joined us.

Ness and I made breakfast for everyone and then we settled to our normal Sunday routine.

“I think,” said Amanda as we were all catching up with our schoolwork, “that we should christen the new bed later.” Mary smiled.

“Great idea,” said Ness. I looked at Jules who grinned. Apparently, it was her ‘on’ time. Melanie didn’t seem averse to the idea and I figured I was going to have an interesting evening.

Sarah looked from girl to girl and then to me.

“You and Arnie should have some ‘alone time,’” Amanda told her.

Sarah blushed, but smiled. “Maybe we will,” she said.

Arnie arrived just after four, and was surprised to see that we were already cooking dinner.

“You hungry?” I asked him.

“Always,” he said.

“We decided to eat before the concert,” I told him. “Although it’s going to be a late night in any case.”

“I told my dad I was staying over,” he told me. “Sarah said it would be okay.”

I grinned at him. “How did he take that?” I asked.

“I got the lecture,” he said. “Again.”

I laughed. “He’s just concerned about you,” I said. He shrugged.

We’d finished dinner before five thirty and I cleared away the dishes as usual. The girls had all disappeared to ‘get ready,’ although I didn’t quite know what that entailed. I was going as I was, and I think Josh and Arnie had the same idea.

Miraculously the girls were all ready in record time and it was only just after six thirty when we left for the fifteen-minute drive to the Moda Center. It took a little longer due to the concert traffic. But we were parked and walking into the center in plenty of time. The concert was due to start at eight.

As we walked up to the front of the venue, there were security staff checking tickets and searching purses. I’d advised advised the girls not to bring their purses because I knew this was likely to happen.

“Next,” called one of the security staff, and we went over and showed him the tickets I’d been given.

“Oh,” he said. “You’ve got VIP tickets. Head over to that guy there. He’ll take care of you.”

Louise gave me a significant look which told of at least a thank you blowjob sometime in my future. Amanda, on seeing her look, laughed.

We made our way over to the indicated ‘guy’ who opened a section of the rope barrier and let us all through. He asked us to put on the wristbands that we were holding and then led us into the Moda, taking us past all the lines for concessions and seating.

“Did you want any drinks or snacks for during the concert?” he asked. Since we’d just eaten, we decided on just getting some water. He took us around to the side of a concession stand and simply reached in and grabbed water for each of us.

“I’ll come find you in the break,” he said, “if you stay roughly in this area.”

There were no seats where we were, but we were up against the side of what looked to be a catwalk that projected out into the seating area. We couldn’t have been closer to the action without being onstage.

The girls all chatted happily while we waited for the show to start. As the place filled up, we started getting pressed against the stage. I cheated somewhat, using TK to press against those pushing into us and kept the pressure off. It would take up a bit of power but nothing I wasn’t able to handle.

Finally, the lights dimmed and the opening notes of one of my client’s more popular songs sounded. I heard Louise squeal in excitement and found that both my hands were being gripped hard by Ness and Amanda, both of whom were staring at the stage, looks of intense anticipation on their faces.

With a roar from the crowd, he stepped out onto the stage and began to sing.

I had to admit, he had a good voice. I’d not really listened to any of his songs, other than hearing them as one or other of the girls had played them at home or in the car. Mostly though, because there were so many of us, we tended to use ear pods at home as we each listened to our own genre of music. Mine, I had to admit, was a little less contemporary than this guy, although there were one or two of his songs that I quite liked.

It was way too loud though.

The first half of the set was pretty good and he went off to thunderous sounds of applause, screams, and whistles for the break.

“I’m surprised,” I told the girls through the hissing in my ears, “that he didn’t have an opening act.”

“He usually does,” said Louise. “But I read that, since this is his first show of the tour, he wanted to try out some new material. He’ll be cutting down his portion of the show for the rest of the tour, so we were really fortunate to see it. He’ll be taking an opening act with him on tour though.”

“I thought I didn’t recognise most of the songs,” Ness said. “They were good though.”

“I suspect,” said Mary, “that you’ll hear more of his older stuff after the break. He’ll want to finish with stuff people can sing along to.”

