Something in the Air

Chapter 1

by McUnts

Tags: #cw:incest #exhibitionism #f/m #urban_fantasy #voyeurism #humiliation #multiple_partners #solo

Chapter 1

Tommy sat at his Father’s laptop, browsing through his Dad’s most recent internet history. He was 21 and thanks to his Dad’s rather relaxed approach to setting passwords, finding the ‘special’ folder had never been difficult.  Tommy wanked furiously and regularly to all of these treasures. He got an additional kick from using his parents’ porn selection rather than the easier route of Googling his own.

He thought back to the day he first stumbled upon his Dad’s collection. A bag of dusty old magazines and DVDs under his parents’ bed. This was the first time Tommy had had his eyes opened to this wonderful world of filth as well as the realisation that his parents were sexual beings.

Over the following years, he started to take more notice of his parents’ affection for one another. They openly exchanged lingering looks, kissed or gently touched each other all the time, which was enough to stir Tommy’s ever growing lust. If he crept silently around the house, he’d occasionally catch his dad getting a feel of his Mother’s ample chest, or her affectionately squeezing the crotch area of his Father’s jeans.

He had also started to witness the effect that these little trysts had on them. The clear bulge in the front of dad’s pants after he emerged from, “helping Mum in the laundry room.” or his Mother’s nipples pushing through the fabric of her t-shirt. A hunger started to grown in Tommy to find out if more was going on.

Since as far back as Tommy could remember, his Father had regularly teased his Mother about her snoring. When younger, he’d joined in, relating the noises he’d sometimes heard in the night. More recently, however, he’d woken one night with a raging hard-on. He could hear what he had previously recognised as the heavy rumble of snoring from the room next door. But as he concentrated more, he could hear higher pitched sounds and creaking usually associated with movement in their old house.

Tommy snuck swiftly but quietly to the door of his room. His cock throbbed as he recognised sounds akin to those featured in his Father’s extensive porn collection. The low rumble was actually his Dad, grunting like an animal as he exerted himself, thrusting his cock deep into Tommy’s Mum. He couldn’t help touching himself, drinking in her reactions to this. She gasped and moaned gently, occasionally letting out a little exclamation like, “oh yes!”

Over the following couple of minutes everything got increasingly intense until he heard his mother squeal, “oh fuck Paul, I’m cumming!” and start unashamedly crying out as she orgasmed. This triggered his Father who went silent momentarily and then started groaning louder than ever as he shot an epic load inside her.

As they finished, Tommy slinked back into his room for fear that they might come out and catch him. His cock now insisted on immediate attention and he spent a mostly sleepless night processing this revelation, jerking himself into oblivion and cursing himself for not having realised what was going on sooner.

Tommy made it his mission over the next few years to learn everything he could about his parents’ sex life. He used this information to try to lure them into being horny. These days, he took any opportunity he could to complimented any affectionate activity he witnessed, calling them things like, “a cute couple”. He even tried to engineer them watching TV shows he knew would have sexual references just before they went to bed.

He still got himself off reflecting on one night after a party where his parents had both had a significant amount to drink. Tommy overheard his giggling, inebriated mother teasing his Dad with graphic statements like, “You’ve been desperate to see Mum’s big tits all evening haven’t you?” and “Look how wet you’ve gotten my panties.” After a little while of this drunken play, she forcefully demanded his Dad, “get your big, fat cock in my mouth.” and proceeded to give his father the mother of all blowjobs.

What followed was a short, but intense session accompanied with a commentary like nothing Tommy had heard before. Tommy lost two loads in a row standing right outside their door just thanks to the dirty talk alone. Working towards his third, he had to admire his dad’s self-control.  

From that night on, he often encouraged them to have an extra drink in the evening. Or he would offer to drive them all home from evenings out.

However, the most effective strategy for overhearing a good session was simply to lie about what time they should expect him home. He regularly sneaked home earlier than advertised to catch, “the late show,” as he referred to it in his head.

Tommy discovered his parents had an extremely active and varied sex life. They usually got one another off in some way two to three times a week and Tommy was there on the other side of the door wanking along.

