Appy Family

Chapter 1

by McUnts

Tags: #cw:incest #bimbo #f/m #growth #multiple_partners #urban_fantasy #breast_expansion #cock_growth #scifi

Chapter 1

John was a fairly contented bloke. He and his wife, Kate, were still very much in love after 22 years of marriage. Their sex life was pretty good, but John really wanted to recapture some of the wildness and excitement of their youth. Kate had been pretty slutty and he loved that. It was true to say that she had rediscovered herself somewhat recently and their 21 year old daughter, Lucy, had been encouraging her to show her fabulous figure off a little more.

At 41, Kate looked after herself well. Despite raising two kids, her tits still looked great and she still turned heads with her 38DDs. Especially when wearing one of the tops Lucy leant her.

If John had read about the app online, he’d have just dismissed it as fantasy. However, it was a trusted friend who worked in the tech industry who not only filled him in on the app, but also got him a free licence. “Haven’t you ever wondered how these stars look so perfect?” his friend had said, “it’s not just the hair and makeup, there’s far more to it than that”. Some of the usage sounded quite unsavoury to John and he was about to refuse it when it pinged onto his phone through some push method his friend clearly had access to. “Just think it over John, you won’t be able to resist” his friend chuckled.

It was about three days later that John finally opened the app. It was just him and Kate at home, Lucy lived away and Jack, their 19 year old son, was out with friends. Kate was busy in the kitchen and, feeling somewhat horny, John opened his phone thinking a sneaky wank to some porn might be in order. The first thing he sees is the app, untouched since his friend pushed it onto his device.

Hovering for a moment over the icon and still not 100% convinced this wasn’t some kind of joke, he finally opened it. The logo flashed for a second and words, not in English, or even a script he recognised, appeared on the screen with a progress bar. It marched along at a reasonable pace, pausing only when he saw his own name appear onscreen and then a moment later his wife’s. It then went to the main screen with two buttons with their names on them.

“What the fuck” was the only thing John could think initially. But he quickly realised a data scrape on his phone would quickly provide this info. Maybe he should delete it! Unknown to John the app was doing its own work already, the link it had established with him allowed it to subtly nudge his already heightened curiosity. He clicked the button with his name.

The button widened out to a slightly cartoonish but reasonably accurate image of him naked with clickable spots all over him. He clicked on various spots and they opened to close ups of areas of his body, with sliders and dials labelled in the unknown language. The only recognisable label was on the screen dedicated to his head where one slider was labelled “IQ” and the slider on 115.

This was now getting beyond any data scraping. “How the fuck was this happening?” John thought, ready to close down and uninstall. However, with the unnoticed help of the app, John’s anxiety quickly dropped and allowed his curiosity to take over again. Then he went for it, the spot right on his crotch. He was immediately taken to a screen-sized close up of his reasonably impressive penis at full erection and his plumped-up testicles.

Next to the image of his penis was a simple slider, again labelled in this unknown script except for a number ‘7.5’. John had always been reasonably pleased with his 7.5’’ erection and had never had any complaints from Kate. Although, she did like to tease about needing “huge dicks” when she was in the mood. This link made it obvious to Dave what the slider was meant to be. He eased  his pyjama bottoms down and gently nudged the slider up to 8.

The physical response was immediate, his flaccid dick throbbed slightly and seemed to swell up a small amount. John was in two minds about whether that was anything to do with the app or was just down to the mild arousal he was starting to feel. He decided to give it more of a nudge, taking it up to ‘10.5’, again his cock and this time his balls immediately throbbed and swelled.

His dick definitely wasn’t 10.5’’, but he guessed this might refer to his erect size although his balls definitely seemed somewhat larger, remaining in proportion with his larger penis. The image on the screen had also changed size exactly in line with Johns thinking. He was still unsure, but was now getting a lot more aroused. This was already making the increased size of his dick more noticeable.

“So what was the second slider?” he asked himself. Apart from an indecipherable text label, the slider itself sat on 100% with far more room above it. Assuming a linear scale he guessed it would probably be something like 1000% at the top end. Tentatively he moved the slider to the right, clocking up to about 150%. It became clear right away the meaning of this slider. John’s dick immediately jumped to full hardness and he realised he had been right about the calibration of the other slider as he stood proud at a thick throbbing 10.5 inches.

