
by FrondAmpersand

Tags: #cw:incest #cw:noncon #crossdressing #degradation #dom:male #humiliation #sub:female #twincest #cum #exhibitionism #twins

A twin sister wants her twin brother to dominate and degrade her…by any means necessary!

This is really mean and really degrading and features involuntary mind control of a sibling! Anyone who doesn't like people being called mean names might wanna skip this one. Or people with good taste, honestly. But rest assured, everyone involved is enjoying it!

“Alright,” Nico said, staring at the contraption his twin sister was setting up in their shared living space, “Just what the hell kind of video game is this supposed to be?”

The black tower taking up much of their living room now was the size of a fridge, though it was cylindrical and composed of several detachable segments assembled together making it look a little like a scratching post for the world’s most evil cat. Thick bundles of braided cables connected it to the power outlet, a desktop terminal, and a pair of VR headsets. And not just any VR headsets. These looked more like helmets than visors, completely clamping over the head if worn.

Aria made a big show of acting indigent at his question. “Don’t be such a boomer, bro. You should feel lucky! This is state-of-the-art VR tech. Nobody else in the area’s gonna get a chance to play with it for at least another five years.”

That was likely true. Although given the inherent risks of the AURA neuro-hypnotic system, it might not make it onto the marketplace at all. Despite her outer appearance of focus, her heart was in her throat. This was it. The opportunity of a lifetime! A chance to turn her relationship with her brother into what she really wanted deep down. What she craved ever since they turned 18.

She wanted to be dominated by her own twin. While he was dressed like her, preferably. And she would do anything, even commit terrible terrible deeds, to get it.

Call it malignant narcissism manifesting in self-destructive ways. Call it a deep-seated perversion she was ruining a perfectly good relationship to chase. But she knew he wanted this, too. She remembered distinctly finding his loads on her panties when they lived back at home. Catching his glances linger on her body too long when they went to the beach. And though he’d worked on his urges and became a healthier sibling for it, she hadn’t. She’d been frigging herself silly to the idea that he’d break down one day and finally take her.

But ever since she’d graduated and gotten the job at NeuraTech, they’d been drifting away from one another. She was always the smarter of the two, and that gap seemed to widen over time. His interests tended toward the temporal, the ephemeral. Basically: whacking off and smoking weed. She paid most of the bills, she did the taxes for both of them. The most he did was the chores, and even then only when he wasn’t working on his perpetually in-progress concept album.

But she still loved him. And she wanted to love him in even more ways! But that dream was getting further and further away. One of the members of his band was a dumb blonde, and they were getting sweet on one another! They were talking about him going halfway across the country to move in with her. Away from his sister!

Not if Aria had anything to say about it.

“But what is the actual game?” Nico prodded. He played with the helmet in his hands, clearly looking for some hint.

“It’s…a competitive puzzle game,” she began. To his raised eyebrow, she held up her hands. “Trust me, it’s more fun than it sounds! There’s bad red orbs and there are good blue orbs, and you’re in a race to see how many bad orbs you can pop while leaving the good orbs alone! The key difference with this one, is that it’s done entirely with thoughts.”

“So it’ll read my thoughts?”

“Yeah!” she chirped. “But don’t worry. It can only read thoughts, it can’t write them or anything, haha!”

“Did you just say the word haha?”

She put her foot down. “C’mon, pwease big bro?” The nickname was ironic, given that he was actually several minutes younger than her technically, but his slightly larger height made it stick.

“Alright, alright. I’ll give it thirty minutes.”


With both of them strapped into the AURA device and sat beside each other on the couch, the program she painstakingly designed ran itself. First, it scanned their brains for an up to date copy. Every thought, every catalogued memory, every desire, all of them catalogued. Then a script ran that took the requirements she had installed and mapped it onto the existing brain, extrapolating through advanced algorithms the exact hypnotic inductions and direct neural remapping required to get them from A (their old self) to B (their new, improved self).

But neither of them would see it like that. To both Aria and Nico, their conscious minds would be locked into a simple first person puzzle game, with coloured orbs falling from the sky, swirling around their ‘heads’. To *pop* them, they’d have to focus on them, the swirling digital liquid within appearing to spiral faster and faster the more they focus.

The first round was slow, as Nico got used to the unusual control system. But though he lacked for academic talent, he was a consummate gamer. Could have gone pro if they hadn’t had nerfed his favourite hero, he often told himself. This was nothing. He could focus on the bubbles and pop them first!

A victory. Then two. The bubbles got harder to pop, taking more focus. Putting more swirls into his vision. The swirls coalesced into words. Words he barely noticed until they slipped through his conscious filter and settled into the back of his thoughts like patients in a waiting room.