As she said that, the guy from before came up, bringing us all extra water, and asked us if we needed anything else. He told us to make our way to a security guard at one of the backstage entrances, and he’d meet us there after the show and take us through to meet the star.

As I looked across to the indicated entrance, I saw a face I recognised heading past the security guard. It was Davey, the roadie-cum-drug dealer, whose face I knew from reading my clients memories during his sessions. I wondered what he was doing there. His aura spoke of nervousness, anger, and revenge. It looked like he was up to no good.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I said to Amanda, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“You’ll miss the start of the second half,” she complained.

“I’m sure I’ll still hear it,” I laughed, and I was certain I would. I would have been prepared to bet that if I’d gone to use the bathroom at home, I’d have still heard the start of the second half of the set, it was that loud.

I was just approaching the security staff at the backstage entrance when the house lights dimmed once more, and the second half of the set began.

I used illusion to make the security staff completely ignore me going through the entrance and into the backstage area. Once I was through, I scanned the area looking for Davey, and found him walking down a corridor. I hurried to catch him up.

He was just about to go into a room when I caught up with him.

“Davey,” I shouted. He turned at the sound of his name. I froze him there.

I scanned his mind to find out what he was doing here.

He had drugs on him that he was going to plant in my client’s dressing room. In addition to cocaine there were roofie tablets that he’d planned to secrete in there. He’d already tipped off both the police and the newspapers that there would be a drug-fuelled orgy after the show. He’d also intimated that some of the girls involved were not of legal age.

He’d thought that he’d found his cash-cow for life and that he’d make an absolute fortune from my client, first as his dealer but then, as things unravelled as he fully expected that they would, by selling his story to the media. He’d even had thoughts of writing a book about his time working for my client. When he’d been effectively fired and asked to go work for someone else, who was both less famous and also a well-known drug abuser, his ‘retirement package’ slipped through his fingers. He’d made the decision not to make a fuss at the time but that he’d ruin the singing star’s career as revenge, and also put himself back on track to sell his lies to the media, which, on the back of the drug bust at this concert, would be believed.

I wondered how best to deal with this. I could simply Compel him to go away, taking his drugs with him, but that wouldn’t really solve the problem. There would still be a drug raid, and the press, no matter what was or wasn’t found in the raid, would make a meal of the fact the raid took place at all.

I sighed, not seeing an easy solution to the problem I’d been presented with. Yet again I was getting involved in an issue that I had no responsibility for.

“Follow me,” I told Davey, as I walked away from the dressing room, heading not toward the front of house, but toward the rear exit of the venue. I ensured that the crew and security that were back there simply ignored us. While we were walking, I scanned the area looking for the cops that I suspected would be gathering somewhere near, in preparation for the expected raid. They were nowhere to be found. I ground my teeth in frustration. I just wanted to get rid of this idiot and to get back to my girls.

Finally, I found a police officer. He wasn’t here for the raid and, at first, I didn’t even know he was real police. He was a youngish guy, working security in the backstage area. I looked at him and thought about using him to get rid of Davey. It was only when I peeked into his mind that I found out that he was a real cop. He was moonlighting to earn some extra cash. He wanted to propose to his girlfriend and his patrolman’s wage didn’t stretch to the type of engagement ring he wanted to get for her.

I sent Davey in his direction and alerted the officer to someone who was suspicious and definitely shouldn’t be back there. I ‘encouraged’ the officer to stop and question Davey, and Davey to give responses that would cause the officer to detain, and eventually search, him. Finding the drugs on Davey would cause the officer to arrest Davey, and when questioned Davey would confess that he had a grudge against the singer because he’d been sacked for using drugs. He wanted to get his revenge by planting drugs and ruining my client’s reputation.

That was the best way to handle the situation, I decided, so I left Davey with the officer and made my way back to watch the rest of the show. Once again, I caused everyone who saw me in places I shouldn’t be to ignore me.

When I returned to the girls, I was both amused and a little hurt to note that they hadn’t even noticed that I’d been gone for so long. They were that wrapped up in the show, and I settled in to enjoy the final few numbers of the set.

