Scented Assent

Chapter 2

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #bratty_domme #f/f #humiliation #knight #perfume #sheepgirl #breast_fixation #dom:female #fantasy #princess #sub:female

For a moment, the world was quiet around Ichigo. She’d been pulled facefirst into Lina’s breasts. It was like… like being submerged in deep water, or in a thick fog bank. For a moment, everything was muted. Soft. Lina's skin was soft and smooth, and she felt so warm...

Ichigo snapped out of it. She started to thrash in her bonds, struggling to pull away, but the sheepgirls had her surrounded and were quick to hold her in place. Ichigo could only fight so hard without taking in a new breath, and she knew she needed to hold her breath as long as she could, because they'd taken off her mask and Lina was—

“Aww, she's so cuute~!” cooed one of the sheepgirls, stroking her hair as she sputtered and fought.

“Princess, your new pet is just lovely!” agreed another, giggling.

Ichigo's cheeks burned. She tried to pull away, but they just pushed her in deeper, deeper into Lina's softness.

“Oh, I know,” Lina said smugly. The perfumed enchantress patted Ichigo on the head. “What a pretty little girl~!”


Ichigo felt rage building in her. She fought harder. She wasn't some… some little toy. She was a warrior. And she had to save these poor girls and—and teach Lina a lesson!

She didn't need to get her face out of Lina's tits to fight back. She knew how that thought sounded as it rang in her head, but it was true. She gave up on trying and focused on her hands, forced behind her back with fluffy wool bindings, trying to bend to reach the hilt of her sword. She strained, gritting her teeth, and her fingertips brushed the pommel—

Lina, still holding her between her tits, shifted slightly.

Ichigo felt the sheepgirl's soft, silk-stockinged ankle slide between Ichigo’s legs.

A pulse of involuntary pleasure throbbed through her.

She couldn't help it. She gasped for air.

Sweet, intoxicating perfume flooded her lungs in an instant, before she’d even realized what she’d done. It was like an entire bank of snow falling down on her in the blink of an eye.

The pheromones flowed in fast and heavy, and everything suddenly went…

… cloudy.

In hindsight, Ichigo wasn't sure why she'd been so worried. She didn't feel any different. It was just perfume. It was fine.

It was just so... sweet. Heady and thick, like sugary bubbly foam filling her head with bubbles, with rolling, elegant ringlets of fluffy pink wool.

But it wasn't doing anything to her. She felt relieved. She'd been so worried, but it wasn't doing anything. And she'd only taken in a small breath, anyways.

Only... why was her mouth still open?

Ichigo blinked blearily. She swore she'd only taken in a small breath. A tiny wisp of perfumed air.

But she was still between Lina's breasts. Her lungs felt nice and full, and her head felt full, too, full of pretty sparkly pink clouds… and Lina’s breasts felt very, very full…

A bit of Lina's smug laughter broke through the fog.

And reality pierced through instants later.

Ichigo's eyes widened. She forced her mouth shut and started struggling again, whimpering in embarrassment. Damn it! She'd let herself drift off, and now—now she was holding her breath again, but this was drugged air she was holding onto, bad air, corrupted air…

She needed to think of something. And she needed to do it before she—

Lina's ankle gave a very deliberate grind between Ichigo’s thighs, and the trail of thought splintered apart like broken glass. Pleasure oozed through her like molten gold through a foundry. Ichigo let out a soft cry, fists clenching helplessly against the unbearable weakness.

“That's right,” Lina cooed. “Do you like that, sweetie?”

“Mnngh—” Ichigo's wordless retort nearly broke down into a moan as the leg pressed harder against her womanhood.

“I thought so~!” The sheepgirl giggled. “Get nice and weak for me. Someone needs to teach you where you belong~”

Ichigo barely held in a whimper. She could feel the other sheepgirls pressing in, delicately peeling pieces of her armor away from her body. Every time she tried to stop them, enraged, indignant, the rubbing would intensify.

And she kept letting more and more of Lina's sweet perfume enter her lungs.

As she felt hands undoing the ribbons of her plate armor, she put up a frantic fight, trying to push away from Lina and shake them all free. But the rubbing wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop.

If anything, she realized, as thick, gooey pleasure bubbled up in her, her struggles were only causing her to... to…

“Wow,” Lina exclaimed, and Ichigo’s face burst into flames as she realized Lina had noticed at the same time, “are you humping me~?”


“Well, that’s what it feels like~” Ichigo could feel Lina's fingers running through her hair. It felt… nice. The sheepgirl kept grinding her soft thigh against Ichigo's throbbing need. That felt even nicer.

Ichigo knew what Lina was doing. She knew Lina knew, too.

And she was helpless to stop it.

Lina's grip on her hair tightened slightly, and Ichigo found herself being pulled back out of Lina's tits, returned to a sea of beautiful giggling women.

