Quiet Ones

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/m #hypno #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:male #cocktease #covert_hypnosis #erotic_hypnosis #femdom #femdom_hypnosis #handjob #hypnokink #hypnotized #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #tease #teasing

Ronald is stunned to discover that timid, mousy Janet is fully capable of taking control when she wants to.

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"You know what they say, Ron," Janet purred, her normal timid squeak downshifting to a husky growl as she pulled his stiff cock out of his trousers and began to stroke it. "It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for." Ronald had no idea how to respond, either to her words or her unexpected and incredibly forthright advances--there wasn't a place in his head for meek, mousy Janet with her winter-pale cheeks and her frizzy brown hair and her chunky glasses and her sensible sweaters suddenly coming on to him with such... such impressive sexual talents. It simply locked up his brain.

He managed to stammer out a feeble, sputtering murmur of, "Janet, I--I don't think this is a-appropriate office behavior," but she simply cut off his words with a long, slow, soulful kiss that plundered his mouth and left him to breathless to speak even when she pulled away. Ron couldn't even make his eyes refocus at first--they kept crossing and uncrossing, and the relentless motion of Janet's hand on his cock didn't help matters. Ron would have bet good money that Janet had never even seen a man's penis before, let alone touched one with her bare hands on purpose, and yet there she was tugging on his pud so expertly that he could barely even breathe.

He must have had some tell, though, some hidden sign that told Janet when he was getting close to orgasm, because she backed off her stimulation every time Ron felt that rising tension in his balls that told him he was about to cum. He had barely enough presence of mind to realize he'd gone from shock and dismay at his employee's behavior to disappointment and frustration that he wasn't going to be able to spurt jizz all over the front of his trousers, but just then Janet giggled and said, "Who the fuck cares?" and Ron's numb brain retreated even further into bewilderment at the completely foreign sound of a swear word coming from her lips.

"The thing you need to ask yourself, Ronnie," Janet growled, raking her fingers down the middle of his chest to tear open his dress shirt and send buttons flying all over his private office, "isn't whether this is 'appropriate' or 'professional' or whatever bullshit word you want to use to describe the boring way you expected me to behave when I walked in here. It's whether you have the willpower to stop me from doing whatever the fuck I want to... and you know what? I don't think you do." She shoved her hand into his clothing, finding his nipples and tweaking them into stiff brown buds.

Ronald shook his head in stunned disbelief, his eyes glassy with confusion as he stared at the wicked, contemptuous smile on the face of a woman he could barely get to say three words to him yesterday. He'd literally called this meeting to find out if there was any way of getting her to open up to her co-workers, and now.... "W-why?" he stammered, unable to summon up anything more complex in his befuddled brain. "Why are you, you, you....?" That was all he had. Anything more involved actually confronting what she was doing to his chest and his flushed, engorged cock and Ronald simply wasn't ready for that.

"That's another really boring question, Ronnie," Janet chuckled, giving Ronald's cock an especially hard tug that forced a gush of precum out of the tip to leak down his throbbing shaft. Every time he leaked another dribble, her hand slid up and down his stiff prick faster and with less friction, and that made her handjob feel better and better until even the slightest motion left him on the verge of climax. But still she didn't let him cum. "'Why' is for losers. The important question is, 'Can I stop her from scrambling my brains so bad I'll fucking beg to kiss her feet every morning when she comes into my office?', and I think we both know the answer to that."

Ronald didn't want to admit it, but he thought she might be right. He'd always heard about men who thought with their dicks, and he always thought it was a despicable excuse for either a contemptible lack of willpower or more simply just bad behavior they didn't want to admit responsibility for, but now that Janet's talented fingers were milking the precum out of his cock in gouts of clear slick fluid, he had to admit there was more truth to it than he imagined. Every time he so much as thought of pushing Janet away, she found a new way to tease another burst of unexpected pleasure out of him and his eyes rolled back in his head with overwhelming ecstasy. His own wife couldn't make him this goddamn horny, and she had a body that made Janet look like a stick figure.

But Ronald didn't have his eyelids open very much anymore anyway. "Go on, Ronnie boy," Janet murmured in his ear, her breath tickling his sensitized skin until he could hear himself panting with arousal. "Tell me you're not going to kiss my feet when I walk into this office tomorrow. Tell me you're not going to feel your brain dragged right back to this moment and float back into that same soft, drifty space in your head when all the pleasure and all the helplessness and everything about my complete and total control overwhelmed you until all you could do was hump my fist like a needy little slut. Can you honestly do that, Ronnie? Can you honestly tell me you won't pop a boner the second you see me?"