But that wasn’t all, John also felt really good and energised. However, this feeling wasn’t so much of an “I could run a marathon” and more of an “I could fuck for hours”. Whatever, he felt so good and his balls and dick felt like they were almost vibrating. It was so addictive, he couldn’t stop himself from taking the slider up another 400% or so. Fuck he felt amazing, his dick was in dire need for action. He got horny all the time, but this was something new entirely.

He immediately put his hand on his cock, unable to resist the desire to get off and started frantically jerking it. The waves of pleasure were unbelievable and he was soon lost in a mad, frantic wank session. His cock continued to throb as he neared the point of no return, wave after wave of intense pleasure swept through him and after a few minutes he was ready to cum. He let out a loud groan and released. A thick rope of cum erupted from his swollen member travelling all of 10 feet across the room drenching the bed, it was quickly followed by a succession of equally forceful and voluminous blasts, an inhuman amount of cum.

As the pleasure subsided slightly John surveyed what he’d done. The sight of the cum soaked bed made him smile slightly and he was just starting to consider how the fuck he was going to clear this up when he realised his cock was already back up to full erection again and its demand for attention was becoming overwhelming. He felt proud, and hugely turned on by what he’d just done and his hands instinctively went straight back to his new giant cock to give it the attention it craved.

He was soon repeating his performance of just a few minutes earlier, coating the bed, carpet and wall with another tsunami of cum. As the feelings again subsided John was much quicker to act, before his desire took over again he grabbed his phone and dialled himself down to 200%. His dick hung in front of him, semi hard.

He felt elated and knew that, should the opportunity arise, he could be back up and ready for action. But the feelings were more manageable. He considered all of the facets of that second controller, clearly a combination of sexual energy, desire, stamina and probably hormone levels. This already had him stiffening again, maybe 200% wasn’t as manageable as he thought, but he didn’t want to kill these feelings just yet.

From what he’d just experienced, he already knew exactly what he was going to do as he accessed his wife’s profile for the first time. When he clicked it, the picture of his own genitals shrank down into the bottom right corner of the screen, making it easy for him to quickly flip back to it later. The main screen now showed a similar full body layout to before, this time featuring his wife’s body covered with the clickable dots.

He pulled up his pyjama bottoms, quickly rolled up the blankets from the top of the bed and then bundled them into the laundry basket. Fortunately these had absorbed the bulk of the torrent of cum he’d just unloaded, though there were still thick gobbets running down the wall on the opposite side of the bed. He moved from the cum-soaked bedroom to downstairs, propping himself on a chair just outside the kitchen. He had a pretty good view of Kate moving around in the kitchen as she worked. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans that showed off her curved hips and butt nicely and her t-shirt just clung to her tits.

He’d figured that just changing Kate’s body could lead to a number of questions and possibly some distress, which he wanted to avoid. So his first move was to the dot on the image’s head. He guessed, bringing Kate’s intelligence down a chunk might make it so that she doesn’t really notice or care about what else goes on.

Although he loved how sharp and quick thinking Kate was, he was also a fan of the times where she got carried away and lost her powers of rational though a little. This was usually when she was horny or had had too much to drink. It would make things quite fun to see if he could get her into that state.

Kate had walked over to the oven about to set it going, she had always cursed the complexity of the model they had ended up with but today the series of controls seemed even more indecipherable than before. She looked at the little symbols and couldn’t see how they linked to the function of the oven at all. She paused for a second and then just giggled to herself, “how silly am I getting” she thought, but felt completely unconcerned about it. She knew John would set her straight on it later.

What was more worrying to her was that her bra seemed awfully tight all of a sudden, cutting into her boobs more painfully than it ever had before. She reached around awkwardly to the clasp and fumbled with it, desperately trying to undo it. This old bra had never presented any problem before and, slightly frustrated, she pulled on either side as hard as she could until the clasp just snapped. The feeling of relief was instant and she giggled again. “What a mess I must look” she thought, then started struggling around trying to remove her broken bra, tying herself in knots.

Outside the room, John was now chuckling to himself at how sweet Kate looked trying to fathom out this puzzle through the haze of her lowered intellect. He was also enjoying the way she just let her exposed tits jiggle around as she fiddled about with her bra.

