The Joys of Waking Up

A Gentle Wake Up Call

by JustALittleOne

Tags: #cw:CGL #D/s #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #transgender_characters #drug_play #futanari #Human_Domestication_Guide #just_warm_and_fuzzy_feelings #lactation #mindless #weight_loss #wholesome

Sorry for the slightly short chapter. Sometimes it's just hard to think of ways to fill out the pages, but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

"You know… I'll never get the florets who play it hard to get." She chuckled.
Something the Affini raised an eyebrow for. "Really?"
"I mean… Yeah." She kinda shrugged. "I know what I want. You know what I want. We both know what we both want, right? So… Why pretend I want anything else but be who I want to be?"

The Little One tussled and turned in her viney rest. She was having another bad dream. She'd have those sometimes, and she couldn't even remember them much anymore, but they still left such an impact. So much so that when Magnolia noticed (which she always did, being such an amazing Affini), she tightened her arms around her little kitten, rocking her gently back and forth.
"Shh… It's okay kitten, it's just a dream, that's all…" She heard her Mama coo and whisper, doing her utmost best to calm her down. And it worked, but… Sometimes it took a bit longer than others. She started to take those deep, deep breaths that she was taught, hugging her Mama tightly, this time with an added pair of arms to boot. Four armed hugs were way better than regular two armed hugs. Twice as good, in fact. All comfy and safe and super warm and loving, and her Mama let her drown in it as much as she'd like, to no end. "It's okay… It's okay…" She heard her Mama repeat to her, and the words slowly sunk in, though this was mostly due to her own suggestible nature. Everything was… Okay.
That, and the deep breaths, helped her fully calm down. She was resting, her head on her Mama's chest, listening to that sweet sweet melody that the Affini produced, letting the rhythm take her mind off things and just curl in closer for more attention and hugs. "Hmm… Yeah. Staying in bed is better off, I agree." Magnolia was mostly talking to herself, but it's not like the Little One disagreed. Her Mama knew what's best, and staying in bed and snuggling in her little cocoon of warm, good hands and vines sounded right.
The hours passed, slowly. Today was going to just be a lazy day. The Little Kitty nodded off here and there, falling asleep and back up and then falling asleep again, taking lazy naps throughout the day. That is, until, it seemed her Mama had an idea. "Well, you're already all cozied up here, right? Maybe now is a good time to try this out…" She brought up a needle, filled with that same bright yellow liquid from before. And, with a prick that she couldn't even feel, she was injected with something. A variant of some xenodrug, for sure.
Which is when her eyes flared open once more. Dilating and melting off into bliss. Every touch was like a new adventure again. And she found herself massaging her Mama's chest over and over, using all four hands she now had to their fullest extent of groping giant plant tiddy. She couldn't even turn her head, that required too much effort. Not that it mattered, the smell alone was enough to drive her wild. She was pawing and mewling and harmlessly kicking with her feet, strawn about in something that in her past life, she'd consider a fargone fantasy at most.
She stayed like that until the xenodrug effect wore off, and by the time it did, she already exhausted herself in playing mindlessly and mewling, preferring to just curl still and not move while her Mama does all the work of pampering. Indeed, she could just let the day flow by.
Alas, however, not all good things can last, and her Mama got a ping on her pad. Someone was here to see her.
"Oh Dirt! I completely forgot I had an appointment today. Don't worry dear, I'll take you with me all the while." Magnolia slowly got up, keeping two of her arms to cradle her kitty and rock her gently, though now she was curious. They didn't really leave her hab unit so far, even though she knew where the entrance was.
When the door opened, she saw another Affini, like her Mama. Although this one was clad in a coat of magnificent red vines, only accentuating their maple like bark. "Ah, Magnolia! It's been so long. I hope I'm not- Oh stars, when did you get a floret of your own?!"
"Yes yes, come in, Lillcya, I'll explain the whole thing. And hello little Loraline~" The Little One gleamed over from her cozy nest, to see another human standing next to the red Affini. She was looking all too familiar with their hab. So she wrapped her arms tightly around Magnolia's chest and purred loudly. "Aww… Is someone jealous?~" Her Mama giggled and pet her head, as she let the other Affini and her floret in. "Don't worry dear. They're just patients. You're still my number one priority~"
She was put down on her pillow in the lab, and with one hand keeping itself on her, Magnolia had the other floret sit down. "So… How is our little patient doing?"
"I feel good!" She exclaimed. "My stomach feels better and Mistress even told me we can get ice cream after this if I'm doing well! I'm excited." She gave out a wide smile. The Little One poked her tongue out, not realizing it was rougher than usual. "Now now sweetie, your Mama has a lot of work to do. Do be nice to the guests, okay?" She quickly retracted her tongue, and nodded. She didn't want to be bad.
The other Affini approached her. And without asking, began to pet her head. Which of course, the Little One wasn't going to say no to, purring happily and resting in her pillow. "Aww… She's so cozy in there. What's her name?"
Magnolia sighed playfully, and proceeded to take a blood sample from the floret. "She doesn't have one, thus far. Part of what she asked for, after all. To be free of… Well you can imagine."
"Of course, of course." Lillcya nodded in understanding, and kept petting her. Before long, she turned around, begging for some belly rubs too, which she got plenty. "How's my Loraline doing? Any abnormalities?"
The orange Affini, for her part, seemed very pleased with the results she was getting with her devices. "Not at all, actually! Seems like her system is reacting very well to the xenodrugs I tuned for her. I think she should be able to eat dairy now without any risks."
To that, the other floret's eyes beamed wide. "Yay! Thank you Ms. Magnolia!"
"Don't you worry about it sweetheart~" She pet the other girl, though the Little One barely noticed, already being smothered in cuddles and affection. 
A few minutes afterwards, they were now sitting in the general living space of the Hab. Magnolia was petting her kitty, who was purring and mewling, while they watched the other floret enjoy an entire tub of ice cream, being able to do so. "So… Where'd this cutie come from?~" Magnolia got a vine jabbing her side. "Come on, so many cycles and only now do you get your first floret? There has to be a story there."
The Affini sighed, looking down at her precious one, who had already managed to lull herself to sleep with all the affection given to her. "There isn't much to say, I'm afraid. Really, it was a meeting of chance, more than anything. I was only at the domestication center out of being asked to help with a floret's xenodrug regimen, but then I noticed this one being all moody. We talked, and when she told me what she felt life was like… How could I not want to care for her? Besides, it gets lonely in this hab every once in a while. It's nice to have a lap terran that I can spoil rotten. Isn't it right Little One?~" She tickled her tummy, which made the Little One mewl in her sleep.
"And her arms? Are we gonna see a little Magnolia running around soon?~"
"Oh stop it you." The orange Affini rolled her eyes a little. "If you have to know… it's all part of her domestication contract. She had a bunch of requests."
"Well isn't that absolutely precious." Lillcya smiled and nodded, watching their own floret eat what would usually cause her a terrible episode afterwards. "I still have no idea how you do this, you know."
"What, the anti-agent to her condition? It's all in the chemicals, my dear. Just creating something that triggers to inflammation and calming her internals down in advance." For a change, Magnolia held a prideful smirk, which caused her Little One to curl in, feeling that same happiness radiate to her.
After some more small chit chat, the other Affini and their floret finally left. With that, Magnolia sighed, and gently awoke her Little One, who was sleeping soundly through the majority of the visit. "There you go, flower. Now it's just the two of us, just how you like it~" She kissed her forehead, and the Little One mewled happily, nuzzling her chest. 
"So cute~"

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