I have to admit, the singer knew how to work the crowd. He was definitely a showman and had everyone in the crowd, me included, dancing and singing along to his more famous tracks. He ended without singing his most famous of songs and I assumed that would be his encore. I was right. It was so popular he ended up singing it twice, much to the appreciation of the grateful crowd. Then the lights went out, and he was gone.

The house lights came up and people started to filter out. As instructed, we made our way to the backstage entrance and waited there. Our guide appeared a few minutes later and let us through the door. “If you’ll follow me,” he said guiding us deeper into the labyrinth behind the stage.

We were asked to wait in a small area for a few minutes, and then we were led into the dressing room, where the star was sitting, having obviously grabbed a quick shower and changed after his exertion on stage. He was sitting drinking some fruit juice. He smiled as we entered.

“Caleb,” he said standing up, “good to see you!” He walked over and shook my hand. I introduced the rest of my girls, as well as Sarah, Arnie, Josh, and Louise.

He was charm incarnate, chatting to all the girls about all kinds of things, and giving us each bags of signed merchandise. He posed for pictures with each of us, and of us all in a group, getting one of his roadies to take the picture.

We’d been in the dressing room just over fifteen minutes when there was a knock on the door. It was immediately opened by a security guard who let in a couple of police officers. Through the door I could see that there were several more officers just outside the door.

“What’s going on?” asked the singer.

“I’m Detective Cameron,” said one of the officers, “Portland Police. Do you know a man by the name of Davey Green?”

“I do,” said the singer. “He used to work for me as a roadie.”
“Used to?” asked the cop.

“We parted company,” said the singer. “He went to work for another band. Can I ask what this is about?”

“Mr. Green was arrested earlier tonight,” said Cameron. “He was carrying a large quantity of narcotics. When he was questioned, he admitted that you had fired him for drug use and that he had intended to get revenge on you by planting the drugs in your dressing room. Portland PD had already received an anonymous tip that there would be a ‘party’”. . .he actually used air-quotes. . . “in your dressing room after the show and that there would be drugs and underage girls here. Davey told us that he’d called that tip in.”

“Oh wow,” said the singer. “I thought we parted on reasonable terms. I couldn’t keep him on, but I got him a position with another band. It never occurred to me that he’d do anything like this.”

The cop looked around the dressing room, noting all of us, and his gaze lingered for a moment on Sarah and Ness.

“Even so,” the cop went on, “we do have a search warrant for the dressing room and, given the information received, we’re going to continue and search the area for drugs.”

“But I thought Davey told you he called it in,” queried the singer.

“He did,” said the cop, “but we only have his word for it just now. For all we know, you might have somehow got wind of us coming and put him up to it to divert attention. If everyone co-operates and nothing illegal is found, then we’ll be out of your way in no time at all.”

“Just relax and co-operate,” I sent to all my people, including Arnie. His eyes widened a little at the contact.

Several more officers entered the room and began talking to us individually, asking who we were and why we were here. We weren’t handcuffed, which surprised me. I’d expected for them to do that, considering they said they were going to search us all, but they simply took our identification, searched the bags of merchandise that we’d been given, and gave us a general pat down for weapons.

“We’re going to bring in a drugs dog,” said the cop. “If you all just stand still and relax; this will be done quickly.”

The dog came in and sniffed at all of us before doing the rounds of the dressing room. Predictably nothing was found, and a few minutes later the dog was led out.

The cop sighed.

“Thank you all for your co-operation,” he said. “I’m sorry for the fuss, but when we receive those kinds of reports, we have to be certain. Especially when underage girls are mentioned.

“Of course,” said my famous friend. “We understand.”

“I’m going to need to take a statement from you about Mr. Green,” the cop said. “The rest of you are all free to leave.”

We were led outside, via the backstage entrance, and made our way back to where we’d parked the cars, gripping the bags of goodies that we’d been given. While we walked, I explained to everyone what had happened while I’d been on my ‘bathroom break.’

“How did you know about Davey though,” asked Louise.