She dropped her gaze and squirmed, desperate to avoid those smug, smiling faces—and Lina's own bright, glimmering eyes.

“There we go,” Lina cooed. “That ought to do it.”

The other sheepgirls released Ichigo from their grip.

Ichigo swayed. It took her a moment to register what had happened.

“I... whuh...” She licked her lips and looked around blearily, trying to get a sense for gravity. She needed to... needed to fight back. Needed to fight back now before they bound her again.

She drew back, then swung her fist at Lina’s smug, superior face—

—but her muscles felt like… like stretched taffy. Her limbs felt boneless. The fighting techniques she knew by heart felt like wispy cotton candy clouds in her head, and—

Her barely-closed fist weakly brushed against Lina’s cheek.

Lina’s eyes sparkled. “Are you trying to caress my cheek? Why, Ichigo!”

She grabbed Ichigo by the shoulders.

Ichigo’s face burned. She sputtered, trying to think of a retort, struggling against the smaller girl’s grip.

The next thing she knew, Lina had her pinned to the ground.

Ichigo looked up at Lina with wide, panicked eyes. Her racing heart hit a frantic gallop.

This spoiled, pampered, idiot 'Princess' had just pinned Ichigo, a trained warrior, as though Ichigo were…

… some weak little damsel.

“Oh my gosh~!” Lina beamed down at Ichigo, giggling as Ichigo continued her pathetic struggles. “That's soooo cute! You're so weak!”

“N-No!” Ichigo cried. The shadows of Lina's servants gathered all around them both. She strained, but Lina’s grip felt like iron. She was so weak...

“Weak little girls like you,” Lina purred, “clearly don't have any business trying to interfere with Princesses like me.” Her lashes fluttered low. She caressed Ichigo’s cheek. “I'm so much stronger than you! And smarter, too!”

She sat down in Ichigo's lap, and Ichigo's breath caught as the sheepgirl's plump ass pressed right down against her... tent.

Lina's eyes sparkled. She extended one delicate hand, and Ichigo realized with a numb dread exactly what she was reaching for.

Those fingertips settled on the pommel of Ichigo's sword.

“And what would you even do with one of these?” Lina laughed. “So stupid.”

She gestured to one of her handmaidens, who went to unbuckle the scabbard.

“N-No!” Ichigo cried, but her voice was a tortured mewl as a sheepgirl planted a long, indulgent kiss on her neck. She squirmed and bucked as another kiss descended on the other side of her neck. “No, w-wai—a-aanhh!” Her whole body convulsed as a hand groped one of her little tits. “S-Stoppp!” Lina ground her ass.

It was so much. Kisses on her neck, her arms, her face...

... and the perfume was everywhere, and it smelled so good, and every time she gasped for air, her thoughts puffed away, and it took her precious seconds to remember what was happening, and in that time she'd taken in more forbidden gulps of poison—

“Oh, yes,” Lina declared, “my little Ichigo's clearly too weak and dumb and little to even be allowed to keep something like this!”

Ichigo couldn't do anything. The kisses, the caresses, the coos, the grinding... it was all she could do not to squeal in helpless, humiliated pleasure as the scabbard was unbuckled and tossed over the side of the bridge. She heard a distant clank as it struck the dry riverbed.

She knew that sound sealed her fate.

And she knew, through clouds of fuzzy, fluffy, silly pink perfume, that Lina wouldn't stop here.

Lina got up, but only to reposition, to lie lower down and bathe Ichigo in more sweet perfume while that stockinged leg ground against her womanhood once again.

Ichigo cried out in pleasure. Her hips gave an involuntary buck.

“There's a good girl!” Lina giggled, kissing Ichigo on the cheek. “Doesn't that feel sooo good?”

Ichigo whimpered shamefully. It all felt wonderful, but she wasn't supposed to feel this good, this was wrong, it was bad—

“Go on, sweetie!” Lina beamed down at her, eyes crinkling slightly as she rubbed her leg hard against Ichigo's bulge. “Just admit you want it.”

Ichigo didn't. She knew she didn't. But everything felt felt so good, smelled so good. She wriggled, and it was to try to escape, but didn't… didn’t it also feel so nice how wriggling made Lina's knee rub against her like that?

Kisses covered her face, drowned her soundscape. She couldn't think straight. She kept wriggling, whimpering, whining, trying to think of a way out. But she couldn't think at all anymore…

Lina's knee rubbed faster, faster. Ichigo was panting. No. No, she had to—had to stop this, had to get away, but it felt so nice, so nice, so—everything in her head felt so fuzzy and silly and lost—

She reached the precipice. She nearly choked with pleasure. Her whole world went pink.

And Lina's leg went still.