Ronald's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish as he struggled to parse the tidal wave of speech for its important informational content. "I, um, I, I, I...." he babbled, trying to push aside the vivid mental images of springing an erection like a horny teenager at the sight of Janet and her talented fingers. He was supposed to be professional, he knew. He was supposed to resist the temptation to abuse his power and authority over the women in his employ to get sexual favors. But Ronald didn't feel like he had any power or authority right now.

"Awwww, Ronnie, is this making your brain too dumb?" Janet cooed, talking to him with the same dulcet tones she reserved for Erica's visit to the office with her new baby a few weeks ago. "Are you getting all stupid horny, huh, just because a woman is jacking your prick and keeping you all edged and needy and not letting you cum until your mind collapses into pure, thoughtless obedience? Is that it? Just nod for me, baby, if words are getting too tricky for that simple little head of yours." Ronald couldn't help it. He latched on to the one thing that seemed easy to understand in the overwhelming torrent of speech and bobbed his head up and down in vacuous agreement.

Janet's response almost made him cum right there on the spot. "Good boy!" she chirruped, a sadistic giggle bubbling up behind her soft praise and making him feel adored and belittled at the same time. "That's what I want to see out of you, silly billy. No words, none of that boring and tedious speech you haven't been handling that well anyway. Just wait for the pauses and nod for me, because I'm always right. I know better than you, don't I, Ronnie?" There was a tiny, infinitesimal pause between the end of her sentence and the slow, helpless rise and fall of his chin. To him, it felt like an eternity of struggle between the last desperate throes of Ronald's propriety and independence and the helpless desire to please the woman who held his pleasure in her hands, literally and figuratively. When he lost, it was after exhausting every resource still available to his numb and bewildered mind. He'd never been this utterly defeated before, not by anything, and his resistance crumbled more thoroughly than he thought possible.

"That's it, good boy!" Janet purred, her hand sliding effortlessly up and down the slick mess of his cock. "I'm the strong one. I'm the smart one. I'm the one who always has the right answers, and you're just too dizzy and ditzy to think for yourself without my help. Every time you think you're being smart, every time you think you're making your own decisions, deep down you know that I helped you figure things out and you're just such a dumb, horny little cockpuppet that you were too stupid even to know how stupid you are. Isn't that right?" Ronald nodded again. It seemed to get easier every single time.

"Even this talk we're having right now, Ronnie, it's just making you dumber and deeper and harder and weaker. You know I'm always right, so when I tell you how dumb and malleable and suggestible you are you simply have to agree. And that makes you even dumber and more suggestible and makes it even easier for me to program your feeble little brain. You can see that now, can't you? You can see how impossible it is for a silly boy like you to resist me?" Ronald's head went up and down again. His eyes were tight shut, and drool was spilling down his chin from his slack and vacant mouth. The effort of thinking about what Janet was saying felt like far too much for him now in the face of so much sensation. All he wanted to do was nod and agree until he was allowed to spurt his heavy load all over himself.

"That's just who you are now, Ronnie," Janet husked out, her strokes gaining speed as she pushed the limits of Ronald's capacity for arousal. He felt like he was going to cum any second, maybe even like he was cumming already, but something about the way she'd been teasing him for so long left him lost in a void of inchoate uncertainty that held back his climax until he had her unambiguous permission to release. "You're just my dumb, dozy little plaything who sometimes thinks he can think. Who's too stupid to even remember how much he forgets about what happens when we're alone in this office together and I take control of his cock and his cock takes control of him. Doesn't that describe you perfectly, my silly little cockpuppet?"

Ronald was pretty sure he didn't mean to grunt in urgent, desperate agreement as he nodded that time. It just slipped out in the heat of his desire to cum. But it perfectly captured his feelings in that moment as he focused his mind ever more intently on the building sensation right at the very tip of his penis.

"Of course it does," Janet murmured softly, her tones filled with unshakable confidence. "Because I'm always right. Because I always know best. Because you won't even remember when we're done here just how completely you've submitted to me, and that'll only make it harder to resist me when I pull on your leash and bring you to heel. You're all mine now, you're going to prove it by kissing my feet when I come into your office tomorrow, and there's no need to think about it once I leave, is there? You'll do whatever you need to do to take care of your mess, and then you'll forget. Because I want you to."

Ronald nodded one last time. It felt better than anything he could possibly imagine, cementing his thoughtless surrender to Janet's will just as she predicted it would. Then the pace of her stroking increased to an irresistible, inescapable blur of motion against his shaft and the last feeble shreds of Ronald's willpower departed in a shuddering orgasm as he spurted rope after rope of pearly semen all over his own pants.


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