“I just saw in his aura that he was up to no good,” I said, “and decided to investigate.” I knew that Mary, Amanda, Jules, Ness, and Melanie wouldn’t believe that, but they all knew that if I didn’t say more, that there was a reason. Mary, of course, knew the singer was a client and knew better than to ask more.

When we arrived back at the house I was hungry. I threw together a quick snack for everyone. It had been several hours since we’d eaten, and I’d been using powers to prevent us getting squashed in the crush at the stage. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough.

We sat around the table and ate. I was about to start cleaning up when Amanda stood up and, with a significant glance in my direction, headed toward the bedroom.

A moment later, Mary stood and followed also smiling at me. Ness followed shortly after. I stood and was making my way toward the door, Arnie watching us all with an expression of confusion on his face.

“Don’t mind them,” said Louise to Arnie. “They’re just going to fuck.”

Melanie giggled as she stood.

“Don’t embarrass the poor boy,” she said, following me through the door.

As I looked back, I saw Sarah hold her hand out to Arnie.

She pulled him to his feet and guided him out of the kitchen. I wondered where he thought he was going. In his shoes I’d have been worried I was getting roped into whatever was going on with the rest of us, but of course she led him past our room and into hers. I heard their door close.

Amanda and Ness were in the shower. It was big enough for two to play in, but no more. Mary decided to pass the time by coming and pulling me into a kiss. Melanie was sharing soft kisses with Jules.

I was surprised how fast Amanda and Ness were out of the shower. I thought they’d have spent more time in there. Jules and Melanie took their places. After they emerged, Mary and I took our turn, and following the pattern, simply washed each other, well mostly. We then joined the rest of the girls in the bedroom.

By the time we emerged, the other four had switched and Melanie and Ness were on one side of the bed while Jules and Amanda occupied the other. I took center stage and Mary joined me.

“I hope you’re feeling strong tonight,” she said.

I smiled at her.

“I’m sure you guys can keep me interested,” I said, running my hand down her side before cupping her naked rear and pulling her to me as I leaned in for a kiss.

Mary melted against me, bringing her lips to mine in a soft kiss that held love and promise. She moved sinuously, her naked flesh warm against mine. Gently she pushed me onto my back and slithered on top of me pinning me down.

While we kissed, I felt a hand grasp my tumescence and my breath caught as I felt it engulfed in a warm wet mouth. I felt Mary’s lips twist in a smile against mine while we kissed. The mouth made a few passes up and down, impossibly making me even harder, and coating me in a layer of spit, then pulled off. The hand guided me into Mary, who slid down, impaling herself onto me.

I moaned. The feeling of Mary’s hot, tight pussy clenching around me gave me an intense pleasure which ran up my spine and exploded into my brain. I had to concentrate not to succumb immediately to the pleasure and release everything I had into her.

Carefully I expanded my consciousness to include all the girls in the room and shared the sensations that both Mary and I were experiencing with them, and theirs with us.

I was extremely careful that it didn’t extend beyond the walls of the room, and that neither Arnie nor Sarah were included. I didn’t want to spoil what they were building together by overwhelming them at this stage. I was, however, almost overwhelmed myself, feeling not only the sensations of my cock sliding in and out of Mary’s body, but also the feelings from Mary’s perspective as she felt my hardness penetrating her, stretching her out. The slight friction of my cock head against the walls of her pussy caused shivers up and down her spine. I angled my hips a little more to make sure my head pressed against her G-spot as it passed and she whined gently into our kiss.

There were also the sensations coming from the other girls. I could feel Ness and Melanie together. They were kissing, and Melanie was enjoying the now almost legendary skill that both Ness and Jules demonstrated in the kiss. Melanie was reciprocating and was stroking Ness’ pussy. Ness was building toward what seemed to be another orgasm. I could feel that she’d cum once already but was by no means finished.

Jules was demonstrating her talented tongue in an alternate fashion on Amanda, who was gripping Jules’ head as Jules feasted on her. Amanda was twitching and writhing almost on the verge of cumming herself.

