Breach of Protocol

Chapter 3

by Gajah

Tags: #consensual_kink #cw:blood #f/f #fantasy #mind_control #vampire #body_worship #breath_play #cunnilingus #dom:vampire #elf #exhibitionism #knife_play #maid #princess #unnecessarily_in_depth_worldbuilding #vampire_bite

Dinner proceeded smoothly enough, although Sophia had to restrain herself from constantly checking her guards to see if they noticed anything. Fortunately, they seemed to have bought the excuse and illusion, so nothing unexpected happened there.

Once they were all dismissed, Sophia almost raced back to Lady Charlotte’s chambers. Perhaps fortunately, she was detained by some of the actual staff, asking her about her background. Consciously or - more likely - otherwise, they stayed away from anything too specific, and so she could fob them off with half-truths while maintaining the friendly atmosphere. Then, as one, the group who had stopped her all stiffened. Eyes glazing slightly, they turned to her. “Lady Charlotte requests your presence,” they all said, and, thanking them, Sophia darted off to the vampire’s chambers.

The door was closed, and Sophia knocked on it. At a call from Lady Charlotte, she entered, finding the vampire standing in the bedroom, still looking dashing in that shirt and trouser combination. Sophia curtseyed in front of her. “I await your commands, ma’am.”

Lady Charlotte looked at her seriously. “Before we begin, I want to give you one last chance to back out. Once again, this is an insane idea… but if you think we can make it work, I won’t hold back. If you have any questions, now is the time to voice them.”

“Why do you wear men’s clothes?”

“That’s all you want to ask? Not “What does being hypnotised feel like?”, or “How bad will I feel tomorrow?”, or “What will you do to me?”” The vampire smiled broadly. “I’m teasing, of course - I’ll take that as an all-clear. But to answer that question, it’s more of a hold-over from my Huntress days. Pants are so much more convenient for wrestling with therianthropes or dodging striges than the ridiculous frilly things women are expected to wear, and I’ve always found them more comfortable. Why do you ask?”

“I… I think you look really beautiful in that outfit, ma’am. That’s all.”

“Aww! What a lovely thing to say! Now then, if there’s nothing else… look into my eyes, Sophia.”

Charlotte reached out a hand, cupping Sophia’s chin and forcing the elf’s gaze to meet hers. Sophia gasped as her eyes locked on to the vampire’s, which were now glowing red, a far cry from their usual green.

“There we are, just look and fall… sinking deep under my spell, deep under my control… submit to me as your mistress.” Charlotte smiled broadly, giving the princess a good view of her fangs, eliciting a slight whimper. Sophia’s knees gave way beneath her and she crumpled to the floor.

“I… submit to… Lady Charlotte,” she whispered.

“That’s right, my good little captive princess. How about a kiss, sweetie?” Charlotte bent down, and was met by the elf’s eager lips and tongue. Both women shivered in delight.
“Mmm. Are you sure you don’t want me to keep you? Because that can be arranged…”

Sophia was already too far gone to provide anything remotely resembling a coherent response. Charlotte patted her cheek. “I’m joking, of course… imagine the panic that would cause, you just vanishing out of the blue… but maybe we can work out a way to have part of you submit to me permanently, one which is sealed away from the rest of your mind unless you let me call it forth… wouldn’t that be nice?” Sophia nodded dumbly, although Charlotte was aware that at this point, she would have nodded if she’d told her that she was a 6-legged drakon called Shnuffles.

