The Perfect Trap

by Gajah

Tags: #accidental_self_hypnosis #consensual_kink #D/s #f/f #pov:bottom #pov:top #aftercare #awakening #clothed_sex #drool #first_time #first_time_hypnosis #masturbation

Ruth falls right into her housemate’s hypnotic trap. Only thing is, Isabella didn’t mean to trap her at all.

This story has been suggested by 1 users.

Disclaimer: The use of the term "girl" is not meant to imply underage sex; all characters are over 18.

"Superiority" is returning soon, but I wanted to get this one out first!

Isabella was not having a good day. The ginger Latina had gone out on what she had thought would be a romantic date with Jesse, her girlfriend, only to be unceremoniously dumped. She had texted her housemate, Ruth, to let her know she’d be home far earlier than expected, and had navigated the buses back, alternately grumbling angrily and trying not to cry. As she opened the front door, she’d expected Ruth to be there, or at least nearby, but she was nowhere to be seen. Well, great. What was happening? 

Ruth had been raised in a fairly conservative household, and had taken a while to come around to Isabella being bisexual, let alone having open relationships, and early in their cohabitation had very much had a “serves you right” attitude towards her roommate’s relationship troubles… but she’d become more accepting and they had moved past that, right? She would at least have expected to hear something from her by now, although admittedly she’d seemed a bit more distant the past few days.

Taking a deep breath, she called out.

“Ruth? Where are you?”

“I’m in your room, Mistress,” came the reply.

In her room? was Isabella’s first thought. What was Ruth doing in-

Hang on, did she just call her “Mistress”?

Pushing aside her confusion of emotions for now, Isabella made her way upstairs. Her door was somewhat ajar, and she pushed it open. She was greeted with quite the sight.

Ruth was a slightly shorter girl, with long, wavy black hair worn in a ponytail and half-moon glasses. She was dressed conservatively as always, in an ankle-length skirt and sensible cardigan.

Right now, that cardigan had an obvious patch of drool coating it, stemming from Ruth’s parted lips. She was stood staring at Isabella’s battery-powered spiral that she’d occasionally used for hypnosis play, eyes glazed. She barely acknowledged her housemate’s entrance, continuing to stare, entranced, at the spiral.

“Ruth? What’s going on?”

“Congratulations, Mistress. You’ve caught me in your hypnotic trap. It was too clever for me; I shouldn’t have tried to outsmart it. And now you’re going to take control of me, and make me your slave, and get me to kiss you.” She said it all in a complete monotone, eyes still locked to the spiral.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! What on Earth are you- no, you know what? We need to have a proper talk here, and you being in trance is not going to aid that.” She took a breath, banishing the negative thoughts for now, and worked out what she was going to tell Ruth.

“Alright. In a moment, I’m going to turn the spiral off, and you’ll wake up. You’ll still be hypnotised, and will drop back into this trance state if I show you the spiral again, but until that happens, you’ll be completely yourself. I won’t be able to influence your behaviour any more than I normally would, beyond putting you back under or waking you completely. However, when you are awake, you will be unable to lie to me. If I ask you a question, you’ll either answer it completely honestly and truthfully, or you’ll tell me that you don’t want to answer it or that you want to leave something out. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Mistress. I will wake up as myself. I will not lie to you, even by omission. I will tell you if I leave things out.”

“Very good. Then wake up.”

Isabella reached over and flipped the switch, bringing the spiral to a slow and then a stop. Ruth blinked rapidly, disoriented… then realised what had just happened, her face turning crimson.

“I- uh- er- hi?” she stammered. Then, coming to her senses a bit more, “Oh, God, I’ve got a lot of things wrong, haven’t I?”

“Hi. We need to have a serious chat about what you’ve just been doing… but for now, you need to be taken care of. How long have you been standing there for?”

“Uh… since you sent that text, pretty much.”

Isabella checked her phone. “Half an hour?! Right, you need to sit down and have a good, long drink. I doubt that’ll have been easy on your legs or your fluid levels.” She could see the truth of both statements hitting Ruth, who practically collapsed onto Isabella’s desk chair, still blushing furiously.

“Sorry, Izzy, could you grab my drink bottle, please? You’re right; I need to sit down right now.”

