Natural Selection

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #pov:top #sub:female #brainwash #brainwashed #breeding #breeding_kink #erotic_hypnosis #fingering #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction

Nathaniel uses hypnosis to convince Chloe that her submission is only natural.

"It all makes perfect sense if you think about it," Nathaniel said, but of course Chloe wasn't. She had a vapid, dreamy smile on her chubby pink cheeks, and she was staring at the sparkling crystal pendant Nathaniel dangled in front of her face like it was the most fascinating object in the entire universe. A tiny rivulet of saliva trickled gently down her chin, the product of a jaw that hung slack and nerveless while her eyes followed the swaying motion of the gleaming facets and occasionally crossed themselves in mindless bliss. She wasn't really listening to a word Nathaniel told her... but he liked explaining himself anyway. He took a certain satisfaction in being the smartest one in the room.

"After all, we've understood how evolution works for over one hundred sixty years now," he continued, taking Chloe's unresisting hand and posing it in mid-air before tangling the gold chain with the pendant at the end of it into her loosely dangling fingers. "It's really a very simple premise once you understand the underlying mechanism behind it, honestly." Within moments, her hypnotized brain had begun to instinctively swing it back and forth, understanding intuitively that the motion delivered more of the gleaming, sparkling beauty she found so utterly captivating.

"You're the product of heredity," Nathaniel lectured, even as his fingers undid Chloe's blouse to expose her ample chest to his gaze. There was already a damp spot on the fabric where her drool had soaked in, and the moment he pulled her shirt open the trickle of saliva began to cover her chest. "Everything that makes you who you are, from the biology of the little dimples in your smiling cheeks to the complex neuroscience of the chemical balance in your brain... it all came out of Daddy's sperm and Mommy's egg. We've debated for centuries about 'nature versus nurture', but the more we learn, the more we discover that you're the product of your genes. Isn't that right, mazy girl?"

Chloe's head went up and down in a slow, sleepy nod. She wasn't really listening, not in the critical sense at least, but her subconscious was absorbing every word and it knew that acceptance felt good and made her pussy wet. She had no idea she would wake up believing everything Nathaniel told her as an implicit, unquestionable truth. "And that means if a trait is heritable, and if it helps the individual reproduce and pass on its genes to the next generation, then that trait will become more common. You understand, don't you, sweetie?" Chloe's brow furrowed ever so faintly for a moment as she tried to follow his command. Then she broke into sleepy giggles as her brain simply smacked into a brick wall of helpless stupefaction and gave up on the effort, sinking deeper into trance instead.

"That's right, good girl!" Nathaniel purred, petting her bare knee. Condescension dripped from every syllable, but Chloe had already lost so much of her will and consciousness that it seemed only right to her when someone looked down at her lackluster intelligence. There was no cruelty to the way Nathaniel was treating her; he simply acknowledged the same basic truth she did. Hypnosis had made her stupid. And she couldn't fight it.

His hand slid further up her leg under her skirt as he continued, inching its way up her bare thigh and sending waves of pleasure through her befuddled mind. "And since most traits don't exist in anything like a simple binary, on-off form, mutations that make a survival trait express itself more strongly will also become more common, while mutations that weaken it will fade out over time. Eventually, that heritable trait--whatever it was that made your grandmother the person she was, that made your mother the person she was, and that's making you sink deeper and deeper into the sparkling gleams of rainbow light for me... it's just going to keep getting stronger, isn't it?"

Chloe nodded again, her eyelids beginning to flutter as the motion of the pendulum started to wobble. It felt like the influence Nathaniel described truly was getting stronger every minute to her, especially when Nathaniel pushed the hem of her skirt practically all the way up to her waist to reveal a pair of white cotton panties. Chloe's breath began to quicken ever so slightly as he began to caress her pussy through the thin fabric.

"Now it's important to remember," Nathaniel added hastily, his fingers rubbing gentle circles over Chloe's clit until her eyes rolled back in her head, "that all of this isn't about 'survival of the fittest', whatever Darwin might have said. Even discounting the fact that people misunderstood 'fittest' as 'strongest, fastest, most ruthless' instead of 'most suited for the task', Darwin was still thinking in terms of traits that allowed an organism to survive long enough to pass on its genes to its descendants, rather than the more accurate--and frankly cogent--modern framing of reproduction as the locus of study."

He chuckled, raising Chloe's hips just enough to slide her panties down to her ankles. "Of course, Darwin was a subject of Queen Victoria, one of history's greatest prudes. It's probably no surprise that he didn't talk much about breeding in the stuffy halls of academia."

Nathaniel's hand returned to Chloe's pussy, this time sinking two fingers in all the way up to the knuckle, and her breath hitched in a gasp of astonishment as the intense and overwhelming ecstasy slipped right past her nonexistent mental defenses to slam straight into the pleasure centers of her brain like a shot of pure heroin. Chloe didn't even have the conceptual framework to understand what was happening to her--one moment she was struggling to keep the crystal in focus while her eyelids drooped in muzzy confusion, and the next she was cumming. It felt like magic, and Nathaniel was the wizard who made it all happen.