“Now, then… obviously, I’ve seen some of your work, but I want to make sure you’re a good maid.” Charlotte gestured to a feather duster, which she’d had brought to her quarters in preparation. “Pick that up, and start dusting - there’s an awful lot of cobwebs in here.” That wasn’t a lie: she’d foregone extensive cleaning on the master suite in order for her guest rooms and public areas to get seen to first. Sophia shot to her feet, moving smoothly over to the duster. Charlotte held up a hand, however. “Actually, before you start… you won’t need your panties any more. From the smell you’re giving off, I assume they’re soaked through anyway. You can have your tiara back, though.” Sophia nodded in agreement, and divested herself of the last of her underwear, placing them in the laundry chute at Charlotte’s order. She placed the tiara, which now looked ostentatious next to the maid’s dress, back on her head, before starting the dusting. Charlotte, for her part, moved to the bed, taking up the book (Watching the Skies: Traditions of Astrology, from Centaurs to Yeti) she’d been partway through, and idly flipped through it as she enjoyed the show - occasionally sending telepathic commands to Sophia on how to clean or show off her figure better. The princess took to the task with gusto - Charlotte could feel her enthusiasm leaking through their mental connection. She was genuinely into this power dynamic, and the rare thoughts that drifted across her dominated mind were hot. Soon enough, Charlotte was beginning to feel impatient. Abandoning the book, she stepped out of the room briefly, retrieving something from one of her chests, before returning to regard her new maid.

“That seems adequate, Sophie - you can stop for now. Put the duster aside and stand in front of me.” The elf complied, tilting her head slightly to look adoringly at her new mistress.

“Good girl. Now, I want you to find your body locked to this pose.” She punctuated the command with a snap of her fingers. “Very good. And we’re going to bring your mind back, for a bit, mkay?”

Sophia blinked as awareness returned, blushing as she vaguely recalled what she’d just been doing. Charlotte was preventing her from full recall, but clearly she was remembering more than enough. Charlotte smiled at her.

“Hello, Sophie. Do you like that name, by the way?”

“Yes, ma’am. I like how powerless it makes me feel.” The elf turned bright red after saying this, just coming to the realisation that Charlotte had turned off her filters for the time. The vampire grinned, and revealed the item she’d retrieved. It was an old hunting knife of hers.

“Now, then, my dear - what do you think I’m going to do with this?”

“I- I don’t know, ma’am. You did give your word that you wouldn’t harm me more than necessary for what we agreed to…”

“I did, didn’t I? But tell me - how much do you think that means to me?” Charlotte moved around behind Sophia, resting the blunt end of the blade against her back. The elf shuddered as she continued. “After all, everyone knows that if an elf gives her word, she’ll keep it. Same goes for a lupid or an aviar. But humans? They’re less trustworthy, aren’t they? And vampires, even less so, if you’d believe all the stereotypes. And you’ve just put yourself completely at my mercy, powerless - as you yourself said - to stop me from doing anything. Isn’t that right?” She was practically hissing into the princess’ ear, knife still to her back, slowly turning so the blade was now towards her. Her other hand reached out to grasp possessively at Sophia’s breasts. The elf was still breathing shakily, held in place solely by Charlotte’s command, unable to do anything. Charlotte scented her again, and smiled. “And the thing is, my dear… I can tell that arouses you, even as it terrifies you at the same time. On some level, even if not consciously, you want this - to teeter on the edge between life and death, all choice out of your hands. It’s thrilling, isn’t it?” To punctuate her point, she brought the blade up to the elf’s throat.

“Y-yes, m-m-ma’am,” the elf stuttered weakly, unable to deny it. Charlotte was now pressed close enough that she could feel her legs shaking against her - she was likely to collapse soon. She chuckled darkly at the princess’ predicament… then planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Good girl, you’re doing so well. Fortunately for you… I do value my word.” She whisked the knife away from threatening Sophia, and before the elf could react, drew it neatly down her back, cutting through her dress without even grazing her skin. The dress crumpled to the floor, and the elf with it, as Charlotte relaxed the pressure she’d been putting on her mind, allowing her to move at will, and ceasing the light suppression of her emotions she’d been imposing. She’d wanted the elf to feel mildly scared, not terrified. Placing the knife on top of her bedside table, she knelt down next to Sophia.

“How are you doing there? Was that too much?”

“N-no, ma’am. That was perfect, oh gods I’m so horny right now, please fuck me…” The princess cut herself off with a gasp as Charlotte squeezed her breasts, her other hand moving to caress her lower lips. It came away slick, and she brought it to her mouth, making direct eye contact as she licked it clean.