The Latina hurried off to do that, returning quickly. She sat down on her bed, letting Ruth take her time at first, but she eventually decided to press the matter.

“So. How and why did you come to be just standing there in trance? And where did you get the idea I’d take control of you? I think there’s a story there that needs unpicking.”

“Right. I guess it started when you brought that Black girl - Sophie? - over here.”

One Week Ago

Ruth tried to stay out of Izzy’s way whenever she brought someone new home. In this case, she’d had a brief, mumbled introduction to Sophie, and had then fled to her room, trying to block out the sounds she knew would come from across the hall. She had fully intended to stay there for the rest of the… date? Affair? Fling? - but nature had called, and so she scurried out of her room, avoiding looking into her housemate’s as much as possible. On the way back, however, she happened to catch a glance of the scene through the slightly ajar door, and found herself staring.

Sophie was sitting cross-legged on Izzy’s bed, the Latina standing in front of her. Her gaze was totally fixed on a pendant Izzy was holding, swinging it side to side. Izzy also seemed to be talking quietly to her. What was she saying?

“That’s right, Sophie, just letting your thoughts drain away, letting yourself just look at the pendant. You don’t need thoughts, you can let me just tell you what to do. That’s right, you’re doing so well. Eyelids getting so heavy, and you’re just going to fall backwards into sleep for me, in three… two… one… sleep.”

Sophie slumped backwards onto the bed, and Ruth fled to her room.

Izzy was hypnotising her partners. That meant, as far as she knew, that she was taking control of their minds, turning them into her servants, and having her way with them. Should Ruth do something?

What if it happened to her?

The thought struck her, and she somehow couldn’t get it out of her head. Izzy had been respectful so far, but… what if that was all an act? What if one day she would walk up to Ruth, dangle the pendant in front of her face, and make her fall under her spell?

She told herself she was being silly, and tried to stop thinking about it. When Sophie took her leave the next morning, nothing seemed different. But the thought kept popping into her head, unprompted, sounding more and more plausible each time. She kept imagining new ways it would happen.

Izzy putting subliminal messages in her music, making Ruth think there was nothing wrong as she carried out her bidding.

Izzy streaming a spiral to the TV, letting Ruth stumble upon it and become unable to look away.

Izzy starting up a metronome and speaking in time with it, catching Ruth up in the rhythm until she couldn’t stop listening.

Izzy lacing her food with drugs, making her mind so pliant she would just instantly obey any command given.

Izzy pinning her to a wall, using her superior strength, and forcing Ruth to gaze into her eyes…

And what would Izzy do with her, once she was in her power? The same thing as with all her partners, surely. Turn her into her submissive plaything, use her body however she desired, and make Ruth thank her for it. She kept imagining what Izzy would do to her, how she could try to escape, how hopeless any attempt would be. What if that had already happened? What if Izzy had hypnotised Ruth and let her forget it, and could just walk up to her, tell her to sleep, and she’d be carrying out her orders without any knowledge? It would make sense, as some part of her mind already seemed to like the idea, given how these scenarios had also pervaded her-

Ruth cut herself off at this point. “Actually, I don’t want to talk about that… it’s not relevant, anyway…” she mumbled.

Isabella shook herself out of the state of open-mouthed shock she had found herself in. She didn’t mind the fact that she’d been seen, but hearing this stream of… well, lewd, hypno-kinky fantasies… pouring out of Ruth’s mouth was quite something. She had always thought of her as so uptight, the term “vanilla” would probably be inaccurate on the grounds of being too interesting, but now it sure sounded like she had a thing for being hypnotised.

She was pretty sure she knew what Ruth had been about to say before stopping - she’d noticed her changing her sheets a few times this week, but hadn’t really thought much of it until just now.

She realised Ruth was waiting for her to say something, and cleared her throat.

“That’s fine, you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. So… is that why you’ve been distant this week? Trying to avoid getting “caught under my spell”?” She wiggled her fingers cheekily as she said it.

“Um… yeah. It seems silly when you put it that way, though.”

“So, how did you actually end up here today? Oh- before you answer that, do you need more water or anything? I promise not to drug it.” Once again, she overplayed it, making it clear she was joking about the chances of that happening anyway.