I concentrated on Mary, deepening our kiss and using everything I had to make it good for her. Since I could feel every sensation from her body, I played with her, using lips, tongue, and fingers, not to mention my cock and TK, to bring her to the edge of orgasm and hold her there. Not using my powers but just easing off as I felt she was about to peak. I did this three or four times before Amanda’s orgasm on Jules’ tongue pushed Mary over the edge. She shrieked into my mouth as she released, her pussy spasming around my cock, ambushing me into an unexpected orgasm. I filled her up with my cum as my cock pulsed and twitched inside her. The sensation of me losing control both prolonged her orgasm and pushed Melanie and Ness into their orgasms.

With my last coherent thought, I’d blocked Jules’ orgasm. Jules was still only able to cum once in a session and, once she had, she kind of lost interest in the proceedings. I knew that she’d be disappointed to be ‘tapped out’ so early in the session.

For a few moments, we lay together catching our breath. Jules had moved up and was kissing Amanda gently while she stroked her almost too sensitive body as Amanda came down from her orgasm.

Mary slid off me and to the side.

It was during this hiatus that I felt a prod from Sarah. She was inviting me, and the rest of the girls, to share.

Is Arnie ok with this?” I asked her gently.

Yes,” she returned, but distractedly. Apparently, a conversation was not really what she was interested in just now.

I accepted the share, feeling the sensations from both of them, as they were heating up.

They’d been indulging in some ‘heavy petting,’ and had heard some of the noises coming from our room. We did share a wall after all. Both of them were very aroused, and they’d been kissing while exploring each other’s bodies. Both were naked now, and Sarah was on her back, while Arnie lay beside her, leaning up on his elbow. They were kissing as he was stroking her body. Since she’d shared her sensations with him, he was exploring, finding out what she liked and what felt good.

Soon enough his mouth moved from hers, and he started down her body, kissing and nibbling at her neck as his hand stroked over her breasts. He gently tweaked at her nipples before sliding down over her stomach. She tilted her hips in expectation of him moving lower, but he didn’t. Instead, he moved back up again. He was deliberately teasing her, I could tell, feeling a smile on his lips as he continued to kiss down her body.

Finally, his mouth found her breasts, and Sarah sighed as he kissed and lapped at her nipple, gently tweaking at the other with his fingers. Once more he felt the sensations he was eliciting through her power, and using that information against her.

“Don’t tease me,” Sarah said, grabbing him by the hair and pulling his head back up so she could kiss him. I felt the spike of pain in his scalp as she not-too-gently repositioned him where she wanted him, but I also felt his grin as he moved.

He’d been a little nervous about sharing with us since he himself was a virgin. It would have been bad enough to embarrass himself in front of just Sarah, but to show up his inexperience in front of all of us would have been mortifying. Now, though, he was feeling good. He knew he had full control over Sarah, and knew that with the ‘feedback’ he was getting he could make it great for her.

His only niggling concern was that he wouldn’t be able to hold out for too long once he finally stopped teasing her and lost his own virginity. He was determined that he was going to make Sarah scream before then though so that at least she would have a good time, no matter how little time he managed to hold on.

With that in mind, he rejoined the kiss while running his hand down Sarah’s body. She mewled into his mouth, once more tilting her hips, begging him to do… something. Anything to release the pent up frustration that had been building in her loins since they’d started kissing.

Arnie moved his hand lower as he kissed her, cupping her sex and exploring it with his fingers, learning where to touch, and stroke, and caress, as Sarah, now lost to the sensations, ground herself into his questing fingers.

Arnie slid his fingers between her lips, covering them in her wetness. Then, with a shared gasp, he discovered her clitoris, zeroing in on the tiny button of delight. He massaged it much to the appreciation of the girl now writhing beneath his hand.

I could feel Sarah building rapidly toward her first ‘Arnie induced’ orgasm. Arnie’s eyes widened as he felt her orgasm building as he played with her. She kissed him hard, holding him to her, as her climax rushed toward them both. I could feel his conflict. He knew that if he brought her to orgasm, then he would cum too, her sensations overwhelming his ability to hold out. Then what? He knew she wanted them to make love tonight, but would he be able to?