John nudged the breast size slider up a little more and then realised that smaller controls at the side controlled uplift and shape. Although he couldn’t see her real tits clearly, the image on the screen gave him a good idea of what he was creating. He was aiming for the tits Kate had had in her 20s, but with a good few extra cup sizes added. His increased sex drive was well and truly taking over at this point.

Kate, still almost oblivious to her physical changes, finally managed to fight her way out of both her bra and t-shirt, throwing them both on the floor in a comical, frustrated gesture. She stood upright and laughed to herself at the ridiculousness of situation, although that currently wouldn’t have been the words she could have currently come up with. John drank in the view of Kate’s magnificent new chest jutting out before her. Her already thick nipples now stood straight out, with a slight upward and outward tilt. When she laughed it set her tits into a hypnotic wobble.

Looking down she gasped at the sight of her boobs, Kate screwed her face up as she tried to work out what was going on. She raised her hands and gently smoothed them over her expanded tits, taking time to enjoy how they felt. She really felt she needed some help to understand this. “Johnny!” she shouted at the top of her voice. Just that name excited John further, it was a name she only ever normally used when she was drunk, so he felt he was putting her in exactly the mood he wanted.

“Johnny!” Kate continued, “I think my titties have gotten bigger, could you come and have a look”. Then she had another fit of giggles, realising that she was shouting across the house about her tits and asking John to come and see them, it just seemed so funny.

Although he wasn’t done with his adjustments, he figured this was the time to get a better look. In fact, his throbbing erection demanded he get a better look. He stepped through the kitchen door coming face-to face with his topless, giggling wife. “Oh baby, just look at my boobies, they seem sooo big!” She giggled, then wiggled on the spot setting them into motion. “And bouncy!” she added.

She scooped them up in her hands pushing them together to present them, then smiled at John, “I can see that you like them!”. John was mesmerised, they were still natural looking, but completely unnatural in so many other ways. Kate was curvaceous, previously a near perfect hour-glass, however she was now seriously top heavy. Kate’s eyes strayed downwards and chuckled, “my boobs aren’t the only thing that’s gotten big, mmmmm”.

John hadn’t made any further adjustments to Kate, but it seemed that Kates own sexuality combined with her new lack of filter was already getting them somewhere. He was reminded to try out the other adjustments he had considered and slipped his phone out of his pocket. “Oooooh”, Kate reacted with excitement, “Are you going to take some sexy pictures of my new titties?.... you could stroke your big dick to them later…. Or show them to your friends so that they can too.” She paused for another giggle.

John knew Kate liked a bit of attention, but she’d never expressed this kind of feeling before. In fact she’d been a little shy of letting him take pictures of her before, so hearing her request was a total surprise. However, her next comment was a real ‘fall-off-your-chair-moment’. As Kate’s excitement rose, she blurted out “Jack and his friends are going to love them!”

She’d commented on the attention her tits got from their son’s friends to John in the past, presenting it as amusing. John had also regularly seen Jack steal glances at his mom’s tits, something he thought was weirdly hot, but he and Kate had studiously avoided mentioning it. Was Kate’s inability to moderate her thoughts exposing some of the naughty fantasies she had rattling around in her newly scrambled brain?

“Do you like it when the boys notice you?” John asked her, knowing that previously a question like this would either get ignored or meet with a laughing brush off as if it was a joke. This time though, Kate’s face immediately lit up, she bounced on her feet excitedly and said “Oooh fuck yes, it gets me so horny, knowing they want my body! They’re going to go wild now. I might even have to let them touch”. Kate didn’t really understand why she hadn’t allowed this before and just played with herself thinking about it later.

Oh well, that was going to change! “Even Jack?” John pushed further. “Obvs!” Kate replied, biting her lip. “He’s such a naughty boy, with a naughty Mommy!... and Daddy!” She again let her eyes wander down to John’s obscenely bulging crotch before reaching out to squeeze it. John would have more than happily just let things continue as they were, but he still felt he wanted to further test the app. He flipped his phone open and immediately clicked the dot near Kate’s avatar’s genitals.  

This panned the screen in on her pussy in a similar way to how it had for his own crotch earlier. He wasn’t sure what the main slider would be controlling for her, possibly tightness or clit size? But he was more interested in the second slider. Just like his profile, it was currently on 100% with plenty of headroom. He took her up to the 300% he’d experienced, keen to observe the reaction.