Ruth drained the last of her water and passed the bottle over. Isabella ducked out again and returned promptly. Once she’d got settled, she nodded for her to continue.

“So, I’d sort of got my thoughts under control, and then your text came through…”

40 Minutes Ago

“Jesse just broke up with me. Coming home now.”

Ruth stared at the text she’d just received. Ordinarily, her instinct would be to get ready to comfort Izzy, to be there for her, but her mind kept turning back to the scene she’d witnessed. Sophie, captivated by the pendant, eyes glazed over, falling into sleep for Izzy. Then, to the images she’d conjured up. Izzy standing over her, holding her in place, forcing her to watch and listen as she took her in the same way. With her main relationship over, would Izzy rebound to Ruth? Hypnotise her as soon as she got back?

She’d have to make sure that couldn’t happen. She’d have to go into Izzy’s room, and destroy or hide all her toys.

Once she entered, however, she began to question herself. Which of these could be used to hypnotise her? Maybe Izzy could use anything. And, even if she was using them for evil, did Ruth have the right to destroy them? Maybe it would all be a big misunderstanding.

Then, she noticed something sitting on Izzy’s desk. A circular disc, with a spiral pattern on it. She went to take a closer look, and realised there was a mechanism on its back, which would allow it to rotate when a switch was flipped. She suddenly became convinced that this was what Izzy would use to hypnotise her. After all, it was just sitting out there, in the open. Surely she must have retrieved it for ease of access, so that when the time came to enslave Ruth, she could grab it immediately. What if the whole break-up thing was a lie? Maybe Izzy had had some other errand to do, sent the text for sympathy, and was planning to use that to get Ruth’s guard down? The more she thought along those lines, the more it seemed certain.

Ruth broke off her story, realising that Izzy was looking at her with a mix of confusion and betrayal.

“Yeah… that seems ridiculous now, given how you’ve been treating me thus far… but I was so caught up in the idea, I couldn’t think of anything else. I don’t know why.” Ruth blushed once more.

“Alright, if you’re sure. So, you were looking at the spiral, thinking I must be an evil hypnotist out to get you - what happened next?”

A new idea popped into Ruth’s mind. Maybe, if she looked at the spiral now, she would know what it would be like, and could defend herself against it. Like a vaccine, or something. So, taking a deep breath, she reached over, and flipped the switch, making the spiral start to spin.

Initially, she didn’t feel anything as she looked at it. Was this all? Maybe she couldn’t be hypnotised. Or maybe she just had to look deeper, to experience the full effect. So she kept staring.

Honestly, it was kinda relaxing, just staring into the spiral. She tried to imagine what Izzy would say, so she could resist it better when it happened for real. What would it be like?

Just look into the spiral… keep staring… feel your eyes growing heavier… no need to look away… becoming more obedient to me… can’t look away…

She realised, with a jolt, that she was actually starting to feel that way. She was clearly doing a good job.

That’s right, she imagined Izzy saying. You’re doing so well… you don’t want to look away… you just want to sink further… accepting me as your Mistress…

Right, this was starting to get too realistic. Time to stop… but she realised she couldn’t bring herself to look away. The spiral was so pretty… she could keep relaxing; Mis- Izzy wouldn’t be home for a while. Just keep looking, keep feeling more and more obedient…

She realised too late that Izzy had created the perfect trap - one she had stumbled right into. Her brain was filled with Izzy’s own imagined words, telling her to keep staring. Her vision was fuzzing, limbs growing heavy, eyes growing weary, all combining to trap her, make her unable to do anything but stare. She vaguely realised she was drooling onto her clothes, but couldn’t stop herself - Mistress Izzy wouldn’t want that, she thought.

Her last coherent thought was that she could actually enjoy servitude to Her.

“And… yeah. Then you were telling me to be truthful, and waking me up… and I’m now feeling rather silly. Why did I ever think you’d want to capture me?”

Isabella sat back, mind reeling. “Well… that was a lot to take in. First things first - what do you mean when you said you could enjoy it?”

Ruth squirmed in embarrassment, face reddening once again. “I- meep- pass?”