It was too late though. As the thoughts crossed his mind, Sarah came, arching her back in pleasure as he played with her. Arnie, too deeply tied into her sensations, couldn’t hold on and as her orgasm hit, his was triggered. His cock spewed forth, shooting jets of cum that flew into the air above her, before landing on Sarah’s breasts and belly. She moaned, feeling both her orgasm and his, and when she felt his spunk landing on her body, she came again. The sheer wantonness of being sprayed with her lover’s cum appealed to her basest of natures. She released his head and began rubbing his cum into her tits and belly. As more jets of searing hot seed landed on her she moved her other hand down, grabbing at his still pulsating tool, and milked him, using her link to him to do whatever felt good to them both to extend his orgasm.

“I’m sorry,” Arnie said to her. “I…”

“Hush” she said as she pushed him over, onto his back. “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for. That was wonderful, and by the looks of things, you’re not finished yet.”

It was true. Despite having emptied what seemed to be a quart of cum all over her, Arnie’s teenage resilience showed; his cock was still rigid. She leaned up to kiss him again as she climbed on top of him, pinning him to the bed.

She pressed their bodies together, the slick wetness of his semen allowing her to rub her breasts and belly over his as they kissed. She’d trapped his cock between them, and was riding his hardness, enjoying the heat of him against her lower belly.

Once more she tilted her hips and his cock nestled between her pussy lips as she moved gently, massaging and stimulating them both. Her clit came into contact with the underside of his cock, and rubbing against his head, causing spikes of sensation to make them both twitch.

“I want you inside me,” she whispered into his ear.

He moaned, incapable of formulating a more coherent thought. Had he been more lucid he might have worried about pregnancy, but his mind was currently a mush of sensations and want, his only drive to satisfy the need that he could feel from both of them, their sensations still locked together.

Sarah sat up a little, reaching between them to grasp his still rampant erection. She lifted herself up positioning him so that the head of his cock was nestled in her opening. She was still soaked, and his cock was still coated in the layer of his cum that had covered it while they’d been rubbing against each other.

She pressed herself onto him, her barrier preventing him entry, and giving her the slightest spike of discomfort.

For a second I contemplated blocking the pain, but then I remembered Jules forbidding me to do so for her saying that she wanted the full experience of being deflowered. I wasn’t sure how Sarah would react, nor did I want to interrupt and break their mood. I decided to let her have her experience. If it were too bad, I might dull the pain a little though.

I felt Sarah bite her lip as she looked down at the boy beneath her. He looked up at her, love clear in his eyes as he gazed upon his beautiful fiancée.

“Sarah,” he said. “I…”

She chose that moment, to press down on him, taking his full length inside her in a single stroke, and endured the spike of pain as he tore through the barrier previously barring his entrance.

They both yelped in pain, and I felt all the girls around me twitch as they too experienced her deflowering.

“I’m sorry,” Arnie said to Sarah, holding her to him as they both stayed frozen still, waiting for the pain to fade.

She smiled at him. “Don’t’ be,” she said. “You feel amazing inside me.” Then she started to move. A little nervously at first, in case the pain came back. It did not. Even better, moving felt wonderful. She could feel his hardness within her, massaging her inside as she moved on him. She could also still feel his sensations of having her tight heat wrapped around him.

I felt movement in the bed around me as the girls repositioned themselves, and found myself pinned beneath Jules. It appeared that I’d instinctively blocked her orgasm again, when Sarah and Arnie had cum, although I had no memory of doing so. Before I’d realized what was happening, she had me inside her, and was sliding herself up and down in time to Sarah’s movement on Arnie.

She smiled down at me.

“I love you,” she said. Leaning down to kiss me. I slid my hands down her body and cupped the cheeks of her ass as she rode me. She continued to match Sarah’s pace on Arnie, building herself and me up, as Sarah stroked Arnie towards his orgasm.

I abandoned myself to the pleasure, enjoying the wonderful kiss, the sensations of Jules’ pussy sliding up and down my cock, Arnie’s sensations of Sarah riding him, and Sarah’s of being filled with Arnie. It was a cornucopia of pleasure that couldn’t fail to bring me to a shattering climax so fast that it felt like I was the virgin of the group, being unable to hold out.