“Nnh!” Ichigo gasped, head swirling with sweet perfume, staring up at Lina in helpless need.

Lina smirked down at her. “Aww, what's wrong?”

Ichigo licked her lips. She tried not to drool. She—she was on the edge, she was so close, but Lina wasn't letting her cum, wasn't finishing her off, wasn’t just letting her lose!

Her whole brain felt like a single sensitive pleasure nerve. Her clit was twitching, dribbling, but she couldn't quite get enough pressure.

“Don't tell me you want more,” Lina teased, patting Ichigo on the cheek.

Twin soft, wet kisses smacked against Ichigo's neck. The sound echoed in her ears like it was the only sound Ichigo could hear.

Ichigo swallowed.

She didn't want more.

She... needed more. She needed it, practically.

Not in a submissive way, she told herself. She didn't want this.

Ichigo started to grind back.

Sweet volts of pleasure shot through her as her womanhood slid against Lina's soft leg. Whimpers slipped unbidden from her lips.

Lina's coos of delight made her cheeks burn.

She needed it. She needed to cum. It wasn't a 'want' thing. She wasn't giving in. She wasn't.

Lina's leg seemed to pull away a little. The void of touch sent shivers through Ichigo's body, and in desperation, she thrust forward, recapturing it. She hated how Lina's smile widened.

She needed to cum. She ground and humped, unable to keep from panting slightly. She needed to cum so her mind would clear. Not a want. Need. Need.

“Sooo cute,” one of the sheepgirls sang in her ear. Ichigo growled in frustration, thinking they were teasing her about the grinding—which was totally practical and not cute at all!—but then the sheepgirl reached over and groped her breast, and Ichigo’s growl broke into a gasp.

“I know,” agreed another sheepgirl, giggling and groping her other breast. Ichigo gasped and writhed at the sensation. They felt so—so sensitive—

“They're so small~!” the pair crowed at once.

Ichigo's breath caught. She looked between them, then at Lina, who was grinning evilly. Her face felt small.

“W-What?” she squeaked.

But she kept grinding. She was so close. Lina kept pulling away, ruining the rhythm, but she was so close—

Dimly, she felt hands grab her wrists, pulling her free of her restraints. But she was too busy humping, too busy trying to figure out just what the pair had said about her tits—

And then she felt both of her hands being buried in soft, pillowy cleavage as the two sheepgirls pulled her hands to their own chests.

“See?” The first sheepgirl beamed at her. “See how much bigger ours are, cutie?”

“W-W—” Ichigo's face felt hot. She tried to pull her hands away, but the pair just pulled back. Their tits were so squishy. Bouncy.


“And yours are so little.” The other sheepgirl gave Ichigo's nipple a tweak, earning a yelp. “But so sensitive!”

“So cuuuute!” the first squealed, squeezing Ichigo's breast to the rhythm of Ichigo's grinding.

“N-Nngh—” Ichigo whimpered. Her cheeks were burning. This wasn’t fair! She was trying to help them! And—and she knew her tits were small, but theirs were enormous, soft, perfect, and it all felt so—so good—

“And the Princess's are even bigger,” another sheepgirl purred, kissing her on the neck. “Aren't they?”

“Wh—buh—” Ichigo blinked rapidly. “B... bigger...?”

Lina smiled down at her.

And ground her knee against Ichigo's bulge.

And bounced her chest right in front of Ichigo's face.

No. Ichigo whimpered, grinding humping. It wasn't...

“The Princess is so pretty,” the sheepgirls cooed.

The Princess was so... no, Lina was...

“Big boobs mean big brains!”


Her tongue lolled. No... she, she had to stop, had to escape...

“You'll be such a cuuute little perfumeslave for her big, bouncy boobies~!”


The Princess was bouncing those big tits. Bounce-bounce-bounce. So big. So much bigger than hers.

“Just like the rest of us.”

Ichigo was panting, drooling, humping, grinding. She needed to fight…

… needed to escape…

Needed to... to cum...

Lina leaned in close, and Ichigo's breath came out in a rush as those pretty eyes seized hers and held them captive.

Lina smirked.

“Gosh, you're easy,” she said, stroking a finger underneath Ichigo's chin.

Ichigo mewled. Hands were groping her tits, a knee was grinding against her throbbing, drooling clit, kisses were everywhere, the scent was everywhere, Princess was everywhere, Princess was everything…

“I'm going to make you,” Lina said sweetly, “such a cute, dumb, pacified little plaything. We both know that’s what you wanted all along.”

“N-Nnghh—n-no, I—” Ichigo could barely speak. Could barely breathe.

She humped, grinded, drooled, panted.

Lina booped Ichigo on the nose. “Well?”

She cocked her head cutely to the side, a big, mock-innocent grin spreading across her pretty face.

“Let me hear you say it.”


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