A part of him was confused, picking up on the words. But his focus was on the game, nothing else. And Aria was putting up a fight! So he popped, and popped, and popped…

Aria’s side of the hypnosis was similar, but much easier. She had nothing to fight after all, she wanted to lose herself to programming. She languidly stared at each bubble and felt the AURA’s neural reprogramming tickle her neurons in just the right way. Her words were much different.









Eventually the game became a half-hearted facade for both of them. They stared for hours, drool leaking down their mouths as their brains were remolded to Aria’s twisted desires.Every ounce of dominant nature she lost, he gained. Her every whim to resist melted into data and transmitted directly into his mind, the feedback looping back to boost her own instruction. They chanted tandem instructions, minds in perfect lockstep.

You Want To Dress Like Her - You Want Him To Dress Like You

You Want To Fuck Her - You Want To Fuck Him

You Want To Dominate Her - You Want To Submit To Him

Control is Pleasure - Service is Pleasure

My Sister is a Whore - My Brother is my Master

Round and round it went, the programming looping and syncing until the twins could think of nothing else.


The swirling stopped. Aria’s mind swam as she lifted the helmet off her head, the lock clicking open as it detected the programming had disengaged. Her eyes bleary and unfocused as they scanned the room, she looked over for her other half. Had it worked? Had this been worth all the effort?

Standing above her was an image of perfection. A resplendent visage. Her own, but different. Freshly shaved down to the smoothest skin, smelling of her own shampoo and perfume. He wore one of the outfits she’d taken to wearing into work lately, but rudely left hanging open. Like he’d been caught halfway in the act of a breakroom tryst. Tastefully applied makeup accentuated the feminine elements and downplayed the masculine. She recognized the ruby red lipstick on his pouting lips immediately: her own.

“Wake up, slut,” Nico said, his voice a confident purr. “Can’t spend all day on the couch diddling your brain out. Not when I’m this hard.”

“B-but Nico!” she stammered, pulse pounding as the moment she’d yearned for was here. “That’s disgusting! We’re twins!” He’d never do anything like that in real life! This had to be a dream…a beautiful, wet dream!

He clucked his teeth, shaking his head slowly. “That’s right. I forgot how stupid you are. Always lost in your little books, you forget even the simplest things. It’s best if you leave the thinking to me, hmm? For starters, I think you should do something about this.” He pulled down the panties, and his cock popped rudely out of the no longer bulged fabric.

She continued to feign disgust, but she was already sopping wet. His tone, his appearance, it was all out of her disgusting masturbatory fantasies. To have turned her brother into this decadent avatar, a living sextoy, it was all too much. She was so lost in reverie that she didn’t react, and so Nico took action himself. He lifted his skirt, tucked down the ill-fitting panties, and pressed his half-hard cock to her lips.

“Not gonna ask you again. Unless you want all your little science friends to know what you did with their banned prototype.”

A pause. The play went out of her voice. “How…how did you know that?”

“You were out of it for hours more than I was. I got bored waiting, so I looked this AURA thing up. Turns out, you’re way off the leash on this one, little sister. I’ve already taken a bunch of photos. Want me to start sending them to your Boss, first? Or the Dean?”

It was what she wanted, but the taint of blackmail was nowhere in her imagination. Nevertheless, it was still power. Control. How had he outsmarted her? Was…was she really the dumb one?

Slowly, she leaned forward. Lips parting to let the tip of his cock inside.

“There’s a good girl. I know you’ve wanted this for so long. I remember you jilling your brains out looking at me when we shared a room. You’re a little pervert, aren’t you?”

Her eyes fluttered, making more than clear her answer even without verbalization. Her mouth was busy, after all. The taste of her twin brother’s cock filled her mouth, and it was better than she had imagined.

She wanted to suck. She wanted to Serve.

Nico’s head rolled back as he groaned, his hands landing on the back of her head and sliding his fingers through her hair. But she wasn’t an expert. This was only the second cock she’d ever sucked, after all. And he seemed unimpressed by her amateur efforts.

“Jesus, sis, I’m falling asleep. What are you good for if you can’t suck a dick?”

Before she could apologize, he took matters into his own hands and shoved himself down her throat. She gagged, sputtering when he pulled back to let her breath. Her active efforts flagged, and her role changed to a passive receiver. She did her best to make her mouth feel warm, welcoming, and controlled her breath to best please her new lover.

Aria’s mouth was apparently a good enough fuckhole, because Nico’s pace sped up. He controlled her head like it was a fleshlight, thrusting again and again into her with a pure and selfish drive to get himself off. Lurid wet noises filled their apartment, and it was entirely possible someone would hear them if they got any louder. But that wasn’t important. What mattered but Submitting to Nico?