Isabella giggled. “Right, fair enough. Although I think your reaction might have given it away. But we don’t have to talk about it, ever, if you don’t want. Uh, just to clarify, no, I’m not some hypnotic supervillainess bent on, well, bending you to my will. I can wake you up fully now, actually, if you want.”

“Um… I think I’m fine? There’s some questions I want to ask you, and I think it might be better if we go over them now, rather than breaking it up? You might need me to answer some more of your own, or- or something.” She was babbling, and Isabella giggled once more.

“Yeah, alright, let’s defer that, then. So - ask away. I promise I’ll be as truthful as possible.”

“So, uh, first question - why were you hypnotising Sophie?”

“She asked me to. It’s - you may not like this answer - a kink thing. I got her permission, made sure she knew she could back out at any time, and we had a lovely night.”

“Honestly, I’m more on board with kink than you’d think, given my former attitude towards… other things. Not that I’ve ever really thought about it,” she hastened to add. “So… it was all consensual then?”

“Absolutely. Hypnosis isn’t this magical thing which compels you to obey; it’s all psychology. As long as you make the subject’s agency clear to them - even if you don’t, but try get them to do something extreme - they’ll break out and won’t obey. It just gives the illusion of helplessness and compulsion.”

“Right. How did I end up hypnotised, then? And doing all that other stuff.”

“So, there’s a saying that all hypnosis is self hypnosis. It’s a bit of a simplification, bit of a cliché, but it’s essentially true. And, in addition, hypnosis very much runs on belief. So I’d wager what happened is that you looked at the spiral, expecting to fall into a trance and become unable to disobey me, be forced to see me as your mistress - and so you did. Simple as that.”

“If that’s the case, why didn’t I break out? You said that someone who doesn’t want to do what they’re ordered would wake up, right?”

“Yeah, well, that’s where the “it’s more complicated than that” bit comes in. Because you’re not familiar with hypnosis, you didn’t know you could try and it would actually work. When I got to you, I didn’t give you any ridiculous suggestions; I just told you to be honest with me, after I’d caught you in my room, using my stuff- oh, I’m not mad, don’t worry about that! And I gave you an escape clause for the honesty as well. But, yeah, if you wanted to lie to me, you could. For instance, what colour is the sky?”


“See? Took you a bit more effort, I think, but it’s not absolute. And finally, if you may permit me… I think that, deep down, some part of you wanted this. You said you had enjoyed it, and there’s all the… well… fantasising you were doing about it, and… sorry, I’m embarrassing you, aren’t I?”

“Honestly, I think today’s just a day for that. Yeah, I… I think I did want to be hypnotised. It just looked nice, y’know, getting to relax, and Sophie just looked… I dunno, there was something in her expression that just got me, I think?”

Ruth fidgeted slightly, before continuing. “Um… you were saying it’s a kink thing for you?”

“Yeah? I’m not sure I wanna go into much detail about my sex life with you, but go on.”

“IthinkImighthavethatkinkandcouldwetryitnowmaybe? If that’s okay with you- I know you’ve not had the best of days, and maybe you don’t want to do this right now, and…”
Izzy blinked in surprise. “Right. Um. I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re going from zero to “please do erotic hypnosis with me” over the course of, from my perspective, about 15 minutes.”

“Yeah, sorry… take your time… or maybe forget I said anything?”

Isabella did indeed take her time to think. Ruth was cute, but she’d stopped thinking of her in those terms once it became clear she didn’t want any sort of relationship - or so she’d thought. She sorted through her thoughts, and came to a conclusion.

“Alright, let’s do this. I’ll need a bit of prep time, and I can’t promise my behaviour won’t be a bit… rebound-y… but I’ll try to give you a good experience. And you’ll be able to retract consent at any time, alright?”

“Sounds good? God, what have I got myself into… Actually, could you maybe drop me right now? I’d rather get started before I change my mind, and I’m happy if you want to take some time afterwards.”

“Yeah, okay. Wanna stay here, or move to your room?”

“Mine, I think.”

“Let’s go, then.”

Ruth sat on her bed, filled with a mix of nerves and excitement. Isabella pulled her armchair over to face her, then held something up. Ruth realised it was the spiral from before - she’d somehow missed her housemate retrieving it. The Latina flipped the switch, and Ruth found her eyes immediately drawn to it.