It was instantaneous. Kate’s eyes went wide, her expression quickly changed from playful and teasing to one of animalistic lust. “I want that big dick baby” she purred, falling to her knees and positively ripping his pyjamas down. John had quickly flipped the app back over to his profile, deciding that a full 12’’ was probably what Kate deserved. When his length sprang free of his pants, it hit her full in the face making her giggle again before she hungrily sank as much of the length of it into her mouth as she could.

Kate had always been an excellent cock sucker and always enjoyed giving him pleasure. But this frantic, needy swallowing of his member was something else entirely. Kate’s head bobbed the whole length of his dick, she looked up at him locking eye contact as she eagerly worked him toward another climax. One of her hands worked its way inside her tight jeans giving her pussy the attention it demanded, and although Kate was enjoying this, she knew that before long she was going to need this beautiful monster inside her.

She’d never sucked a dick this big before and was delighted to finally have the chance, her pussy was quivering with excitement. She realised John had never been this big before but any concerns were quickly buried by how good it felt to have it in her mouth. Kate could feel John starting to throb and locked her lips tighter around his head ready to drink it down, something she sometimes did to please him. The couple kept eyes contact until John lost control with a loud growl.

His first spurt filled Kate’s mouth to the brim and there was no way she was going to be able to drink it all in time so she released him. The jets that followed coated her face and big tits, cum pooling in the cleavage she’d made by pressing her tits into John’s thighs. This was all more than she could cope with and Kate followed her husband’s lead, orgasaming harder and louder than she had done in her life. As the pleasure subsided she again looked up at her husband.

“Fuck Daddy, that was fun. You really should get a photo, I’d love guys to see me looking all sexy like this” she drawled and pouted as he pulled out his phone and fulfilled her wish.

Kate’s desire was already building again and she stood, grabbed John by his slowly hardening cock and led him to the bedroom. She attempted to undo her jeans, but again had trouble working out how the buttons worked. Fortunately, John was right behind her and reached around, flipping them open and peeling them down over her butt and thighs in one move. Kate bent over the bed and looked back at John, “I need that huge cock inside me right now!” she demanded and giggled.

Although John hadn’t reached full erection immediately like before, by now he was more than ready to plough into her again and he eased his swollen cock deep into her sodden hole. She squealed with delight, encouraging him to go deeper and deeper before she gave him the command to “pound my pussy baby!” He was more than happy to oblige.    

Kate continued to unleash a stream of filthy dirty talk. This was another thing that Kate would sometimes do, but the uninhibited nature of her chat was so intense “your big cock feels so good in me”, “Fuck me harder, I need you to make me cum again” she was shouting as he pistoned in and out of her. Kate had two explosive orgasms before John felt he was about to lose control. Sensing this, Kate looked back at him, her face pink and sweaty and full of lust.

Her shout of “fill my juicy cunt with your dad spunk” sent John over the edge and he shot jet after jet of cum deep inside her setting her off into another mind bending climax. John was exhausted and collapsed on his back onto the bed next to Kate. She barely stopped to get her breath back before she was back on Johns semi hard dick, working it with her hands and mouth, licking the mix of cum and her juice off him with glee. “Mmmm you taste so good Daddy”, she purred, fixing his gaze as she slid him into her mouth again.

She continued working John up to hardness again, much to his own amazement, before telling him she needed him to fuck her again. John looked for his phone, which was lit up, lying on the floor near the bed, just out of reach, He realised that maybe he’d set Kate’s ‘desire’ (as he’d named it in his head) up a little too high. But before he could move, she had straddled him, sinking his dick inside her with another long wail. She rode him like a thing possessed, letting her massively expanded tits hang in his face, insisting he suck on her swollen nipples.

“You love my giant Mom tits don’t you Daddy, all the boys like my big titties!” she growled between moans. This exhibitionist streak had clearly been set free when John reduced her ability to think rationally. It was certainly helping to keep him going, as Kate escalated to yet another climax. But she wasn’t anywhere near finished.

By now John was all but completely worn out, he tried to keep up his complementary upwards thrusts under Kate, but he knew he couldn’t go on much longer. Kate’s pussy muscles tightened around his shaft as she came again, sending him into a final, weaker orgasm, that still pumped out an impressive load into her, but that was it, he was spent. Kate slid off his drooping member and was still very eager to work him back up again but he was a lost cause and promptly passed out into a blissful post-orgasmic sleep.

To be continued…

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