“Eager, aren’t we? You’ll have to wait, my dear - first, I want you to pleasure me. Drop deep, Sophie.” She tapped the elf’s head, and all thoughts immediately drained from her mind. Charlotte rose. “Stand up, and undress me.” After a beat, she added, “Worship my body as you’re doing so.”

The elf complied, rising and gently kissing Charlotte on the lips. She was more experienced than the blushing mess she had been would suggest, and the vampire sighed as their tongues met. Sophia then withdrew and reached forward, taking the buttons on her mistress’ shirt and undoing them one by one. As each button was loosened in turn, she kissed the newly exposed skin, moving from cleavage to navel, then reaching around to take the shirt off entirely. She caressed Charlotte’s shoulders as she did so, casting the shirt aside. She began to crouch down, but Charlotte held up a hand. “See to my breast-band first, Sophie.” The princess complied, embracing the vampire and unwinding the fabric, allowing it to drop free. Her bust was mostly supported by her muscular frame, despite its generous size. She ran her hands across Charlotte’s breasts, smiling even in her dazed state as the action elicited a gasp, then took her mouth to a now erect nipple, kissing and lightly biting it. She spent some time over her mistress’ chest, until it was damp and shiny from her mouth, at which point Charlotte’s hand on her shoulder directed her to kneel. She complied, fumbling with the ties of her pants, eventually pulling them down. She trailed kisses along Charlotte’s thighs, down to her feet as she stepped away. Without any words needing to be exchanged, Sophia moved around to behind Charlotte before pulling her panties down. She started kissing her toned bottom, before, without warning, Charlotte whipped around. Grabbed by the hair, the hypnotised elf was thrust directly into the vampire’s damp crotch, and immediately set to licking it with gusto. If she had been more awake, she would have protested at being buried quite so deep, with little access to air, but her mind was too far gone to do anything other than exactly what her mistress demanded. She groped at Charlotte’s behind as she swirled her tongue around inside her, cherishing each gasp she managed to elicit from her mistress, uncaring of the tugging at her scalp or the strain on her knees or her increasingly darkening vision; Lady Charlotte’s pleasure was her sole focus. Charlotte was moaning now as she looked at the supposed princess, completely under her spell, and she started talking, “Yes, that’s it, keep going, I’m so close, you’re such a good girl, just like that, just- ahhhhh!” As she climaxed, she released her grip on the elf, who collapsed to the floor for the third time that evening, starved of oxygen but blissful to have served her mistress so well. Charlotte bent down and scooped up her limp form, depositing her on the bed, legs splayed and available, awaiting her return to consciousness.

Sophia awoke to find her mistress staring down at her. She looked hungry, she realised - in her gaze this instant, she felt more like a piece of meat than an elf.

“There you are,” Charlotte teased. “Ready for the main event, dear?”

It took Sophia a second to find her voice. “Y- yes, ma’am,” she whispered, rubbing her thighs together. Charlotte simply nodded, then dove in, attacking her pussy with both tongue and fingers. Sophia moaned loudly, causing the vampire to chuckle.

“You’re so easy already, dear. So horny to be fed upon, like the good girl you are. Isn’t that right?” Sophia nodded frantically, willing her mistress to return to pleasuring her. She was already in ecstasy, and Charlotte was driving her further and further into it. A small part of her mind said that she should already have climaxed, she was so pent up, but Charlotte would not allow it until she was good and ready, and so the pleasure just kept building and building, held back at the vampire’s command. Sophia writhed under her spell, frantically bucking her hips into her mistress’ face, groping at her breasts and panting desperately. Words were eluding her, thoughts were escaping her, everything but her pussy and her mistress was escaping her.

And then, Charlotte looked up at her, making eye contact. “Are you ready to be my meal tonight, Sophie?” The elf could barely even muster a nod, but the wave of desire rushing through their mental connection was permission enough.