Jules was still sharing all our sensations as I raced toward my climax and she gasped into my mouth, her own pleasure magnified. She gripped me tight and upped her pace, forgetting the intention to match Sarah stroke for stroke. Now we were just chasing our own pleasure, the pleasure that she’d been denied so far this evening.

Sarah, however, wasn’t exactly controlled any more. Her own climax was fast approaching and she was bucking on top of Arnie, gripping his tool tightly in her core. Arnie couldn’t believe the sensations he was experiencing. It was a tumult of feelings, all of which were chasing him toward an orgasm that would hit him far too fast. His concern about making it good for Sarah allayed somewhat by the climax he could feel building in her body. He knew that he’d be able to hold out until she came, but that would be his undoing.

I too was racing toward my own orgasm, wondering if I’d make it, or if I’d blow my second load before Sarah and Arnie had finished. Jules was panting into my mouth as she hammered onto me, all pretence of control now gone, just seeking her own, and my, pleasure.

Around me I could feel the other girls writhing in direct and shared pleasure. I had no idea who was with whom, nor what they were doing. This was a bacchanalian orgy in the extreme, where everyone was indulging their basest needs, spurred on by what was going on in the other room.

In the end it was Sarah who gave out first. Throwing her head back, she let out a keening wail as she hit her peak, her pussy spasming and squirting onto Arnie, gripping his cock so tight that he thought it might break. Then her pleasure hit him, and he came, arching his back and lifting her clear off the bed as he thrust deep inside of her, his cock twitching; pulsating as he emptied yet another huge load of cum, this time deep inside of his lover. Sarah responded by screaming yet again as another wave of ecstasy washed over her.

That was too much for both Jules and me as we both peaked simultaneously. I almost blacked out as I felt four simultaneous orgasms hit me, only one of which was my own. I gripped Jules tightly to me as I pumped my spunk deep inside her, while her pussy, in turn, did its best to suck out my very soul.

There were screeches, moans, and whimpers from all the other girls in the room as they too shared the peaks of the now ex-virgin couple while reaching their own climaxes. I twitched and writhed again sharing their ecstasy.

Afterward, I lay bonelessly, panting slightly, while Jules lay on top of me almost purring with contentment. I felt my softening cock slip from inside her and she mewled a little in disappointment, then slid off to the side, still holding me.

Looking around the room, I could see all the other girls in a similar state of post orgasmic euphoria, Mary, this time with Melanie, and Ness with Amanda. They just held each other, curled together in contentment, each of them coming down from their own and shared orgasms.

I felt the link between us and Sarah gently retracted.

I got up and, accompanied by Melanie, went and showered.

When Sarah and Arnie emerged from their room the next morning, I was making breakfast.

I looked up at the blushing pair as they entered.

“Breakfast?” I asked and they both nodded. I placed the food in front of them as the other girls entered and claimed theirs.

Mary went over to Sarah and Arnie, and took both of their hands in hers.

“Thank you,” she said, “for sharing that with us. It was wonderful.”

Arnie went even redder. He was about to say something when Amanda went over to him and with a glance at Sarah, apparently to ask permission, kissed him.

“Welcome to the family,” she said. It wasn’t a long, or particularly deep, kiss but it stunned Arnie to silence. He looked at Sarah who simply smiled at him.

He didn’t have a lot of time to think about it before Mary copied her sister, giving him a gentle kiss, and welcoming him to the family.

“Thank you?” he said. I could see he was overwhelmed by all the attention, especially on the back of what had gone on the previous night.

Melanie, Jules, and Ness looked at him and decided he’d probably had enough shocks for one day, so they chose not to harass the poor boy any more.

Unfortunately, Louise didn’t get the memo and she wandered into the kitchen, naked, and went to the fridge for some juice.

“Oh,” she said, grinning at Arnie. “You’re still here?”

“As you knew he was,” said Sarah mock scolding her.

Arnie didn’t know where to look, seeming totally overwhelmed by what was going on.