Arousal was already bubbling up inside her the moment she saw his dick exposed to her intentionally for the first time, but the pure feverish need that he displayed in using her was driving her crazy even without touching herself. Her panties were soaked by the time his balls began to tighten, heralding his oncoming orgasm. She was going to do it! She was going to make him cum!

Nico abruptly pulled himself out completely, slapping his wet cock against her cheek. “Good god, that’s the shit. You’re a much better cockhole than you are a scientist, you know that? I bet that’s why you got your position. Who’d hire a dumb cunt like you for anything but a cock polisher?”

“That’s…that’s not…I programmed this whole-” she stammered, desperate to salve her ego. He cut her off with a squeezing hand to her cheeks.

“Shh. You’ll be much happier when you admit you’re a dumb little spermsucker.”

Aria’s whole body seized. Her eyes closed, her pussy clenching as she came. Not from getting fucked. Not even from masturbation! She came from sucking cock and getting insulted. And it felt so good!~

“Did you just…oh my god, you did!” Nico cackled, shaking his head. “Did this ridiculous fucking plan of yours even do anything to your mind, or have you always been this pathetic?”

Too high on endorphins to make a strong case for her own dignity, she simply moaned and nodded.

That was, apparently, the right answer. Because the next thing she knew, Aria was pulled to her feet and brought over to their appartment’s window. With a devious grin, Nico rolled up the shades and let in the full light of the summer’s evening into their room.

“Good. Let’s show everyone, then.”

Nico brought her over to the glass and stripped her roughly. She offered no resistance, but did cover her breasts and pussy with her hands. There were several other high rises, many with balconies. There were no eyes in sight yet, but at any time someone could see them fucking. Someone could see their matching appearances and hair colours and put together the disgusting truth of their act.

“Oh god…” Aria moaned, caught between residual shame and her programming. “B-but people might see us!”

“That’s the point, bimbo,” he shot back crudely, shoving her against the safety glass til she rested against it with her hands. The instinctual move to catch herself left her totally exposed, breasts mere inches from the glass. If one were to look at their part of the building, they would see her presenting herself to her own twin like an animal in heat. The shame of which Nico seemed utterly indifferent toward. On the contrary: he was happy to take advantage of her position. His hands wrapped around her waist, and soon enough she felt his prick press against her sopping wet pussy.

“Mmf…this isn’t…I mean, we shouldn’t’-”

*SMACK* The slap to her quivering rear made her yelp, stiffening up before relaxing again. She stared into the reflection of the glass at her warped mirror image beaming a nefarious grin her way, his hand resting on her bottom like a criminal loitering around the scene of the crime.

“You’re right. We shouldn’t. And you can stop this at any time. But you’re not going to tell me to stop. Because you want this.” Unintelligible warbling and equivocation followed, which he headed off at the pass. He pressed the very tip of his cock against her lower lips. “I’ll wait here for as long as I have to. You won’t get anything until I hear that you want me to fuck you.”

More noises followed. She tried to coax him, pushing back to get more cock to ‘accidentally’ slip inside. But for a lazy layabout, he apparently had tremendous self control. There was no choice for her but to relent to his demand.

“Fine…I wanted this…” She tried again, but he stubbornly refused to give her the cock she needed.

“I only fuck dumb sluts. Are you a dumb slut?” He prodded himself forward, driving her hypnotically stoked lusts into overdrive.

“Mnf…fuck…yes, yes…”

“I want to hear you say it, lil sis.”

“Fuck, fine! I’m a dumb slut!”

Her reward was immediate. Cock! Blessed, hard cock slammed into her, and she cried out with relief. She’d done it! Her brother was fucking her just like she wanted! She thrust back against him, catching his rhythm instinctually as he made her dreams come true in graphic, lurid detail.

“Good girl. You’re just a set of holes, begging to be used. Think with your pussy. It’s what you’re best at.” His words were so condescending, so degrading. But that only made them hotter! He slammed into her with reckless abandon, his pursuit not her pleasure but his own. He yanked back on her hair, and she arched her back, making it perfectly align with his need for a pliable, fuckable hole. As she looked out the window, she saw each motion at the windows or opening of sliding doors. Each a potential chance for them to be caught. To be seen. To have this disgusting behaviour recorded and posted for anyone to see.

Time blended together. She came at least twice, but it was hard to keep track. All of it flowed into a nonsensical haze as her universe collapsed down until it existed in a small space between her thighs.

“What if I said I wanted to cum inside you?” he asked.

Aria snapped from her haze. Her eyes went wide, and she looked back over her shoulder at him. “You…I mean…you can’t!”