“That’s right, pretty girl, you know the drill already, don’t you? Just look at the spiral… find yourself sinking back down, down, down… eyes getting harder to keep open… limbs getting heavy… just fall into a deep sleep for me.”

Ruth’s head slumped over, but her body remained upright. Isabella took her by the shoulder, swaying her body back and forth.

“And just keep falling deeper for me, pretty girl. Deeper and deeper, dropping to the bed.” She let her go, and indeed, Ruth fell backwards.

“Do you like being called that, by the way?”

“Yes, Mistress,” came the mumbled reply.

“Of course you do, pretty girl. Every time I call you that, you just feel a little pop of happiness. Now, I’m just going to move you around a bit while I work out what to do with you. And as I do that, you’ll just keep dropping, as you find your body just being manipulated, unable to do anything about it. Try to move, try to do anything but relax, and you just sink deeper, body getting yet heavier, mind falling deeper under my control.”

She idly picked up one of Ruth’s hands, allowing her arm to flop around a bit, as she came up with her plan for the afternoon. Then she moved on to her head, turning it from one side to the other, squeezing her cheeks slightly.

“Do you want me to lean into the “villain” thing, my darling?”
“...Not this time, Mistress. Later, maybe.”

“That’s perfectly fine. So, are you ready to start?”

“Yes, Mistress.”
“Of course you are, pretty girl, because I say you are. I am, as you put it, your Mistress, and you must obey me. And so, when you wake up, you’ll find that, any command I give you, you are compelled to follow and obey. Anything I tell you to do, you will just do, and enjoy obeying me. Now, of course, in reality, you’ll be free to say no to me, and your subconscious mind will always be able to step in and do that when needed. But I want your conscious mind to just forget that… to feel as if you’re completely under my power, unable to disobey, even if you wanted to. And you don’t want to, do you, pretty girl? So much better to obey your Mistress. On the count of three, waking up for me as my perfect, hypnotised servant. One… two… three.”

Ruth blinked a few times as she sat up.

“Enjoy your nap, pretty girl?”
“Yes, Mistress.” The reply was immediate and automatic.

“Good girl. Now, when you caught yourself, you ended up drooling a lot, it would seem. So, my first order for you is to get changed into things that aren’t so stained. How much of your body are you comfortable showing to me?”

“Um… down to my bra, but no further, Mistress.”

“Very well. We’ll see if that’s relevant or not, but for now, stand up, and take off that cardigan. Put on a bit of a show, if you’re comfortable.”

Ruth found herself rising to her feet, body swaying slightly. Slowly, her hands reached for the hem of her cardigan, lifting it up off her torso to reveal the button-up shirt she had on beneath. This too had a stain on it.

“Good girl, darling. I believe the shirt needs to go as well.”

Ruth continued to sway, lingering over each button as she undid it. She could feel Isabella’s eyes on her as she removed the shirt, taking in the sight.

“Very good. You did produce a lot of drool when you were under, didn’t you, pretty girl? I’ll turn away as you change your bra, but don’t get any more clothes on just yet. Tell me when you’re done.”

True to her word, Isabella turned away, closing her eyes for good measure. She could faintly hear Ruth taking her bra off and rummaging in her drawers, before a quiet voice from behind her said, “Done, Mistress.”

She turned back and her eyes widened as she saw Ruth, in contrast to the plain affair she had stained, was now wearing a pink, lacy bra. Not enough to expose anything, but certainly more daring than she had expected from the brunette.

“And where did you get that one from, pretty girl?”

“I told myself I’d wear it if I knew someone might see it… and you’re it, Mistress.”

“It looks lovely on you, darling. Now, go over to your chest of drawers and pull out some new clothes.”

Ruth did so, and, as Isabella had been hoping, pulled open one of the middle drawers. She bent over it and started to look through, when Isabella said, “Freeze.”

Ruth gasped as her body locked in place. She could sense Isabella strolling over to her, coming to rest a hand on her back.

“Well, don’t you look lovely there, pretty girl? All helpless and frozen… posed perfectly for your Mistress. Do you like that? The feeling of helplessness… of being not quite in control?”

“Yes, Mistress,” she breathed.

“Good girl. Now… where on your body am I allowed to touch?”