“Then drop for me.” Charlotte’s eyes gleamed once more, and as the elf’s eyes rolled back in her head, the vampire bent down, thrust her fingers deeper into her pussy than she had thought possible, and bit into her leg. Sophia howled even through her trance, pleasure mixing together with pain, even when dulled by the depth of her trance, in a euphoric, heady mix. Charlotte drank her blood in waves, once, twice, thrice, four times, and each time, another wave of pleasure hit, another climax searing through her body as she dropped further and further. Charlotte took one last drink, and then, all at once, withdrew from her, and Sophia collapsed to the bed, spent and dominated.

Charlotte sighed contentedly as she beheld the mess she’d made of the princess: hair splayed around her, breasts red from how tightly she’d been gripping them, cum and blood mixing around her legs. Between the trance and the feeding, the elf was sleeping better than the dead at this point - and Charlotte would know.

Feeling between her own legs, she realised she had climaxed for a second time herself. Feeding was almost as pleasurable for her as for her subjects, between residual pleasure travelling through the mental connection and the taste of blood - especially elven blood. Given this had been a particularly intense experience, it was no wonder her body had responded so well.

Returning to Sophia, she bent back down and lapped up the last of her blood. The wound was already visibly starting to heal, a clear sign that this would be a Claiming Mark. She smirked to herself - clearly she’d made quite the figurative as well as literal impression on Sophia. Already she was starting to scheme up ways they could see each other again - not that she wanted to make it a frequent thing, but a tryst of sorts did have an allure to it.

She mentally summoned several members of her staff, cuddling up to the princess’ supine form as she did so. The linens would need to be changed, both of them would need baths - and Sophia, being in no state to do anything whatsoever, would need help - and the elf would need to be brought to her rooms. Her favourites soon arrived to do just that, although when Dash picked up the ruined dress to try mend it, Charlotte stopped her, sending a brief spell towards it to do so right there. Soon enough she was scrubbing herself up, before making her way to the study - she had only arisen at noon, and still had effectively an afternoon’s work ahead of her. Sophia, by contrast, was gently laid in her own room, still knocked out from the hard day’s work.

The next morning, Sophia pled fatigue as planned, and the elven delegation stayed another day. Charlotte made sure a good meal was sent up to her - she’d need to recover the nutrients lost to the feed quickly. As the sun began to set, the vampire made her way to the princess’ bedroom. Without waiting for permission, she entered, perching on the end of the bed.

“So, how did you find last night, Sophia?”

“It was incredible. Everything I’d hoped for and more.”

“That’s marvellous. How are you feeling now?”

“Good, actually. A bit drained still, so to speak, but I should be ready to leave tomorrow.”

“I’m pleased to hear that. So… do you wish to continue this relationship, in some manner?”

The elf blushed. “Um… yes, I would like that. Love it, even.”

“In that case… drop, Sophie.” At the use of the pet name, the elf’s eyes flickered closed, and she slumped over briefly, before sitting up, mind now a million miles away.

“Good girl. My order to you is that you will make plans to visit this region a year from now. You don’t have to officially see me, although you may if it works better. However, if you are not doing so, you will, on yesterday’s date exactly, find a way to slip away from your group. You will come here, and await my orders. Until I address you as “Sophie”, you will not remember that you have been ordered to do this; you will just find yourself perfectly carrying out my orders. If you cannot get away for some reason, you will notify me. Is that all understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good girl. Wide awake for me, forgetting I ever dropped you.”

The princess blinked in confusion. “I’m sorry… you were saying, ma’am?”

“I was saying that if you’re ever visiting me again, we can repeat this, maybe go further. That sound good?”

“I… I almost dread to think what “further” might mean, but yes, it does. If that’s all, I think I need some sleep now.”

“Of course. See you in the morning, Your Majesty.” As Charlotte stood up, she brushed her fingers over Sophia’s thigh, where she’d been bitten the previous night. Even through the fabric of the bedsheets and her clothes, her heightened sensitivity there was enough to elicit a moan of pleasure from her. Charlotte smiled to herself as she left.

Sophia suddenly decided that sleep could wait - that one moment of contact had been enough to properly arouse her. As she plunged her fingers into herself, she couldn’t help but ask what she’d gotten herself into.

Hopefully, a long-standing and highly pleasurable relationship.


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