He spanked her again, causing her to tighten up around his cock in a way that nearly made her cum again.

“Why not?”

“B-because we’re twins! The sheer genetic incompatibility alone-”

A third spank, hard enough to make her see stars. She mewled and sagged, kept in place by his powerful hands around her waist.

“Sounds like you’re thinking again. I told you that all I want you to focus on is your pussy. You are a set of holes, and one of three is in use at the moment. Try again: what if I told you I wanted to cum inside?”

She tried her best to channel her inner vapid bimbo. It was easy enough with the pleasure coursing through her. With some effort, she forced out a giggle.

“Like, I guess that’s okay! Warm cum feels yummy!” she said, and cringed internally. She can’t believe she said that! It sounded like bad porn dialogue. But Nico seemed satisfied.

“There’s the dumb little sis I know. But I have a different idea. Kneel facing me.” His voice made it clear it was a command, so she rushed to obey. He pumped his cock still glistening with her juices directly above her face. She stared at it like a meaty Sword of Damocles. Or, in a more bimbo-appropriate analogy, like a big cock that was right next to her face. “Open your mouth. It’s time for your makeup~”

Aria complied, and just in time. The first ropes splattered against her cheek mere moments afterward. His load basted her features in thick, white cream. Her eyelids fluttered, then shut as one shot glued them closed. The sting distracted her momentarily, but she still got to taste an errant rope as it landed in her mouth. She swallowed greedily, and by the time she opened her mouth again, Nico’s orgasm had finished spraying out onto her. In fact, he had something else in his hand.

His phone.

It clicked, and with a sickening thrill, she looked upon the screen he turned to face her. There she was in full resolution, a cum facial from her twin smeared across her gorgeous visage.

“There. A memento. And something to hold against you, should you think of disobeying. Step out of line, dear sis, and I’ll post this to our socials.”

“But…but that’ll ruin your life too!”

He shook his head like a teacher chastizing a student. “Incorrect. I’m under hypnosis. Your hypnosis program, in fact. Everything degrading I do to you will only ever be your fault. Because you want this. You’re a sick, twisted incest fetishist, and I’m your helpless puppet. Or at least that’s what the evidence says. But we know the truth.”

“We do?”

“Yes. The truth is that my twin sister is a Dumb Cunt.” He turned the phone back to her, showing that he’d opened the address book. For her entry, he’d replaced a nice candid photo he’d taken with her new humiliating facial pic. With a flick, he opened the ‘Edit Name’ function. “Go ahead. Change your name in here, to help me remember your real name.”

Despite having orgasmed multiple times, there was a delirious arousal in her that made the depraved degradation impossibly seductive. The combination of the open window, the cum drooling down her face, and the control of her twin dressed as her made it impossible to resist. With shaking fingers she hit the delete on Aria and typed in her new title. Dumb Cunt. With a shudder, she hit Enter.

“Perfect.” He tucked the phone away in the loose jacket hanging from his shoulders, then tenderly swept some loose strands of hair from her eyes. “Hey…I still love you, y’know?”

Aria nodded. “I do…and I’m glad! I’ve wanted this for so long…sorry I had to mess with your brain.”

He smiled. “That’s alright. I have a way you can make it up to me.”

He guided her over to the chair at the terminal, firmly but with kindness. Like one might a lost animal.

“You’re going to get on your little computer and you’re going to program another game, just for you. One that’ll turn you into a bimbo fuckpet for real. I want to see your IQ points drain out your cunt and I don’t want you to stop until you can’t think without a cock in your ass. I want you dumber, docile, and always down to fuck. Me, your coworkers, or anyone I bring over. Am I clear?”

Aria didn’t know what to say. This had gone too far! She had to pull out before she was a brainblanked fuckpuppet forever!

But instead of saying no, instead of denying it and reversing their programming…she nodded.

“Yes...yes Big Brother.”

“There’s a good girl. Now I’m going to get a shower; I reek of you. You can stay and get to work. Leave the cum on your face, too. Consider it a little reminder for when the screen goes dark and you can see your reflection. You’re my spunk catch. My wank sock. Nothing more until I say so. Understand?”

She nodded, even smiled back. When the bathroom door closed, she shuddered. What the hell was she doing? Her fetish had gone too far, right? She had to stop. Her mind was her most valuable possession, and the only way to undo this programming to them both! She shouldn’t…she couldn’t!

The ‘New Program’ button glared at her. Taunting her. With a shaky hand, she clicked on it, loading up a blank template. Her breath caught when she named it ‘Aria Brainblank’. Slowly…Inevitably…she began to code.

In minutes, Dumb Cunt’s chair was dripping.

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