“Not under clothes, but anywhere else, Mistress.”

“Very good.”

Isabella took time to rearrange her housemate - moving her legs slightly further apart, putting her hands in a more stable position, but still bent over the furniture. She began to stroke her hair, then her bare back. Ruth sighed at the sensation.

“Do you like this, pretty girl?”

“Yes, Mistress. So much.”

“Good girl! Now, how about we have some fun? Let’s see… tell me you’re my hypnotised plaything.”
“I’m your hypnotised plaything.”

“You’re a toy put on display.”

“I’m a toy put on display.”

“You’re Mistress Isabella’s hypno-slave.”
“I’m Mistress Isabella’s hypno-slave.”

“You’re saying that all so nicely for me, you’re doing such a good job.” She moved her other hand to cup Ruth’s cheek, placing her thumb against her lips. “Now, suck.”

Ruth opened her mouth obediently, sucking Isabella’s thumb as she slipped it into her mouth. Her face burned with embarrassment, but every part of her mind was screaming for more. And then Isabella moved her other hand around, stopping patting, to instead caress her breasts through her bra. Ruth moaned, as best she could, around the thumb.

“Tell me, pretty girl. Is this turning you on?”

“Y- yes, Mistress.”

“Is that why you had to change your sheets a few times this week?”
“I- yes, Mistress. Uh- dreams, not-”

“Shh, I don’t need to know all the details! But thank you for sharing.” She smiled as Ruth flushed deeper. “Is the embarrassment helping? Should I take a picture of you like this?” she teased.

“I- uh- hah- maybe? If you want, Mistress…”

“I was mostly teasing you, pretty girl, but those were some delightful noises. Now, last question… would a change of panties also be in order?”

“...Yes, Mistress.”

Isabella stood back. “Right. In that case, stand up and get to it. Are you okay with me looking on?”

“That’s fine, Mistress - I won’t be taking the skirt off.”

Ruth bent down and, with only minor difficulties, removed her panties from under her skirt. Isabella held her hand out for them, and Ruth half-unconsciously handed them over, only realising what she’d just done when she saw the ginger holding them to the light. During her brief period of consternation, Isabella spoke up again.

“Actually, you don’t need new panties for now. Just stand to attention for me.”

Ruth immediately stood up straight, bringing one hand into a salute. Her housemate giggled.

“Technically, that’s not what “stand to attention” means… but you look cute, so just stay like that. Smile for me. Good. Now, I want you to try and hold that pose for me. I’m not commanding your body to remain still, so maybe you’ll fail, but I want you to try.”

She walked up to the paralysed girl and planted a kiss on her lips. She could feel them twitching briefly as Ruth went to reciprocate, before remembering her orders and freezing up again. Isabella smiled as she moved behind her, and began trailing kisses down her cheek. She embraced the brunette, squeezing her breasts, before moving one hand down to her thigh, still covered by that long skirt. Ruth was clearly having a hard time of it, switching between instinctively leaning in for more, and trying to be a good girl and hold her pose.

“My, my, you’re an eager one, aren’t you, pretty girl?” Isabella murmured between kisses. “Just a bit of light teasing, and you can barely follow such a simple order as “stay still.” Tell me - how desperate are you right now?”

“I- hah- very, Mistress. But, I don’t really wanna show it… I dunno…”

“That’s alright, pretty girl, you’re doing so well for me. What I want you to find right now, as I keep stimulating you, is that your inhibitions are slowly being turned down and buried, just for the time being. They won’t necessarily be gone, but you’ll find yourself freer to do things you’d normally be embarrassed by. Good girl… and you can stop trying to stay still for me. Keep that pose, but you can move around while in it.” She was greeted by Ruth pressing her body more firmly against hers, bracing against her, and trying to work out how she could sneak a kiss herself while still saluting.

“There we go, pretty girl. Now, in a moment, I’ll let you free entirely, and you’ll show me exactly what you want me to do to you. Free of inhibitions… free of shame… you’ll be fucked exactly as you want.” She was practically purring her orders by now, and Ruth was clearly enjoying it, growing more desperate in her movements.

“...And release.”

