Girl of My Dreams

by Jukebox

Tags: #dom:female #hypno #hypnosis #hypnotized #masturbation #sub:male #cunnilingus #erotic_hypnosis #hypnokink #oblivious #unaware

Doug hangs out with the girl next door and plays video games.

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Molly opened the door and almost instantly Doug swallowed his tongue. He felt dumber than dumb about it; this was still the same Molly McRandall he'd gone to school with since he was in kindergarten and she was a swaggering second-grader, the same Molly McRandall whose family had lived right next door to his for as long as he could remember. College hadn't changed her that much, even if she dressed in shorter skirts that showed off her long, curvy legs and she'd traded in the old baggy sweaters she used to wear for clingy turtlenecks that emphasized her lush, heavy breasts. She was his best friend Molly who used to hang out in his basement and play video games because her brothers and sisters always hogged the console.

Only she wasn't. "Come on in!" she said brightly, ushering Doug into her house and gesturing to the floor by the door. "Just put your stuff on the floor, Mom and Dad took the dog with them when they went to Wichita for the weekend. You don't have to worry about Rascal chewing up your pants, I promise." Doug chuckled weakly, but inside he couldn't stop probing at the subtle, inchoate tension that had developed between the two of them ever since she'd come back from her freshman year at Wayne State. It preoccupied him so badly that his fingers fumbled and shook the whole time he was unbuckling his trousers, and he had to put a hand out to steady himself against the wall when he stepped out of his boxer shorts.

Molly kicked the pile of clothing out of the way of the door, and took his hand. Doug tried not to gasp at the erotic charge that passed between them when her warm, soft skin touched his. "Come on, let's go down to the basement. It took me nineteen years to get the TV to myself, I'm not going to waste it." She tugged on his arm, leading him through the kitchen and around to the stairs that led to the McRandall family's worn, comfortable, ever so slightly musty basement. It felt weird to be alone down there; back when they were kids, there was always a crowd down in the rec room. But Kelly got married back when Molly was still in junior high, and Bob was deployed in the South Pacific for the next two years. Kevin was living in Thief River Falls, Ryan had settled down in Kansas City, and even Molly was only home for the summers now. It was just the two of them. Alone. Together.

Was that the problem? Doug found himself distracted by the question once again as he sat down on the couch and rested his hand gently on his stiff cock. Maybe it was. Maybe he'd had these feelings for Molly for years now, and he'd just never had the chance to think about them because they were always so heavily chaperoned--no, not even chaperoned. Just crowded. Doug's older brother shared a bedroom with him until just last month, and his parents were always in and out of the living room whenever they had friends over. The McRandalls had five kids crammed into a four bedroom house. And forget about school functions--even when they got to high school and started sharing classes, there was no way they were going to get any real time alone there. Sometimes it seemed like the education system served no purpose other than to prevent teenagers from making out.

Oh shit. Were they going to make out? Doug squirmed a little, his cock twitching between his fingers as he wondered exactly what he would say if Molly told him she wanted to kiss him. Not because he didn't want to kiss her back, but because he wasn't sure if he'd be able to find a way to force that 'yes' past the lump in his throat. Thankfully, she hadn't noticed just how quiet he was; she was too busy digging through the family's video game collection to find something they could play together. "Mind if I go with Rez again?" she asked, seemingly oblivious to his case of nerves. "I know it's single-player, but I've just been going crazy for it lately." He nodded, still unable to trust his voice.

Molly booted up the family's antique Dreamcast, resting her hand lightly on his bare thigh as she waited for the game to load. "I was playing this on an emulator back in the dorms," she burbled cheerfully, her fingertips lightly tickling his aching balls as she spoke. "But there's really no substitute for playing it on the original machine, is there?" Doug shook his head, feeling the heat prickle on his chubby cheeks and hoping his blush wasn't too obvious. The room felt warm despite the air conditioning, and Doug wished he could take his shirt off or something. But that might seem really forward. Doug didn't want to just assume that she was into him the same way he was into her. They'd been friends for years. Hanging out like this was supposed to be normal.

But it didn't feel that way anymore. Molly came home from college with an almost preternatural self-possession that made her seem grown-up in a way that she absolutely wasn't when she went off to school last fall. And Doug was... well, he was noticing that. She didn't look like the chubby, nerdy Molly with the big glasses and the pigtails anymore, she looked like a sexy, curvy, auburn-haired babe with amazing--Doug swallowed hard, unable to control a gush of precum that dribbled onto his fingers and made his cock slick and throbby in his hand. With an impressive chest, he carefully phrased it. Even in the privacy of his own head, he didn't want to turn Molly into just some sex object.

"Oh! Here we go," Molly murmured, pressing start and sending her avatar floating down the infinite tunnel of the game's representation of cyberspace. Doug was grateful to have her attention divided for a moment; it gave him a chance to collect himself a little, and calm down the potent sexual arousal that seemed to charge the air between them every time he came over to hang out this summer. He wondered sometimes why Molly hadn't said anything about it; it had to be obvious, especially for someone who was already earning college credit in Psychology class before she even graduated high school. Wasn't she saying up in her bedroom a few weeks ago that she was an expert in body language and stuff? His body language was probably a neon sign that said 'I'm into Molly McRandall'.

But maybe she really didn't notice, Doug pondered as he followed Molly's progress through the game and jacked his cock faster and harder. Maybe it was like when you stop really noticing the feeling of your pants against your skin, or a sound that's just always in the background. Maybe Molly didn't really see Doug anymore, because she was so used to him being around and he was just her cool guy friend back home. Maybe she even had a boyfriend at college already, and--no. She would have told him. Even just to let him know how happy he made her.