"The point is," Nathaniel went on, smiling as he watched the pendant drop from Chloe's limp and thoughtless grasp as her arm fell like a puppet with cut strings, "it's the traits that help you reproduce that get passed on to the next generation, regardless of what they do for you in any other context or capacity. So long as you manage to breed, you're doing exactly what your genetic heritage wants you to do, regardless of any vague or nebulous concerns about 'quality of life'. At the end of the day, you have a biological imperative to put a baby in that pretty pooched belly of yours and anything that helps you do that is going to get passed on. Just like it did with your mother, and your mother's mother, and generations before her."

Chloe didn't nod this time, but that was only because she was quaking and shuddering too hard to make anything more than the vaguest stabs at voluntary muscle movement. The whites of her eyes were barely visible behind slitted eyelids, and her whole body rocked in time to Nathaniel's thrusting fingers. If there was any sign that she was capable of evaluating Nathaniel's claims, comparing it to the evidence as she understood it and sifting out the truths and falsehoods of what he was saying, it didn't show on her contorted features. He could have told her that evolution was a secret lifehack for making better cheese and she would have woken up believing it.

But Nathaniel did enjoy the conceit behind his hypothesis, as difficult to prove as it was, and making it sound plausible did help it sink in. That little seed of credibility would help it take root in Chloe's gullible brain and prevent her from asserting her own thoughts... at least, for as long as Nathaniel needed to seal his control. "Your mind is your legacy from your ancestors, pretty girl. And it only gets better and better at the things that help you get pregnant." He lay Chloe down on the couch, smoothly and easily spreading her legs wide so that one foot hooked over the back and the other rested flat on the floor.

"And one of the biggest obstacles to reproduction for a sentient species like humanity is the... oh, let's just call them the idiosyncrasies of free will." His hand fumbled at his belt buckle as he spoke, loosening his trousers so that he could slide out of his slacks without having to pull his fingers out of Chloe's dripping cunt. "From an individual perspective, the reasons you might have to postpone or even ignore the urge to start a family might be rational and logical and reasonable. But from a genetic standpoint, it's a disaster. You get it now, don't you, darling girl?" Chloe's response was nothing but a series of rough, urgent grunts of orgasmic bliss. It was better than any 'yes' could have been.

"From the broader point of view of the species as a whole, anything that helps you shut that rational, logical mind down and give in to the rutting instinct to fill your cunt with jizz right up to the brim is a positive benefit," Nathaniel explained, his raging erection making a lie out of his cool demeanor as he sank his shaft balls deep into Chloe's clenching, quivering pussy. "The less you think, the better you do at giving in to that urge to reproduce, and that helps your genes pass on where another, calmer head might prevail over her own desires. But she wouldn't have kids. And you will." Chloe let out a tiny, desperate mewl that might have been a cry of despair at her own weakness. But her hips never stopped grinding against his cock.

"That's your evolutionary advantage, when it comes right down to it," Nathaniel husked out, his voice beginning to melt into a sultry growl as his own instincts started to take over and his thrusts became more and more forceful. "Your mother was probably weak-willed and s-susceptible to hypnosis, and her mother before that, and... and so on... and they passed it on down to you. Because that innate, inherited weakness made you more likely to drift into a hazy trance of warm, wet lust for me, and surrender to me, and give yourself over to--to the need to be fucked. To be bred. I'm going to knock you up, my pretty little slut, and you won't be able to stop me because your vacant, malleable brain is geared to shut down and s-stop thinking and... and fuck."

Chloe's hips rose up to meet him ever more frantically as he railed her harder and harder. She could no longer differentiate between one climax and the next--her brain existed in a state of perpetual orgasm now, so horny for more sex and more hypnosis and more of Nathaniel's inexorable control that virtually everything else had shut down. She wasn't thinking about protection. She wasn't thinking about the difficulties of finishing grad school with a baby in her belly. She wasn't really thinking at all. She had uncritically accepted Nathaniel's contention that she was innately and inherently weak-willed and suggestible, and she would continue to believe it for as long as Nathaniel chose to continue fucking it into her feeble and defenseless brain.

And that was going to be a very long while as far as he was concerned. After all, whether there was any truth to his belief of a biological and heritable component to hypnotic susceptibility, it nonetheless felt like Chloe was a natural submissive. And Nathaniel felt like he had a responsibility to help make more good girls like her, whether in the literal or figurative sense. "You want to stop thinking and fuck," he began to chant, the words timed to match his driving thrusts. "You want to stop thinking and fuck. You want--you w-want to--you, y, you--"

The effort of speech became difficult, and Chloe felt his hips move erratically as he began to strain inside her. She wrapped her legs around him, trying to pull him in as tightly as possible before he finally lost all self-control, and her whole body shuddered in a final surge of culminating ecstasy when she felt his balls rhythmically tightening against her sensitive labia. To her fuzzy, dopey mind as it stood now, she'd fulfilled her most important function as a human being and she only hoped he would breed her as many times as it took to make his seed take root.

But as aroused as he was by Chloe's submission, Nathaniel needed a little time to recover before he could go again. For now, he scooted her body up so that she rested at an angle on the arm of the couch, with her hips up so that the salty semen would flow ever deeper into her vaginal canal. And just in case that wasn't enough, he took out a toy and pushed it deep inside her sloppy cunt to make sure that every last drop stayed right where he wanted it. Already, he was thinking ahead to maintaining control over his newly brainwashed slave once her belly started to swell with his child.


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