Sarah, taking pity on him, turned his face to her and kissed him until Louise had located her drinks and left the kitchen.

“Arnie,” I said when things had settled down. He looked at me.

“Thank you,” I said, “for sharing. I know that can’t have been easy, and it must have put a lot of pressure on you. I’m not sure I would have had the balls to do it.”

“I just wanted it to be good for Sarah,” he said. “She wanted to do it, so…”

“And it was,” Sarah said.

“It was good for all of us,” said Melanie. “Thank you.”

Ness laughed. “And it was an amazing first,” she said. “Not even Caleb can say he gave his first time to seven people, all at once.”

Arnie looked at me.

I shook my head. “Nope,” I said. “There were only four sharing my first time.” I decided not to mention who those four people were.

“But did you notice,” Melanie spoke up, “apart from the sensations you were getting from Sarah’s body, did you notice her feelings? Did you feel the love she has for you? I certainly did, and I felt your love for her too.”

“I…” he began. “It was just so overwhelming. I couldn’t sort anything out.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “You’ll feel it again. But trust me, WE felt it. We could feel her love for you, and yours for her. It was amazing.”

Arnie looked at Sarah and she smiled at him again.

“Welcome to the family,” she said, kissing him once more. “Now, as much as I’d love you to stay, don’t you have work?”

Arnie glanced at his watch. It was a quarter of eight. He sighed.

“I guess,” he said, “I should go.”

He stood up and each of the girls went to give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. When it was my turn, I merely clasped his hand.

“Welcome to the family,” I said holding his eye for a second.

Sarah walked out to his car with him. She came back a few minutes later.

“How’re you feeling?” I asked her as she sat, rather tentatively, at the dining table where we were all seated finishing breakfast.

“A little sore,” she admitted, “but other than that, amazing.”

“Want me to do something about that?” I asked. Again, I remembered Jules not wanting me to do that, so that she got the full ‘experience’ of losing her virginity.

Apparently, Sarah wasn’t quite so much of a purist.

“Yes please,” she said, and sighed in relief as I soothed her soreness away.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” I asked her.

“It hurt a bit more than I thought it would,” she said. “You always read about a little bit of pain, but that really did hurt.”

“You kind of got carried away,” said Amanda. “You just shoved yourself onto him. It’s lucky you were so well lubed, or you could have hurt him too.”

Sarah pulled her face. “Oh,” she said. “I thought that was the way…”

“Next time,” advised Amanda, “be a little gentler with both of you.”

“I will,” Sarah said wincing at the memory, then she smiled. “It was good though.”

“I think you blew his mind,” I said to her. “And giving him access to your sensations was genius. He was so much more confident when he could tell you were enjoying it. I think you gave him just about as good a first time as he could have wished.”

Sarah blushed but smiled. “You think?” she said.

“One thing, though,” I said. “Didn’t you tell him that you couldn’t get pregnant? I felt him worrying about that, albeit only for about a nanosecond, before you blasted him into the middle of next week.”

She laughed. “I told him while we were outside just now,” she said. “He asked me about it. Well, actually, he apologised for not using protection and putting me at risk. I explained it all to him though.”

“Good,” I said. “That’s not something a boy needs hanging over him. Now, I guess we need to get ready. I have appointments today, and you all have classes to get to.”

The girls all got themselves together and left for their various days. I was not in quite so much of a rush as my first session at the range was at ten. The chef from Coquine once more and I was going to get even more cooking knowledge from him. I was looking forward to surprising Ness with it one evening, perhaps later on this week.

I was just finishing up in the kitchen, when I saw the couple from next door in their yard. She was putting out some laundry again, it seemed she did that a lot. Carly was toddling around in the garden. Unfortunately, she got underfoot, and as the woman turned to go back into the house, she tripped over her daughter and fell.

“JANE,” shouted the husband, running to her and helping her up.

“Are you alright?” he asked. picking up the now crying Carly, who’d been frightened by the experience.

“I’m fine,” she said looking around.

Neither of them noticed me watching through the open window.

I finished up in the kitchen, locked up the house, and made my way to the range for the first of my appointments.

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