Because that was the thing that made Doug really, really wish that he could tell Molly how she made him feel--he genuinely liked her. Not just because she stopped hiding her body and he was acutely aware of her enormous breasts and stiff nipples straining at the fabric of her clinging turtleneck, but because she was nice to talk to and fun to listen to. This whole summer, he'd had the nicest time just hanging out up in her room, or down in the basement while her parents were away visiting Molly's grandma, soaking up her charm and losing track of time simply nodding along with her fascinating stories about studying Psychology at college. He didn't want to just be some summer fling for her, someone she fucked because she was horny and she had those beautiful, creamy white thighs that went up under her skirt to h-her, her wet, fuck, f-f-fuck--

Doug shot his load all over his lap. Droplets spurted all the way onto the carpet, but the McRandalls had long ago chosen something that didn't show stains.

With the tension now slowly ebbing from his muscles, Doug was able to focus more intently on the game. Molly had gotten even better at it since the last time he watched her play, and within moments he was lost in fascination with the smooth, inexorable progression through the towers of data. Rainbow sparks burst out from her targets as they detonated, and her avatar plunged deeper into an endless tunnel that flowed on and on until Doug felt like he was floating right along with the character. It reminded him of... of something, but every time he tried to get a grip on what it was his mind slipped away into distraction as his eyes continued to follow the smooth, seamless flow of graphics on the screen. Molly was telling him something, and Doug tried to pay attention--it would be so rude to just tune her out and fantasize about her pussy--but it kept getting harder to listen. It was easier to simply sit and stare and relax.

And he knew Molly wouldn't mind, not really. He'd zoned out a bunch of times while they were hanging out together this summer, and she always just chuckled and ruffled his sandy blonde hair and told him he was a good boy. At first he'd kind of bristled a little--he was eighteen now, and heading to his own first semester at Wayne State. He wasn't a boy anymore. But he'd kind of started to enjoy it now. It reminded him of the way Molly treated the family's new dog, and wasn't this kind of puppy love in its own way?

Not that she... not that he... well, not that there was anything formal, yet. But Doug was starting to get the idea that maybe there was a little unspoken understanding between them, something hinting that maybe when they got to Wayne State they might explore the idea of going steady together. The year Molly took off from school to help out her grandma meant that she was only going to be a sophomore when he was a freshman, and really, wasn't that whole thing supposed to matter a whole lot less in college anyway? And they clearly got along. They hadn't had a fight all summer long. It was almost like they could read each other's minds.

He hoped Molly couldn't read his mind right now, though. She'd probably be horrified by what she found there. Doug's eyes had almost completely glazed over, and he wasn't really even seeing the video game anymore--all that drifted in front of his vision was the sight of Molly's cunt, her puffy pink pussy lips perfectly framed by her soft, pillowy thighs and glistening with arousal. It seemed so real that Doug could almost smell it, almost taste it, almost feel the hem of her skirt brushing against the back of his neck as he buried his head between her legs and licked her slick, salty flesh. It was so real. It was the most real any of his fantasies about Molly had ever gotten, and he had plenty.

God, he daydreamed about her almost every night now. Whenever he lay in bed and thought about the time they spent together, it felt like he slipped away quicker and more easily into vivid erotic fantasies of confessing all his deepest feelings to her. He never had the nerve for that--they always just hung out as friends, doing normal stuff like playing games and watching movies and eating Molly's pussy--but in his mind, the crush made him blurt out all sorts of wild things. One of these times, he told himself, he'd stop worrying about what she might think and say some of them for real.

His hand went back down around his cock, tugging feverishly on the shaft as he nuzzled at Molly's slick pussy until she gushed all over his face. The flavor was intimately familiar, but of course that was just because she was such a good friend and she felt comfortable around him. Friends relaxed around each other, deeply and profoundly, and they... they did stuff together. Normal stuff. The kind of stuff Doug did every night when he hung out with Molly. It was all perfectly normal and he didn't need to think about it at all.

Even when Molly pushed him down onto his back, pausing the game and straddling his hips with a low, hoarse growl of arousal, Doug couldn't bring himself to find anything unusual in it all. It was--he was--if there was anything to any of it, if it really mattered that he could feel her wet cunt clenching around his shaft with frenzied urgency, then he'd have to admit that she had feelings for him. And he had feelings for her. And if they had feelings for each other, then why couldn't he say anything about it? Why was he too much of a coward to just admit that she was cute and he liked her and he wanted to be a part of her life?

Maybe he should just quit fucking around--well, not the 'fucking' part, but at least the 'around' part--and tell her how he felt. Maybe he just needed a little something to give him courage, something to push him past the friendzone he felt like he'd trapped himself in and let Molly know that he really loved her. Maybe he just needed something to take him where he was too scared to go himself, like a... a compulsion, or something, like a love spell or a secret hypnosis formula or something to make him do all the things he wanted to do but was too shy. Maybe Doug just needed a, a, a....

Molly pulled her shirt up and off, revealing her tits. Doug strained up into her cunt, his cock spurting with desperate lust. "I love you," he blurted out, no more able to stop the words from escaping his lips than he could stop the cum from gushing out of his throbbing cockhead.

She looked down at him, a crooked smile on her face. "Well, duh," she said, before she lifted off of his shaft and kneeled down between his legs to tease his cock back to full mast again.


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