His eternal frustration was not being able to see the action. He had eased his parents’ bedroom door open several times. But he only dared do this when the lights were off in their room. The best he had seen was a clear silhouette of his mother, the dark round shadow of her large tits bouncing in front of her as she rode his Dad.

That said, it was actually the intensity of being so close to the action that was most arousing to him. At times, he even wondered if they were actually showing off for him, they seemed to get louder and louder as he got older, caring less about covering up their night time activities. However, getting a peek was still elusive. Tommy had lived in hope of at least finding some home movies on Dad’s computer, he was clearly a fan of amateur porn, but there was nothing.

He gently stroked his cock to his Dad’s latest downloads. He imagined it was his Mum and Dad he was watching as he reminisced over his journey into becoming the total pervert he was today. Suddenly he jumped at the loud ping of a pop-up appearing on the screen. His heart raced as he read what looked like an advert targeted at his thoughts.

“Unleash what they’ve hidden away.” it read. The hot, mature couple fucking on the side of the ad already had him hard. “This simple vapouriser contains newly formulated enzymes that boosts libido and gets rid of those annoying inhibitions.”

Tommy dismissed the relevance of the ad as coincidence. He guessed it was aimed at guys desperate to loosen up their girlfriends a little. The older couple featured could have been linked to some algorithm his dad’s preferences had hit.

While it did all look like bullshit, Tommy’s throbbing cock wouldn’t stop nagging him about the possibility of trying it out on his folks, maybe getting them to show off a bit more. The fantasy cemented itself in his mind and he was soon jerking like some kind of robot on overdrive, unable to stop.

It was sometime between that moment and then finding himself lying back, coated in his own cum, that he spotted the notification of an order confirmation pop up on his phone. He had no memory of placing an order, or even how the payment had been made. He hoped he hadn’t somehow made the payment using some method saved on his dad’s computer. But as he panned through the message, no payment details appeared. He would just have to sweat that out. Unless this was a prank, a case of these vapourisers was on its way.

Tommy only had to suffer a two day vigil for his delivery. Each morning, he intercepted the postman, keen to avoid any awkward questions. On day tree the package arrived. He grabbed it and slipped it up to his room quickly and silently. He turned the box over a few times, breathless with excitement and his exertion. The concerns about a mysterious payment being discovered still bugged him.

Unwrapping the box revealed 8 sealed canisters. He picked one up and turned it over in his hands, Tommy thought it looked very much like a plug-in air freshener. There was also a bottle of pills and an instruction sheet.

Tommy was surprised at how brief the instructions were. They simply said to plug the vapouriser in and leave it to work. They also explained that the longer the exposure the more extreme the results and showed how to use the adjustable vent. Tommy was a little worried with the warning to avoid over-exposure. He flipped the sheet onto the blank rear side hoping to find out what classed as over-exposure. The bottle was simply labelled, “Antidote – 1 pill reverses vapouriser effects or provides immunity for 24 hours.”

Bringing the vapouriser up to his nose, Tommy gently opened the vent a little. Curiously, he gave it a sniff, there was no noticeable odour and he snapped it shut again. He dropped it on the desk and had another search in the box for any additional information.

Over the next minute or so Tommy felt his pulse increase slightly as his cock stirred urgently. He looked down to see his pants tent impressively and was unable to supress his pride in how big his dick looked. It quickly reached an intense throb, demanding attention from Tommy. Without hesitation, he pulled it out and started to stroke it. The bliss he felt as he started pleasuring himself was unmatched and his open bedroom door was of no consequence to him.

Tommy revelled in his pleasure reaching its peak, unashamedly letting his cum fly all over himself and the floor, getting an additional thrill from the sight of the fountain he had become.

Calming down and regained his senses somewhat, he jumped as he realised he was completely on show. His already flushed face reddened further as he realised that not only was his door open, but his curtains were drawn exposing him to the world.

Some relief set in as he checked around making sure no one had seen. Both his parents were home and could have walked in at any time or been alerted by the sound and who knows who could have walked by outside.