Ruth spun around in Isabella’s arms, kissing her almost before she had a chance to react. She dragged her Mistress to the bed, sitting her down first before lifting her skirt slightly and pressing herself directly onto Isabella’s lap. Seeing where this was going, Isabella murmured, “Just a second, pretty girl,” sending shivers down Ruth’s spine as she lifted her up and pulled her now lightly stained leggings off, leaving herself bare-legged aside from a skirt. At a nod, Ruth sat back down, pulling her Mistress into a kiss and beginning to grind against her, Isabella responding by beginning to squeeze her breasts and butt once more. Sensing Ruth was nearing the edge rapidly, the ginger decided to take charge once more. Leaning in towards her ear, she practically growled instructions to Ruth.

“Listen closely. You don’t get to cum until I say you do, okay? So for now, your ability to cum will just be completely gone, no matter how good you feel.” Ruth whimpered, but nodded in compliance.

“Good. Now tell me, pretty girl - what are you?”

“I- I’m a hypnotised plaything.”


“A- a toy put, put on display.”


“Mis- Mistress Isabella’s- oh, God- Mistress Isabella’s hypno, hypno-s-slave.”

“Good girl! Cum for me.

Ruth cried out as the orgasm rippled through her, leaving her shaking slightly as she slowly returned to normality. She opened her eyes to see Isabella smiling at her, hands still roaming her body.

“Good girl. Now, sleep.” And Ruth slumped forward onto Isabella’s chest.

Isabella allowed Ruth a minute or so to relax, before sliding the brunette off her body and more comfortably onto the bed. She began talking once more.

“You did so well there, pretty girl. Well enough, in fact, that I believe I have some business I need to take care of in the bathroom… So, do you want to stay asleep here while I do that, or do you want me to wake you up first?”

“Could… could I watch, Mistress?”

Watch? Goodness me, you naughty thing. Very well. I’ll need to grab a towel, then… but yes, I’ll wake you up after I’ve returned, and you can see exactly what you’ve done to me.” She did just that, arranging an older towel on Ruth’s armchair, before returning her attention to her housemate.
“So, when you wake up, pretty girl, you’ll watch me get myself off. In fact, you’ll be compelled to watch - you won’t be able to look away. And, if you like, you can imagine what I might be feeling - imagine that it’s your pussy that I’m playing with, and feel it happening to you as well. Okay?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Wake up, pretty girl,” she breathed.

Ruth sat up, and found her eyes locking on to Isabella’s figure, as she slowly pulled down her skirt and then her panties, exposing herself. Then, she slowly, deliberately, sat down on the chair, and began fingering herself, soon moving to tease her breasts with the other hand. The room was soon filled with a twin chorus of moans and sighs. For all her needling at Ruth’s eagerness, Isabella was soon cumming herself, the excitement of breaking in a new sub too much for her to hold in. Ruth’s body language told her that she hadn’t quite got there herself, but she was clearly more than satisfied with the results. Planting a kiss on Ruth’s cheek, Isabella went to clean herself up, before returning to fully awaken her housemate.

That evening, the two found themselves cuddled on the couch, watching a bad movie as part of the break-up commiserations. Both had been trying to fuss over the other the whole afternoon - Isabella trying to provide good aftercare after how intense her trances had been, Ruth trying to make sure her Mistress wasn’t emotionally wearing herself out. They had finally mostly satisfied themselves with how the other was doing over dinner. As the credits rolled, Isabella spoke up.

“Well… that was dreadful.”

Ruth giggled. “Yeah, but it was what we needed.”

“So… do you wanna continue this… thing we’ve sorta stumbled into? Because, I mean, I’m fine if you don’t…”

“What are you going on about? I’d love to keep exploring, even if I’ve not still fully processed all these revelations about my sexuality yet. If you’re happy to, that is?”

“More than. You were brilliant, pretty girl.” She admired the blush that the semi-trigger produced. “But maybe not right now; I’m worn out.”

“Honestly, me too. I should probably look at turning in for the night. Goodnight, Mistress.”

“I told you, you don’t have to call me that.”
Ruth stuck her tongue out. “And what if I want to? You’re still calling me “pretty girl”.”

“Fair enough. Goodnight, pretty girl.” They shared a kiss, then each went upstairs to get some sleep. They’d both earned it.


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