Still somewhat anxious, Tommy set about set about clearing up the mess and weighing up whether he really should be putting these vapourisers to use. In his head, he was hearing two sides of an argument. His sensible side was telling that it was an unfair and cruel thing to do to his loving, caring parents. It was also setting out the dangers of unleashing any hidden aspects of their sexualities.

Unfortunately, he found that this second point only drove the louder, more perverse voice in his head harder. He felt himself rapidly stiffening up again considering his parents opening up and fucking unreservedly in front of him. He rubbed re-growing bulge in the front of his pants imagining them involving him.

Suddenly, he was snapped out of it by the sound of his Mum calling up the stairs. She informed him that they were off out to some friends and would be back in a few hours. A tingle of excitement rippled through him as he realised he would have plenty of time to plan his approach, his reservations virtually silenced.

Tommy sponged the last of his epic cum session out of his carpet. He apprehensively checked that his parents had left and then crept into their room. He knew from his previous explorations that there was a plug socket under their bed, right in the middle, just behind the bag containing his Dad’s old porn magazines and DVDs that had ultimately started him on this path.

Crawling under the bed, he quickly located the socket, pushed the vapouriser in, switched on and opened the vent the smallest amount. As he slid back out, he couldn’t resist collecting the porn bag for a sneaky nostalgia-wank before his parents got back. He was, by now, overtaken by a persistent throbbing in his pants and wasn’t sure if it was the effect of something he had inhaled or the anticipation of what might happen later.

Despite Tommy’s senses being heightened by a mix of excitement and anxiety, he had fallen asleep by the time his parents came home. He had long since relieved his aching loins with the help of his Father’s old magazines. He had returned the bag to its hiding place, taking care not to obscure the vent of the vapouriser.

It was clear his parents had been drinking, his mother was giggling as they came up the stairs, so he knew they’d probably get down to it fairly soon. He gave them a few minutes to get settled in and to avoid the possibility of one of them popping out of the room again for something. By the time he got to the door, it was clear from the slurping and low groans that his Dad was getting a blowjob.

Tommy could hear the occasional little muffled moan from his Mum, suggesting that she was getting played with as she sucked his Dad. The pace built and his Dad’s groaning intensified until Tommy heard his Mum stop work, giggle and say, “Ah-ah you’re not cumming yet, I need this in me first.”

After a bit of moving around, Tommy heard her gasp as his Dad penetrated her. He wasn’t sure what the position was and the pang of frustration he felt reminded him of why he’d installed the vapourisers. The thump of the bed against the wall soon reached a steady rhythm accompanied by rising moans and grunts.

Out of the blue his Father announced, “Fuck, I can’t hold it!” and unleashed a loud, aggressive, “Ahhhh!” as he came. Tommy heard his Dad collapse onto the bed to recover followed by a laugh from his Mum, who cheekily faked disappointment.

She scolded his Dad, saying, "You’d better be able to finish me off!” which made his Father chuckle wickedly.

Tommy was already working himself with his fist, intensely aroused all over again. After a few moments kissing, he heard them move around again and knew what would happen next. His mother let out a loud, “oooh!” as his Dad shifted his attention to her pussy. They regularly finished off with him eating her out, even if he’d just filled her with cum. Within minutes he had her gasping and announcing with increasing urgency that she was, “going to cum so hard!” Tommy always hoped he would one day have the same level of skill as his Dad.

With a little more attention, his mother was true to her word, crying out over and over as the orgasm took her. As she came down, she let out a long satisfied, “mmmmm!” and it was only a few more kisses before they were both asleep.

It was a decent session which, as usual, had left Tommy with another mess to clear up. But Tommy was disappointed that it was nothing out of the ordinary. It hadn’t been more prolonged or significantly more unguarded than usual. He was considering that the vaporisers might have actually been a rip off after all and that his actions earlier had simply been driven by something psychosomatic. He crept dejectedly back into his room, slid into his bed and was soon fast asleep.


To be continued…

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